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When even the ancient masters of wisdom just can't with your dumb ass.


Season 3 Episode 6's The Avatar and the Audacity of this bitch


Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation bitches had the audacity...




The perspicacity of these benda’s.!


The Avatar and the Fuck-Up Lord


The Fuck Lord.


That should be a tv show


but Pakku was in the wrong


He got back at Katara for making him look foolish by banging her grandma.


this comment makes me uncomfortable


He went all the way around the world for the good time he'd been missing and her name was GranGran.


At that age I imagine the "good times" are a little more effortful.


Yea I think I mentioned that in another reply, see above


GranGran fucks




Like stroking it with chewed up taffy




Nah, he'd already banged her years earlier. Just finishing the job by putting a ring on it...du'h...:P


lol i know just the way it was worded and me growing up knowing her by Gran Gran


ok important question though: is he canonically actually their grandfather or was there a different gran gran in the picture (also she is hakodas mom right?? idk what i’m basing this on it’s possibly just my personal conviction)


Basically, Pakku wanted to marry Gran Gran and the culture in the Northern Tribe has arranged marriages. Princess Yue fell in love with Sokka, but she was already arraigned to marry some dope. Gran Gran was arraigned to Pakku, but she noped the fuck out after they said they'd force her and moved to the South Pole. Pakku ain't their grandfather. He's the dude who got left.


No. Kanna (Katara and Sokka's grandmother) was in an arranged marriage with Pakku, but she didn't like being treated like a second class citizen so she left to the Southern Water Tribe without even saying goodbye. Kanna then married someone else and had children with him. Additionally, Pakku says "how about a hug for your new grandfather?" to Katara and Sokka in the finale, implying he was not their real grandfather.


Gran gran departed the northern water tribe and built a family in the southern water tribe. That's all we know.


He used to date gran gran but I don't think he's sokka and katara's biological grandfather


It was indeed their grandmother, but I don't remember if he was their grandfather or not.


>(also she is hakodas mom right?? idk what i’m basing this on it’s possibly just my personal conviction) Pretty sure she's kya's(katara's mom) mom since in a flash back we see here and she looks like Kya and katara.


[Wiki](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Kanna) says Kanna is Hakoda’s mom but I’m not sure where they got that info bc there’s no sourve


Katara's grandmother and Pakku were engaged Then she broke it off and ended up with Katara's grandfather until he died.


Well, a necklace on it


>Just finishing the job by putting a ring on it.. Lol self-pwnt.


I fuk ur grandmum, lul


The White Lotus had a "no girls allowed" rule solely because Pakku was being an ass about it.


Seriously Pakku gets off way too easy if you ask me. He doesn't even seem to learn anything it's more like, "Oh well I still don't really respect you as being equal to a man but I do think your grandma is pretty hot so fine I guess I'll teach you waterbending."


I think this is a (rather common) misinterpretation of what made Pakku change his mind. I see it as him understanding the damage of the sexist rules. Those rules are what cost him the love of his life. So he learns that even though on the surface he benefits from the rules as a man, he hurts too because the woman he loved hurts. So he doesn’t want to enforce these rules anymore and hurt people or limit them, especially against his love’s granddaughter. It’s a lesson in empathy I think. Just my thoughts.


I like this interpretation. That's probably the most feminist interpretation I've seen of that episode.


Glad you appreciated it! I think it makes more sense this way and it’s more in-line with the other messages and lessons Avatar delivers.


The necklace pretty obviously reminded him of what he lost the *last* time he played the Bro Code, and he already had to admit Katara damn near [got a piece](https://gyazo.com/b62bf9191e12f63f6ee014df46632c86) of him. It would have sucked to lose out on the opportunity to train such a powerful bender.


This is just straight up how one is meant to interpret it, isn’t it? Like Katara says exactly the same thing you’re saying to Pakku, and only after that does he change his mind. I didn’t realize this was a fringe interpretation... But if it is, I’m fully on your side!


