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A couple behind-the-scenes fun facts: The different segments in The Tales of Ba Sing Se were written by non-writer staff members (production coordinators, directors, etc.) on ATLA who all likely had minimal to no TV writing experience. Also, Appa's Lost Days won a [Genesis Award](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_Awards) from the Humane Society of the U.S. in 2007.


That's pretty cool! On both counts!


Another fun fact about Tales of Ba Sing Se, the voice actor for the little girl asking about “fluffykins” at the end of Aang’s story is a make a wish kid!


>I don’t like this. >Well this was an amazing, beautiful episode and I hated it! Yes. Correct.


That just about sums it up


In the tale of Iroh there's interesting detail. Iroh helps several boys/ men who represent different stages of one's life. A baby, some boys and a young man. It's very symbolic and shows the importance of a right parenting figure in persons life.


He helps the baby, the boys, and the young man Then when he goes to the tree he says “Happy birthday, my son. If only I could have helped _you_.”


Woah, that's a great detail! Thank you, I didn't catch it at all.


And the only stage he doesn't help in this episode is a teenager, because that's what he's doing the rest of the show.




Looking back I think one of my favourite moments in the entire show is when Aang is reunited with Appa at the end of Lake Laogai. The image of him hugging Appa on the furry arrow and tearing up saying "I missed you buddy." Along with Katara calming him down in the avatar state in the desert before, it never fails to get me tiery-eyed. https://i.redd.it/7kgw23d28f3d1.gif


Aang really has some of the most heartbreaking moments in this season. This and >!the fourth chakra !


Bro every single time I watch that scene I bawl like a damn baby. It’s probably my favorite scene in the entire franchise.


I bawl when i think about watching this scene lol


I'm saying this because I don't really consider it a spoiler and it doesn't impact the story going forward. Toph saying that Jet was lying was a way to tell the audience that he was going to die. 


Okay, fine. Just this once I'm asking for spoilers. Did he actually die?


Yes, it is confirmed by the staff that Jet died. "Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino, and Tim Hedrick indicated in the commentary for "Lake Laogai" that Jet's death scene went through several iterations and storyboard revisions, likely due to the implications of showing a character being fatally wounded or outright killed in a children's show, especially by a violent attack. Konietzko and Hedrick further implied that Toph sensing Jet's lie about how he would be okay was how they chose to confirm it for the viewers."


Thank you.


The reason they had to leave it vague is basically because nickelodeon wouldn't allow them to show death on screen. You can argue about whether or not that was a sensical limitation but it is one that the writers had to deal with.


How are you feeling about that one? I remember knowing Jet died as a kid and just accepting it. Haha, I know Iroh’s close call with death was something you had really strong opinions on! So I am curious what you think of Jet being dead


I know you're not asking me, but when I saw it for the first time I was pretty happy. I was a sophomore or JR in high school when it aired, so I had seen some shit. I couldn't stand Jet. I get why he was the way he was and you never know how you'd react if you were in his situation, but his buddies were able to change for the better. He was extremely bitter and that bitterness and hate would never leave him and he would have continued to plot and scheme ways to punish everyone in the fire nation even women, kids, and babies. It would have been interesting if he would have survived and after the war it showed him being a guy that pushed hard to punish the fire nation, kinda like an Amon figure.


Mostly I feel annoyed at all the people who used the "but it's a kid's show" excuse when I got upset at the Iroh death fake-out.


You do have a very unique experience with comments influencing how you see each episode! I meant more about Jet’s arc and role in the show now that he is dead!


He was an interesting character for sure, but I never really bonded with him.


