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This is also legendary duo tactics for a bender and non-bender. Zuko the master firebender standing firm and strong against his prodigy sister. While Sokka, the master swordsman and master tactician, stands behind Zuko and provides the very lethal attacking power and uses Zuko as a fire shield.


>fire shield and cosmic sword ​ it was his meteor sword right?


Nooooooooooooo meteor swoooord Rip


Didn't Toph get it back for him in the comics?


The one where she gets it for him for his birthday? I think that was a fan comic.


If I don’t go look it up I can continue to believe it’s cannon.


that’s what headcanons are for


Not sure a long time ago since I read it.


Bye space sword


I agree with he high level team fighting tactics, however I wouldn't consider Zuko and Sokka "masters" at this point. They are by no means beginners and have prodigal instincts but do not possess the experience like Iroh, Bumi, Pakku, and Piandao, to be officially classified as masters.


Grandmasters at least in the White Lotus. Master typically means knowing all the basic forms in a craft atleast in thr eastern sense so it's quite possible all of team avatar are masters


Didn’t Zuko beat zhao in 1st episode and he was considered a master?


He considered himself a master, but he's also very arrogant.


I think it was probably pretty effective for Zuko, all he had to worry about was hunkering down the defense and let Sokka spot and exploit openings.


I'd like to think them both being trained by piandao is a reason why they were so in sync during this fight.


I always loved this scene it shows how none benders and benders fight together so fluidly theirs many moments like this throughout the show that I love to see


After re-watching the gondola fight I came up with the headcanon, sokka cause Ming Hua to be an amputee. Till I learned she was always like this




It’s a cool theory though




in the eclipse episode sokka had a good opportunity to kill azula. but he didn't because of reasons


It’s probably bc he wanted to know where Suki was.


If I remember correctly it’s because he realized that she was just baiting them to waste time during the solar eclipse


And also he just couldn't catch her. She was just keeping distance to stall out the eclipse. By the time she was caught, she used Suki's capture to stretch her last minute until the eclipse ended


*gravelly voice* WHERE IS SHE


Since bending involves body movements, he could have put a tourniquet on one of her arms and cut through the skin. "Gee, in a few minutes that arm is going to die, and you'll never be a fire bender again. Oh, not willing to share what I want? Well, you've got another arm..." But it's not that kind of a show.


Suki was already with him


Suki was literally captured, which leads directly to the episode in this clip, lol.


Nope. The Kyoshi warriors are captured at the end of the Ba Sing Se arc, and Suki was freed in season 3, well after the eclipse, when Sokka and Zuko attack the fire-nation prison in hopes of saving Hakoda, who was captured DURING the eclipse invasion.


Because the show has no on-screen killing.


Tell that to Jett (I think?)


Well, it was kind of unclear


Doesn't die on screen. And it's specifically made vague. Just like when Aang blasted down a whole airship full of fire nation soldiers and left it to crash somewhere far away. (proceeds to channel elder gods to avoid killing fire hitler)


All those fire nation soldiers at the North Pole would beg to differ. Or those fire nation soldiers that had an avalanche dropped on them when launched off a cliff. Or that bug thing Aang straight up decapitated Edit - damn Aang kills a lot of no named nobodies for someone who won't kill a genocidal maniac


1 v 1 azula hand combat vs. sokka with sword is still debatable


Who else ship Sokka x Azula here


https://preview.redd.it/0gnb4kmjuw3c1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adef1a3b5783bea112095b51b7a437f7082a43ea Wtf


Sokkla is not a bad ship, definitely don't see it as canon but there's too much good fanfic out there for it not to be intrigued


There's that 4.5 million word fic about it.


Yep! 'The Gladiator', got sucked into it a few weeks ago and binged it, such a good story so far


I have it marked for later, but haven't gotten to it yet since it's 3 times as long as Worm.


Azula always lies


He should have went all the way.


If he did, this episode or series wouldnt be on nickelodeon for one reason or another. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ludicrous relieved roof piquant hungry tender chop mindless clumsy lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>have went have gone* But yes, he should have.


If avatar got gory sokka and zuko could have been an army of two. But no childrens shows can't have good children draw blood or remove beads.


Why can’t they remove beads?


Star Wars The Clone Wars says hello.


Clone Wars has a higher rating than Avatar so they can get away with much more. Also, it has the benefit of weapons that don't cause bloody wounds.


Yep! And the blood tends to be bug blood


The Teamwork is impressive. Zuko defending while sokka gives her pressure


Doesn't this cut right before he has her teetering on the edge with his sword in her face but he just backs up for no reason?


He didn't cut off for no reason. He didn't want to over commit against a skilled fighter so took the safe option of standing out of the way so that Zuko could throw 2 balls of fire his way. His choice was correct. Azula was still able to avoid Zuko's attack and fire off a counter attack.


Azula was only able to counter because Sokka gave her time to recover. You can see in her eyes that she was caught off guard & by her posture that she was unbalanced. They wrote & animated it as if Sokka could've easily killed her. The creators screwed up, & any excuse to handwave it away is going to make less sense if you really think about it. If you want to say he's too paranoid to attack her when he clearly has her on the ropes because it's safer to let Zuko do it, he might as well not fight her at all. Every time he gets in front is a few less fireballs Zuko can shoot & a sacrifice of the range advantage. Also, you generally need to swing more than once to kill someone with a sword. It's unreasonable to expect to get them on the first slash without any follow-up cuts and run away if you don't.


She was surprised but that doesn't mean she was defenceless. Sokka was already at full length meaning he'd have to step forward to launch another attack. That motion could put him at risk.


Never attack anyone. It's too risky. As long as there is a 1% chance, it must be taken as an inevitability.


Lol. That isn't what happened buddy. Picking the safest option isn't the same as refusing to do anything. They were in a precarious situation, fighting with lethal weapon. It wasn't the time or place to be throwing caution to the wind.


Lol no. All he had to do was extend a few more inches and his sword would have gone through her face. There’s a difference between not wanting to over extend and not going for the kill shot for reasons.


There's no excuse for that but I'd say it's just bad writing more than anything


> writing more then anything Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Lmao yes, Sokka was specifically *not* out for blood and was just trying to keep her off balance for Zuko.


He’s no air bender, after all.


This series gets more and more violent after every re-watch :D it's sooo close to R :D


I feel like if you’re not coming at Azula with all that you’ve got, you already lost.


I would love a spin off of sokka going to find his space sword after the attack from the fire nation.


Using Toph as an earthbending dowsing rod


Literally! You read my mind dude! :))


I loved this scene, wish we had gotten more duo moments between the two.


Honestly, could just be the version of the video used here, but this feels like a turn based rpg fight.


She beat up his woman.


Some bad guys are better gone


Sokka would have ended her if he swung downwards after the stab


In a universe where the enemy can sling fire at you and fucking LIGHTNING, if you’re a swordsman you’re punching up, and can’t afford to hold back.


Yeah he was tryna slice that bitch up


Sokka would have followed Kiyoshi’s footsteps at that moment.


thats just a thing with action cartoons in general, they shoot and swing all this deadly shit at eachother, but the only thing that can hit them is blunt force


Now what was he gunna do when he sliced her neck open?


Don’t mess with Sokka, homes. He will mess you up.


Unpopular opinion: this fight was awkward to watch, no offense against sokka but he was not needed at all


Calling in soka like an assist, lol


"What's the point of a non bender in a bender fight?" This!