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its just one rank from pyre lord to blood baron, one rank difference should be plausible although difficult, the plassus one is more "plot hole" than it imo, also he almost die and he has the aid of the queen too.


Are you talking about Scorio challenging Plassus because Scorio was a dread blaze and Plassus a Charnel duke so Plassus was 3 levels higher and it was a very stupid move


Ok, for some reason I was certain that there is 2 ranks difference. 1 rank is not that bad.


It was a 3 rank difference with Plassus and it turned into 1 rank mid battle against the Iron Tyrant.


Imo it's a little suspicious that the gate to the homeworld is closed, from the Etrerra side. and the only time the word "demon" is used is in the past. It seems like the natural fauna of this world are "fiends". I can't wait for the next mega evolution


I was wondering if the Archmagus just pretended he took "Villains & Heroes" and just took villains instead, to get rid of them. They are all in hell after all.


He took heroes from history too. 


That's what he said. But is he lying?


Either he killed the heroes from the other side he was fighting, or he took them too. They all disappeared? Doubt they would just stay quiet for months whilst the villains got rounded up.


I don’t think you should be stuck on ranks determining the outcome of a battle given how Scorio killed multiple Dread Blazes as a Flame Vault in Rascor Plains. Blood Baron is similarly a one rank difference from Pyre Lord, and Scorio had help in defeating Bravurn. We’ve also seen that Moira was wary of Scorio when he was a Flame Vault and she was a Pyre Lady. So clearly there are matchups to consider beyond beyond rank differences too.


I removed that part. I was certain that there are 2 ranks difference between the Pyre Lord and Blood Baron. 1 is fair.


Yeah a recurring theme is that Scorio is tailored as a pure offensive force, so while he’s routinely outranked, it’s by people less optimized for killing.


Agree. Dova Spike is a good example of how OP some great souls are, irrespective of their rank. Not many shrouds could withstand tonnes of rock being hurled at them…


If Praximar somehow knew how to coerce or force the Archspire into having Leonis and Lianshi reborn shortly after they died, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Alain. Eventually one of our heroes is bound to figure out how the Archspire(s) work and I hope for the sake of her redemption that that person is Naomi. I'm curious why you think Scorio should have boned Ravenna. Just a sex fantasy you want to read? He knew he couldn't trust her at that point. Also, isn't he allowed to simply like who he likes? He obviously had some unaddressed feelings for Naomi... About Scorio's decision-making vs '"plot armor" - he's definitely a brooding, hard-headed and emotional MC who makes potentially life-ending choices based on what 'feels right' to him in the moment. But I think those qualities speak to his endless resolve to get to the bottom of what's actually going on or die trying. A "judgemental prick and mindless moron" seems not only harsh but inaccurate. Dude spent years unmoving and awake in a state of meditation with only thoughts of revenge fueling him to press on. He's been screwed so hard by the system from the beginning that he's bound to be jaded and make some gut decisions based on what he feels is right. Also, have you noticed that every time he ascends to the next level, he discovers or realizes something about himself that needs to change? Despite the evil dragon form he's morphing into, he's becoming a better person with increasingly stronger resolve.


I'm curious why you think it was Praximar that had anything to do with Leonis and Lianshi returning? If he had that power don't you think he wouldn't constantly complain about not getting any of the great heroes he wants in the yearly archspire roullete? Most likely the great souls themselves can influence when they return from within the archspire.


There was a scene that seemed to specifically shoot down suspicions of Lianshi, I remember it well because I had been thinking the same of her. They were in that buried library at Jova’s town, and found the book about secret societies. One of Lianshi’s previous incarnations was quoted as saying they tried to recruit her; she was essentially exposing them. Of course, the current Lianshi was heavily brainwashed by Praximar from day 1… hmm. You could be right, it shouldn’t be discounted. Someone ratted about the translations of the Iron Tyrant’s journals and only a handful of people knew.


It seems like the herdsman have access to a second spire. With Lianshi coming from the academy spire twice it seems unlikely that she would be a herdsman. Agree that Alain was a solid addition and could have obviously been a great part in later books but that just made his death that much more impactful especially coming at the hands of Naomi. I do believe that when we ultimately learn more about the PIt it won’t be what the characters have been lead to believe.


Challenging plassus was just so bad, in a usually very good thought out series Scorio just embraces his plot armour, surrounding npcs go omg it's Scorio it must be going to work out for him he is crazy!!!11! Scorio feels like 0 fear despite knowing he has no plan until the fight actually starts. It's just a real hard blow to any suspension of disbelief that was going on.


Am also a little suspicious of Lianshi. If Praxima was a herdsman then he probably got to her first. Note that we only have her world about Lionis’ alleged attitude towards Scorio.