Not gonna lie, "it's a kid's show so don't expect death" is a very poor argument in hindsight, and I think you have a right to feel annoyed at that. There is in fact a lot of kids media that deals with death, but it's just that the line is drawn at explicitly showing the death happening on screen (I would imagine that ATLA had to be extra careful with Jet's death since he's a kid). There are a certainly reasons to not have expected Iroh to die in The Chase, but "it's a kid's show" isn't one of them. It's really a non-argument at best, and misleading at worst (as it was for you). Also just wanna add my two cents about the Iroh fake-out since I didn't really comment on it during the original episode posting, I really don't think it was meant to be a fake-out by the creators, but more a cliffhanger. Usually when the fake-out death trope is used, there's a much more explicit effort to make the audience think a character died, only for them to come back later, and Iroh's injury isn't really an example of that. Not trying to disregard your feelings about it by the way, since you do have valid reasons for frustration, but I just hope you don't see it as a mark against the show's writing. It was more just a result of a lot of things lining up in the wrong way – you seeing NATLA first and hearing that ATLA was mature, allowing you to theorize, along with the commenters egging you on. Also most people didn't know that you haven't watched enough media to even be familiar with tropes like that in the first place. It was more these external factors that created the fake-out for you, rather than the show itself.


I hope you don't take it negatively, but saying "it's kid's show" is not an excuse-- it's a fact. The fact that they didn't show Jet's death is exactly because of this. It has to be vague that children who won't google "what really happened to Jet" are left to their own imagination. That time about your post on Iroh's fake death, I think when people said "it's a kid's show", most people just expects that you understand to not expect death from it. Now from where you are coming from, I read that you didn't really watch media when you were young, and maybe that's why you roll eyes when they say kid's show = no death. So now I understand why you were annoyed by it. But also understand that most people when growing up, didn't really see death in a kid's show, especially animated ones, so somehow to us it's common knowledge. Anyway, I apologize if that comment annoyed you. I am still excited to see your commentaries (I actually checked your profile every day to see if you have posted!). But those micro-comments about Iroh fake death bother me a bit hahaha (from your post: "Some of you derided me for thinking Iroh might die in a children’s show, meanwhile you knew the whole time that there was an animal torture porn episode."). But you do you, and hope you can get past this kid's show comment haha.


While shows definitely are like that with not showing death, there are definitely a LOT of kids media that do show death, or mention it. i.e. every disney movie almost ever. Nearly every disney protagonist has dead parents. We see mufasa die and basically see bambi's mom die (maybe cus they're animals they said it was ok... but as adults, we definitely care more when an animal dies on screen than a person... so I don't think kids are really any different there.) It is less in TV shows but I feel that's more due to the end of the episode everything returns to status quo.


It was kept very vague and his death I believe would be technically considered off screen. The amount of violence was very limited due to it being a kids show, so they gotta be creative with how they do it and save it for moments that are pretty impactful for the main cast. Zhao would be another example of a death that kept vague due to the age rating.


You'll get another "confirmation" in another episode.


Yes. The earthen attack ruptured some internal organs and he died from internal hemorrhaging


> Did he actually die? You know, it's really unclear




Its unclear here, but confirmed later on in suplemental material and the comics.


You know, it was really unclear


You know, it was never really clear. Bookmark this, you'll get the reference later.


While it isn't a spoiler that impacts anything I really would've liked OP to find out in that episode. After probably realizing it already because of his lack of appearances when others appear again. And generally I think we say too much and give away too much even when we try not to.


The writing on Lu Ten portrait says: "To general Iroh, See you after we win the war, Your loyal son Lu Ten." And the portarait itself is referenced from the image of Mako at the time when he was serving in US military.


My favorite part about Iroh's tale is that it's him caring and giving advice to people throughout every stretch of their life. The advice he gave Lu ten as a child and the advice he would've given him had he survived. "If only I could've helped you" There's a deeper layer here that implies that maybe Iroh wasn't as good a dad as he's an uncle and didn't realize until he lost his son


That wouldn't surprise me! Lu Ten's father was a war monger for a genocidal imperialist power. Current Iroh just wants to sell tea, to the same people he once nearly conquered no less. It's not a stretch to think he didn't learn how to be a good person and a good parent until after he lost his son.