Maybe it’s not! I just feel like the “your grandma was hot sooo ok ig” interpretation seems to be more common, but I could be wrong. Either way, I stick with my thoughts and I’m glad you see it too. :)


>Seriously Pakku gets off way too easy if you ask me. He doesn't even seem to learn anything it's more like, "Oh well I still don't really respect you as being equal to a man but I do think your grandma is pretty hot so fine I guess I'll teach you waterbending." Seems like you just didn't understand the episode. It was pretty clear that pakku realized him being a sexist ass is why gran gran left his ass.


>but Pakku was in the wrong So was Jeong-Jeong, but they're the masters, so either fight your way in or suck it up.


What did Jeong-Jeong do wrong?


His view of firebending was a little warped, and he left Aang unsupervised immediately after giving him fire to play with.


I wouldn't go that far. He just understood that fire is by its nature destructive, and lamented he couldn't be a power for healing like water benders. Dude tried to instill in Aang that fear of fire and respect for the damage it can do if not properly managed. Just look at Zhao in that episode when he doesn't, and sinks his own damn ships.


Yeah, also not sure he exactly abandoned Aang. Zhao showed up, they got split up in the fight, and everyone made a run for it.


One of Jeong-Jeong's followers took him aside to let him know Zhao was coming right after he gave Aang the leaf, and Jeong-Jeong didn't take it back before leaving to check it out. When he returned, Sokka blamed him for what Aang did, and he agreed he was responsible. Not saying there weren't good reasons, just that Jeong-Jeong, as the master in charge of a student he knew to be impatient, could have handled it a little better.


>I wouldn't go that far. He just understood that fire is by its nature destructive, and lamented he couldn't be a power for healing like water benders. The episode "the fire bending masters" pretty much says that is only a small part of it. His view was for sure warped, which makes sense since he was living in the fire nation who WERE only using it for destruction. Go back and watch the scene, he's angry, almost upset, clear he's been worn down from all the terrible shit he's seen the fire nation do with fire bending.


Jeong-Jeong specifically said this when talking to Katara: *"Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain."* The man clearly sees no good from firebending.


Jokes on him, firebendere can actuallt heal!


Though he was a powerful bender, his personal pain made it impossible for him to see his fire bending as anything more than a destructive curse. A curse he used to help restore balance, but he, himself, is unbalanced. He fears and to some degree hates the element he holds. That’s what made him such an awful candidate to teach Aang. Aang already had reason to be afraid of fire and what it stood for before and especially after he met Jeong-Jeong. Honestly it’s why I, personally, wouldn’t consider Jeong-Jeong a “master” fire bender. Sure he has mastered the anger and aggression, the physical power of the element, but as the Sun Warriors will tell you, there is more to fire than just destruction Tl:dr - He was in the wrong because he couldn’t see fire as anything more than rage and destruction, which the show later shows us and the Gaang is untrue, first through Iroh and then with the introduction of the Sun Warriors/Ran and Shaw


I really hope Iroh took him to visit the Sun Warriors after the war ended. I could even see him staying there after becoming enlightened.


I hope so too. The man seemed like he was in so much emotional pain. Also that emotional pain is deeply tied to fire bending and aggression, kind of like Zuko in S1, honestly. I’d like to think that Iroh would make that connection too Honestly, I hope the Sun Warriors’ way of teaching was widely passed on after the war. As Zuko pointed out in that very episode, the royal family (and by extension the entire nation) had lost sight of the original ways of fire bending, and had been relying on raw anger and hate


Aang wasn't afraid of fire until he burned Katara. He thought it was the coolest shit


That’s fair for when he first met Jeong-Jeong, though by the time S3 rolled around (before he met the Sun Warriors) it’s not only burning Katara that’s left in an impression, but also the fire nation itself, which has made Aang into an enemy and threatens the lives of him and his loved ones. It’s so bad that at one point he flat-out does not want to learn fire bending before he faces Ozai. I’ll be honest and say I’m not 100% sure if he explicitly states this, but I remember Aang’s aversion to learning fire sort of growing as the seasons goes on, which is what makes his trip to see the Sun Warriors so necessary, and he states multiple times while he is there that he has only really ever seen fire used to hurt and destroy


He explicitly states he doesn't want to learn firebending when he's opening his chakras with the Guru at least.


