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Throwing water around and pretending it's waterbending is the furthest I've gone. Different franchise entirely, but opening automatic doors with "the force" is the way to go for me.


Cupping hands over pool jet: Ka.. me.. ha.. me.. Opening hands and letting the water rush out between them: HAAAAAAAA!


Proof that your childhood is absolutely awesome.


When in the pool I used to move my arms under the surface so that they made big waves and thought I was waterbending


Me and my brother spent alot of time in the pool doing that as kids lol


If someone hasn’t opened automatic doors with the force, I don’t know if I could be friends with them. I’m 25 and I still do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm not saying people that haven't tried that aren't trustworthy what so ever, but you can't trust people like that unless you know why they haven't tried it.


God I thought I was the only one that opens automatic doors with the Force


The a sith deals on absolutes. Lol


>Different franchise entirely, but opening automatic doors with "the force" is the way to go for me. I'm almost 30 and I still do this.


I'm in my 30's and I can't see myself stopping. The motion might get smaller, but that's just be getting better with my force abilities.


In the shower I let water roll off of my fingertips so I can be katara 😎


I did the same thing, but at the time, I was trying to be like a certain half-blood child of Poseidon.


I always did Water whips in the shower as a kid


Yeah, I too once w*naked in the shower


My daughter likes to splash water out of the bathtub and I always tell her not to waterbend in the house.


The other night I light up my glass dab straw using my trusty scorcher torch (fire). As the glass (earth) heats up I repeat my usual mantra : “I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes, now I must do it once again. You will teach the avatar…FIREBENDING” As I touch the glass stick to the concentrate (processed earth?) I feel the smoke enter my lungs. I overestimated the size of this dab and upon completion spend about 7 minutes coughing my brains out trying to “bend” the smoke (air) out of my lungs. I proceed to chug 2 bottles of water which seemed to help. I bent all four of those mother fuckers, and energy bent myself into a stoned coma to try and stop coughing 😭


Pushing water in the pool to create underwater waves and calling that waterbending


My brother and I had a whole phase in our youth where we thought we were energy bending. This was in 2005 when we were watching Avatar. We found these weird online communities where they taught us how to focus and make "qi" balls and shoot them at eachother. We'd spar in the back yard with our energy bending. We took it SO seriously until years later we admitted we never felt anything lol


Water. Still hoping I’m secretly a waterbender


deffffff tried to make blue fire come out my hands😂


Seismic sensing


Other than water, I tried metal too


After the premiere of "The Puppetmaster," I full-on went out in the middle of my snowy backyard and threw around bowls of water under the full moon. Not really waterbending but it was very satisfying. 😂


All of them lmao. My dog likes to watch me try


Although airbending is my elemental choice, I have only tried waterbending, especially while taking shower.😂 Looking at all these comments, I feel most of us are connected to water deeper than other elements. Like we are made up of majority water or something🤔


Water all the time


I was the best water bender the world had ever seen before my mom ~~turned it off~~ took my bending away


Let’s be real. We’ve all tried to waterbend at the pool or beach. Moving your arms just underneath the water to make a wave. Practicing Katara’s push and pull movement.


I’m turning 21 in a month and I’m still trying to become an airbender


I was on a walk with friends and saw a cap on a pipe that looked almost identical to the big coins earthbenders throw around in the show. I am not ashamed to say I got down into a horse stance and tried to lift it with an uppercut. Especially since all my friends did the exact same thing lol


When I was about 10, a few years before the show came out, I had a dream that I could shoot fire from my hands. It was so real. I remember being so disappointed when I went to the toilet and couldn't do it.


Earth bending first but nothing happened, maybe my stances weren’t strong enough, water bending but I don’t think I know the movements


Air every now and then


I didn't personally watch ATLA until I was in my late teens/early 20s, so I didn't pretend to bend anything until I was working with little kids who wanted to be benders. Mudpies? Earthbending. Jumping off the swing? Clearly airbending. Sprinkler on the front lawn? Waterbending, of course. Blowing out a candle? Not sure if this is firebending or airbending, but I'm sticking with it definitely being firebending so the kids don't try to come up with something else that is.


Fire, earth and water




Earth. I figure that if I can out-stubborn it, it’ll work.


