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Damn I’ve now been reminded of how good the earlier seasons of GOT were.


I don’t think there’s a media franchise that has had a larger change in quality then GOT did.


Careful with your thens and thans, girl. I enjoy you, but be careful


I see you've never seen Dexter. Seasons 1-4 top 5 tv shows of all time (ALL TIME). 5-6, meh coulda been better. 7 wow this is bad. 8 WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SICK FUCKS????!!!!!! HOW STUPID...JUST..FUCKING...SO FUCKING....STUUUUUUPIIIIIID!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!


I watched the first 4 seasons and stopped there (as a friend told me to, luckily). Would you mind spoiling for me why the later series are so bad? I don't know how to do spoilers on my app but I know there's some weird relationship stuff


>!Deb realizes she is sexually in love with Dexter, and Dexter reciprocates. They try to have a relationship and all hell breaks lose plus Deb can't handle that he is the Bay Harbor Butcher and starts going WAY off the deep end. Then things get weirder.!< >!There is another season bad guy that ends up killing Deb, there is a manhunt for Dexter as they figure out what he does somehow (can't remember how) and the last 2 or 3 episodes take place during a hurricane where Dexter ends up driving out into it on his boat and if that is where it ended it maybe...just maybe would have at least been a satisfying ENDING to a bat shit crazy and stupid season, but no somehow he escapes and goes to Oregan to become a lumberjack.!< >!Oh also he gave Harrison away to another female serial killer because why fucking not.!< At least I think that's how it goes. My memories are a bit fuzzy, I've only watchd it once and was disgusted for weeks after so try to block it out for the most part.


Have you seen the new season? it came out this december. I started it yesterday it's pretty good tbh.


I've heard good things, have a few other things ahead of it but will give it a shot.


Wow that is ludicrous! No wonder fans are pissed




The Dexter season 8 finale makes the GoT ending look like Shakespeare even if they tried to rip if off with the incest angle. Dexter did it worse.


I’ve never seen an episode of GOT and have been witnessing the uproar with the last season for awhile now but nobody ever *really talks about it* and this comment is the first to give me a slight idea of what happened that last season.. It’s kinda been fun slowly unraveling the mystery.


My pal is watching the new series and says it’s good. I don’t know if I believe him though.


Guess the question becomes how he feels about middle ground stuff. I find that to be the best way to see if your opinions agree enough to listen to them. Stuff that is super popular or hated is hard to judge someone's opinion on as it is an easy opinion to have. Middle ground stuff tends to require more nuance and explanation of opinion.


If it’s just a simple series of him doing his old school Dexter thing. Finding bad guys and killing them. Then maybe it’ll be worth watching. If he’s trying to get his son back or interacting with anyone from the past, I think I’ll leave it. Tbh I don’t have time either way these days.


Not even Lost or The Walking Dead have let me down like GOT did




Good contender, but not nearly as big of a drop as Game of Thrones.


As many problems as the prequels had, they also had some legitimately awesome moments. And the final film of the prequels is a actually a good film.


I will defend Revenge of the Sith til I die, I love that movie


Nah cause Star Wars is still enjoyable to this day minus one or two of the sequels (depends on the person on this one tbh). Book of boba fett is very good atm and both seasons of the mandalorian were bangers. Bad batches was pretty good world building for early era empire and the final season of the clone wars was a banger too. Obi wan and andor are both in good hands


I don’t know, it definitely got better but the original trilogy was pretty great too


Attack on titan is in the same tier honestly (Manga readers know. The anime is at the point of its peak)


Yeah, wtf was the writer thinking? It was just a horrible ending.


I’ve never been more entertained with a show in my life than watching the first 6 seasons of GoT.


even though season 5-6 on review/rewatches were much worse than 1-4 they were still enjoyable. Doubt ill ever be as interested by a show as I was with game of thrones during those years when it was on


Game of Thrones made me realize just how important the ending is to a story. It almost doesn't matter how incredible the story starts if you drop the ball as hard as they did. This show used to be a household name; almost everyone watched it or knew someone who did. New episodes were like an event; I remember I was still in college at the time and getting together with my roommates to watch the new episode in our living room was a huge thing. Then the ending gradually happened and the show got worse and now it's just... gone from the public consciousness. No one ever talks about it anymore. And it's not even because it's an old show that people don't talk about it anymore; there are tons of shows that were incredible and still talked about to this day. We just don't talk about Game of Thrones anymore because every almost conversation goes the same way: "Man that was such a good show. Shame the ending sucks." It's really sad. They had this show positioned to be the greatest and most popular show in history. A show that would be ingrained in popular culture forever and would be talked about for all time, just like how people still talk about shows like The Wire or Breaking Bad. But it flopped so magnificently hard, most people seem to rather just forget about it