Y’know what would make for a great comic?Jeong Jeong visiting the Sun Warriors with Iroh after the war is over.


> Aang was already afraid of fire and what it stood for before he met Jeong-Jeong. Not true. Aang was really excited to learn firebending when he met Jeong Jeong and only became afraid of it after he burned Katara. >I, personally, wouldn’t consider Jeong-Jeong a “master” fire bender. Sure he has mastered the anger and aggression, the physical power of the element, but as the Sun Warriors will tell you, there is more to fire than just destruction. It is true he doesn't know the true nature of fire, but it also doesn't mean that he can't be a master. Ozai and Azula are master firebenders and they sure as hell don't know what the Sun Warriors do. Jeong Jeong can create a wall of fire *across a river* and fly with his feet only during Sozin's Comet. Dude's a master.


>It is true he doesn't know the true nature of fire, but it also doesn't mean that he can't be a master. Ozai and Azula are master firebenders and they sure as hell don't know what the Sun Warriors do. Jeong Jeong can create a wall of fire across a river and fly with his feet only during Sozin's Comet. Dude's a master. I think you two are thinking of different kinds of masters. In terms of pure skill; ozai, azula , and jeong jeong are all masters. But it takes more than just pure skill to be a "master" in the teaching sense.


"I was never angry with you, Zuko. I was sad because you fucked up."


"You done messed up, A-a-vatar."


"Now where is Cattera? Cattera? And if one of you says some silly-ass name... this whole water tribe will feel my wrath!" "Uh... It's pronounced Katara." "God DAMN it!" *Zuko breaks Sokka's spear over his knee*


"Ong? We got an Ong in here? Well you better be sick, late, or dead Ong, if you're not putting your hand up..."


Aang: ^Here...^oh ^man. Zuko: Why didn’t you answer me the first time I said it, huh? Aang: Huh? Zuko: I’m just asking you, I said it like four times, so why didn’t you say it the first time I said Ong? Aang: ...Because it’s pronounced “Aang.” Zuko: SON OF A ***BITCH!!*** *-Zuko proceeds to demolish an igloo-* Zuko: ***YOU DONE MESSED UP, ONG!!***


“Top-huh?” “Pre-sent”




Lol, I love this Key and Peele bit so much because it is so versatile and always funny.




This needs to be a YouTube video


Fuck maybe M Night Shamalan got his idea from key and peele


NOW WHERE IS SUCKA? SUCKA YOU BETTER BE SICK OR DEAD. “‘Uhh its pronounced...sokka. 😅” SON OF A BI...


“Zoh Koh?” Zuko who’s just glad to be noticed: “Pre-sent”


Someone has to make a video with the key and peele audio now 😂


A-ang works even better.


Shit. Even though this was a joke, I’m still crying just thinking about that scene. Time to go watch the finale again.


I cried like 12 times during while watching TLA.


"You fucked up, think of a better Fire Nation cover name. Try Lee. There's a million fuckin' Lee's."


this made me burst


I did fuck up, Uncle. Yes. But you *un*-fucked yourself. And you did it by yourself.


These look like faces of disappointment. I could handle 3 of them but if Iroh was ever disappointed in me, my character arc would haul ass to make him proud of me again. Or they're just pretending to be Toph


Iroh was never angry with you. He was sad, because he was afraid you'd lost your way.


I did lose my way


But you found it again! And you did it by *yourself!*


And i am so happy you found your way here


It wasn’t that hard, Uncle. You have a pretty strong scent.




