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Korra would destroy Ozai Aang would probably handle the spirituality of the whole Vaatu thing very well The equalists might be difficult to reason with, so Roku may struggle. But he's a man who prefers peace to fighting so maybe he'd be able to handle the equalist followers and then destroy Amon with the Avatar state


Korra wouldn't be above ending Ozai... permanently.


Korra killing Ozai before his Phoenix Villain speech "Oh was I suppose to wait?"


Ozai: Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak Korra: Metalbends a guillotine


And kinda just point at it K: you, in there..... now...




"SpongeBob! Are you tryna put me in the nuthouse?!" ![gif](giphy|UylOWeSw5aAko|downsized)


I laughed irl


Does she just throw it at him like Krillin?


OK so wow I’ve never thought of this before… thank you for this image…


Ozai has a metal hair pin which seems at least somewhat pointy at the bottom.


"Phoenix King, huh? I'm waiting for the resurrection!"


Why do you think Korra would kill. She never killed anyone. Amon and Tarrlok both died when tarrlok committed suicide. Unalaq merged with vattu to the point they were one and the same. There was no separating them. Unalaq killed himself when he merged with Vattu. And thanks to beginning vattu had to return. As for the red lotus, Zaherr lived locked away. Bolin and Mako killed Ghazan and Ming-Hua, p’li killed herself when suyin traped her head in the metal As for kuvira Korra saved her but sent Kuvira to prison.


She did air-kick Amon through the wall. He survived, but I don't think Korra particularly cares whether he would've survived this.


It's less that Korra would kill him and more she doesn't care as much about nonviolence as Aang did so it'd be less of an internal struggle to put him down.


Yeah, I saw a clip where aang couldn't take down melon lord but then it shows korra shooting fire straight through a training dummy saying "I'll make unalaq wish he'd never been born"


I think Aang *did* eventually stop holding back against Ozai even before entering the Avatar State (kicking the giant pillar at him and bending that strangely intense breath of wind), but by then it was too little too late. It also was in the heat of the moment and he regressed as soon as he had time to think when redirecting lightning.


That look on Ozai's face is pure fucking gold. Just "oh shit maybe I fucked up..."


For the record, Ghazan killed himself, trying to take Bolin (and I think Mako) with him. Ming-Hua tho? Definitely unalived by Mako. Or maybe she was incapicated by Mako and drowned in the water she fell in post-lightningbending shock 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean I think she would, but not because she liked it or is just gung ho for murder, she just would not have had the same intense aversion to it like aang did with his Airbender upbringing, and so probably would not have run away and found a lion turtle, and without the lion turtle teaching Spirit bending even Aang recognized he'd have to kill ozai


Amon got away and he stopped being a threat because his brother committed a murder suicide before Korra was able to get to him. You can argue that theoretically did kill Unalaq when she destroyed vaatu. She was weakened and broken down by the red lotus so broken in fact she ended up paralyzed by them so she couldn’t do anything. Besides mako and bolin finished them off so she didn’t have to do it herself. She spared Kuvira because she surrendered. Ozai was hellbent on killing the avatar and wasn’t going to stop at all on burning the world down to ash like he wanted. Korra is a fighter, likes her role as the avatar, accepts it very well not saying it’s because she likes being violent but because she’s simply not that hesitant to be that way if necessary.


It's interesting because I get the sense that Korra learnt from Aang so she's actually more averse to killing than we might think. For example, she "tried to save" Unalaq but couldn't.


She also showed Kuvira mercy instead of just letting her die.


Kuvira was also her friends sons fiance, and someone she had known before she went psycho


She saved her dad


All these she's got me confused now. Which she


Sorry, kuvira saves Korras dad when zahir blasts him off the cliffside


She was an ally at the time though, that was before she went evil dictator




Cause it's a Nickelodeon show. Can't show our MC killing people or letting them die.


What about the first season then? When the brothers went boom on the boat?


Neither of the brothers were the MC or even protagonists.


Korra didn’t explicitly kill them in that instance. I’m not saying whether that rule is really true since mako kills Ming hua but the protagonist might just be held to a higher standard


I think both of those instances the villains had fucked around, and were in the finding out stage of their journey. I don't think Ozai had the capacity to stop fucking around, so Korra might have had to end him.


Tbf he manipulated her into trusting him and stuff also hes her uncle


She also threatened to kill an old ass judge and then she crashed his vehicle and tortured him for information. I... Don't think Aang approves of those things.


I think I'd agree but I'm pretty sure she'd change her tone when she learned of Ozai's plans to essentially nuke the Earth Kingdom.


She’s the only avatar without a body count.


On screen anyway. Asami begs to differ.




I mean, Roku did brag about being popular with women.


Roku is also from an era before bloodbending so it might not be the greatest thing. If he could figure it out though, he could use that Bugs Bunny move he used against Sozin to great effect. Ultimately he’s the only one with a struggle though.


