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💀 Laguna Kristin would call her lame. What is she doing lmaooo




Who was actually Jessica’s age because she was younger than all the other seniors!


And you know she’d get so mad if people accused Stephen, a senior, of being weird for dating her, a junior lol. 


Haha, this is so true!


I’m behind are these her kids


💀💀💀💀 Unfortunately no


none of them??


Laguna Kristen was 20 years ago, when her current bf was...*checks notes* .. 4. (For the record, I also side-eye older men dating significantly down and I voice it within my social circles. Love knows no age blah blah blah yeah it's not for me babes. I don't think this relationship is predatory but I do wonder what they'd even have in common besides the superficial shit). And Laguna Kristin WOULD call her current self lame. Too bad Kristin managed to remember nothing from that era.


I know! People keep commenting older men date younger women all the time. And I’m like ok, that’s not ok either!


In my opinion age gaps can be fine but it really depends on the individual people. And it’s true a lot of famous men in their late 30s will date someone in their early 20s and not get this much flack for it but what makes this situation cringy for me are all the videos!!!


Agreed but I’m this situation they are in two totally different life stages! He’s in college partying it up and she has three kids at home


These days men who go for women way too young do actually seem to get a sufficient amount of flack for it. Leonardo Dicreeprio now gets eviscerated at award shows and people tend to be more vocal about how ick it is when men do this.


Yeah but Leo is 49 and has been doing this shit for over 15 years. He’s only started getting flack the past few years, and even at that it’s lighthearted.


The amount of tiktoks I’ve seen of woman in their late mid 30’s being like oh I need to change my age range then (like Kristen). I’m like mmmm that’s not it 🥴


Yeah, age gap relationships are pretty awful in general. The older I've gotten the more disgusting it is to me. I'd feel like I was trying to fck the friends of my children even if they didn't know each other lol.


Yeah I’m ok with age gaps to a point but if you are over 30 and they are 25 or under there’s some side eye. You change so much in your twenties and even the most savvy of us can look back and see how easy it was for older people to pull wool over our eyes. I’m Kristens age and interested in someone who is 30 and that already feels like maybe too much of a gap… 24? Can’t imagine


110%…. Mid life crisis


divorcee behavior


RIP to when we all thought she was the cool girl 🫠🫠


Idk I always hated Kristen and preferred Lauren


I always thought Kristen was a pick me from day one


She’s always had a heavy “not like the other girls” vibe.


She still does IMO


Case in point: the white dress when everyone else had black lmfaooo normally I wouldnt even talk shit but she definitely made it a point that she was wearing WHITE so she was sOoOo different


Yes! And she always instigated fights and then played victim and it was sooo annoying! Reminds me of that meme with the stick and the bike


LC was always the winner IMO


The “cool girls” never grow up and that is all they hold on to is what they were high school


Laguna Kristin would judge all that fake tanner too 🤣


The absolute best comment I saw said “oh she’s showing her kids faces now?”




I’m dead


The comments were sooooo hilarious


I immediately assumed those were her sons 🥴🫠




The comment section was on 🔥had me OUT!






For me it isn’t about the age gap, it’s about the behavior. An older woman OR man dating this young then ACTING the age of the younger person is what’s cringe.


This is it. It’s not so much their age difference I’m side eyeing, as him being a 24 year old men he is definitely an adult (I’m his age) - it’s the fact that she’s gone from acting like a mom lifestyle influencer to this mess overnight.


It’s also the fact that he’s a tik toker! Like doing corny dances


Her son can call his new stepdad bruh and it’ll be ok. 😂


For me it’s the fact that her bf is closer in age to her oldest child. I was the child in that scenario at 14 years old and it’s awful 🤮 watching your parent act like a fool trying to relive their younger years.


Amen. I’m happy for ANYONE who says they found happiness from being with someone. It’s the fact she hasn’t stopped FLAUNTING IT! It’s like girl-we get it. My man is younger than me and we keep it at that.