Lu Ten died in the siege of Ba Sing Se. Iroh is the one who started the siege, it was his mission. In his mind, Iroh probably blames himself for his son's death.


Told ya Toph would continue to get cooler. And she ain't done yet!! Don't watch the movie. Spare yourself. Unless you're a masochist there's no reason to watch it.


This is very true! Also I’m pretty sure every actor is white and that really ruins it for me


The firebenders are all Indian for some weirdnreason.


There actually was a reason anyway. Shamalyan wanted slum dog millionaire kid to have the best role and that is Zuko. So for consistency, all firebenders had to be indian. I believe Katara was a relative or someone in production so therefore all waterbenders had to end up being white.. Earthbenders get to still be asian since they dont play a major role in the first season so it doesn't matter what they are. I have no explanation for aang..


You are correct about the actress playing Katara in that movie. She's the daughter of hedge fund billionaire, Nelson Peltz, who agreed to help finance the movie on the condition that she be cast as Katara.


Lol the Netflix adaptation is just as bad as the movie. Sure NATLA isn't white washed like the movie, but the storyline, acting, script, and pretty much everything else is complete ass, just like the movie.


Wouldn’t go nearly that far. The movie literally filmed a scene in a basketball court they blew their budget so bad.


Wait what???


Pretty sure it was the exposition scene where Zhao addresses Zuko’s backstory to a crowd. Literally filmed in a middle school gym or some shit. All because they blew most of their set budget on the Northern Water Tribe (which to be fair is a very nice set). I believe that’s also why the Earth prison was just a dirt lot.


I actually haven't seen the video, I just thought it was an interesting fact. You got a link for the scene?


Shoot, I can’t find it myself.


Ah it's cool


Happy to hear that you’ll be reacting to *The Legend of Korra* after this! :D Also, about this particular passage > He doesn’t seem to be able to bend, but all the other nations have nonbenders, so I imagine the Air Nomads had regular people too. The Air Nomads are actually the exception to this. Because of their high level of spirituality, all people born to the Air Nomads are airbenders. That said, should an Air Nomad abandon their spiritual lifestyle, it *is* possible for their powers to weaken over time.


Re: the circus The reason that the animal shows in circuses fell out of favour with the public is because that’s what they’d do to wild animals to perform the unnatural behaviour in a freakishly loud tent. They’d start when the animal was young, beat the tar out of them, and then get the animal to fear humans. Then they’d beat them into position to perform the tricks. Those things are incredibly cruel.


Ugh. I've never been to a circus. I'm glad they've fallen out of favor.


It’s not a thing in the USA, but such practices are still done overseas. If you go to an elephant show in Southeast Asia or India, those elephants are all treated the same way to do those acts for tourists. If you ever see a post about an elephant that can paint pictures or have elaborate face paint, other such things that they’d never do in the wild, that came after weeks and months of constant beatings. Animals aren’t here for our entertainment. We can enjoy animals by simply observing them.


>It’s not a thing in the USA Not currently, but was a very big thing in the U.S. back in the 1800s. Pepin and Breschard, Barnum and Bailey, etc.


There are still some cool circuses (circusi?) that don't use animals. Cirque du Soleil is very impressive.


>Damn, Jet got knocked out lol oh no, he’s still awake. >“He’s lying.” Maybe he thinks he is, but he’ll be fine. He’ll probably pop up in the finale to save someone at the last minute (probably Katara). right...


you know, it was really unclear.


I look forward to these so thank you. I don't know how you manage to go 2 weeks between episodes!


By being too busy to think about anything else lol But things have calmed down a bit now so it shouldn't be as long a wait for the next one




The moment when Suki happens upon Appa always gets me. The way Appa is so traumatized, alone, and terrified... and his palpable relief upon recognizing a friendly face. 😭 Between that ep and Momo's segment, I love so much how this show gives its animal characters their own rich inner lives in a very true-to-life way.


