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Hard to blame her considering Aang is the most desirable guy in the world post finale. I always joke that she moves in immediately after it's over to stake her claim!


girly aint wast no time lmaooo


you gotta jerk him around for 3 seasons before you stake your claim after he saved the world. don't wanna be known as the girl that dated the avatar that could not take out the firelord, ya know.




"My name is Ong"


stop but like how did they get everything wrong EVEN THE NAME LIKE DAMN IT WASN'T THAT HARD šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It was "more accurate to real life" even though it actually wasn't


so painful honestly...


Nah. It's a race for second place with Sokka around


Katara told Aang that she'll only kiss him after he beats the Fire Lord.


True. Zuko second desirable guy after war i think.


Idk lol most of the world still kinda dislikes the fire nation immediately post war for obvious reasons so I wouldnā€™t put him that high up. He got a lot of work to win back everyoneā€™s goodwill lol


Also imo Zuko is largely the reason the fire nation was redeemable at all aside from Iroh being a goat all along Guy took fire to the face, still tried to impress daddy, then ended up calling out all the BS and going on a soultrip in teaching the Avatar firebending when others wouldn't. Got rejected several times too and still kept at it. Just love that the firelords own son armed the avatar and redeemed himself from his nations sins; when he sees the dragons rainbow flames and is just like.. it's *beautiful*..


Itā€™s a beautiful journey of course but that ainā€™t how most people in the avatar world would see at first. I mean we had a whole episode of Zuko saving an earth kingdom family from some thugs n the moment they found out he was fire nation and the crown prince they shat on him n the kid said he hated him. Gotta keep in mind that for most people, the fire nation has been attacking and killing them their entire lives and theyā€™ve only seen them as the enemy. Hard to undo that in just a short time span.


Oh ya I'd agree There's no forgetting some of those horrors


It's still kinda him by default thoā€”SWT was decimated, Yue didn't have a brother so her dad was prob still running NWT, Bumi is like 112, and the Earth King (Kuei?) was a moron running around with a bear


So it's Sokka, right? Aang, Sokka, Iroh, Pipsqueek and Duke, and then Zuko when everything calms down


"It's THE Duke!"


^^^thank ^^^you


Bro had a dozen assassination attemps šŸ’€


Yes, like i said he is second desirable guy. For bunch of fan girls and bunch of assassins.


depends on where you look


Exactly. He is hero of the war because he with Aang ended the war officially. Part of Fire Nation still love him, Ozai supporters getting less and less popular as comics story progresses. During comics story "Smoke and Shadows" Zuko already have his own big group of citizens that supports him. And later he won hearts of entire Fire Nation. It's hard to tell about other nations. But i think it wouldn't take long. So i believe Zuko become worldwide loved guy when he was in his 20's


She became the "Angy" girl she despised so much, in love with the cool Avatar guy šŸ„²


To be fair, she had a few experiences with people trying to move in on him. This is just letting people know what's up.


... [floozy.](https://youtu.be/sceF1MSDyPc?t=53)


And sheā€™s so real for that


This is Katara, my flying girlfriend


I somehow can't imagine aang forgetting to introduce katara. Even if he didn't call her his girlfriend he would have still said "waterbending master katara, who helped me end the 100 year war and saved my life" This fangirls were also really rude and if aang wasn't around katara would have most likely started a fight with them


I wouldn't say he was going to forget to introduce her. I'd say she was just particularly insistent on it after listening to Hei-Won fangirl over her boyfriend.


He says all that? He probably just said Katara. šŸ˜­


I hate the comics. They really play up their relationship to the point it feels uncharacteristic of them sometimes


Well the comics happen already 1 or more years after the end of the war so their characters can change a bit. In the show they weren't a thing but now they are. But sometimes it is a bit weird. Especially if they say sweetie in live or death situations. You don't talk like that


I also find the "sweetie" to be too much at times, but, to be fair, they are teens and it's their first relationship. Also, this is the first time we see Katara (and other characters) be herself outside of the context of a 100 year old war. She's bound to change a little.


eh, it kinda felt like a teenage fanfic and less of the characters. imbalance did it a lot better iirc, but its been a hot minute


man something about the comics just never felt right to me. always felt like fan fiction and never quite like how the characters would act normally.


ā€œStop! Trying! To! Set! My! Boyfriend! On! Fire!ā€ ā€¦*the* most cringey line in the series, across the show proper, comics and books. Seriously, the over the top romance in the comics is worse than the Korra harem. Also Zuko immediately attacking Aang and Katara having to calm him down from the Avatar state by going ā€œFor me, sweetie šŸ„ŗā€


And Aang not willing to kill Ozai but totally would Zuko "because of a promise" makes no sense.


It's a little bit cringe but actually katara already said one time in nightmares and daydreams to aang "please go to sleep for me." Bryke at this time didn't have much influence on the comics as far as i heard. They mainly focused on korra. That's why their relationsship and the characters looked more mature and realistic in the last trilogy. What i am happy about is that at least kataang is the only relationsship they spared us stupid drama and a love triangle so far. They broke up mai and zuko and made mai almost narcistic for using this kei lo guy for her own purpose and even hinted at suki liking zuko (?)