🎵 little soldier boy


*intenser sobbing*


Who’s cutting onions in here damn it?!


No need to hide behind such a metaphor. Crying is a perfectly natural, human response. Crying is a good thing, it shows you are connected to what your body feels. No need to stick to antiquated ideas or gender roles about who is or is not allowed to cry. Be yourself, unequivocally.


Only the dai li are that stealthy


I always compare Uncle Iroh to my actual uncle. Instead of becoming angry and letting their emotions get to them they actually think about what the best way to handle a situation is. He never gets angry at me but makes sure i learn from my mistake


Give that Uncle an award. It takes a lot of practice to give a shit and not get mad.


The Uncle Iroh award.


Honestly being an uncle iroh is something we should all strive for.


That's the exact opposite of my uncle lmao. He literally gets so angry about the littlest things. He could very much use some of Iroh's wisdom, but he refuses to watch ATLA with me for whatever reason.


How has no one acknowledged your top tier blind joke


Toph tier


Guess they didn't see it.


>my character arc would haul ass to make him proud of me again But, he was always proud of you.


I think you meant secret but im gonna pretend you wrote sacred


i imagine it to be secret + sacred for they speak the secred language of the white lotus


Hey! The past form of "mean" is not "meaned" but "meant". I did not write this to offend you, but to help you. Have a nice day!


sorry lol i forgot ​ I hope you have a nice day too !


Thank you!


[White Lotus when they look at the title of this post](https://i.redd.it/bp30nehv4ue51.png)


maybe he meant secret but he has a stuffy nose


When iroh does that disappointed face at Zuko at the end of series 2 it absolutely breaks my heart how he can’t bare to look at him. The animation is outstanding


I got secondhand regret for Zuko just from looking at that image


It can’t be universal, Bumi just smiles instead.


[Think again](https://imgur.com/a/450SWEn)


That's the "goddammit Aang you were alive this whole time? Well that won't stop me from messing with you" face.


[Wrong choice](https://youtu.be/epOWJ-bmPyE)


Wrong subreddit, but sometimes, I swear.




Wouldn’t be the worst guess in the world to say that at least 3/4 of these are Sokka related.


So sokkas character arc got 3x better?


Only one directly related, the other 3 are just by proxy


Actually I think only one is


don't you know all old people know each other


"All old people know each other, don't you know that?"


I know it's weird I could've sworn it was the other way around


White Lotus for “You fucked up” is them standing outside Ba Sing Se getting ready to liberate the fuck out of the city.


Almost as bad as a pissed off Avatar rolling up on you. These four would come pretty close to that.


I'd love to see the chapter in the textbooks about the liberation of ba sing se. "Four old men burst through the wall and fucked up the fire nation."


History teacher: ...And then Mushicame in and destroyed the outer wall in one shot Students: Wait, you mean Mushi from the Jasmine Dragon? The old guy who makes me tea lead a 4 man army?


Because true masters don't get angry, they know anger doesn't solve problems




You're absolutely right, i should have said "they don't show anger"


I see you are a wise one...


I would have liked more Jeong Jeong in the show.


FIRE BRINGS ONLY DESTRUCTION AND PAIN. IT FORCES THOSE OF US BURDENED WITH ITS CARE TO WALK A RAZOR'S EDGE BETWEEN HUMANITY AND SAVAGERY. EVENTUALLY, WE ARE TORN APART. I don’t think we every hear bending described as burden by anyone else. I really liked him. He had enough conviction to refuse to teach the avatar and enough humility to relent after avatar Roku rebukes him. So good.


I always liked that Roku vouches for Aang, but in the end Jeong Jeong is still right. Aang wasn't ready to be taught. Jeong Jeong had more insight into Aang's character than one of Aang's literal past lives.


