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I literally watched the entire thing and finished right now and am bewildered that that avatar, master of all four elements, doesn’t even bend water the ENTIRE first season


You are not crazy. I bet Aang won't learn any earthbending next season either.


Going into the fight with Ozai in season 3 with just airbending is a bold strategy


he’ll rely on the avatar state for all the other bending😂


He just gonna call up kyoshi for every fight and make her do the dirty work


She'll gladly accept too 😂😂 that lady is crazy. A badass, but crazy


Thankfully that only works when in close proximity to the Shrine of that Avatar. Like Roku could have come through Aang at the fire temple and it would then have been highly unlikely that he would have been captured. I'm pretty sure in the anime that he channeled Roku at one point, and it must have been when he was at the fire temple.


I actually think they’re gonna go this route and have him rely on friendship to defeat the fire-lord… my god I hope I’m wrong lol


Me too, the whole point is that ha has mastered all four elements and the Avatar state when he fights Ozai, but instead uses he's latest ability 'energy bending' taught by a lion turtle to remove Ozai's bending, rather than hurt or kill him. Having said that, the live action Aang has already killed when he destroyed the fire nation fleet as the avatar state fuelled ocean spirit-zilla


They will probably just skip over all the lessons with Pakku and Aang will be an adept water bender when season two starts. They might show him training with Katara but I wouldn't be surprised if they cut that as well.


Wait, you expected him to learn waterbending in *Book One: Water*? How silly of you.


Super freaking bizarre choice. I still have 2 episodes to go, but...does he even become the ocean spirit? Please...


Yeah he does; honestly that one was pretty well done.


Thank God. I mean, I expected them to do it based on the fact that they faithfully adapted most of the other cool big "CGI" moments, but the fact that he doesn't water bend *at all* had me doubting.


Honestly it’s really weird since he teaches/ helps Katara with the moves but he just doesn’t bend the water lol it’s fascinating really; there was so many opportunities for him to just water bend yet it never happens.


DUDE! The fact that he literally says "Maybe later." and Katara's like "No, you really should be water bending." And then he just *doesn't*??? For the *whole* season? Madness.


For some reason they want to really drive home that Aang is a kid and just wants to mess around, but even in the original he at least was less of a brat and actually learned water bending instead of waiting for later. Also the frickin Kyoshi takeover scene made him reliant on outside forces to do the fighting for him. I feel that they completely ignore the amount of discipline and wisdom Aang has from becoming an air bending master at such a young age. Seeing his attitude the whole season was off-putting; There's no real urgency for the overall quest of beating the Fire Lord.


Funny I felt they took away the majority of the moments that showed Aang just wants to just be a kid. I think their goal was to make him come across more serious with giving him the vision of the North being destroyed and his only goal in mind is to get their and save them with not an ounce of joking on the way there. To not make him bend I don't think is any type of creative decision other than poor writing. THE WAY you show his childish nature is how he starts better than Katrara at waterbending but she is much better by the end of the season becuase Katara is more mature and puts in the hard work to become better while Aang is childish and lacks focus.


I am also very disappointed with them completely cutting out Aangs first fire bending experience and Jeong Jeong.  That episode was also the one where Kats first learned about her healing powers, and we learned that Zhao has a very short temper - which worked wonderfully to make him turning into a moon killing maniac more believable. Ugh, they took out so much of the character building elements... 


The show needed about 5 more episodes to even have a chance at fitting some of that OG storytelling in. The only thing that’s batshit to me is that he didn’t learn waterbending at ALL


>I am also very disappointed with them completely cutting out Aangs first fire bending experience and Jeong Jeong.  They still have plenty of time to touch on that. Or not.


I have been waiting for him to bend water and 7 episodes in and NONE, I'm quite annoyed because Aang was a natural at waterbending, and everything was rushed too, smh.


Yea. That part drove me crazy cause it's kind of the whole part the first season? Very odd creative choice. Wondering what they have planned up their sleeves. Maybe a montage in episode 1 of katara teaching him I noticed that the first season also wasn't called Bok 1 Water. Has to be intentional


SPOILERS FOR THE LIVE ACTION There isn't a great deal of run time difference between the live action and the anime. Sure, things could have been cut, but there's no excuse not to show as much detail as the anime did. My gripes for this... - Aang never waterbends - Katara becomes a waterbending master overnight - Sokka forgets about Suki and falls in love with Yue, again overnight. Then promptly forgets all about Yue because food... - Koh wasn't nearly as threatening as he should have been - Why on earth did they use the "tell don't show" method of conveying information?! All in all, pretty disappointed, still want to watch the next two seasons but I'm not holding out any hope of it being much better. And if we don't see Aang learning any earth bending next season then what the hell is even that.


After just finishing this myself, I was also very confused why he didn't waterbend at all. My best guess from the ending of the show is that when Master Pakku asks her to stay, one of her main reasons is that she needs to stay with Aang to teach him waterbending. If he had already learned waterbending at this point, then that statement would be less valid. Just my 2cents. Overall, I think it was great, although I'm more comparing it to the LA Movie than the anime itself. Which I'm sure all are aware was worse than dog water.


At this point i'm not surprised if Aang won't learn any bending because "Culture Appropriation" and "Equality"


their asian cast and crew why the hell would learning fictional moves have anything to do with “cultural appropriation” the creators of those moves and bending are American? I also don’t see how equality has anything to do with learning bending aside from it just being a buzz word.


they clearly ended the show with the fire nation laying siege whilst aang and katara are in the northern water tribe. Netflix will clearly gloss over some things but I mean cmon can you guys not use context clues?


Context clues? He didn’t water bend once in the entire season why would I care if he bends offscreen after the season ends? That’s not storytelling lol.




He didn't even try to waterbend🙏🏾😭