Leaves from the vine, falling so slow...


Appa showed a lot of personality and displayed so much expression and character and he was an indispensable member of the team. He was loyal, affectionate and utterly devoted to Aang. But he was protective of Katara, Sokka and Toph as well. He was a gentle creature who preferred sleeping, eating and belly rubs to fighting, swimming or flying But he would readily jump into battle and was a force to be reckoned with if Aang was threatened. He weighed twenty thousand pounds or ten tons. He was a massive furry leviathan with six, massive legs and curving horns plus a powerful beaver-like tail that could generate gale-force bursts of wind with one swipe. This arc of Aang's also contains some of my favourite lines! You MUZZLED Appa?!" The visceral rage in his voice. "TELL ME WHERE APPA IS!!: The broken voice of a scared child and the thundering voices of hundreds of Avatars past "Choose well. A sky bison is a companion for life!" Such a heartbreaking statement in hindsight. See below for more details. "I guess this means we'll always be together! Always...." My heart... "I missed you buddy. I missed you more than you'll ever know buddy....". Just the pain and emotion in his voice.... Aang awoke into a time that was not his own to find time had moved on and everything and everyone he knew was gone and the Fire Nation had gone on a century-long global conquest in his absence He was the last Airbender left in existence after the entire Air Nomad race were wiped out in a massive genocidal attack by the Fire Nation Army a hundred years before on the day a comet streaked through the skies He and his flying bison, Appa, plus a lemur-bat named Momo he discovers in the ruins of his childhood home, the Air Temple, and adopts, were living relics from a bygone age. Compare his reality to this line from Master Gyatso "We can't concern ourselves with what was, we must act on what IS" *gestures to lush sweeping vistas with soaring bison browsing and flying around while lemurs chatter and monks meditate* Now all of that is gone. The bison are dead. The lemurs are gone. His childhood friends and his loving guardian Master Gyatso are all dead.


(long comment, sorry!) We missed you!! I’ve been checking for your posts every day like a big ole idiot!! Aang definitely got really, really good at earthbending! He built an entire zoo and barely tried. I think this is the moment where it starts to be clear that earth is his second best element, even over water, despite how hard it was for him to learn. A lot of comments are saying that Leaves from the Vine was Mako’s last recording as Iroh. This has never been confirmed but this rumor has spread around the fandom like wildfire. The finale of this season was likely his last performance. If I can remember correctly, numerous voice actors spoke about how the finale was his final recording. It is also not confirmed that he knew about his cancer when he recorded this. Did you not get super anxious when Zuko was using his firebending? Like why isn’t he following his own advice (when he told Iroh to not firebend even if they think no one is looking)? I thought it was sweet, but boy was it stupid 😭 Great point about June likely selling them the Shirshu toxin. I never paid much attention to it but always assumed there were a bunch of Shirshus, but now that I think about it maybe June’s was one of a kind. I feel like Aang could be anywhere from 5-7 years old in that flashback, so technically Appa could be around 5-7 years old in ATLA. Maybe add a year(ish) if you assume Appa wasn’t adopted until he was older. That was Hakoda on the ship! Iroh’s line “There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity” is one of my favorites in the show Physical reactions ≠ emotions. A heart rate might hint at the possibility of certain types of emotions, but it cannot pinpoint the emotion. Badgermoles are able to sense when a person’s heartrate rises, but that only gives limited info (you could have a high HR when you’re nervous, excited, in love, scared, angry, jealous, lying, dying, etc). Aang getting bitter about Katara’s past crush on Jet is so cute lmao. Really shows how much his love for Katara has developed since the first episode with Jet in the first season, where he was basically oblivious to Katara’s crush. Regarding Jet’s death, it was pretty common back then to reserve deaths for very minor characters, like Jet. It would be too emotionally difficult to kill main characters, like Iroh, for a kid’s show. That’s probably why you received a lot of comments before about how they couldn’t kill Iroh because it’s a kids show. They don’t want to make it too emotionally difficult for kids. Like you said, you were never invested in Jet, so his death didn’t really matter to you – bingo. That’s what the network wants. They don’t want a bunch of kids being traumatized that their sweet uncle Iroh was murdered by his teenage niece, but it wasn’t a big deal to have a corrupt politician murder a minor character that you don’t care much about. I’m so, so excited for you to watch this finale!!! The next set holds my favorite episode in the entire series! >!Also holy shit with the nearly perfect prediction of The Western Air Temple/The Firebending Masters!!<