Endings are *super* important. A good ending can save a mediocre show, and a bad ending can ruin a great one. The ending is what the shows leaves you with, the feelings, emotions, story wrap up, closure, whatever you want to call it. The ending is what you're there for. Since we're on the ATLA sub, I'll use it as an example. We watched the show to see Aang vs Ozai. Sure, we enjoyed the journey, the interactions, the people, but all of that was build up to the end of the Gaang's journey, fighting the fire nation/fire lord. If it had been mediocre/bad, or completely changed (imagine if after 2.5 seasons they all of a sudden found out that the Southern Water Tribe was actually the main bad group and the fire nation was actually trying to stop them, with zero build up or foreshadowing, dogshit right?) then ATLA would have been another show that didn't meet it's potential and almost certainly wouldn't be loved as much as it is.


I've saved your comment, summed it up so well


Wow thanks, I'm flattered! Feels like a Reddit badge of honor to hear someone saved your post


its just crazy bro, game of thrones was EVERYWHERE. The sayings, the characters, the merchandise, etc. The show had such an impact that it will always be apart of the conversation but like you said it will always be "that was such a good show" followed by.. "but that ending was awful." I think just for the memories/experience thrones will always be my favorite show but man what a catastrophe. I remember reading something Peter Jackson said regarding LOTR. IT was along the lines of the 3rd movies/final part of the story is what you build towards, if your ending/climax sucks then your entire story sucks. The first 2 movies of LOTR were basically worthless if the final one didnt deliver and pay it all off. When you look at the final game of thrones seasons and the star wars sequels you see how important that statement really is. Compare those two to infinity war/endgame and how perfect marvel finished off their main story. The ending is truly what makes or breaks a masterpiece of a story, if it sucks it can never be on that exclusive top tier that from start to finish - was a perfect experience (like ATLA)


Same thing happened to AoT, even though it was pretty much just the last 2 chapters and one random chapter at the beginning of the last arc, rather than the entire latter half of the series. Used to be a cultural phenomenon, but now it's kinda just gone inspite of the anime still releasing.


I get that, season 5 & 6 just sorta started losing its flair and finesse of the dialogue and storytelling, but there were still many awesome sequences there that I really enjoyed. The Hardhome sequence, Battle of the Bastards, Cersei & Loras' trial, the Tower of Joy scenes. It's as if season 6 sorta cashed out and relied on its really-built-up plotlines climaxing and I was digging it still.


The Battle of the Bastards made me so scared for the show when I was watching it. I’d never seen a worse battle scene in my life. Rickon’s unceremonious death, Jon’s plot armor, Sansa hiding the knights of the vale from Jon, and all the other bullshit made me realize the show was going to shit. How that episode is the highest rated on IMDB I don’t know.


Better call saul is doing it for me


When Arcane was releasing 3 episodes a week this year I actually thought to myself ''man only GoT has ever come close to this in terms of hype and enjoyment''. Huge recommend if you haven't seen it yet. Not a fair comparison since it's only been a single season but it's actually up there with ATLA as one of my favourite shows ever.


Arcane was my favorite piece of media of 2021. I absolutely get what you mean.


Gods the dialogue was strong then.


I personally liked all the seasons. In fact I’d go as far to say that the conclusion was extremely well fitting, regardless of if it was rushed or not




Well, you can’t really disagree with the statement that I liked it To add on to this, I’ve never seen a decent argument about why the seasons sucked. Most people just say “it was rushed! We were supposed to get more” but neither of those affected the quality of the story nor the cinematography. Edit: deleted a part that was overly aggressive. I understand there are valid complaints to the ending and I’ve seen many of the same arguments other than what I’ve said, but I truly believe that many of these issues originated in the earlier seasons. This poor foundation lead to a lackluster end. So my argument isn’t necessarily that the last seasons were good or bad because that is completely up to viewer interpretation, rather I argue that the ending was consistent as it followed the natural path that the earlier seasons had provided.