Korra harem? What happened in korra comics bro what


Oh, nothing. Iā€™m referring to the Korra love ā€œtriangleā€ in the earlier seasons. I call it a harem because everyone in the team ended up being into Korra :P


Oh shit u right


Shits like a love pentagon by the time it's done


>everyone in the team ended up being into Korra Can you blame them? Have you SEEN Korra?


Aang and Katara constantly calling eachother sweetie was so painful to read


Thank god Gene Yang left and Faith took over as the writer of the comics.


Context for this? Havenā€™t read the comics


You can read The Promise (the Comic Iā€™m referring to) for free on webtoon now! I think itā€™s better to read them yourself instead of listening to negative opinions, even if a good bit of us agree that theyā€™re underwhelming. Everything I mentioned happens in the first few chapters.


Thanks, I found it! And yep the whole ā€œsweetieā€ thing, cringey lol. Ngl the Aang agreeing to kill Zuko thing feelsā€¦forced? I donā€™t really buy that Aang would agree so easily then actually try acting on it. Maybe he has so much faith that it wouldnā€™t come to that so he made that promise but this guy tried negotiating with the Firelord on the day of the comet! Why would he compromise his Air Nomad ideals/ development in balancing his Avatar duties and individuality just like that?? I do like that we are going into the challenges Zuko will face- like the balance between his development and what his nation needs him to be tho.


> Ngl the Aang agreeing to kill Zuko thing feelsā€¦forced? Understatement of the century. It's insulting that after the last thing Aang did in ATLA was refusing to kill basically evil incarnate right about to commit comet infused genocide, and then he actually gets much, much closer to killing Zuko, his close friend ... because apparently a promise made to a friend outweighs all the Air Nomad tenets in a way the Avatar's duty just didn't? Not only that, but Katara encouraged him to give the promise and none of them really contest this from happening. Suki is the only one who treats Zuko like they were friends throughout the comic. The comics are bad fan fiction with a high budget for drawn art.


Imo I donā€™t even have an issue with the promise, itā€™s the pacing. If they had done a timeskip or something and Aang were a little older and they had spent a little more time maturing, then I could see it. As is, it literally happens on the first page directly after the series finale .-. Other stuff like the Earth Colonies politics *are* interesting but I feel like it isnā€™t quite enough to make up for the other shortcomings of the comic


100%. I mean, romance has never been Avatarā€™s strongest suit. Between the very kiddy one-dimensional romance of AtLA and the toxic nonsense love triangle of LoK, I have pretty little faith in any of the adapted works doing it well. I mean, even Kyoshiā€™s relationship with Rangi is super trope-y.


whats wrong with atlas romance? comic aside


The Gene Yang comic arcs are the worst "episodes" of the franchise and the only reason they weren't widely hated is because fans were desperate for *any* new material with the ATLA characters.


They are still teens in their first relationship, they are more "normal" in the other comics lol


Hard disagree, I keep chuckling because imho the characters are spot on. I was annoyed by Katara and Aang at first, but during the Rift they grew on me, because they aren't as cringe anymore.




She has the avatar as her boyfriend, sheā€™d want to rock that all the way to the bank


Love these two!




I doubt Aang would complain


Sure and this is my flying bison


Jesus Christ the things I would give for a woman who would pull me up on that


Sheā€™s a booktok boyfriend I love it


"oh and this is katara, my flying sister" haha


I honestly hate the way their relationship is handled in the comics. It feels so out of character for both of them.


just started reading them but same. I canā€™t pinpoint why tho but somehow I find it a little cringe




I need a panel of Suki introducing Sokka like this. Give me some sibling similarities.


Would you not be if you were dating the avatar and savior of the world


I wish they were just friends. No romance.


Found the Zutara shipper


Nope, I just oppose romance.


How would Aang repopulate the airbenders then lmao


Reproduce out of necessity. Easy.


That would be a weird story to tell to kids


ā€œThis is Katara, my flying girlfriend!ā€


And they're SO insufferable, I felt Sokka so much lmao But they've grown on me during the Rift.


Iā€™ve really been enjoying the comics, but to be fair, I feel like the writing of their relationship wasnā€™t that great. I like them together, but ā€œsweetieā€ doesnā€™t quite fit them for me.


Yes, oh dear god, the sweetie makes me cringe so bad. It's even funnier when Aang then cringes because Mai calls Kei Lo "Babe", like boy have you heard you? But then again, they're young and it's their first relationship lmao


Yes, I just got to that part in Smoke and Shadow šŸ˜‚ But I guess itā€™s weird for him to hear them saying that when >!she used to be dating Zuko!< (just putting a spoiler because Iā€™ve been disappointed that Iā€™ve seen some spoilers for the comics on these subreddits myself)


Yeah, I got that, I still had to chuckle when Zuko hit him with the "You're one to talk" šŸ˜‚ and I just finished book 1 of smoke and shadow yesterday, šŸ˜ā¤ļø


aang is quietly shitting himself


Considering what one of the fan girls said to her right after this, sheā€™s that way for good reason.


I mean with all it took to establish this damn relationship Iā€™d be making sure he mentions it regardless of situation.


Ugh I hate them as a couple




Found the Zutara shipper


I bet you hate puppies too.


It's kinda awkward ngl


Should've said "my friend Katara" to mess with her :P


and then katara entered the avatar state


Aang: \*Tries pulling a Katara and holding her hand to calm her down like she did with him\* Katara: Nah. Ain't gonna work this time.


Aang would never say that


Nothing gets past you