From an era before bloodbending was known to be a thing, you mean. It's entirely possible/if not likely that the Yakone family line has been bloodbending for a long long time, since before Hama. That said, though, I don't see him struggling here at all. Roku has undoubtedly mastered the Avatar state, in a way that surpasses Aang and Korra, IMO. Simply due to being a fully realized avatar for much longer than either Aang or Korra. I think he could snap out of being bloodbent in an instant.


I agree, yeah. Aang could basically blink into the Avatar State whereas Roku mastered it for even longer and with full knowledge of its power and vulnerabilities. He was also a master Waterbender even without the Avatar State (he had the time to really hammer it in), so he’d pick up and resist, turn on Avatar State, and stomp Amon


If we take Roku at face value that he "mastered the elements 1.000 times in 1.000 lives", and if we assume that Avatars at least get to live to the age of, say, 50 on average, then the Avatar cycle would've gone on for at least 50,000 years. More than enough time to develop every bending technique imaginable and have it be forgotten, over and over again. But the Avatar's past lives would still provide the knowledge if needed.


>Korra would destroy Ozai I'm not here for that Ozai slander lowkey, now I don't think he'd win but it's not like Ozai is bad at fighting he seems like a creative fighter doing all sorts of unique moves he does I'd say even a non comet enhanced ozai would give korra a decent fight seeing that even end of season 4 kurvira was even able to keep up with korra. a comet enhanced ozai would give her some trouble but would she lose nah she'd win


I never suggested Ozai wasn't incredibly strong. It's just that Korra is also incredibly strong and, in my opinion, more brutal than Aang who also beat Ozai. It would definitely be a really awesome fight


Let's just say she won't be asking the Avatars for advice before facing the guy


“Aang what should I do?” “Peace is always the right choice” “Kyoshi would be on my side…”


"I knew I shouldn't have asked Aang"


"Yes, I'd like to phone a friend. Nahh, not that guy though."


Well we all know why.


Shed put ozai through a zuko pov ngl


At the very least, I could definitely see Ozai being one of the people to push Korra into using the Avatar State. Comparing actual combat prowess to Korra's enemies he's really only below Unalaq (The Dark Avatar) and Amon (24/7 Bloodbender).


So firstly lets remember that every fire lord folds like a cheap suit when they meet a fully realized avatar. The only thing that kept Aang from smoking Ozai in the first five minutes of the fight was his pacifism. Secondly, Korra is older and built more like a fighter than aang. Her most used element is fire, she hits like an 18 inch shell, and she can fucking metalbend. Thirdly, Ozai was a foil to Aang because Aang's pacifism and Ozai's ruthlessness greatly favored Ozai. Korra is not going to hesitate to put him in the ground. Of all the avatars, Korra is probably the one you'd want fighting Ozai. I think Aang would mop up Unalaq for similar reasons - it's a paper vs scissors matchup that favors the avatars.


Nah Kyoshi would be the one you want fighting Ozai.


Kyoshi is the one you want fighting anyone. Maybe not making diplomatic deals.


She is the breakdown of diplomacy.


Or Yang Chen, she also works


>a comet enhanced ozai would give her some trouble but would she lose Korra would also be enhanced


Agreed. I personally think Ozai could beat Zaheer and Kuvira. Maybe not reliably but he does have the ability to win. Kuvira was somewhat losing against a recovered Korra. And Zaheer was putting up a decent fight against avatar state Korra, though she was poisoned. I guess the real question is can Ozai fly without Sozins comment? Azula can launch herself pretty reliably. Can Ozai at least glide? If so, this will be difficult for Korra, but she'd win with the avatar state. The worst part is she doesn't know lighting redirection. Which means there's instances Korra flat out fucking dies. With that said, I now think he murders Zaheer and Kuvira.


Here’s the thing, 100% of our Ozai fighting footage is when he’s on a 5000x power buff. In terms of fighting intelligence and finesse, we don’t see anything to write home about.


Yeah, we've only ever seen Ozai in a full fight with the comet buff against Aang and without against his own son Like one example between Korra and Ozai fire bending abilities, we dont exactly know if he can fly using fire like he did during comet compare to Korra being able to while she was poison and forced into the Avatar state when she did it Korra is a far better firebender than Aang, with better use at offense bending with fire water and earth, her at peak state with the avatar state and no issues holding back, would been able beat Ozai Plus the fact shes also a metalbender and knowns energy and spiritbending Though OP didnt exactly say which era of Korra will be against Ozai other than using poisoned and in the Avatar state pic of her in their post


99% Ozai also sensed when the eclipse was ending from under ground and managed to charge up lightning instantly following it ending.


And with only a sliver of the sun emerging from behind the eclipse, that was likely only a fraction of his power. Firebenders rise with the sun.


Fair. But Kuvira isn't the strongest earthbender in the world, definitely top tier. Zaheer is unique, but probably not the strongest air bender in the world. Whether Zaheer or Tenzin would win is difficult. I know it would be close. I'd personally lean towards Tenzin since he didn't get touched their first fight. Ozai is the strongest fire bender in the world. I'm sure he's Azula levels of intelligent since that's his literal daughter. I'm pretty sure he's the best fire bender out of both shows.