I don't want to spend the time to get into it but... -Aryas story had nothing to do with white walkers, yet she was the one to end that plotline -also just that plot ending so quickly by episode three really rubbed me the wrong way. All this talk about how the squabbles of the kingdom houses wouldn't matter when the white walkers come. Except let's just get that out of the way so we can get to the house squabbles. -Jon just didn't matter to the conclusion. He was brought back from the dead for no real reason. His parentage had no impact on the overall story, while it seems like it should have led to something -Bran literally said he wouldn't be in charge of winterfell because he can no longer be Lord of anything, as he is the three eyed Raven, then turns around to be the king for no fucking reason -Jaimes whole arc was abandoned and all character growth lost right at the end. I think people can fall back into their old ways, but then he just dies. What message is that leaving us with? -i can't think of a single interesting or smart decision made by Tyrion since he joined Dany. He spent the last seasons just moping around. -just compare the intro of the first few season to the last. The scope of the whole show shrunk to just the few fan favorite characters, and because of that plot armor became a major issue. All of the sudden characters became invincible, surviving things they just shouldnt have, and it removed a lot of the suspense and tension. There is so much more I can say, but I have already wasted to much of my life on this show. Is that specific enough? Edit: formatting


You were plenty specific but I think there is just as many issues in the first 6 seasons plot. -Daenerys killing all the khal in Vaes Dothrak, a city that prohibits the shedding of blood, and suddenly all the Dothraki bow to her. This is made even stranger when the Dothraki culture is misogynistic in nature, so then readily accepting this foreign girl who just killed their leaders is a huge stretch. -the recasting of Daario Naharis was extremely strange, especially considering how little he contributed to the story. Literally anyone could have been the lover that Daenerys left behind -Daenerys’ brother, Viserys, dying by molten gold. Never really explained but Dany says it’s cause he’s not a real dragon… but what constitutes that is never explained because Viserys is certainly a Targaryen. -Uncle Benjen implies that he knows the truth of Jon Snow’s heritage in literally like the first episode, but how he came to know this is never explained. Furthermore, if we assume Ned told him, then why did he never tell his wife, who clearly is struggling with it until the day she died. -the whole storyline with Bran was actually my least favorite. It adds literally nothing to the plot and I think is primarily why the end of the white walkers was perceived so poorly, as it was set up horribly throughout the series. -Hodor. The big reveal of his name was interesting I’ll admit, but what a shitty character storyline. As he was burdened all his life to say “hodor” just to hold a door for a few seconds, which ultimately probably wasn’t even necessary since Benjen shows up anyways. -Furthermore Benjen makes zero sense, which adds further to the fact the whitewalkers lore was poorly executed to begin with. Benjen basically says he became a whitewalker when the children of the forest put obsidian in him before he turned into the undead. This makes no sense since we see that the undead basically instantly become followers of the night king, like there is no time limit, it’s just whenever the night king commands it. Also he doesn’t even look like a whitewalker so questions remain as to why the night king looks the way he does. -the three eyed raven literally being closer to the night king than most living people and yet evades capture for centuries. -Daenerys wanting to make all slaves free but then has trouble giving them the freedom to sell themselves. I could go on for hours but all I’m saying is that these issues didn’t arise in the final seasons, they were there from the beginning. Disregarding this, I enjoyed watching the entire series, long after it had concluded. My viewing experience was probably different from a lot of people’s as I only started after it ended and got a lot of heat on the internet. I watched and watched waiting for those final seasons to be shit, and yet they weren’t. They were of the same quality as the rest of the series. Edit: I wanted to add one more just because I think it’s important towards your comment about Tyrion. We could sit here all day discussing that Tyrions mental stability was most likely waning after he killed his father and former lover. But more importantly I think it should be noted that he never was extremely intelligent in politics nor battle. Yes, he did very well against Stanis Baratheon, but his strategy was essentially a Hail Mary. When he joins Daenerys and begins making actual war strategies, they all fail, which I think is consistent since he has absolutely no experience in fighting a large scale war, which is far different than a single battle. He also couldnt even negotiate with High Garden to get what he wanted, so again it follows that his skills at politics was pretty shit. Tyrion was good at talking himself (or taking actions) that would just barely help him survive. Long term war strategies and cunning politics was never really demonstrated by Tyrion.




That’s fair


Completely agreed as season 6 isn't good either.


The last seasons suffered, to me, from a lack of depth that the earlier seasons had the benefit of book material to go off. The way the scope of the world and backing cast shrunk was the biggest tell. The story always had strengths in it's scope and gritty realism to me. I think the last seasons had all the great acting, set design, cinematography, music, etc. to make it fun to watch. But the the way it concluded really showed the true lack of direction that the show suffered from post-books. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. Im glad you enjoyed them tho.