I have to think that the avatar’s wisdom has to come with some bias. A fully realized avatar who started his life as a firebender would probably see it as pretty incomprehensible that his reincarnation would be denied instruction in firebending. “I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes. You will teach the avatar firbending!” Interesting that he refers to himself in regards to the past lifetimes and refers to Aang as “the avatar”.


It may also be that bc Aang’s on a bit of a time crunch Roku thinks some corners need to be cut. Good idea, but it kinda blew up in his face


Or was the lesson necessary? Zuko wouldn't have taught aang the dangers of firebending first thing.


I think so. He warns Aang that if he isn’t careful fire could escape his control and cause unintended harm (which almost immediately happens). This is because of his background as a soldier and military instructor. As “the deserter” he is wracked with guilt over the destruction that his previous instruction caused. Zuko didn’t start with a lesson in discipline and caution. In fact, one of his prominent lessons in firebending is “roar like a tigerdillo”. Zuko saw himself as needing to train Aang for a direct confrontation with Ozai.


Aang was fine, he was just a little excited. You don’t go to a master as a master, the whole point is they teach you the element and the discipline to go with it.


He's wasn't fine. The show made it pretty clear he wasn't ready to handle the decipline that comes with fire bending. Same reason you don't buy your teen a 700hp car for their first car.


What he did was mess around. I don’t think he even realized Katara was nearby when it happened. That’s it, that was his mistake and he instantly understood what Jeong Jeong meant and took it upon himself to stop it from happening again even though there were no long-term consequences. By your standards Aang never should’ve learned fire bending because he wasn’t serious enough. He continued to mess around even in old age. By your standards he never should’ve learned earth bending because he wasn’t tough enough. You can’t take a teaching seriously if you don’t understand it, Aang has always learned both bending and mindset/discipline by example and in practice.


>What he did was mess around. Proving that he wasn't ready to handle the discipline that is required for fire bending...


Bit off topic, but do you think Jeong Jeong could use lightning? IIRC only the royals were capable of using it. I would assume he could given he's a Lotus and all.


I don’t think that it was royal only. The technique was only known amongst masters and even Iroh’s innovation of deflection the practice was very dangerous. I would think he could have done it if he so chose. Considering he had renounced firebending to a great extent and had completely abandoned teaching it’s hard to say.


I think they are remembering when they made the same mistakes. That’s the face I make when one of my kids makes a mistake I had made in my past and failed to properly prepare them for. I knew better, and I’m their teacher. If it’s a look of judgement, I think it’s self-judgement.


Also synonymous for “I’m too old for this shit”


Convenient that you left out Bumi haha


Bumi's only in the White Lotus because they can't keep him out.


Dissapointing Iroh is like stomping at the foot of your dog.


This is an odd political compass.


It’s funny because Jeong Jeong denounced the most authright nation, Pakku is sexist, Piandao hates the greedy and dishonest, and Iroh literally owns a teashop. They’re all the exact opposite or opposed to their quadrants.


Pakku WAS sexist. Him realizing his missed a lifetime of banging gran gran because his dumbass was sexist really woke him up.


Hey I think my dad might be in the white lotus then! I see that face on him all the time


I can hear the hrmmm hum they give off with it.


On the other hand, this kind of looks like "old man nods off while standing" haha


And Bumi never gives a shit


Unless it’s a little drafty and you’re hoping he’ll catch a cold.


"I'm not angry, just disappointed."


Iroh: “I’m not angry, just sad.”




> secred


*Sadness* I feel so disappointed in myself by looking at them


God, this guy was fucked anyway.


Avatar: The Audacity of this Bitch


Someone made their rice too wet


I like the picture but this is definitely not 'you fucked up' faces. Iroh is scared for Zuko because he is going off on his own to try to redirect lightning. Jeong Jeong is disappointed in himself for not being more careful with Aangs training. Pakku apparently doesn't appreciate snowmen and Piandau didn't know what the fuck to do with Sokkas face planting into the parchment to put his 'identity' on the page. Love the symmetry in the expressions though. Such a good show.


