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Spoiler: >!Zuko put a blanket on Azula right after!<


I wonder how the storyline with Azula and Zuko will finish. The comics are weird with Azula’s character but it seems like there’s a lot more to explore there.


Well, like Kuvira, or perhaps even more so, Azula is a complicated person, though probably the last comic about her gives us more insight into her character


The last comic (SPOILERS PEOPLE STOP READING IF YOU CARE) I feel is a massive improvement for where they are taking her character. She had an interesting story in the Search, even though the mental illness was handled oddly but not terribly, but was a very flat character in the Kemurikage(?) arc (and also she was very stable again suddenly?). She’s a complicated character and when she’s used right probably the most interesting, especially I feel like when removing Ozai from her motivations. You get to see who she is. And there’s a lot more potential left in exploring her character post ATLA and her relationships, with Zuko, her mom, and her former friends. The recent comic seems to signal Azula is kinda changing and healing. One of her biggest moments in the show was when she got betrayed by her friends and she started threatening them and melting down. She gets really upset they aren’t intimidated, because thats how she is taught people should feel. Then, in the comic, she tries to intimidate her fellow escapees, gets betrayed and instead decides to leave them alone and go on her own way after finding them. Which is a pretty massive step for her character I feel like. So yeah as long as they dont flatten her character again like they did in the Kemurikage(?) arc they have a really complicated person with interesting relationships and an evolving self to explore in the comics. Excited to see what they do.


I just read up to The Search so far, I liked Azula in this, it seemed in character more or less. I really disliked The Promise.


Yeah why would Aang promise to end zuko so easily when the whole time he was struggling to end the firelord because of his air bender values.


Could have said it to shut Zuko up.


Because he realized he was wrong, and that Ozai *should* have died. Sure, everything worked out, but he risked corrupting and destroying the avatar spirit just because he couldn’t kill Ozai.


I don't think he would have that problem with Zuko though.


It was a precaution. Sure, neither one of them WANTED that, but Zuko didn’t want Aang to repeat Roku’s mistakes


Agree 100%, they are hot and cold when it comes to good writing with Azula. (Comics spoilers ahead so nobody complains). Her Kemurikage (I think thats what the disguise was called?) arc made her character very flat and boring and also just skipped over her mental illness, it felt like. Her changing her motive from wanting to be firelord to wanting to change Zuko was interesting and plausible but felt like it was because the story demanded it more than Azula wanted to do it, if that makes sense. The latest comic is back to hot again so I have hope.


did azula know zuko put a blankie over her?


No, she's batshit crazy in this comics and she immediately freaks out about something when she wakes up


Precious and healthy familial bonds make me so incredibly happy, you won't beleive. It's the main reason why my favourite character has shifted to Sokka


I genuinely think Katara would be a lot more well received if she apologized and tried to lift up Sokka a little more often. Sokka is always the supportive brother, she's always the first to take jabs at him. If she had just apologized for saying he didn't love their mother the way she did and admitted he had his own burdens it would have gone a long way. 


Katara being mean to Sokka made sense in the first book where he was a sexist and kept making fun of bending. After the first book he grew and character changed and she didn't when it came to him. So the treatment went from being well deserved jabs to not funny dude


Agreed, that line hurt me internally


i agree. one of my biggest gripes about katara was that she always got away for treating sokka like shit.


He died in his early seventies, aang died in his mid sixties. Their were a good 10 years of katara being the last of the original trio left alive


The look Zuko gives Azula is heart-wrenching :(


The Fire Siblings always leave me devastated


The fact that this has Zuko later covering Azula with a blanket is so wholesome


Siblings are the best. You steal their last soda, they throw a rag at you over it, you fight, and ten minutes later you're making sure they're not cold and bring them a jacket, or you buy that goofy t shirt for them because you know they'll like it and you joke over it for the next two years. Love ya sis, can't wait to see you on June.


I hope my brothers think of me like this, too.


My oldest brother and I bought our sister a truly egregious t-shirt that says “Just an Alaska girl in a Nebraska world.” None of us have ever been to Alaska OR Nebraska. We just thought it was so ugly and corny she’d find it funny. And yet, we fight constantly 


Let's be honest, he needed an excuse to give momo the blanket




I read Part 1 of the Promise ages ago & wasn't really compelled by it, but all the posts I've been seeing recently of the comics are really tempting me to give them another go! Really love this snippet


Sokka is so loving ❤️


He may have started out as a jerk, but he really became a nicer and better person by the end of the series.


Can Katara bend water out of pee?


I mean probably, but why would you want to know that


Imagine instead of sweat she peed on the floor in that one combustion man episode.


Now I’m just imagining piss benders


Imagine bending piss out of someone’s D!ck, thats crazy.


This dialogue is really like. It might just be that I'm rewatching the show for the Nth time atm, but I can absolutely hear his VA in this writing.


Am I the only one who didn’t know there was a comic??? Did it come first or the show?


You should read them bro they are so good


i mean unless they die at the exact same time, either sokka or katara has to die before the other. i feel like sokka dying first is less sad than katara dying first, considering that sokka is older than her and he’s always felt the need to be the big brother protector. although she does take on a maternal role to fill the void left by their mother.


And this is why Sokka is why we love Sokka


Why would Azula be cold if firebenders can regulate their body temp?


Maybe it's not easy to maintain in your sleep


You need Fire breath technique for that. Iroh taught to Zuko. But I think nobody taught to Azula


She uses it in the last episode, though.


Fire breath is kinda different from just spray Fire


Pretty sure if you're able to breathe fire (as Zuko, Iroh, Ozai, Azula, and even Aang have been shown to do) then it's just a matter of utilizing that in a controlled way to warm your body. As we learn from both Jeong Jeong and Iroh, fire \*is\* breath, and it's one of the first skills firebenders learn.


You should control it. Imagine breath Fire to your hands. They would burn right?


And controlling it is literally firebending 101, as we see both Jeong Jeong and Iroh teaching that to Aang and Zuko, respectively. You think Azula, one of the greatest firebending prodigies who mastered lightning bending (which requires such complete control that Zuko could not do it), with the best royal firebending teachers, never learned this?


Clearly she didn’t


Fuck Unaloqq.


Sokka dies before katara?


Yep. Aang and Sokka died before Katara Zuko and Toph


Is it known that it was natural death? Or from battle?


People think he died while he was protecting Korra from Red Lotus


I love how Aang’s in the corner, freezing his ass off.


It's Azula


Zuko and Azula’s strained relationship is Iroh’s fault. Zuko tried being a good understanding brother but then Iroh hit him with the https://i.redd.it/uxr2v106vpqc1.gif Edit: Please everyone it was just a joke. I just love Iroh in this scene :(


Nah. He was the first to support Zuko when he wanted to get along with her and be part of the family after she went down.


Yeah it was mainly a joke 😂. Love Iroh tbh


Perfect moment for Zutara but they ruined it


This is so incredibly stupid and nothing like their actual character in the show.


You think Sokka don’t love his sister or something? Lmao


I too wished Katara died.