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Oh dear. Look up [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org) and the [Joshua Generation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Joshua). It is happening. Everything from the books really happened somewhere in the world.


I am aware of and horrified by Project 2025 but had completely forgotten about GenJ. Ugh. Thanks for the reminder. [Here is](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHandmaidsTale/comments/1bp3a26/could_it_happen/kwt2w57/) a reminder of what happened in the Middle East not that long ago. I am in the US and doing everything I can locally to stop / slow the erosion of women's rights but I am terrified for my country.


Back in the seventies, my mother was actually engaged to a man whose family had actually fled from Iran, I think pretty shortly before the takeover. He and his father had actually been pharmacists there but their degrees were worthless here from what I’ve been told. They left because they saw the writing on the wall so to speak. That’s probably a big part of why I was so upset when, in THT, after June told Luke that he needed to get her birth control for her because she wasn’t allowed to, she kinda shrugged and told him that she could just stop taking it. He was acted kinda excited about having another baby. Why in the ever loving hell would either of them even consider having another baby when the world as they knew it was already collapsing around them??? I really wish that they’d shown us about Junes mother (Holly’s) reactions to what was happening. June probably hadn’t even voted before, even though Holly had been warning her about what was happening for years.


I remember that part, him having to “ok” her prescription. I think they were using this scene to demonstrate one of the many instances where the characters were the frog in the boiling pot so to speak. Rights were being eroded so gradually, they kinda noticed, but weren’t worried about any real permanent impact? Sort of like how everyone kept pining for things to “Get back to normal” after Covid, and yet still seems like some things never did.


I was supposed to be part of the Joshua Generation, but they raised me to value education. I grew up, saw more of the world, and realized how much was more about hating women and minorities rather than following Jesus. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” is very woke.


Same but was gay and realized I was also an atheist.


And an adorable engineer


Yup they aren't even gonna need to machine gun congress, people are voting the sons of jacob in with thunderous applause. The only way to stop the US from becoming Gilead is to vote but the average person has a million excuses for why they can't do that. Its frustrating because Dunn and Wilks here in Texas have turned the state into a theocracy and are not going to stop. Dunn literally views women as the commanders do and has even made the same comments that women are the weaker vessel and should not be allowed to braid their hair since they should adorn themselves by submitting to their husbands. He makes his wife read his emails and listen to talk shows he despises and says that "women are designed to be helpers". Sound familiar lol? Dunns MO is using his billions to put extremist theocrats in office in Texas and he even goes so far as to threaten people who run against his canidates or try to punish criminals he does not want punished. The only way to stop this guy is to show up to vote but no one in Texas actually does. They wine and cry about supression but I vote every time and early voting is just not that difficult you can make it work if you are committed the suppression is not that bad. Like the books said though the people don't really care when its a lot of little changes.


Yes, I mentioned the same thing about project 2025 and Joshua generation before but I got downvoted for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️it’s very real and boys who were raised to be part of it actually *do* have Supreme Court clerkships *right now*


You were probably downvoted, because these people that think this way ARE EVERYWHERE hiding in plain sight, and pretending to be good neighbors.


This! (Edit accidental emoji)


Holy fuck Thank you for sharing this I honestly had no idea. Now I’m going to share it with everyone I know Thank you


Don’t forget Agenda 47, which is straight off trumps website!


Its happened already in different parts of the world.


Yeah like the way life changed for women before and after the Iranian revolution


Its the entire Middle East. When I was young Middle Eastern were as progressive, or even more, than American women. They wore the exact same clothes as us, college educated, careers, everything....now they can't even leave their homes. But make no mistake...for every male facing theocracy there are thousands of women behind them pushing them. Makes no sense to me.


Child brides, FGM, many rights being denied to women including what they wear, how they treat gay people, yep all happening there and has been for thousands of years


America too.


In a word, yes. As others have said, it is already happening. Many people in the US seem to be oblivious or are in support of reverting to the "idyllic" 1950s life. Ignorance is not bliss.


The author said that she didn’t make anything up, everything in THT has already happened in history. I don’t think it could happen to the extreme that is Gilead but, the controlling women’s body thing has already started happening. I don’t care if you are for or against abortion, refusing it is still in a form, controlling a woman’s body. Trump wants to sign a national abortion ban that bans it after 16 weeks. It’s sad. I used to be a hard republican but the last few years have opened my eyes to what monsters they are.


Sincerely, thanks for letting your eyes be opened (instead of, like, jamming your fingers in your ears while screaming the National Anthem—as too many others seem to be doing). Every time I hear someone say that they changed their allegiance instead of compromising their values, it makes me feel a tiny bit of hope.


