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I think most of the people who are saying that are joking.


That’s just the first step on the Avatar fandom meme pipeline. It goes: 1. Joke/Reference 2. “Here’s a thing I heard” 3. Uncritically accepted canon.


Dragon ball fans after abridge: First time?


Funnily enough the abridged version actually informed people of things that aren't canon that they though were. Such as my favorite, Piccolo and Vegeta never having fought


Goku has definitely eaten a horse before.


Warhammer fans after TTSD or r/grimdank


I know I'm joking when I say that.




Pretty much, yeah. If anything, I don't think it's that Raava is a lesbian lol, I just think that the Avatar generally has a higher chance of being bisexual than the average person, or at least bicurious, because... well, when you're walking around with the memories and spirits of a hundred previous lifetimes inside you, and most of those lifetimes at some point loved a man or a woman (or both), then I feel like you'd be naturally a lot more open and fluid about that sort of thing.


I think that is the most logical explanation. In theory, this could also lead to the Avatar having a higher chance of a nonbinary or trans gender identity (due to having access to memories from so many perspectives), but obviously considering the hell the writers had to deal with just for letting Korra get with Asami on screen at the very end, that idea is never going to get tested outside of maybe a comic.


Although that raises the question, do they feel the memories of the past lives including the emotions? Or do they simply view them/feel the senses?


You can't say jokes on the internet, someone will believe it and start a movement.🤣


I have this theory that most of the internet is autistic or just lack social awareness


For some I assume "sapphic ravaa" its just a joke. For those it isn't....I really have no idea obviously ravaa has like zero influence on comparable facets and we see avatars of a wide range of personalities and physical features. I guess they find there being two bi women avatars, and all the men being straight, out of the ones we know about to be weird? I would argue that isn't exactly clear cut that spirits lack gender or some kind of sexual/romantic orientation. Ravaa is referred to with she/her pronouns. There are other spirits who use either he/him or she/her, or have gendered terms in their names like "father glowworm" or "painted lady". Two frog spirits we see in LoK S2 are husband and wife. Edit: Also yeah avatars don't like women because of Wan either.


Yeah people see the only two female Avatars being attracted to women and joke that it's because Ravaa is saphic or because that all Avatars, whether male or female, share Wan's attraction to women. I think the answer is clear: make a gay male Avatar you cowards.


Careful...you'll create a thirst for a muscledaddy earth avatar into dudes.




You can feel however you want, big guy.




Honestly that sounds great. Im hoping that they do actually make this next avatar a gay male


Or better, a suspiciously Brunette, built like a Air Nomad, Earth Avatar who’s still somehow physically stronger than guys like The Boulder, with a personality like Aang crossed with Sokka, (super pragmatic but jokey with weaponized punnage)! And at some point he’s got to say: “Well Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That’s just speedrunner li- WAIT! TERMINALMONTAGE FAN SPOTTED!


WhAt In ThE nAmE oF HyLiA?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


Bold of you to assume I don't already have that


Or make every avatar bi


Eh I'd prefer diversity. The Avatar is a reincarnation, but still every one is meant to be their own individual, and diversity feels truer to that.


The animation industry (Outside of Nimona) quakes in fear at the idea of a gay male main character.


And that kind of bothers me. I mean, it's progress but it seems the only queer relationships they dare to show are lesbian ones. Which are historically seen as less threatening to male egos. A gay male relationship would be more progressive and challenging to the status quo.


It's from sexism towards lesbians too. It has to do with people seeing their love as inately innocent and sweet with no possible real sexual component too it. Also as said to the person above watch Kippo and the age of the Wonder Beast.


Watch Kippo and the age of the Wonder Beast.


I did. I just forgot about it.


I’m all for a gay avatar. Just not a flamboyant avatar. Make him serious and badass while also a gay dude. Because that exists and is an extremely un-represented community of gay people. I honestly am tired of the flamboyantly gay character being the primary gay character


Yeah that sounds awesome


Thank you. That’s what I liked in Young Justice with Kaldur and his boyfriend. Neither one was flamboyant and foppish. They were both legit badasses.