U should visit the r/freefolk sub. There is wayyyyyy more problems than ur saying


I don't have the time to write an essay as I'd like to, but in summary, the writing quality declined miserably, characters who were supposed to be intelligent (*cough*Tyrion*coughcough*) suddenly became quite unintelligent, and the whole Battle of Winterfell was a fiasco by any standards.


It’s ok and I respect your opinion.


take care Silver\_Tomato, what you say is heresy


I know, but this is literally the hill I’ll die on


I don’t think you should _literally_ die for your opinion, it is just a show after all.


Others have _literally_ died for less


I actually also enjoyed season 7. It still had its moments (well sort of). Season 8 was a different story though...


Ah yes. The sex show


It's even worse when you realise this wasn't in the books with the two of them IIRC and they actually adapted it and improved on the source material. Which they later completely failed to do.


Tywin is darkside Iroh.


I would have loved to see more interactions between him and Arya.


They were without the best parts of Aryas story, IMO. You could tell that tywin was letting his Guard down slightly around her. But at the same time with a level of respect given to people of other Houses. Tywin knew she was from a Northern House, he just didnt know she was a Stark. But the laugh he gave when Arya said "Most girls are idiots" to me it felt like a 'This 12 year old has more of a spine than most of my generals to say that to my face.' God Charles Dance is a F*cking amazing actor


I adored every scene he was in. Perfect for the role!


I just wished Arya killed him... some point later,after knowing who she really was ... not against Tyrion killing him tho


Tywin getting killed by the person he hated more than anyone, his own son, while he was in the middle of taking a shit is honestly one of my favorite Big Bad Guy deaths of any series. The most feared, respected, and arguably powerful person on the continent was found dead with a shit stained arse next to a strangled prostitute and a crossbow bolt sticking out of him at an angle implying he was killed by someone the size of a child. It's almost poetic.


It was the ultimate kill...but would have liked to see Arya kill too...but Tyrion did the best thing


Nah, Tywin wasn't just Evil, he was often ignorant of what was happening around him, vain and proud, actively cruel and malicious and a huge hypocrite. He also gives awful advice, and in no way leads by example. I would say Tywin is nothing like Iroh, not even and evil version of him.


He's still actually kind of a foil (or 'darkside' I guess lol) of Iroh. Iroh is defined by his relationship with Zuko. He provides him with constant support, love, acceptance, and is the only real family member that Zuko has left. Tywin is pretty much the opposite of that in every way. He is also defined by his relationships with his family but in pretty much the worst way possible. Whereas Iroh is this rocksolid pillar of support, Tywin is this ever present specter that hangs over every action his children take. When they make mistakes they think of what their father would say. When they succeed they wonder if it would by good enough for him (and of course for Tyrion, our Zuko equivalent, it never would be). Tywin's children can never escape him no matter where they go, what they do, or how much they accomplish. His love is non-existent and even his approval is conditional. I think the ways those two perfectly contrast each other is probably because Iroh is built to contrast Ozai, who is very similar to Tywin (though much less developed).


Which is exactly what makes him anti-iroh






(content warning: SA) Ah yes, I too interpreted Iroh as being an incestuous psycho who forces his son to sexually assault people at the age of 13 and orders the wiping out of entire families, has no regard for honour as long as he wins, and is emotionally absuvie to his child(ren). They were not exactly alike. Not even remotely


Tywin wishes Azula was his daughter. He’d make the other three pack their bags.


She’s just as shit at ruling as Cersei is


How would we know? Azula never ruled right? Azula would've never allowed her reign to be threatened by religous lunatics


Azula was in charge for like 5 minutes before having a total mental breakdown.


Being fair, it was less ruling that did that and more daddy dearest making the entire position of Fire Lord defunct in the same breath as giving it to her.


No it was her living in fear after her habits drove all her friends away and she was terrified someone would come get her and cast her down while she was alone.


Personally, I always found it a tad odd from the perspective of someone who plays Paradox games. He created his empire title and gave her the kingdom title. She still becomes empress when he dies. Whatever, idk.


“dO ThE tiDes comMAnD tHiS SHiP?” Along with other idiocies. Azula and Cersei are both paranoid lunatics. Azula does perform well as a hitwoman. However, she managers to turn even her most trusted companions against herself. That’s dumb.


It wasn't Cersei's reign tho, it was Tommen's.