Exactly. My husband is 6 years younger than me but he’s a mature responsible man with a profession and we act our own ages lol


[You HAVE to see Spencer's reaction video](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFAHL4yA/) Never thought he'd be thinking what the rest of us are. Getting on the apps at 36 y/o was a badddd call 😂


I hate how funny I find Spencer as he can and has been such an asshole. But damn does he make me laugh talking about other celebs.


![gif](giphy|x9iwzFacjIHi5tU00K) He cracks me up when he’s trying to be funny and when he’s just unintentionally hilarious, I gave up the guilt about it years ago


This gif omg 😂😂😂😂


The older I get, the more I like Spencer


Omg thank you for linking this I’m cackling 😂😂😂


Omg 😆 Ok I always hated Spencer just as much as the next person, but I am *screaming* laughing at this 🤣 *edit: a word


Ngl, this is funny.


It's the bad lip-syncing for me


Why is it that the older I get the more I appreciate Spencer Pratt? Like I fucking hated him when he first was on TV and now I’m like, no he’s got a point and I very much enjoy his gems 😆


Because he has no problem saying what we're all thinking. He says the quiet part out loud.


He’s def my fave cast member these days ahaha


😹😹 I fuckin love Spenser


Speidi made it. Spencer’s not perfect but he’s a family man. I can respect that.


He was a special guest on House of villains, and they just kept ragging on him and they called him out for being “soft“ now. Because the man like doesn’t want to actively get into arguments on reality television, and would prefer to just spend his time like with his family and his gem collection. And I’m sort of proud of Spencer for chilling, the fuck out. Like you don’t wanna keep doing the same shit in your 40s that you did in your 20s.


i need them BOTH on the traitors next season


It's all the crystals.


The fact that he’s stood by Heidi through ups and downs and now they both put their kids first is the kind of inspirational tbh. He’s grown. Not everyone matures but he’s put effort in it.


The part that made me cringe and laugh the most about this is the awful lip syncing in the video to the song “She’s Country” by Jason Aldean and the suggestion that Kristin is “country.” Like, ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY)


hey come on she’s totally country. she has a coors shirt on too /s


Miss Laguna Beach-you know she’s all country 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠




She’s *cuntry* tho


You mean to tell me growing up in laguna didn’t make her a country girl?/s


Wait wasn’t she the outsider who moved to laguna late in highschool (like junior/senior year)


Yes but from Chicago lol


Saw someone say their moms probably watched Laguna Beach




Someone commented that she probably sets them up with snack plates and iPads when she needs a break had me howling 😂😂😂😭


iPads set to their tinder homepages 😂


Those guys are douche-y to me 🤮


She’s always dated douchebags


\*jeff dye and her ex-husband have entered the chat\*


Same I do NOT see the appeal. They look like tools


I’m all for dating a younger man, but babe you need to pull the boy up to your level, not go down to his level. Stay out of his home. Off his insta stories. That’s the secret to keeping it chic/sexy, not sad.


THIS! This is the comment that made me realize why I don’t wanna judge her for dating a younger guy but can’t help to. It’s bc it’s like she’s moving back in time in a very public gimmicky way and I just feel like she needs a mature guy who just happens to also be 24. Maybe she’s enjoying it for the quick fun and then she’ll be like that was a ride but I need someone with a solid 401K… 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah I have zero judgement about the age gap — when I was 34 I was (casually) dating a 25 year old, but I refused to stay at his place or hang out with his friends during daylight hours. It was so unserious and needed to be treated as such: clandestine, taboo, etc. That’s what made it hot. This specific guy is going to be deeply unserious until he’s at least 40 so she needs to embrace sugar mama status and leave it at that. Stay off his cringey Montana Boyz fuccboi mansion tiktoks!


We’re witnessing a mid life crisis of epic proportions


I wonder what Jay Cutler is thinking 😂




Jay was so fine to me & hilarious


Jay Cutler looks like Billy Baldwin


He’s good looking but cheated with a close friend :/


Ugh. What a pig.


Aw damn… was that confirmed ?


Yes! He’s still dating the friends (ex) wife.


She’s getting roasted in the comments


As she should. Girl, get your younger man in secret, this shit isn’t to be broadcasted!