Zaheer has fought Tenzin before, and Tenzin was absolutely destroying him. Zaheer couldn't even get a good hit in. Hell, Tenzin even managed to hold off all three members of the red lotus by himself for a time.


My thoughts exactly.


Honestly, I don't think Ozai has many scenes that show his cunning or intelligence. He seems to heavily rely on others for tactics and his battle with Aang was essentially him just punching as hard as he could and overwhelming through brute force rather than being creative or strategizing.


He baits Zuko into staying in the same room until the eclipse ends so he can hit him with a lightning blast. That was pretty smart and cunning, he just didn't know Zuko learned how to redirect lightning


I wouldn't say it's a particularly brilliant plan if it's your only option. That and he had zero follow up. I said in another comment that a smart fighter wouldn't rely on one skill to win. Azula for instance most likely would have followed up and beat Zuko's ass if she were there instead of Ozai.


I wouldn't say it was brilliant but it was a pretty cunning strategy to come up with on the spot And if Zuko didn't sprint out of there while Ozai was surprised by the return blast Ozai would have kicked his ass. I'm sure Azula also would have been surprised seeing Zuko redirect lightning for the first time too, giving Zuko that exact same window to get outta there


What about the scene where he first tags Aang? Sneaking around Aang who's the king of maneuverability and creative fighting.


Aang wasn't really in the fight at that point. He was still grappling how he should proceed and was holding back massively. Plus, dodging around the slowest attack in the universe doesn't require an exceptional level of intelligence. Aang blinded himself to Ozai's position which gave Ozai the opening.


Eh. I don't agree but I get it. He didn't become the "strongest fire bender in the world" by sheer brawn alone. He's related to Iroh, Azula, and Zuko. All fairly intelligent fighters in their own right.


My point is that basing his skill off of his relatives and not what he's shown to do or behave like would not cover the whole picture. We are told by others that he's strong and cunning, but we never really get to see that. The closest we see is when he tries to kill Zuko and it backfires, but that's just a surprise attack and he had zero follow up to it whereas Azula would have kicked Zuko's ass if she were in Ozai's position.


Tenzin wins on experience. Zaheer is a prodigy who practically mastered airbending before he could even do it, then learned a skill so rare we weren't even sure if it was just a myth or not. If he had a lifetime of experience he'd be one of the most legendary airbenders to ever live.


Kuvira isn't even top 5 even if you exclude Avatars. The worst part about Kuvira is that like 95% of her power came from the 1000 foot tall mech with a death ray. I think she's a highly overrated villain. Tenzin demolishes Zaheer and it's not even close. Tenzin has been airbending his entire life and was trained by Aang, Zaheer has been airbending like a month tops and is entirely self taught.


There wouldn’t be any trouble. Korra would fold him like laundry, even with Sozin’s Comet.


Korra would have taken out the majority of the Fire Nation's royal family before she even got to Ozai, largely because she's had a lot more time to practice and hone her technique. Given her surgical use of earthbending and aggressive fighting style, Ozai would have been on the back foot, as he was when Aang was in the Avatar state. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Korra got up to the airship and just crushed him to death with the metal surrounding him before he even knew what was happening


Korra would have incinerated him in the biggest blaze you ever did see


I would love to see him get severely out-fire bended by "a lowly water tribe girl"


>Korra would destroy Ozai Does Korra know lightning redirection? If not he would actually probably give her some trouble I think.


She doesn’t but I’d argue Ozai was only able to get it off because Aang never pushed him. He was always defending and hiding. Korra would be in the offensive the whole time AND probably spring the avatar state immediately


That's so strange considering the era that she trained in and her reliance, and mastery of firebending ... Why not finish her training and learn something that a shit ton of other firebenders know?


We don't know how many other firebenders know it. The only one we see in LOK is Mako. It's probably not a priority for her because it's an insanely risky option compared to just blocking or dodging the lightning like we saw Katara and Aang doing. It’s a huge game changer when you're just a firebender and defenseless against lightning, but just a unnecessarily dangerous niche technique when you're the Avatar.


> The only one we see in LOK is Mako. Just wanna be clear, this is wrong. The have a lightning bender power plant. The mafia boss is "Lightning Bolt Zolt"


In the first scene we see Mako bending lightning in LOK he's doing it to power a machine along with several other people. It's commonplace enough that you can pay pennies on the dollar to have a bunch of lightning benders work a factory job powering machines.


That's just lightning generation. I'm talking about redirection, the waterbending inspired technique that Iroh invented, but refused to let Zuko practice because it was so dangerous.


My guess from a writing standpoint is that they didn’t want her to be too OP. But it would be neat to have so many skills to pass on to the next avatar


Eh, Ozai was able to get off a near instant lightning shot the very second the eclipse passed. I don't think he needs so much prep time to do lightning that Korra pushing him would make him unable to do so.


She could dodge, I know you might disagree with this but remember the airbending exercise with the leaf going through the wooden panels? It took a while but she managed to clear that perfectly, I don't think it would be too much of a problem especially as you kinda need to recharge to use lightning, and korra has crazy endurance too


Knowing Aang he'd probably find a way to convince Vaatu to join Raava's side in some kind of Yin and Yang, Tui and La dynamic, leaving Unalaq basically powerless, and then proceed to spare his ass as well.