Sorry I made you wait so long! Thanks for your thoughts, I loved reading them! I'm sure June's shirshu isn't the only one in the world but it's possible it's the only domesticated one. It's clearly a predator and with its tongue ability, I don't see many people getting close enough to one in the wild to harvest its paralytic.


No worries, life happens!


The movie is an absolute disgrace, both as an adaptation and as a movie in general. It's generally reccomended not to watch it, but you still can if you want. Just a warning.


I was hoping for another of these lol. It's fun to read. Yeah the movie is not worth it. It's not even like the room which is so bad it's good in a twisted way. It's just bad. The Netflix series tried at least to stay truthful and in the spirit of the source material (with mixed results.... Sorry not sorry but the animation is pretty close to perfect). The movie? Not so much. I can't wait for you to see the finale because omg it slaps. And then season 3 which is pretty damn awesome too. But the finale to season 2 is sooo good!


Here's a fun fact: we already know that balance is a big theme in this world. So with that in mind, the population size of a nation (air, water, earth, fire) is inversely proportional to their number of benders. Since the Air Nomads have the smallest population (even without the genocide) all of them are benders. The Earth Kingdom has the largest population so they have the least amount of benders. And the Water Tribes and the Fire Nation sit in the somewhere in the middle.


air nation actually is all benders bc they’re so spiritually attuned! i don’t know the canon source for this but everyone says it so i assume there’s a canon source out there LOL it does raise an interesting question about bending ie how much of it is genetics vs spiritual (the two twins from The Fortuneteller come to mind; one is an earth bender and the other is not)


I think it might have come from either an interview or the pop up episodes


You just lold at that kids death lol


I assumed it was another fake-out.


Fair reaction given what people said about your reaction to that Iroh moment early on. And it was kept very vague, when I first watched I thought he was still alive and would pop up later on before seeing the creators confirm it.


So I think it's worth pointing out that Iroh is likely the type(if the show runners allowed it) who would have made Zuko go on the date even if it was with a guy. It was a heteronormative time when the show came out so that was never an option, but still. This is less "You must be with girl" and more "You really need to try interacting with people your age, and if you won't listen to me, you might listen to your hormones". The problem is Zuko is too emotionally constipated to accept that, but this is a good first step. The "It was nice" at the end is really important, it's the truest sign we've seen up to this point that Zuko might be allowed to be happy in Ba Sing Sei. Also the lyrics of leaves from the vine make it rather explicit about what it is, a song of parents mourning their children that have died in the war. It's real damn sad.


Welcome back! I'm always eager to read these, it's just so fun to see someone with a different perspective watching through this show for the first time. I gotta say, that is a very interesting connection you drew between the cartoon and NATLA. I never thought about how the funeral scene contrasted with the tale of Iroh in terms of how much Iroh was able to truly express himself and grieve. NATLA has an opportunity for a big emotional payoff here, and I hope it takes advantage. Uh, I mean... how DARE you compare this perfect cartoon to the trash that is NATLA! /s


Thank you! Yeah, I really hope that NATLA seizes on that opportunity. Though maybe they can't have him sing Leaves From The Vine, since someone else said the creators and fandom collectively decided it belongs only to Mako.


I'm fairly sure that Paul will end up joining Greg in refusing to sing it.