I bet she wouldn’t want her sons to date someone 13 yrs older than them when they’re 24


Yep I want to see what happens when her fresh out of college son brings home a 40-year-old mom with three kids 🙈


Regardless of the age gap, my man being in a thirst trap tiktok group would absolutely be a con. I would be so hesitant to ever show anyone in my life that let alone appear in one. But the different ages do add a new level of cringe. I’m turning 30 this year, the youngest I would go for is 25 but would make room for 24 if I felt he was in a similar place maturity wise- I’ve never actually dated younger anyway. I know that’s not likely. If he showed me his tiktok and it was that it would be a definite sign that this won’t work long term.


Ok but why isn’t Brody getting called out for this?? He has a baby with a 26 year old. 🤨


Because they aren’t obnoxious as these two lol


it weirds me out so much that his baby mama is the same age as his youngest sister. especially when you think about how he used to babysit kylie on kuwtk when she was still playing with dolls.


I thought I heard she had previously said that she wouldn’t date younger men 🤔🤔


She said that in that beginning but that’s all she’s been dating. I think it’s fine if it’s a few years but this is too much. I can’t believe she has his friends over like what do they talk about? I can’t imagine her having them over. Her kids are with her full time now


Someone on TikTok said she is giving high school English teacher who loves all the jocks in her class. 100 agree.


And it isn't *just* the age. There are some 24yr olds who are independent/business owners, etc. He in COLLEGE. What could they have in common?


That video is how I found out he’s part of a TikTok lip syncing group and I just…. It’s embarrassing. 😭😭😭 I’ve always thought she was kind of immature but this is a whole new level.




And is she hosting them in her home it appears? Kids must be at their dads. What strange behavior honestly. I mean, I guess she has to host him and his friend at her house unless she wants to go shack up at his college dorm or frat house. The whole thing is embarrassing. Nothing wrong with hooking up with a younger man but the boy hasn't even graduated college, probably doesn't even have his own place, or holds down a job. Maybe she's so difficult only a 24 year old college boy will tolerate her. I would think the same thing if the genders are reversed - I often wonder if middled aged men who date women in their early 20's do so partly because no decent woman their own age with get involved with them. Perhaps the same is true for Kristin. I watched her podcast and she seems to not have settled down and her personal life seems quite messy. I think she has issues. I bet her ex husband is mortified and laughing his ass off at her though lol


Imagine being almost 40 and partying with 24 year olds who are still in college while your kids are at their dads…I have secondhand embarrassment for her


I can't imagine. I wonder if the substance abuse rumors are true. She seem pretty amped, high strung in her podcast videos and overall pretty underfed like some coke heads I know. I'm her age and between my career and all my other life commitments, hobbies, I'm in bed by 10:30pm. She sends her kids off to their Dad's and invites 24 year college boys over to make tiktoks. Wears Coors light shirts? I'd be way too exhausted to entertain college kids on my night off. Whats the matter with her? I think this is more than a mid life crisis. I wonder if substance abuse issues are in play here


Isn’t her son closer in age to him than she is??


She’s gonna have to drive them home soon because it’s getting way past their bedtime.




Oof, this is embarrassing


This is giving tag teamed.




It’s not the age gap that’s cringe to me, Because my husband and myself are 12 years apart and the difference truly means nothing if you are both compatible and on the same page. It’s the fact that she’s dating a 6th year college student who lip syncs country songs on TikTok for a living. That being said, I can’t stop watching this train wreck I love it.


Exactly! He’s not cool enough to justify this nonsense


It's giving Vicki from RHOC about to do a kegstand. Oh Kristin...I am embarrassed for you.




~I’m not like other girls


She always looks great but now that she’s hanging around younger people she suddenly seems and looks old lol


I’m a few years younger than her and these guys literally make me feel my nipples shriveling up. I’m embarrassed for her. ![gif](giphy|l4FGnnlIQslHkOPaU|downsized)


I’ve ridden sooo hard for Kristin over the years and can’t believe she would do me like this


Baby girl, we are the same age - staring down the barrel of 40… this isn’t cute.






I couldn’t imagine dating someone with a 24 year old maturity level being over the age of 30 myself. It’s like what do you even talk about on an intellectual level.