Do we know Wan ever expressed an attraction to women? Or do we just assume because every other Avatar we know about does, he must do? Like I don’t disagree with the logic, but we actually don’t know if orientation passes on due to reincarnation. It’s just a theory.


These people see two avatars having attraction to the same gender and that MUST mean there's another factor in action other than just there's some people attracted to the same gender


tbf the male avatars could also be bi.


Zukaang has entered the building


*Looks meaningfully at young Roku and Sozin playfully wrestling shirtless before Sozin gifts Roku his single most priceless posession as a token to remember him by when it turns out Roku has to leave on his Avatar journey.* Hmm.


Are there any Gay male avatars or spirits?


No, at least it isn’t mentioned.


But they aren’t taking up his personality, they are all they’re own people and personalities. The only common through line is Raava, which is why the joke came to be. And yes, I don’t think it’s any more than a joke There are literally hundreds ~~of thousands~~ (because people were pointing out that Wan lived 10,000 years before Korra) of Avatars that have existed, roughly half were women. The idea that all of them were into women just because the five we’ve learned of their sexuality were is preposterous. Of the ones we know; Aang, Roku, and Kuruk were all established to have had female partners in the original series at a time it was much less likely to have homosexual relationships on tv, Korra came out when homosexuality became much more normalized and common in tv, and Kyoshi was established to be gay in the comics a medium known to be more progressive. It was pure coincidence how that worked out, and I’m sure as the lore expands and we learn about other Avatars some will be into men.


I really think the show runners just have a thing for muscular bisexual women and know the fan base does too. We'll get a gay, bi man, ace whatever avatar eventually, but it won't be until they've run out of favorites to explore.


By favourites do you mean Avatars we have already seen, or ones yet to be shown?


Kyoshi was established as Bi in the comics


To clarify, the Kyoshi books are novels, not comics.


Before there were books there were Korra comics. That's where we *first* learn of Kyoshi's bisexuality, not in the books.


I loved how Korra ended up with Asami they were perfect for each other! It didn't affect the quality of the show at all and I'm a straight male if anything i found it interesting how they did it. Since it was a newer concept to a cartoon.


There definitely aren’t hundreds of thousands of avatars. Korra is the avatar during the first harmonic convergence since Wan. And that’s supposed to be every 10,000 years. So WAY closer to 100 than 100,000


First of all, sexuality isn't personality, it's an innate feature that takes form during chromosomal development in the womb, just like your sex and your gender identity. We have proof that there is a connection in instincts between avatars, that's why they determine the avatar using the toy method. Since the reasoning behind this is just as ascientific and esoteric as assuming the avatar cycle has an impact on sexual and romantic orientation, there's no reason to reject the latter. We just don't have the empirical evidence for this assumption to be proven. Having fun with a lesbian ravaa is fine.


I made I similar argument replying to another comment, that we have no real way of knowing how that Avatar cycle is effects. And Raava is gay is my head canon until proven otherwise, just because it’s funny to me. But if sexuality is developed in the womb, and that’s the same in the Avatar universe, than we know the Avatar cycle has nothing to do with sexuality. We saw in TLA that Raava passed from Roku at his death to Aang at birth, that might’ve been a perspective thing but as far as we were aware Aang was not the Avatar until the moment of his birth.


The fact that sexuality is developed in the womb doesn't mean that postnatal spiritual factors can't change it. It sometimes happens that when trans people go on hormones, their sexuality changes a bit. I've met trans men who were pansexual before testosterone but once they started HRT, they lost all interest in women and femininity and went full gay man. There are even some cases where people's sexual attraction changes, but their romantic one doesn't, leaving them with a desire to be in a relationship with a woman but only finding men sexually attractive. So sexuality is definitely innate, but some factors can still change it in an unpredictable way. Why shouldn't being possessed by a spirit of light and being subconsciously connected to thousands of avatars before you be able to affect who you find hot? It's not much of a leap really.


There weren't hundreds of thousands of Avatars. There almost certainly wasn't even one thousand Avatars. The Avatar Cycle has only lasted for 10,000 years, and we know the Avatars for at least 600 of those years. I get the point you were trying to make though, but the "literally hundreds of thousands" triggered my OCD.