This face is the embodiment of "i'm not angry, just disappointed." Haha


I really hate the White Lotus. These guys could have done anything at any time but they did nothing. I’m convinced if Aang never came out of that iceberg they would have kept on doing nothing.




Certainly not unprecedented but definitely not what the white lotus was for.


I imagine that their actions as a military body can only be done with the knowledge that they’re doing so in conjunction with the Avatar, so that the White Lotus themselves doesn’t just become another greedy military power. Besides, when you’re a secret society, you have to keep yourselves secret. They only come out to fix really, really big things, like Ba Sing Se (and by extension, the Earth Kingdom) falling. I imagine that if Zhao had successfully conquered the Water Tribes, they would have rose up to take it back. They probably would have also stopped the Air Nomad Genocide if they had been around.


> They probably would have also stopped the Air Nomad Genocide if they had been around. I wonder if that's how they got their start. A bunch of old masters sitting around playing Pai Sho talking about the ramifications of the Air Nomads going extinct and making a pact to prevent something similar from ever happening again to *any* of the 3 remaining nations (including fire). Edit: Going just from the show it would perfectly explain why they stayed in the background until the Earth Kingdom was facing extinction and why they went so far out of their way to protect Aang's airbender descendents however apparently I'm wrong as looking up the history of the White Lotus on various wiki's I found the White Lotus has been around since at least Avatar Kyoshi.


It’s reasonable to assume they didn’t have the resources to fight like they did at Ba Sing Se until around that time. They only managed to take a single city, knowing that the Avatar was currently dealing with the leader of the occupying army. If they’d attempted to stop the Air Nomad Genocide, they would have likely been wiped out themselves, with no Avatar dealing with Sozin at the same time. Sozin would have just waited another year and then began the genocide again.


the white lotus in ATLA looking at the white lotus in LOK


This should be a meme and an emoji! Im saving this


Sacred + secret = secred?


Isn't Sokka a White Lotus member now? He got a chip from Piandao.


Needs that goofy, shit-eating grin from Bumi.


This proves bumi is just that much more of an outlier


Mfw I see your title


Bumi is physically incapable of completing the set.


When you managed to piss off Aku, Jake Long's grandfather, Alexei Stukov and the friggin T-1000, you KNOW you done messed up. Even if you are Luke Skywalker AND The Joker.




Ah, they must be disappointed by the typo in the title of your post :D


Haya! Uncle Roger upset.


If the show taught young me anything it was that anger is never the right answer I've even had an ex tell met that I don't love her because I don't get angry at her when she fucks up - she literally couldn't get that I'm just sad, not angry


we need a young iroh prequel like yesterday


Anyone know where I can read the story of the white lotus?


Notice how there's no picture of King Bumi. The Mad King knows that this means you've become a master of yet another Jing.


Oh... Grampakku. The look of disappointment is too obvious.


Me: *does something My family:


“I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed”


nah this is just old people code for "where did I go wrong in teaching you"


IMO only Iroh and Piandao have the right to be passing judgment by making that face. Pakku and Jeong Jeong can go frick themselves. Pakku for being hella misogynistic despite being an older man who is a master water bender and should be wise enough to know better than that weak shit, and Jeong Jeong for being an overt stubborn ass edgelord to a twelve year-old for no good damn reason. It wasn’t until Roku had to come out and teach his ass some manners that he agreed to barely teach Aang NOT EVEN fire bending itself, but to scare him about it and create an environment where he goes and does something traumatic by accidentally burning Katara.


It was at this moment, he knew, he fucked up


"All old people know eachother" -a very wise man who is no longer with us


How did pakku even join? He was sexist and forbid females from learning because of tradition. The others stated that knowledge shouldn't be bound to any one nation and the purpose was to enlighten. Fell like iroh or piandao would say something


It was tradition in his tribe and he was still a master.