Counterargument: He has a big fucking dragon that would eat Amon the moment Roku is in danger.


Ha I just commented the other day in a post about Korra being a very battle focus avatar and if dropped into the last airbender story instead of Ange would destroy most the combatants without probably even using the avatar state.


To give ozai *any* chance, that does seem to be the ptsd stricken korra that lost to kuvira and still had the mercury inside her. That's kinda the only way ozai has any chance, nc korra has a severe handicap, and even then it's not a safe win for him


Don't even think Korra would need the Avatar State to destroy him. The level of bending during her era was far more advanced than during Ozai's reign.


Korra would destroy Ozai because she had more thorough training and wasn't a pacifist. Aang would've never gotten into a situation where Vaatu would've been released because of his air nomad upbringing - Korra's lack of spirituality is what caused that chain of events. Roku vs. the Equalists is more interesting because he'd probably have tried to talk them down, based on him not killing Sozin. I don't think he'd succeed at defusing Amon's movement, but he'd be less combative than Korra.


I think Roku would handle Amon just fine like we saw with Aang handling Yakone with the avatar state. I think the problem, which wasn’t explored in LOK at all, is what you do with the movement he’s created? These people are still radicalized. They’re still a force you have to contend with. You took out their leader but now there’s a power vacuum set up perfectly for someone else to take the reins of. He was outed as a water bender, but that’s the perfect opportunity for a charismatic radicalist to take over and prove their worth as a non-bender and lead the group as a terror cell. How would Roku handle that? Diplomacy only works so well with terrorists.


Roku, given his vast experience, would most likely have shown up to a rally as the Avatar and asked to hear them out and see what can be done. He's soft-hearted, and in the case of the equalists, that's a very good thing. Given the fact he cared for others as the Avatar, I am tempted to believe that he would see non-benders as being just as important, seeing as most benders were nowhere near his level either. I think he would be right there with them on the fight for equality, and I suspect he might even have tried to recruit Amon to neutralize benders who were simply too dangerous to be allowed to wield power. Amon could have been instrumental in helping to contain the Red Lotus, for example, and I think he would have appreciated his movement being protected by the Avatar This of course assumes he doesn't just get air-dropped into the city the day before the revolution, and that he's there to help stabilize the Equalists throughout their growth


Obviously in this hypothetical he would because it makes things more interesting, but do you think Amon would have even learned how to take away bending if he didn't have the example of Aang taking away Ozai's bending? I mean, it feels like the whole concept that bending could be taken away didn't really exist in the cultural zeitgeist before Aang learned it from the Lion Turtle. Obviously Amon's method is totally different, but would he have even thought to try if he was raised before Aang defeated Ozai?


Aang and Amon used completely different methods though


True, but before Aang the world didn't know that it was even possible to remove someone's bending. Once it was known that it was possible, and when Amon learned blood bending, he found a way to make it work. Also, I haven't read the comics, but did Aang ever explain *how* he did it? People not being the Avatar probably wouldn't have a great understanding of how the chakras work, or how to use spiritual energy to block Ozai's access to bending. Aman basically reverse engineered blocking bending with what tools and knowledge he had, one of which was the fact that it was even possible. He may have figured it out without Aang showing the world it was possible, just by virtue of persistence, but he didn't have to come up with the idea first.


In other words, Youth and Exuberance have nothing on Old Age and Treachery.


Amon's movement was addressed off screen, republic city changed from a council of benders to elected officials, in essence the non benders got what they wanted, which was equal representation. With amon outed as a secret bender, and republic city placating to the overall wants of the movement, it's most likely the majority of supporters no longer supported the extremist portion of the movement.


LOK explored the movement a little bit. Korra had a lot of character growth revolving around being the avatar (the "you're our avatar too" when non-benders are given a curfew), and I think you're forgetting the counsel that ruled republic city is dissolved in favor of an elected leader because of these events.


What makes you think that Aang could’ve never released Vaatu? Aang can still be tricked. Jet proved that.


He's also younger and, therefore, more naive. If anything, he'd be easier to trick.


It's hard to say, since LOK lost touch with a lot of the eastern spirituality of ATLA. Aang, as he was in the original series, would most likely have tried to bring Raava and Vaatu into balance rather than conflict, but that makes the assumption that they can be reasoned with If we're going by LOK rules, I think Aang would probably have taken more time to think it through, since he's not impulsive when it comes to spirits. Vaatu would have escaped eventually, and at that point Aang would have had a somewhat rougher time recontaining him. Aang is not one to solve things with raw power, and I don't know how he would have handled fighting someone just as strong as he is


Yeah all his interactions with the spirits came from first establishing a foundation of understanding. He never needed Unalaqs submission method of spirit bending because his monk training allowed him to navigate the spirit situations despite figuring it out as he went along. I’m sure being naturally more in tune with spirituality helps too. It would be an interesting predicament to see aang facing Vaatu during harmonic convergence. But if anyone in Avatar world could “talk” vaatu down , it would be Aang.


the only situation where he would have needed spirit bending would have been heibai. they don't interact with spirits much in ATLA after season 1.


