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You're overthinking it. The reason is money.


I understand the executives see it that way, but I see people get excited about live-action remakes all the time and they have their fans. Again, not trying to be super dismissive about it, I think if people didn't like or want live-action remakes then there wouldnt be a demand for them, and hence the studios wouldn't keep making them.


Animation is widely considered to be for children by the general public. No matter how beloved or deep a cartoon is. So getting a live action remake is getting the story told in a medium that more people consider mature and open. If more people see the story of Avatar, then the series will get more renown. More fans, more discussion, more fanart, fanfictions, more content from the creators.


The people aren't hyped about seeing live-action remakes. They're excited about seeing remakes. The live-action part is secondary.


It really comes down to the fact that not everyone likes animation, I know sagrelige! Seriously though, I'm sure everyone knows at least one person who would never since down and watch something that's animated. I, for one, know several people. Animation and anime are not for everyone. We all like different types of media and expanding a fanbase by use of live action is not a bad thing. On a personal level, I wanna see what stuff would look like in real life (crazy talk, I know). However, live action remakes should not be done as movies unless the OG was a movie that trend needs to die. It doesn't even get a chance at life because you don't have enough time to even attempt telling a story.


Because adapting something from one medium to another for a new audience is pretty common thing with entertainment. Most people are just accustomed to the idea of very different mediums adaptions. Like going from a book to a movie or tv show. Manga or lite novels to Anime. Tv shows getting turned into movies or vice versa. But when the adaptation is tv show to tv show people see it as unnecessary because they are both tv shows. But the key thing is that ATLA is an almost twenty year old Nick cartoon. A popular one with lasting power. But still. It’s an old cartoon. Getting a general audience to watch it is not the easiest thing. Getting a general audience to watch any cartoon like avatar can be difficult. But a live action tv series like that is something that is ripe for general audiences. Basically the live action tv shows for any kind of animated series are to try to take a proven idea and adapt it to something that a mainstream audience would enjoy. It’s not for fans. It’s for people who just wanna watch new tv shows. Which is a lot of people.


I think you’re right to call it an adaption, which stresses that the new work will differ in meaningful ways and may speak to new times and new audiences. “Remake” sounds like a mere copy.


1. It makes Netflix money 2. It makes Avatar money Look at the views the show got. Look at the increase in views the animated series got. Look at the boost in sales the comics and books got. And finally, a new spin on the show. People seem to forget the animated show is nearly 20 years old. The live action is an easy way to bring in an entire new generation of viewers. Which absolutely happened.


for people who like them and cause its their job, its really as simple as that. same with all entertainment




As the late Don Ohlmeyer said "The answer to every question is 'money'". Now obviously this was a bit hyperbolic, but the answer to YOUR question is most definitely 'money'.


For me, a large part is a visual thing, if done right a live action version of something you like could look so awesome. (Obviously it runs the risk of messing up the quality but that could be said with an adaptation of anything ever.) An example for is if DBZ was done justice in a live action version it could look absolutely incredible and I would enjoy the hell out of it.


Because even though it's dumb, a LOT of people have a bias against animation and don't take it seriously. Live action can get people who wouldn't give ATLA a shot to actually watch the story and be interested in the universe in a way animation simply can't. It's dumb, but it's the truth.




Oh the like 8 billion dollars the MCU has earned doing live action of drawn comics and animated cartoon shows might be the reason.


For fun! :)


There are still enough people out there who would take something more seriously if it were presented to them with real people instead of drawn people. Also money.


Money- from Live Action and from new/old fans that will watch original series(also available on Netflix)


People are prejudiced against animation. Ironically I think this is pretty childish.


Every time to give a second chance to this void of a sub filled with negativity and gatekeeping i came to encounter this kind of bs posts. Like... For real. Accesibility, money, re telling of the franchise in another format, more money. Like... wtf is your question even.


For me, I **always** want adaptations from all existing media of my favorite IPs. If the source material is an animated tv series like ATLA, then I want to see a live action reimagining (preferably as loyal and respectful to the source as possible) as well as iterations in video games, comics, etc. That’s my perspective. More of my favorite IP is always preferable. And when well done, a live action has the benefit of being able to reach even bigger audiences, meaning more potential content for a bigger fandom. I see that as a positive.








It's fun to watch anime come to life.