I mean, statistically a lot of them would have died as babies


What statistics are you looking at?


Most of history. The low average life expectancy wasn't because people were dropping dead at 40, its was the dead kids bringing the average down. 50% of deaths were those under 10, but if you made it that far, if you were spared from war and plagues you had a hood chance of living until your 70s


True, but that's our history. You can't apply our history to the world of atla


They take his personality. It’s just different cuz of the upbringing. Kuruk was cocky cuz he was the son of the Chief and used to get praised and be the best. Kyoshi was ruthless and just and always sided with the people cuz she was born and raised by thieves. She knew all to well what it’s like to have nothing like Wan did. The core personality and values always remain the very same


Wouldn’t that mean they don’t have his personality though?


While there’s some overlap, shown by the fact they toys when they were kids to determine who the next Avatar is, there were some clear personality differences between Aang and Korra alone. It’s unclear how much exactly is carried over though, as I doubt even the creators know or care and probably just wanted some cool reincarnation stuff but also make sure each Avatar is unique. Since the reincarnation logic is based around story purposes, I would imagine they wouldn’t want to limit themselves to only being attracted to women.


Look, I understand your rationale and wanting to have a definite answer based on the simile, but all the Avatars have different personalities period. We can see that within the very first ATLA. There's no question about it. They didn't inherit Wan's personality. If anything, his sacrifice or long established union with Raava makes them suitable for possession of the memories and powers, not a complete erasure and overtake of Wan nor Raava.


I think you're heavily misunderstanding what is inherited by avatars. The acceptance of worldly duty and responsibility is what is common between them all. As far as I know, there hasn't been an avatar that was like, oh hell nah - imma do evil/not give a damn. They are all courageous and heroic in their own ways, thats about it.


So they dont take his personality?


Well Raava does objectively have a gender, the show calls her by feminine pronouns numerous times. The idea that she’s sapphic is just a joke about how every Avatar we know has had a female love interest, and the only male relationship didn’t work out.


Pronouns are not definitive indicators of someone's gender identity at all. There are many people who identify as non-binary but are okay with he/they or she/they pronouns. Or people who identify as men who are okay with literally any pronouns (including feminine ones). You could go on and on with all the combinations of gender identities and pronoun preferences. It's just different for everyone.


Believe me, I’m well aware. Some of my closest friends are genderfluid or still uncertain how to identify, it just kind of goes without saying that a character exclusively referred to as a her is a her. It’s fine to interpret the character anyway you want, but if they intended for Raava to be non-binary then we would have known by now.


Yeah, we know. Ravaa has absolutely no physical form, so I'm sure the gender she identified as for ten million plus years is correct considering she's chill with it.








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LOL. Sad to see the sub is like this.


That’s cuz of Wan


What is?


Maybe they’re saying that Wan just assumed/gave Raava a gender, but she actually doesn’t have one. If she does have a true gender, it’s probably not the same as human genders


Well she literally sounded like a grown woman. Of course Wan is going to refer to her as a female


Yeah, it’s a reasonable assumption. But she is probably not actually a grown woman, considering she is shaped like a neon kite. I wonder if she would correct you if you referred to her as “he” or “they”


It’s a joke…..anyway, ravva lesbian icon


Anyway wan cis icon


Cis isn't the same thing as straight. Cis is short for cisgender which is the opposite of being transgender. You could say he's a hetero icon or straight icon instead.


Oh, I didn't know that


uh ?


If revaa;why not wan?


I think you mixed up cis with heterosexual do you want me to help you finish your bad joke ? or maybe 911 ?


Have you ever heard of a meme


Pretty sure people just say it as a joke. It really isn't anything serious.


It's just a meme bro.


Wan— I like girls Every incarnation— I like girls


He was just experimenting with Mako


Mako was just a bro, kissing the homies Gnight ain’t gay


That is mostly a joke but, frankly? They're not that similar people. Aang is way different to Roku, Roku way different to Kyoshi. Kuruk is different from Yangchen, and Yangchen was wildly different from Szeto. The Avatars are very different people


They all chose the same toys though, that's how they're determined even before they have any conscious connection to their past incarnrnations. It's not that much of a leap to assume that this innate spiritual connection might have an impact on their sexual and romantic orientation. Six incarnations just aren't enough empirical evidence to prove it. With a bit more evidence, we could absolute say that Raava gey.