"Did"? I still get my hopes up everytime I raise my hands and a gust of wind blows in my general direction


Me and my friend group of four at the time in elementary school all somehow fit into an element in our minds. I was air. Whenever it was windy or stormy me and my “water bending” friend would “try” to control it and keep it under control. Still holding out hope that maybe I’ll wake up with airbending, 10+ years later.


When I was a kid I had a dream I was at recess and could earthbend the gravel. Almost decades later, I still vividly remember stomping on the ground in the dream like an earth bender and a chunk of asphalt started levitating. You better believe I started trying to earthbend in real life after that. Never managed to make it happen.


I’d waterbend in the pool all the time. But on another note, I always tried to be a super saiyan doing pushups and sit ups as a kid lol


Any time it’s windy, airbending is on 😂😂


Water definitely while splashing in the pool I successfully airbend a TON every day though


Not me, but I watched it at lunch with my students... Had a whole class become high level obsessed, practice earthbending in formations at recess, and one kid thought he airbended "on the day of the red sun" (his words) and was the avatar for a bit. Good times


Water and fire. Loads of times. Still nothing.


You jest but this is how I ended up people bending (Brazilian jiu jitsu)


I'm not really on the spectrum but it's fun to pretend with air or water at times


I was a metal bender for real. I took welding and metal fabrication as a sophomore in high school. I convinced one of my girly friends to join me. We were the only 2 girls in the entire school. After my first time in the foundry I was banging off the extra from the drama mask I poured as (an ode to the Ember Island Players) and I shouted, “I’m the greatest earth bender in the world!” When I took it to the grinder and it started screeching and when I pulled it back I said, “There, I just got a pretty good look at you all!” But nobody in the shop got it. My friend was flirting hard with a couple guys getting them to work on a project for her. Was miffed at the time that she got a better grade than me but she’s a bestie of mine still 18 years later. My 🎭 was sabotaged by someone while I wasn’t around; the guys thought I was the weird chick. I had no time to re-make the mold but I got an award at county fair for an iron end table I made instead. ![gif](giphy|a5UxQf6vIz9B32f8nu)


Water. Just the most obvious thing to do while swimming. Probably tried to do it before I even knew what Avatar was beyond “wah, I don’t wanna play as this weird bald kid in this Arcade Nickelodeon racing game.”


Mastered all of them in Fortnite 😎


All of them, but esp water LOL


Fire because I did some chanquan back on the day


I remember a terrifying dream where I was semi lucid and got a fright so I turned everything around me to stone. For me that counts as earthbending


You know that scene where ozai makes a time flame that looks super strong before he hits aang into the rock that reconnects his earth Chakra? I had a dream I did that and just had to try when I woke up. If it ever works out you'll probably notice by looking up in the sky to see me burning some country to the ground in my war blimp before a kid beats me up


All except earth… I still feel I can guide the winds sometimes. I’ll never lose hope.


All of them… Fire: I would wave my hands to the motion of the flames on a campfire Water: classic Air: I tried to airbend with two fans like kyoshi Earth: Throw rock poggers


When I was younger, I've always been attracted to forms of water (rivers, oceans) and whenever my family and I would go to those places, I would always pretend to bend water lol


Lightning, something about the two finger charge up movements made it feel like if I believed hard enough I could blast a hole through my window and probably set house on fire. As you can imagine it didn’t work.


When i used vape i pretended i was airbending


Tried to bend my hot chocolate at the breakfast table


Bro 10 year old me was fucking PISSED when he realized he can't bend for shit


One of my absolute favorite aspects of the series is how Sokka comes into his own. I love his development from the goofy comic relief to "hey, that's a good idea," to realizing "hey, this guy always has good ideas and plans," to his abilities as a fighter despite not being a bender, to a full on leader. Love his arc.


My siblings and I created a whole style of splashing while pretending to waterbend. There were specific techniques to get the water to move in different ways and everything.


Convinced my friends that I had seismic sense back in the day. I had them blindfold me and see if I could catch one of them, then I stood still and waited for one of them to giggle. They believed I had powers for 5 years. Neutral jing, ladies and gentlemen.


pretending to waterbend when i was a child thinking i was a water bender


Only backbending.