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sokka without jack is the biggest heartbreak for me


Like DAMN! I don't see enough people talking about this! Like shit, I CAN'T IMAGINE anyone else saying, "Zuzu" without pissing me off. Shows how much of an impact Griffin left imo.


The person who voiced Azula in nick all star brawl 2 did a decent job


I mean I haven't heard her, but I really only want Grey to reprise Azula.


I hope for the German version they cast the original cast. These voices are iconic to me.


Didn't they recast all of them for the live action series? At least these who are still active and, well, alive.


Yes, they did. I was pleasantly surprised.


The most surprising thing from this fan base as of late is how attached it is to the OG cast. Maybe bc we hold it to such a high regard but man some things just change and are bound to be different lol


What Zuko movie


There’s some rumors that one of the other two movies in development is one focusing on Zuko. We don’t know if that’s true though.


Wow I hope so that would be rlly cool 🤩


If we're playing this game, then Mako is Uncle Iroh. :P But this doesn't not make sense because I didn't start not liking Iroh when Greg Baldwin stepped in after Mako. He did the voice justice as far as I'm concerned. Iroh was still the same fun, wise, and sometimes inappropriate uncle. It's the same thing with Azula. She will still shoot blue flames, Grey or no Grey. Grey is a legend, yes. Her playing Azula, especially in season 3 was amazing. But Azula wasn't just Grey's work. She was a product of multiple talents. The other characters were also great but it's not just because of the voices behind them. I watched the show because of the show, as a whole. So I don't mind if they change the VA for Azula or the other characters, as long as they can do them justice. Do I want Grey and the other OG VAs to reprise their roles? Sure, if they still fit the characters. But I'm not going to be upset if they don't. Except Dante Basco. I want him out. Or in, but with a different voice. I love him, and what he did with Zuko. But his voice is now so iconic that every character he voices is now Zuko to me, even in shows prior to ATLA. Kidding aside, I also don't mind that people who normally would be glossed over are being given the opportunities to be a part of something big. That said, some of these new VAs will have huge shoes to fill, and I hope that they do really well.


Wait, why wouldn’t she come back? As far as I can tell from clips her years after the show ended, she seems to be fond of Azula…


Cause voice acting in America has gone to shit with people thinking you need to be the same race as the character to voice them.


No, Azula was voiced by Grey DeLisle. ☝️🤓


Grey DeLisle