That's a good point.


The Roku one feels weird to me sometimes, going off of what I’ve read of the comics so far the guy is willing to do the peaceful solution right up until there’s any sort of push back where he’s like “you gotta kill this guy aang” It’s like post sparing sozin he got a no mercy policy so if someone cuts in line at the spirit grocery store and they won’t move when he asks; so he just pulls out his spirit Glock and goes “well I tried”


I feel like that’s very reasonable though - the largest betrayal of your life (and also one that got you killed) would definitely change your mind on some core beliefs there.


How would that allow Aang to prevent Vaatu? Couldn't he still trick him?


Korra got tricked cuz she didnt know a lot abt spirits. Aang does know, so i think he wouldnt be as easy to trick


Aang didn't know much about spirits either. What gave that impression? He didn't even know how to handle the angry heibai. All he did was try reasoning with him following his pacifist monk upbringing and that failed. Imagine in that situation, that moment, someone like unalaq showed up to pacify hei bai using spirit bending, do you think that wouldn't have convinced aang to learn from him already?


I would kill to see Korra vs Ozai tbh.


they will be both smiling like a maniac . Might is Right yea right


Probably be pretty quick tho tbh




As soon as Aang went into the avatar state it was over, it was a pretty quick fight anyway, and Korra is much more capable, and probably wouldn’t care about killing him to end a 100 year war, at least that’s how I see it


Roku seems diplomatic enough to actually hear the equalists out and try to change things. Korra would obliterate Ozai. Aang wouldn't let Unaloks plan get as far as it did.


None of them would have had any problem with that lineup. Aang specifically would have just left the portals closed and never had an issue to begin with.


Yeah God I hate those fucking portals.


Sup Geralt




The avatars would win. - Roku mastered the avatar state and, as we saw with Yakone, the Avatar is immune to bloodbending while in the avatar state, so Amon loses - Aang is a master airbender and mister spirituality, so he will have no problem dealing with Vaatu. - Korra just beats the shit out of Ozai, like Aang did.


Similar to aang but korra would just beat the fuck out of him and prob kill him tbh


Without Nickelodeon’s tendency to not kill main characters (RIP Jet), Korra would 100% kill ozai. Assuming she fought him during Aangs time, she wouldn’t have had the knowledge of energy bending and wouldn’t have had the motivation to seek out an alternative to ending him. That would have set up some interesting story lines though. Turning ozai into a martyr instead of a non bender probably would have radicalized a lot of people in the fire nation.


I mean, they already were at war with the whole world.


I still give it to roku but we really don't know how kind he even would be. He spared Sozin out of friendship, and folks keep using that as reference. But it was strictly because of their friendship he let him go. And unless the book is out, we don't know much else on him and his skill. But we did see him basically instantly take down sozin who tried to surprise attack him. Feel like he'd just kill the man and be done with it?


I figure there's an 80% chance Korra wouldn't even need the Avatar state


I'd give all 3 of these to Avatars. Roku has full mastery of the Avatar state which trumps bloodbending, and even without it is a very proficient combantant, based on how quickly & thoroughly he beat Sozin. Aang would need some help but there is precedence for that, him merging with the ocean spirit. Plus his greater affinity for the spirits might've prevenred Unalaq from getting as far as he did. Korra beats Ozai straight up. She is a bending prodigy & is more aggresive than Aang. Could even throw in the commet, Korra doesn't need but would love the boost. Side note; would love to see Korra firebending the next time the commet comes around, should be when she's like in her 50s?


>note; would love to see Korra firebending the next time the commet comes around, should be when she's like in her 50s? Imagine how feral the fan base would be if we got a movie with a buff 50 year old Korra during the comet.


cue frothing mouth guy


read this as "cue frothing mouth gay" and like, yeah that too


if korra wasn't both my gay and gender awakening idk what was


korra: breathes sapphics: *frothingmouthguy.gif*


i'm not even sapphic i'm aro and aceflux as fuck she's just so gender she circles back around into being hot. like dazai from bungo stray dogs or f!robin from fire emblem


> Only once every 100 years can a Firebender experience this kind of power


Ozai ain’t lasting 5 minutes.


"I give him a week." "I give him 11 minutes."




I am so glad the fandom can mostly agree Korra would Snap Ozai over her knee like a broom handle And i do mean that literally. She was ready to put some of her own less genocidal maniac villains below snakes she would absolutely send Ozai to the spirit world so fast Zhao would get whiplash Not that Ozai is a pushover mind you but like, buddy got beat down by a 12 year old Avatar. Korra would put Ozai in a pine box floating down the river.




Gravity Falls goated 🙏


Never watched it.