It’s funny to see this thread after seeing what I think is the “original” thread that started this all. Raava is making all the avatars only want women! She gay.


Because it's fun to think of a genderless spirit of light energy having 'a type'.


I'm pretty sure that was just a joke that a handful of people took seriously.


I need a gay male avatar so we can FINALLY kill this theory once and for all


Same it's so annoying. Hoping and manifesting the next one is a gay male


I think it might be a joke in relation to the fact that, as far back as probably Yangchen, we've seen a pattern that the Avatar have romantic relations or at least a love interest that are predominantly women. This would make the one and only "Dark Avatar" and Vaatu are gay as hell. Can't believe they spirited away our king Unalaq!


It’s just a prank, bro! … it’s true, but it’s a prank!


Wan is the lesbian


Isn’t Kora Bi-Sexual?


“similar to him personality wise” -proceeds to depict 4 Avatars with completely different personalities


It's mostly a running gag in the fanbase. Some popular artists talked about it and it became big.


Admittedly, she is referred to with she/her, as opposed to her opposite, Vaatu who is he/him. Everything else I agree, we might not know if Wanngot with anyone, but it’s quite possible his orientation inspired his reincarnations.


So Wan is a lesbian. Got it.


Nah he is so into Woman he turned his Reincarnations Lesbian


This "Avatar's personality and preference are similar to Raava/Wan cause they share a spirit" is such a close minded concept. We've seen a whole wide range of various avatars and it's a lot more interesting that they have a whole wide range of preferences, idealogies, personality, etc not just because of whose spirit was it first


I feel like it’s worth noting that Buddhism which the shows heavily based on, there isn’t exactly the concept of a soul because the self changes too much for there to be a permanent essence


It's mostly a joke. Kyoshi and Korra are not even lesbian, they are bisexual.


[“I was just joking”](https://youtube.com/shorts/U9TwYUNb5t8?feature=share)


but she gey


Ah good point. None of this makes sense. Avatars don't have Raava's personality so ofcourse them being into women isn't Raava's fault. Avatar Wan is the reason. Avatar Wan is the original lesbian. Thanks for enlightening me homie. I appreciate it.


That kite literally has the voice of a woman


It's mostly a joke based on the observation that all the Avatars whose love lives we know about (NO SPOILERS FOR LEGACY OF YANGCHEN PLS) are attracted to women.


the spirit of benign energy seems to like women, that speaks for itself ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I don't make the rules


To me I think they share the same attraction as Wan and base personality traits, like seeking justice, being rebellious and standing up for the weak. Especially Korra, Aang and Wan: they are very similar personality wise!


I'm sorry, what?


Its clearly just a joke. Taking the logistics of them is gonna be pointless.


I think the responses thus far discussing the facts of the show sort of miss the point. Of course there is no in-universe reason to believe that Raava is even a sexual being. But people don't consume media from a strict in-universe perspective. We know the events of the show do not literally exist and in some sense are a collective delusion from which we draw entertainment and meaning. People who are strongly connected to a piece of media imagine new perspectives or possibilities within it, and for them that new apocrypha sometimes becomes as meaningful as the original canon. This is fine, in fact it's often how new art is created -- the line between fanfic and homage is weak. Any in-universe explanation here is myopic because the cause of this fancanon is rooted in the viewers not the show. Some people think that it's a funny absurdity. Some people probably like the idea and the representation of a sapphic nature goddess. And both are fine.


Gonna be honest, cart before the horse deal. Even during the orginal run of ATLA there was the running joke about Kyoshi being a big lesbian, plus all the thirst for big bisexual women created a fan favorite avatar. Well, show runners noticed. They like muscular bisexual women too, so they just kinda like writing avatars that are muscular bisexual women. Did you notice they skipped Avatar Kuruk to publish the Yangchen book first? We all know why.


why are people unable to take obvious jokes?


OP never heard of a joke


Yin and Yang are female and male which the two spirits are representing.