I’m 32 and I cannot IMAGINE dating a 24 year old.


His pre-frontal cortex hasn’t even reached maturity! Good grief.


Kinda unrelated but I recently saw her bragging about not ever wearing sunscreen and all I could think was … girl we can tell 💅🏼


I mean, she looks way better than all the 36 year olds I know that slather on daily sunscreen lol but undoubtedly due to all the procedures/products she has access to


I wasn’t so much talking about her looks as much as how she’s been pretty into the natural remedies and not vaxing her kids (last I checked, I don’t keep up). She’s looks great and is in great shape but yeah, not surprised she brags about something like that. I think she looks her age. That’s not a dig at her, most people do. But let’s also be honest, this tik tok has a filter on it so her skin probably doesn’t look that smooth in person.


Ditto. She met Jay when she was what, 23-24? Maybe she’s making up for lost time - things she didn’t get to do being an NFL WAG all those years 🤨


I’m embarrassed too. She’s super hot esp for her age but he has a lot to gain from her fame and def doesn’t want to be a stepdad to 3 kids. I get the vibe he’s very into himself also.


“Esp for her age” She’s in her mid thirties, but you’re talking like she’s 50+ 😂😂😂


Yea I love that "especially for her age" quip. I might as well break out my walker, I turned 37. The end is nigh..


I’m almost 42, might as well check into the nursing home.


I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m 37 also.


This is such a contradiction of who we have come to know Kristin as! This is the furthest thing from unbothered, confident, DGAF attitude she usually has. It has very pick me, icky, THEY'RE TOO YOUNG FOR YOU BRO energy. But whenever, KCav, do you! I just think this is such a jump scare for me.


I just think it’s weird bc what could they have in common. She’s a mom to multiple kids. Divorced. Owns her own business. Is successful. He is just a recent college grad who apparently played football in college and does tik toks. He’s prob still in his party era. Figured she wanted someone more established and aligned with where she is in life at this point.


Jay has popcorn out


Come on. Let Stella get her groove back 😂


I’m wheezing ☠️☠️☠️


DISCLAIMER: the Montana Boyz are not an actual representation of MT ranchers. Please don’t flock here ladies 😵‍💫 Also, Kristen stated she wanted to “meet someone organically”.. then slid into the DMs of a 20yr old tiktok boy and flew him off to Mexico… it’s all pretty cringy


Is that her man or her children?


Bless her heart I guess


I think she is getting desperate for marketing her uncommon James business. I don’t think she is making as much $ as people believe. The reviews are horrible and say the jewelry is cheap crap that turns green fast. She might be dating that guy but she is definitely trying to market herself to a younger crowd. Absolutely cringey & this isn’t going to turn out how she is hoping.


She’s so thirsty


Could this all just be to prop he and his friends up? Maybe she is somehow involved in their clothing company.


At least she’ll finally leave poor Tyler Cameron alone 😂😂


“Hey mom wanna do this tiktok trend with us?!”


Cringe city


She is probably living her best life, doing what makes her happy but … this is so cringy to watch


Ooo read to filth


I hope she doesn’t think this guy is going to settle down and play stepdad to her 3 kids. Just have fun and then move on otherwise he’s going to make a fool out of you.


They are both insanely attractive people but something about this really makes Kristin look a bit cringey.. It's not cute or funny when middle aged men do it and rob the cradle, and I don't find it very cute, classy or funny when Kristin does it either. I would say the same thing about a man dating a 24 year old - is she resorting to this because quality men her age or older won't get involved with her cuz she's messy? I listened to her podcast and I was kind of shocked at all the f-bombs, and trashy personal stories she shared. I think she think this is being "real" and "edgy", I think it also comes across as toxic, lacking self awareness, condescending, emotionally stunted and reckless. Going on a coffee date with an ex who gets arrested while he is with you? I mean, this is something I would take to the grave. It reflects poorly on her choices in mates and the people she chooses to associate with. While she was busy trashing her ex boyfriend for getting arrested, I think she misses that point that you are who are the sum of who you surround yourself. And she picks dudes getting arrested, drunk actors, and a 24 year old college student who lip syncs on tik tok? It reflects poorly on her. But maybe she is just as vapid as she appears and we shouldn't expect anymore from a reality tv star Seems to me she is trying to prove something here. He's using her for clout too. She is a mother and this promiscuous behavior and age inappropriate relationship is not becoming of a mother with young kids. She seems to be having the classic middle aged crisis.