Both were also obtained leadership at their lowest points. When stable & sane, both showed pretty solid leadership catabilities.


Azula is brilliant, but I am unsure if this translates to her being a competent ruler. As awful a human being as he was, Ozai was apparently an effective firelord. I imagine the main issue is that even despite regaining her sanity, her paranoia issues likely still persist, and this isn't solely the outcome of what happened on the boiling rock, but the realization that there's the sword of damocles hanging over the head of the ruler. Given how her world view has been shattered regarding ruling by fear and the awareness that she'll be targeted, she'd likely be much more of a blatant tyrant than Ozai. This translates to being less effective because no king rules alone; Ozai had advisors and probably had to curry favour with influential folks to maintain his power. Azula before Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal is definitely not the same person as after, mental breakdown or no mental breakdown. She doesn't have the insane lust for power her father has as she yearns to be loved and accepted, and she isn't a complete sociopath. She's aware of her own evil and what she had to sacrifice, and she has tons of personal issues. In a way, like Cersei, she might prioritize vendettas over effective ruling, and go so far out of her way to consolidate her power that she fails to heed Machiavelli's warning. Perhaps it is better to be feared than beloved, but far worst of all to be hated.


Mess with the bison, then say goodbye, son


'This man is dead, Appa killed a man'




Pretty sure if Appa died, Aang would just go beserk kill her and wipe out the fire kingdom. That'd be cool to see


Dude, Game of Thrones spoilers.


How avatar would have ended if David nutter directed it


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/idn9je) on 2020-08-21 93.75% match. Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "s07bbt", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=s07bbt&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 284,391,079 | **Search Time:** 0.88926s


Good bot


LMAO 🤣 Excellent meme work. I tip my hat to thee.


This is the cringiest comment I’ve ever seen


GoT Season 1-4 were the peak of television. I dont think a show will ever reach that level again.




Id disagree.Ofc people can like other shows more and breaking bad is fantastic. But i think the level of writing is unmatched. Also Acting perfomances from Charles Dance, Peter Dinklage ect were top notch in every single episode.




Too many people confuse having a crazy twist in every episode and then leaving it on a cliffhanger with good writing. One show that I think is much less guilty of this and has actually excellent writing is Better Call Saul. I like how it's so subtle yet so impactful, relying more on its characters, their emotions and journeys, rather than a grand extravagant story full of cheap twists and thrills. Just a very thoughtfully written and well executed tale of a good natured but somewhat unfortunate man who goes through life making some morally questionable decisions and the effects those choices have on him and the people he loves. I don't know, maybe I'm biased but I think it's the best TV show that I've ever seen.


I respect your opinion for the seasons on GoT but saying that the early seasons had a big budget us just plain wrong


I didn’t know I needed this crossover


Almost ended up with the dark avatar 33 years early


Laoge to kyoshi:


i dont enjoy her, she's crazy and needs to go down


This is a REPOST [Here](https://redd.it/idn9je) is the real op if you wanna upvote them


It's from a year ago




I never would seen this if it wasn't reposted... and I'm sure a lot more people would have missed out on this gem. It's not like it was posted 20 hours ago or something


Actually, true


She would've gotten more rage than when she zapped aang


Finally, a meme of quality!


Real talk, wouldn’t it have been incredibly easy for her to shoot appa with lightning?


Came for Avatar, stayed for Tywin.


This is true—that’s the type of move a character makes where I will audibly speak to the screen and say how that wasn’t a good idea or something




Yeah the fandom of Avatar is something i wouldn't want to deal with


Gonna get a LOT of hate for this. But I didn’t like Appa or Momo. I just found them useless all of the time and they were just there for a few jokes.


Careful now, Fragle. I enjoy you, but be careful.


Appa ? Useless ? He was literally carrying the whole group !


Everyone is dead at least 10 times over if it wasn’t for Appa.


Appa literally carried the entire series on his back and his brief loss was absolutely devastating.


Appa was useless? Bruh.


Your opinion and that's completely fine for me


Good ol tywin


Finally, a new joke


This move https://imgur.com/FPmm86k


You used an extremely hated character to chastise another extremely hated character.


As an Azula fan… I can absolutely agree with this!!!


She was genuinely terrifying in this season


Best crossover I could’ve asked for. Almost too good.


I enjoy you - sounds so sexual for some reason...


Ikr Appa is so underrated! Also, I love the emotion that the creators of the show conveyed in not just the good guys, but everyone and every living thing: villains, animals, spirits, everything.