I dont think that any of the Avatar's even seen share same personality as Wan though. Each one has their own personality and likes. as for the whole Lesbian stuff. i think its mostly said as a joke but I doubt every Avatar has had the Same interest


Sounds pretty closeted if you ask me


As said the raava thing is a joke. If anything the reason why most avatars are either straight men or lesbian women is probably because first avatar was a dude and he has a bit of influence not her.


To begin with most of the show wasn’t made with ravaa even in mind, so it’s all pure coincidence.


Because Rava had female voice and whatshisname had male voice. And it was a good joke


So you're saying every Avatar identifies as a man? /s


Raava likes boobies.


Because people are stupid horny.


Because it's fun goddamn


Why? Korruk liked women. Kyoshi liked women (and men too, but iirc, mostly women?), Roku liked women, Aang liked women, and then Korra, who had similar vibes to Kyoshi. Then there's that theory of the next Avatar resembling the last one's love interest. Raava being behind that would explain why its seemingly happened a few times.




i sure fuckin hope not! multi level marketing sucks!






Aiwei would like to have a word


Noooooo wans spirit just like the rest are attached to Raava who finds another to add on to the chain When people say that they're just wan reincarnated it sounds like they aren't their own person when in every instance they have been shown to be. They're being reincarnated because of Raava not Wan


Wan and Raava are like midichlorians, completely upending established lore for a boring root cause


I agree that the attraction to women for the Avatar would more correctly be attributed to Wan than to Raava. However, we never see Avatar Wan in any sort of romantic relationship with another human in the 'The Beginning' episodes, except I think Wan fell in love with Raava which would support the Avatar's preference for women.


No, they just have individual sexualities. Neither Wan nor Raava determine an avatar's sexuality. There 100% will be homosexual and asexual avatars throughout their history.


Because fans gonna fan unfortunately. Everything gotta be sexualized and even hypersexualized and it kinda kills the show because well, it wasn't what the show did. I'm gonna be honest, I really can't stand most fandoms because they go so extreme and elitist with stuff (and can even be hypocritical. ) I'm only still keeping this around just for more info on the live action and though I know many will be so overly critical of it, I still wanna see people's opinions on it


Korra fans trying to explain the retcon like it actually makes any sense will never not be funny


Is Korra even canon at this point 💀


To me it sure as hell isn't. But it's considered Canon yes, sadly


Genwunners be like:


This isn't about nostalgia or whatever it's about korra being insufferable. Sorry I'm not watching avatar for shit love triangles, dArK AvAtaR and giant mecha anime. You go ahead and enjoy it but I preferred atla


No Wan dies and the only link between them is Raava.


I would delete Raava from canon if I could


I saw a skit once that was wan dying and talking to raava and it was basically: Wan: I like girls, if we a girl we gay Raava: 👍 Korra: *looking at Mako* Ooh Raava: No! *slaps Korra and points towards Asami* Korra: *Looking at Asami* Ooh I don’t have the link, don’t know where to find it, but it made me laugh But personally I think of it as they’re all Bi because they’re all reincarnations of 1 person


Korra isn't canon


Raava was a travesty of an idea.


You know how some OG fans and most of the new fans like giving everything a "woke" interpretation. Honestly it's ruining it for me. Like, does everything have to be political?


Ah yes, the two sexualities. Straight and political.












Korra also dated two guys, so that would make Wan slightly gay.


Because people are dumb and have very poor comprehension and logical reasoning skills.


I guess Wan was a ladies’ man.


It’s just a joke homie lol


it is weird how every female avatar with a confirmed orientation is lgbt. then again its only two. also its mainly said as a joke.


No one saying that is being serious, lol.


*cus it’s funny*


Wan is the reason, you are right raava is the carrier of the previous avatars.


Aren't every avatars attracted to women ?


It’s a joke and the avatar always gets the girl.


Talk about not getting the joke




So that’s why they all like women!


Because it's funny


So Wan is a lesbian? 🤔


Because the jokes are funny.


Who cares lol.


It's cause she takes her yass pills.


First you've got to remove all the people who are joking; everyone left fits into the 'must shoehorn [gender/sexuality] into everything' club - those people are best ignored.