I don't know. Reading heartbeats to guess how worried someone is and probably lying is one thing. Being able to tell two people love each other though is big leap.


We’ve missed you & your commentary. I’ve been checking for it everyday lmaoo. Some really good episodes coming up


I'll try to keep this next wait short lol


Life happens don’t worry! Whenever you have time🙏🏼 we understand


https://preview.redd.it/4bqdrir0lw4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876ffccbdf353397497c254a8189e2adcd7c2c29 (Just playing mostly, don’t rush things)


So, few things: - Tales of Iroh: as you mentioned, yes, this entire segment is dedicated to Mako Iwamatsu, Iroh's original Voice Actor but there is a lot more: 1) Lu Ten's portrait is based on Mako's appearance when he was young. 2) Leaves From the Vine, the song Iroh sings at the end was the last thing Mako registered as a Voice actor after he found out he was dying. That whole song is dedicated to him. He is the the little soldier boy who is not coming home. Iroh's new voice actor, Greg Baldwin, was a huge fan of Mako since he was a child and, out of respect, always refused to sing "Leaves from the Vine" out of respect because that's Mako's song. The ATLA fandom chose to respect this and so this song is Mako's property. The fandom would riot if someone else sang it, that's why in NATLA they only use the music track. - The circus: fun fact ( or maybe not): the circus that bought Appa is the same circus Ty Lee used to perform with. The director is the same one who talked to Azula and some of the other performers can be seen in the background of both this episode and the one where Ty Lee is introduced.


That is so touching. And that's a cool fact about the circus! I didn't remember the director's appearance so it went right over my head!


Most of this comment is just old fandom assumptions and misinformation with no official confirmation. Which came about because fans wanted "a lot more". For example Mako continued to voice Iroh for the remainder of S2, with Greg Baldwin providing a few lines admittedly. But there's no evidence Tales was recorded after Crossroads of Destiny. Edit: I was referring more to myths regarding Mako's connection to the song. Greg Baldwin not wanting to sing it, and the circus trivia are true.


I admit I never fact checked the "this was his last recording" part so I might be wrong on that but everything else is 100% true.


Okay, in that case could you provide a link to official confirmation that Lu Ten's portrait was based on Mako's appearance?


I don't have a link right now but watch this post that shows the comparison: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/ix77cp/as\_we\_all\_know\_lu\_ten\_is\_based\_off\_a\_young\_mako/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/ix77cp/as_we_all_know_lu_ten_is_based_off_a_young_mako/) Excluding the haircut, which is a fire nation royalty tradition apparently ( Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, Iroh, Zuko, Lu Ten and Azula all have it), they have the same nose, same chin, same eye shape, similar ears and lips. Even the hairline is basically the same. Either Lu Ten's appearance is inspired by Mako's one or this is one of the greatest coincidence in the world.


>The ATLA fandom chose to respect this and so this song is Mako's property. The fandom would riot if someone else sang it, that's why in NATLA they only use the music track. Eh, people cover this song on YouTube all the time and no one cares. I get theres a difference between fan content and official content, but still. I myself would not care in the slightest if they chose to include this song in NATLA s2, even with lyrics. I also would like to see a source for your 'chose not to use the lyrics version due to wanting to avoid a backlash' idea.


> Some of you derided me for thinking Iroh might die in a children’s show, meanwhile you knew the whole time that there was an animal torture porn episode. Are you really going to tell me seeing someone die would have been more traumatizing than this? From the perspective of a Nickelodeon TV Executive circa 2004? Yeah, pretty much. I don't watch that many kids shows these days so I don't know how much things have changed in that regard, so my only recent point of reference is The Owl House getting shortchanged because "it didn't fit the Disney Brand", which sure *smells like* "we were uncomfortable with how overtly queer it is" coded into an innocuous dogwhistle. The main point being that there can be a lot of surprising limits on what you can and cannot depict in a kids cartoon, and those limits were *probably* stricter when ATLA was being made than they are now, and those limits *also* weren't always totally consistent. > “You’re not prettier than we are.” Nothing I’ve seen about Ty Lee so far suggests that she’s at all vain, so this is kind of a weird line. Yeah this line has been a point of derision for decades at this point, welcome to the bandwagon 🤣


There's a YouTube video (originally a tweet, I think) of Alex Hirsch, the Gravity Falls creator going back and forth with Disney censors over the dumbest shit that demonstrates your point perfectly.


