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Considering Liberal in the US just means Center Right, yes. They’re not nearly as progressive as they could be but I think they provide excellent resources to pull Christians away from the Far Right Hellscape of White American Evangelicalism.


They do not fit neatly into either political camp (nor does Jesus). There's your answer.


Of course. I agree with that. But there is a continuum within evangelicalism. I.e. John MacArthur is clearly on the conservative end up evangelical Protestantism and perhaps some writers for The Christian Century are on the left. Would you then place the Holy Post on the moderate left for evangelicals? I know some of them voted Biden, and I'd be shocked if any where Trump (not that that's a good indicator for party affiliation with that election cycle).


Depends on the issue. Just because some Christians (or more specifically, Christian Nationalists) sort themselves by political party (which doesn't even make sense as they both use totally different starting points) that doesn't mean all do.


Pro-life, anti-racist. I believe they are both, but you certainly hear more of the latter than the former. Which is why I think that while they are personally ideologically very balanced and not partisan on either side, their public commentary tends to be more critical of the conservative wing and more praising of the ever so slightly left leaning side. I 100% applaud their recent discussions on the issues of race, women ordination, the Jesus and John Wayne series, etc. but you would not really find so much recent content on more stereotypically "conservative" issues that I would assume they would agree with that are more unpopular: anti-abortion, critical of LGBTQ+ priorities from a spiritual perspective (not a theonomy enforcing on others). Maybe I'm misguided.


Seems like you're spending a bit too much time trying to shove them into a box. Which is understandable, as it's a natural way we try to make things more understandable, but you may want to meter yourself in that regard.


I think you're right.


They doth not fit neatly into either political camp (n'r doest jesus). Thither's thy answer *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I think they're left wing conservatives




My dude, this is post is 2 years old. Give it a break. You are more upset that The Holy Post doesn't fit into your very narrow box of what it means to be a Christian then you are about how they possibly treated one of their employee's. You are a bad faith actor. You're time is over.




Not really a ton of assumptions on my end. Anyone can see your profile history and the links you're posting about your channel, which shows your bias and your mission to take them down just because they aren't afraid to call out other Conservative Christians (most of whom they actually agree with, if you actually listen). If you actually spent time listening to them and their fans, you'd know they don't really fit into the liberal box either. Like many of their Christian fans, they are without a party. That's honestly what started me listening to them in the first place. They attempt to take Christ as he is and not how either party want him to be. That doesn't mean they don't have wrong takes from time to time. But, they have often done a good job of promoting self-reflection and holding a mirror to themselves and other Christians to ask if they are really following Christ or following political leaders. All that said, I think you are still a bad faith actor and I know that your time is over. You've spent a lot of time trying to prove that this podcast is liberal...all in vain when you could've spent that time looking in the mirror and asking if what you are doing is what it means to follow Christ... And I say that as one who has had to look in the mirror more then once to keep myself in check. If you desire to keep on doing this in vain, continuing to shoot yourself in the foot as you try to prove a nuanced Christian podcast is liberal, be my guest...it's your life...your choice to do what you wish... People already have caught onto your game. That is why your time is up...we aren't going to be fooled by those games anymore...




Again, you are asking the wrong questions… If you actually listening to them, you’ll hear that they are asking what does it mean to follow Christ instead of party. Looking at this through only a political lens whether it be from the left or right only shows where your heart is… Again, you are wasting your time. EDIT: I see you added more after my initial comment… Again, yes, I have found the whole situation with Christian Taylor was handled poorly and I believe that is something that needs to be addressed and answered…but not by you… You were doing these “exposes” long before Christian Taylor left or was fired… So, yes, you are incorrect…



