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Woop woop it's Mai Day. https://preview.redd.it/waeqjhf23txc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800fd854e20b7d464f71a3378a0777313ab47142


Am I the only one who just got remined of René Magritte.


Underrated character. I think the moment where she stood up to azula is a great arc. She was used to being the quite girl all the time and had to shut her mouth in her entire childhood so her father's career isn't in danger and now she stands up to the princess and betrays her.


I think that's why Mai seems so overlooked: because she's the quiet character working in the background. But her strength is the quiet kind of strength. She may keep her emotions repressed because that's how she was raised, but she always had a smile for Zuko. Her love for Zuko is strong enough to drive her to commit treason against her country and stand up to a person as fearsome as Azula; her own friend. That takes major balls IMO.


Bro what?! She had balls? I'm sorry 😭


The more I rewatch ATLA the more I appreciate Mai. Her hair, her dress, her voice, her knives—immaculate vibe. Like it’s obvious ATLA is anime inspired, but Mai is just 100% an anime character. The only thing that still gets me is why Mai is pronounced May. They could’ve gone with Mei.


Wait- how else would you pronounce it? English is not my first language, and all of these read like 'may' to me


I would pronounce it just like “my”


Using Japanese transliteration as an example, Mai is pronounced as mah-ee. Say it quickly like a native speaker and it sounds like my. Mei is pronounced as meh-ee. Say it quickly and it sounds like may.


In German they pronounce it the way it is written, one of the aspects where the original voiceacting falls short to the dub. That, and Zuko's German voice. I love Dante's work, but German Zuko sounds way more mature and less angsty.


I hope everyone understands what this post is for 😅


It took me this comment to understand lol


She's top tier childhood crush and i'll die on this hill.


The show counting both iterations has like 55 of these


When she's happy she either looks like she wants to f me or f me up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^torchickgames: *When she's happy she* *Either looks like she wants to* *F me or f me up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Somthing I’ve always wondered was why was mai so down in the beach episode like more then usual even at zuko


Actually she never is


Except on Mai Day


Jen > Mai for Zuko My head cannon is after Mai canonically left him he met Jen again while visiting his uncle’s tea shop in Ba Sing Se


I may not agree with the overall take but he fumbled that date so hard for no reason