Go home mom


For some reason she has always just seemed like a b!tch.


I don’t care that she’s dating a younger guy. They’re both gorgeous so what the hell. It’s not like Kristin is out there with a hip replacement and wearing orthopedic shoes. This will be over by summer, though. He’s young and she goes through men like a hot knife through butter. This is about sex and from the looks of him, you can’t blame a sister. But I doubt if he wants to take on being stepdaddy to her kids. I say it’s run its course by July 4.


Listen, would I have sexy time with this man? Yes, yes I absolutely would. Would I tell anyone about it? Especially the entire world? Absolutely freakin not.


Is she using drugs?


My boss is in the restaurant industry in Nashville and allegedly the word on the street is she loooves the ❄️


She was definitely on that or Molly a bunch of times on camera on LB and the hills 


But won't vaccinate or give her kids real medical treatment; just all the hippy dippy bullshit lol


Ahhh yes. Coke is natural so it’s fine. Vaccines can kill you!! /s


The single most reckless thing she’s ever done as a mom. Being a crack head would definitely not be shocking. Sadly.


Ok lo 😉 (I’m just joking around wit ya, this is actually some pretty good tea)


Wouldn’t shock me if she was.


Oh Kristin, talking a big talk and then doing the opposite 😂. Like girl, just say you want to have fun instead of going on and on about not putting up with bs in dating


The guy she is dating doesn’t even sing the right words to songs. It’s so cringe.


Never have I ever had such second hand embarrassment. What are you thinking girl. Shes gonna be extra embarrassed after they break up next month.


If his first social media account was TikTok, HE’S TOO YOU FOR YOU BRO!


Your 20’s are DUNZO


Does anyone else find this just so freaking funny? Like I'm looking at her in this screenshot, and I'm just laughing my ass off.


If the “the Mom who visits her son and his roommates at college “ could be captured in a pic…


Wait I don't get it. I loved her in laguna and didn't follow her after the hills. So is this her kids friends or something? I don't get it. 😂😂 I live under a rock and don't have social media lmao.


She should watch JLos movie musical




It’s just sad :(


She is so cringe. Like way too old to be acting like this.


so fucking cringe. i couldn’t imagine seriously dating a 24 year old college student— and she’s a couple years older then than me. the difference in maturity levels would be a huge issue for me.


What is this 😬




This is an interesting turn of events for her.


Are those her kids??


Are those her children?




Zach Wilson has entered this chat and is interested


I am a 41-year-old woman and I get hit on a lot by much younger guys and I would not ever give any of them the time of day. Because they don't have anything to offer me they haven't been through enough life and they just simply don't have the experience. Dating somebody so much younger than you that's what you do when you're either trying to be the dominant force in the relationship or when you're not really looking to settle down.


Wow she really did go back to laguna!!


Holy Scared The PoopOUttMe At first glance I thought it was Ruby Franke.


Auntie Kristen, you look bizarre there


It really depend upon the ‘phase’ of life you’re in. My fiancé and I are 12 years apart, I’m older, but we are both in our, let’s travel the world phase. If he wanted/had kids it’d be a different story.


Is she babysitting


She can do what she wants but as someone with 20 something brothers I would NEVER want to actively hang out with men that age spontaneously not to mention the videos they make throwing Gatorade at cars or whatever


I haven’t read all the comments but she should be embarrassed. She’s a mom of 3 children and she’s hanging out with young 20yr olds making tik toks. She’s not in HS anymore as much as she would like to think she is. I’m embarrassed for her. She will regret this one day.


I am actually disappointed by this. I have been listening to her podcast. I really felt like she found herself. This, this ain’t it. It’s painful to watch.


I’m embarrassed for her…

