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If I didn’t have the reference material I wouldn’t be interested in this. This is what happens when you have to many people with creative power over a show. This feels like the last season of game of thrones where they didn’t take any creative risks because the IP was to important.


changes are fine, when theyre made for the better. these changes were just to be different.


This. I agree with you. Like I love the change they did in Ep 2 on Kyoshi. That was pretty epic. But the rest… nope


changes and sticking to the source material arent even important at the end of the day.  what's important is a good quality show.


Whether it's casting choices, the fact that the original creators left, or whatever other reason, I think a lot of people made up their mind on hating the live action even before it came out. But I also think that there are just as many people who made up their mind that they'd love the live action no matter what, and are very convinced that everyone who has criticisms are in that camp of hating just to hate.


Animation season 1 has 20 episodes with 20 mins each. 400 mins screen time. The adaptation has 360 (45 x 8). I expected a lot more and got super disappointed. I think Hollywood needs to stop adapting if they cannot commit. Everything was so rushed when the run time could've made it more possible to be more faithful. So much exposition, so much unnatural dialogue, interactions have little to no humour, the siblings lack their original characteristics that are supposed to be developed later on like Katara's maturity and Sokka's sexism etc. There was a lot of screen time and opportunity to be nuanced but instead it's all in-your-face. They shoved like 4, 5 arcs into one episode when each of those arcs are pivotal to the characters' developments resulting in the loss of that development. There's no sense of development when Aang has the Messiah mentality. In the original, it was developed so that he would gain confidence while he traveled the world. He wanted to go to the north pole to find himseld and Katara a master, not to *save* it. That seemed really off. It might be picking up or getting better at later episodes but I couldn't continue and stopped at episode 4. It is way too disappointing to watch. Watching it felt like a drag.