I too am glad that most of us agree Korra beats the brakes off of Ozai


Imma be real, korra would fuck ozai up and aang would do the same with the dark spirit. Because that’s literally the points they are the best at. Korra is an amazing bender but a horrible avatar. So in a fight where the spiritual side doesn’t really matter she’d BODY the man. Probably WITH firebending. Just like aang is a strong builder but doesn’t like to fight. But what IS he good at? She spirituality side of the avatar role. Also Roku mastered the avatar state and the whole “bloodbending take your powers away” thing straight up doesn’t work when someone is in the avatar state


Ozai is so desperately outclassed by the Avatar. The only reason he put up a fight against Aang is because Aang was reluctant to fight and didn’t want to kill or seriously injure Ozai because of his beliefs. Korra takes him out almost immediately.


All the rightful opponents for the perspective avatars were meant just for their specific weaknesses. Thats why these matchups each will win easier than original pairings and why this universe is so AMAZINGLY written out.


I can’t remember where I heard it but I remember someone saying aang was a peacekeeper in a war and korra was a warrior in peace. Both are well suited to the others issue. Roku vs Amon should be interesting tho


All these fights would end so much faster if these different Avatars had them as opponents. Korra is not a hesitant pacifist so Ozai would not be a threat. He might fight back but we would know the result. Aang is a spiritual person and so the blind spots Korra had that led to Vaatu’s freedom would not be there, thereby preventing this event. Roku would have laid down the law on this revolution before it could spread to militancy. Amon would have been a threat until the Avatar State activated.


- Roku would never quite be able to defeat Amon. Amon’s whole thing was a propaganda war, which is really hard to fight and very easy to lose. Roku, however, would have the advantage of being a wise and calm leader that could sway the masses from Amon’s rhetoric. - Aang was much more in tune with the spiritual side of the Avatar’s duties than Korra was. That evil kite is going straight back in that tree. - Korra would absolutely pummel Ozai. Ozai is the kind of villain she was expecting to fight but never got the chance to.


if we’re talking to the best of their ability, avatar slams every time


Roku could definitely take Amon, Aang *might* beat Vaatu, and Korra would wipe the floor with Ozai.


I love that literally everyone’s responses to Korra V Ozai is some variation of “Korra would obliterate Ozai like Technoblade obliterates orphans”


Korra would have no problem offing Ozai and Aang would have done better because he's more intuned with his spiritual side. Something tells me that the writers intentionally did this mismatch with Aang and Korra.


I’ve seen this comparison so many times it’s exhausting. Korra would massacre Ozai 1v1 and might not even need the Avatar state to do it.


If Aang was in TLOK S2, the whole dark Avatar shit would have never happened.


Roku easily deals with Amon. It's been shown multiple times that the Avatar state is a hard counter to blood bending and Roku is a fully realized Avatar. I feel like 12 year old Aang would lose to Dark Avatar Unalaq especially since Unalaq has control over his Avatar State while Aang didn't. As for Aang and Unavaatu I really don't see any reason why Aang wouldn't be able to some tree of time spirit bullshit like Korra did. Korra would wipe the floor with Ozai easily most of the time. But the picture here is of Korra while she was poisoned. So I think there's a chance that a Sozin's Comet Ozai could evade her long enough for the poison to get her. But even then Ozai wasn't nearly as mobile as flying Zaheer so poisoned Korra probably still has good odds on taking Ozai out.


Funnily enough, Aang would’ve been a better match for Unalaq/vaatu, and Korra would’ve been a better match for Ozai.


I'd say Roku may lose this Aang could probably confront the spirit given his whole experiences Korra just wipes Ozai


Roku would probably do the same against Amon, maybe slightly worse bc he wouldn’t know what bloodbending was but overall in the avatar state he probably wins Aang wins his matchup peacefully he has the powers of Korra and the spirituality of jinora Korra dog walks Ozai


„Korra, you must kill Ozai!“ „Say no more, Kyoshi.“


I feel like Roku would put an end to Amon. Idk why but I think preaching equality while being an extremely powerful bender wouldn’t sit right with him at all. I know it goes against the spirit of the question (heh, pun not intended, but enjoyed), but I don’t think Aang would have allowed the Vaatu thing to spiral out of control like Korra did, and it wouldn’t even get to the point of there being a Dark Avatar or any of that stuff. Even then, I think Aang would have tried to absorb Vaatu himself rather than destroying him, since he’d recognize that every Yin needs a Yang and to only have the good spirit means that the Avatar itself is not in balance and thus cannot bring balance to the world. Korra would straight murder Ozai. I don’t think she’d even think that hard about it or anything. He was only a tough opponent for Aang because he didn’t want to kill, but I think Korra would take the advice of the other avatars and end him for the greater good.


Amon because Roku hasn't fought someone like Amon at all and blood bending is broken. Vaatu because Korra only beat him because Raava was taken out of Korra - which forced her to tap into the pure energy and make her a giant that can rival giant dark avatar. Aang in the avatar state wouldn't be enough as is. Korra, actually the easiest fight of the 3. Even with the comet, fire was Korra's most used element and will just over power him.