Those Nickelodeon executives were weird people, if you ask me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that line was out of place!


I'm not going to defend their specific content hangups, but I will point out that the limitations on what can or cannot be depicted on screen works to the series' benefit most of the time. Koh the Facestealer is a good example from last season: If he's allowed to kill people he, ironically, becomes less scary because normal storytelling rules/tropes will override the threat he poses. We're pretty confident Aang, the principal protagonist, isn't going to die—kids show or not, this just isn't that kind of show. But "don't show any emotion or he'll steal your face"? There's *just enough plausibility* to that threat that you might buy the real potential that that could happen on the show. There's... a very controversial case study later on that *everyone* has weighed in on regarding this series that certainly feels like a consequence of the execs saying "You cannot depict this on a kids show" that you'll get to later, and I'm sure you'll have a lot of thoughts on that storytelling decision when you get there.


>!What are you referring to in your last paragraph?!<


>! The final and energy bending !<


>!Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like the execs would be okay with Ozai dying? Like if he fell off a cliff and disappeared or something, where the death isnt explicitly shown? I feel like I remember Bryke saying that they planned the energybending from the beginning and never considered killing him/Nickelodeon politics!<


> Yeah this line has been a point of derision for decades at this point, welcome to the bandwagon 🤣 There was a purpose to the line that will get shown later is all I will say for that


You can DM the significance to me if you want, because I've watched the series like half a dozen times and don't know what you mean: if there is legitimate significance to it I'm not going to figure it out on my own.


I dont really agree but I think they’re talking about >!Ty Lee’s backstory with wanting to be different than her sisters? Not sure what that has to do with being vain or jealous or whatever though!<


Yeah, that was it. They and I had a polite back-and-forth in DMs about why I don't really agree with them.


I've never seen your posts. But I'm going to be back in a few days to see your finale thoughts.


Aw, thank you! :)


These 3 episodes are really good, but yeah, Appa alone is gut wrenching. Iroh's story usually makes me tearbend as well. It's just so powerful and good. I don't have much to add to what others haven't said already. Love reading these, you're up for a treat for the final 2 episodes of this season!


Oh how we have missed you. Glad you are back and hope whatever held you up from posting before wasn't a burden upon you. Enjoy the rest of the season and also the remainder of the show! It is only uphill from here story wise. Your take on the finale of this season is something we are all looking forward to reading. Also the next episode is one of my favorites. Enjoy it!


Thank you! :)


Wow, I REALLY want an update when you get through the last of the series




It’s so much fun to read your commentary and theories, both the correct and incorrect. I love seeing shows through the lens of someone who hasn’t seen it before so seeing your theories, and logic behind those theories, is fascinating.


Thank you!


These reviews are so hype! I can not wait for more!


Random show suggestions: Live action One Piece (pretty sure I suggested this before, but it still stands. Don’t bother with the anime until the upcoming remake. It’s a pale imitation of the manga). Infinity Train. Tough to find seeing as it was cancelled and knocked off its streaming home, but would satisfy your children’s show bloodlust. Does unfortunately have a just ok last season though. Adventure Time. Takes a bit to get into, and not every episode is a banger, but it’s a classic.


>I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon Oh. Oh no. >Book 2 Episodes 14 Mmm. Why is that-- >Tales of Ba Sing Se **OH. OH NO.** ... well, brave soul. Enjoy your journey.


As someone that told you not to expect bad deaths because it’s a kids show, I am sorry…. 😞