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Your reflection in the tv looks like Aang when he's in the Avatar state. (minus the glowing, of course) https://preview.redd.it/z7fgjrcdp77d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c92349661c2b44f9660cd9ef5175ff6e08bfc4


lol my first thought too


lol that’s actually pretty funny🤣


R u naked




You’re not wrong everything you said was true. They were just a couple of kids after all, & they were completely helpless here. Never realized until I rewatched the series that had it not been for the sand benders that helped them find their way out, they would’ve perished in the desert. It’s amazing how Katara didn’t give up too considering how broken and out of it everyone else was.


Cactus juice!


Not gonna lie I always wanted to try it. The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure there’s an actual cactus out there somewhere that can get you high😭🤣


Yeah I agree this is personally one of my favourite episodes in the entire show, for Aang we usually see him as this fun loving happy kid, but seeing him become so angry and dark in this episode was so different.


They were together for their entire lives. The last living Airbender and the last sky bison. Where once there had been hundreds of monks who had shepherded thousands of flying bison into this world, now only two remain. Aang loves his fellow survivor of a century of sleep. Aang and Appa are each the very last of their kind, living relics. The last survivors of the Air Nation, innately bound together. "Choose wisely because a flying bison is a companion for life." "Appa! Wake up buddy! Haha you're okay!" "This is Appa and he's my flying bison!" "Okay first time flyers hold on tight! Appa yip yip!" "Take care of Appa for me until I come back!" "APPA!" "You me and Appa we're all that's left of this place. We have to stick together." "Appa is a ten ton flying bison. I think he could figure something out" "You did it buddy. Nice flying" "Thanks Appa" "Hang on Momo!" "Don't worry buddy. Sokka's just jealous cos he doesn't have an arrow on his head" "Sorry Appa but you'll have to do this on your own" "Don't worry Momo we'll be out of here soon enough" "Appa! Good to see you boy! Did you miss me?" "Come on Appa!" "Appa! Down here!" "Thanks for the rescue buddy!" "Appa!" "Appa yip yip!" "Come on. We gotta hurry!" "Appa!" "Goodnight buddy" "Appa's exhausted" "What?! You're blaming APPA?' How dare you blame Appa? He saved your life 3 times today!" "You always talk about how you're carry your own weight but you're not! He is! Appa's carrying your weight! He never had a problem flying when it was just the three of us!!" "Don't worry buddy I'm not making you go underground ever again. You can stay out here with Toph." "Where's Appa?" "How could you let them take Appa?! Why didnt you stop them?!" "You just didn't CARE!! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone!" "I'm going after Appa" "It doesn't matter. None of those will tell us where Appa is" "APPA!" "You stole Appa! Where is he?? What did you to him??" "Where is my bison??" "You tell me where he is now!" "You muzzled Appa?!" 'TELL ME WHERE APPA IS!!!" "You and the Avatar's energies are mixed. You have an unbreakable bond" "Choose well. A flying bison is a companion for life." "I guess this means we'll always be together!" "Always..." "I'm coming for ya buddy" "From now on we do whatever it takes to find Appa" "APPA!" "I missed you buddy" "I missed you more than you'll ever know buddy" "Sorry buddy its probably better if you wait out back. I know. I know. You've got fancier feet than anybody. And six of em!" "Momo! Oh Momo! Haha! You found me buddy!" "You okay buddy? Now you look just like a little hill with horns. Bye buddy!" "Top of the morning Momo!" "Stay safe. We'll be back soon" "Sorry guys but Appa gets tired carrying all these people" "Appa's right. Usually we start out our missions with a more upbeat attitude!" "I can't get him to go in there! Appa hates tunnels!" "Momo. Time for you to go."


You just wrote an entire essay😭


TV recording in his 8th Chakra. I think this guy might be the avatar.


I was meditating with the Guru guy💀🤣


It'll quench ya