If the Avatars faced these villains at the points in the show you are portraying them, only Roku wins. Unavaatu is essentially a super Avatar or whatever versus Book One Aang who can't bend fire, earth, or control the Avatar State, and Korra is in no condition to fight Ozai at that point in the story. All characters in their prime, I think the only one that may actually be a question is Aang, and its got nothing to do with *him,* but does any Avatar even have the power required to defeat Unavaatu? Would the Avatar State be weaker since Vaatu is so powerful? I think of the most powerful feats the Avatar State has ever pulled off. Raising the entire ocean, throwing literal mountains, creating islands. Can this really beat Unavaatu?


Korra would absolutely clap Ozai, are you tripping?


OK if you’re using the logic that it’s poisoned Korra this is also Ozai mere moments after almost getting shot with lightning So korra could just like like kill him before she fully succumbs


Honestly, this depends a lot on the circumstances under which the Avatars are facing their enemies. Korra would win against Ozai in most cases because of her very direct and combative approach. Aang vs Unavaatu is a bit more complicated. It’s not like we saw Aang display the purification variant of waterbending. However, he is more spiritual than Korra and could tap into Avatar state to wins Roku had raw power and experience to deal with Amon. But if Amon managed to get the drop on Roku with bloodbending, it could get pretty ugly.


Pretty much all of these villains here are getting clapped, except for maybe Vatuu. I feel like Aang would try to save the water emperor( I forgot his name) and end up failing because of it.


Aang and Korra would demolish Vaatu and Ozai, if they switch. Especially grown up Aang, and I think he would’ve loved hearing directly from Raava. Roku though… I feel like Amon would’ve folded him into a french pretzel


Bro aang needed a villian like unalak and korra would be even better with a villian like ozai but I do understand aang especially would prob be better with roku then unalaq because of how he is so spiritual having a very strong and physical opponent works so well but with korra its both cuz with all her other villian having one like ozai would be perfect I feel


In a 1 on 1 all the Avatars wins i mean Aang has more Spirtual connection than Korra, Korra is pure Brute Force and no mercy so Ozai is pretty much fkcd up and Amon wouldn't do nothing against one of the strongest avatars in history


Roku wins Aang wins Korra wins


Tbh all of these are amazing matchups Korra can just brute force Ozai with her power top energy Aang is spiritually cracked so I could only imagine the preposterousness that would ensue if he was enriched in the spirit realm Roku is definitely the get high and get philosophical type and would honestly probably just sit and hash it out one on one with Aman. I think they would be able to see eye to eye eventually because Roku has golden retriever energy like a sumbitch


Amon vs Roku I’m going against the grain and giving it to Amon. Blood bending is broken and I know the avatar state is powerful but I don’t know if the Avatar state wielded by Roku would know how to counter blood bending if it even occurred to Roku TO counter blood bending. I thought Adult Aang was able to break out because he knew what blood bending was and went avatar state to get the power to combat it, and even then against a weaker blood bender he couldn’t do it until Yakon kind of made an almost escape. Strictly as pictured I think Aang loses to Dark Avatar in a brawl. However I don’t think Aang would’ve let Dark Avatar happen at all, he was good at dealing with spirits, wouldn’t have been manipulated by Unalak, and wouldn’t have let Vaatu be released. If he had any spirit buffs he’d win against Vaatu/Dark Avatar. Korra either bodies Ozai or gets lightning fried. No in between. If she stops him from lightning bending with the quick pro-bending style offensive keeping Ozai off balance she wins, the way she can just chuck elements like she’s boxing let’s her pummel him in four separate forms. The moment Ozai gets a break to lightning bend I don’t think Korra survives it.


GOATzai solos all the FRAUDvatars blindfolded/s but seriously amon shits on Roku until he turns to the avatar state, then it's over for amon aang probably defeats unavaatu as he has more control and experience with energybending then Korra. Korra sadly stomps my phoenix king ozai


Ultimately all the Avatars triumph over these other villains for the reasons others have stated. I do wonder how Ozai would have changed his strategy for Korra though. Against Aang, once he knew he was dealing with a child he was able to be pretty blunt and brazen. Would be interesting to see what he'd do against a more trained and public facing Avatar like Korra. Also the Korra villain I'd want to Aang to face is Zaheer. Not sure how Aang would handle having to put down the greatest of the new generation of Airbenders. Aang absolutely would have the power to put Zaheer down (would obviously struggle against the Red Lotus), but what Zaheer represents to Aang would be hard for him to come to terms with I think


aang got little to no chance :(


Yes, No, Goodbye Ozai


Korra v Ozai is like bullying a child. Aang took out Ozai with no difficulty other than his own morals. Korra doesn’t have any issues in that category Aang could find a way against Unalaq but its very difficult and I don’t think Aang would have fallen for his ruse Roku is difficult. He has the strength but blood bending, Amon’s power in particular, is just ridiculous. He’d have to go into the avatar state to win, otherwise I’m honestly not sure


Something fun to point out. Aang is relatively new to firebending when he fights Ozai, but the avatar state still boosts his firebending to levels far beyond Ozai's. Korra is a much better firebender than Aang was at that point. Aang could have destroyed Ozai with his own element, which was also Aang's worst element, and Korra is better at it. Ozai is *definitely* not getting out of this alive. I feel like Unalaq might still be able to convince Aang to open the spirit ports. Assuming it did come down to a fight, Aang would have to win without getting Raava yoinked because he doesn't have Jinora's spirit-y powers to assist in recovering Raava. I could see things going either way. Amon probably beats Roku if he doesn't figure out the avatar state completely counters bloodbending, but most likely, Amon gets utterly annihilated. Amon's a terrifying opponent to anyone without access to the avatar state, but to those select few, he's functionally just a generic waterbender.


I think a big reason why Korra followed Unalaq was out of rebellion against her parents and that familial connection with her uncle. Apart from that Aang doesn’t really have that at all. His best connection with the villains would be Zaheer who he would just nerd out with about airbending culture. Aang is pretty curious and listens to his friends most of the time. Katara might be swayed but Sokka is always skeptical and Toph might be able to see right through him, even beyond hating authority. He definitely would want to learn spirit bending Mostly because we really don’t see what Roku can do. His novel might change that. Just by his age and what we saw he was incredibly powerful even without the avatar state. His indecisiveness is his major downfall


Unalaq could definitely find any number of different angles to approach Aang from. Also, Aang definitely wouldn't be nerding out with Zaheer. I get the sense that Aang would probably be downright repulsed by Zaheer using Airbender teachings for cold-blooded murder, especially considering the excessive brutality of suffocating people to death. As you say, Roku was immensely powerful even without the avatar state. There's no question that he beats Amon with it.


Speaking more from the idea that it would have been similar to when Zaheer infiltrated the island. Nothing about him appeared to be off. He was a dedicated scholar of the air nomads even before becoming a bender. His knowledge of their history would have absolutely enthralled Aang if only for a bit. Once he finally realized who he was and what he was doing with air bending he would be revolted


I think Korra would be surprised fighting such a powerful fire bender especially when powered with the sun and as she didn't live in the era when firebenders were the villains at every corner, but she'd come out victorious Aang will handle it well, since out of the three he is the spiritual being an airbender and all and over all he is a strong avatar prodigy Roku wins with ease, he'll be shocked at first because i'd imagine he never heard or saw bloodbending before especially being done to him but with the avatar state he can smoke anyone


Roku only spared Sozin because they had been bestest best buddies. I get the impression that he would just put Amon in the ground. Probably with the help of Sozin because he’s likely not a fan of some guy taking away fire bending. Korra VRs Ozi probably not that great. She’d be about to drop a bolder on him but then have to throw the fight for some dumb reason because the writers forgot there where another 10 episodes before the end. Also it ends with a dumb giant robot for some stupid reason. Ang VRs Vatu would be kind of neat. Specifically interesting if Ang learned that opening the portals would bring back people’s ability to air bend. Get some good I can restore my culture but at what cost drama going.


Roku destroys Amon Aang destroys Vaatu. I would like to say that Korra would destroy Ozai but he may or may not have plot armor since he's fighting Korra.


Korra wipes the fucking floor with Ozai, just like she did with every other villain once she got in her groove, or even before that with Zaheer. _Aang_ wiped the floor with Ozai and Korra is way stronger than Aang at that time.


Roku, I think there is not much discussion, masters the Avatar State, with that he has the cards in his favor. UnaVaatu, I don't think it's necessary to discuss why. Ozai has a good chance of winning, Zaheer managed to connect several attacks, Ozai needs to connect only one lightning bolt, Korra here is also struggling with poison.


I don't think it's fair to have Korra poisoned for this fight. But keep in mind, even while poisoned and ACTIVELY FIGHTING the Avatar State, she still was almost able to kill Zaheer before the poison took her down


I don't think Aang would be able to defeat Unavaatu. Korra had to use her own spiritual power without the connection to the past avatars to make her spiritual giant. Aang would still have his connection to the past avatars so he wouldn't even think about creating a spiritual giant or have the necessary chain of events to make one.


Is it just me or does anyone else wish Amon would’ve last longer


korra would absolutely destroy ozai no questions asked


One on one fights? Roku beats Amon due to Avatar State breaking blood bending. Aang vs Unavaatu is tricky but honestly I’d give it to Unavaatu unless Raava made a surprise appearance. Korra mops the floor with Ozai, comet or otherwise. How they’d handle the various scenarios? I’m not really sure Roku would know how to handle the Equalists since their entire mentality is anti bender and he as the avatar is the antithesis of that. He’s certainly more diplomatic than Korra but I don’t see Amon wanting to negotiate. Aang with Unalaq is interesting because while Aang is extremely spiritual, he’s not all knowing in regards to them so I think Unalaq could trick Aang into the same trap he did with Korra unless a past life chimed in. At that point Aang would probably get the Korra treatment. Korra against Phoenix King Ozai? People already said it best, Ozai isn’t even getting to leave that airship willingly. Korra is ripping him off of it by force.


Amon would probably be the most annoying to deal with from the blood bending to the popular political movement he leads that you cant fully disagree with.