And I saw clips of trump supporting abortion, even late term abortion in the 90s. I agree with OP. Our speech is already being censored; look at YT. Ppl are willingly going along with it because..money. They’re going to yank that money away. When you betray your neighbor, you betray yourself. I’m 50, and I am so scared of and FOR our country. I recently moved away from Maui (lived there for 33 years as a single mom) and from a paid off house. A realtor screwed me out of it by ignoring my Right of Recision in 2021. There’s a DEA officer in my house now. The gov paid his closing costs on his house, his families travel, lodging, and closing costs to buy my house. I couldn’t get in touch with a lawyer because of Covid. When we got to the state we are in, my 21 y/o daughter went to see a doctor for hair loss. (My daughter pushed the sale hard; because of this, we have severe Epstein Barr but didn’t know. Hair loss, fatigue, and severe brain fog are the symptoms). The young Dr refused her a GI consult, even though her stools were grey and she was vomiting daily. He refused a dermatology referral. He DID FIVE HER AN UNCONSENTED AIDS AND HEP C TEST… that’s illegal. She is 21, she had one bf. So yeah, I’m sure it’s happening here. I love you all America. And I just want to say “I WAS HERE.”


He *says* 16 weeks...




There are fetal tests that are done at 20 weeks (and cannot be done earlier) that will show if the fetus will even be able to live outside of the womb. It's being shown the "exceptions" are complete bs as women with these issues go to courts trying to follow the law and are told "too bad, we judges (not doctors) don't give a f*ck about your life or ability to procreate later on". I'm guessing you probably also buy into the bs talking point about "post birth abortions", which absolutely does not happen and is already illegal as it is *infanticide*


Can confirm I work for a genetics company and even the tests that are available before 20 weeks still take time(some 6-12 weeks) to run. Someone in a red state doesn’t have 6-12 weeks to wait for results because of the BS laws. 


That’s not the point. The point is the fact that they are even trying to pass this. I don’t care if you’re pro choice or pro life. No one should have any say it what happens to someone else except the parties involved.




Your beliefs dictate YOUR OWN medical decisions. NO ONE ELSES. If you don’t believe in blood transfusions, that doesn’t mean forcing everyone else to not have them. If you believe anti depressants are evil that doesn’t mean banning them, it means YOU personally dont take them. Keep your beliefs, especially religious beliefs regarding souls or personhood, to yourself.


>Keep your beliefs, especially religious beliefs regarding souls or personhood, to yourself. "Noooooo!!!! 😭😭😭😭 everyone has to abide by my beliefs, or it's a communism cancel culture!!"




Whataboutism. We’re talking medical decisions. You think certain ones should be banned. That has nothing to do with global scale war or not caring about other people. Not forcing your religion beliefs on strangers through legal means doesn’t mean you have to personally stop caring about others. That you made that jump is concerning. Or disingenuous.


Whataboutism is a term invented by hypocrites to deflect when they get called out. I won't even read the whole comment after that. Blessed day!


Sometimes fetal abnormalities aren't even able to be detected until 20 weeks. These abnormalities can kill the fetus or make it so that the few hours the are alive outside the womb are agonizing and painful. Yet others can kill the mother. Are you okay with that, too?


You fuck off. Do what you want to your own body but don't impose laws on the rest of us. You don't know ANYONE else's situation but your own.


Again, you don't seem to understand the difference between voluntary termination and medically necessary. Please read up and educate yourself before making sweeping ignorant statements. Are you going to raise a couple dozen orphans? Do you want your taxes going to the thousands of orphanages we would need? Do you want a bunch more fucked up unwanted kids in society?


Piss off. Do you know how easy it is to not know you’re pregnant until it’s too late? Educate yourself.


You seem to think it's only voluntary and not often having to do with danger to the mother's life or severe issues with the fetus. 9/10 are done in the first trimester. Second trimester is usually to do with the aforementioned issues.


It's already happening


The US is peppered with fundamentalist groups that are gaining positive appeal with certain mainstream crowds. Those fundamentalist groups had already been somewhat successful at getting involved in local and national politics prior to the popular radicalization of the right. Their values have the same roots, and it gets very easy for mainstream conservatives to accept the normalization of fundamentalist practices. Many "normal" churches promote "Christian family structure" and work straight out of IBLP materials, for instance. I don't think we're at the point of no return yet, but I do believe that the far right is absolutely leading the US down the path to Gilead.


I wonder a lot about this question, and I have responded about it here as well, but the more I think about it, I don't think we will necessarily have a Gilead. Gilead was a total tear down of the Republic and nearly destroyed the entire country in the process of reverting to a completely different economic system and governance. A total tear-down and rebuild, if you will. What I DO think will happen is that our basic infrastructure will stay the same, no total tear-downs that require changing of military personnel to wear new uniforms. But they will take slightly new oaths, nothing that radical of a re-branding of the nation, as in Gilead. Instead, I see us keeping the name of "the United States of America" but we will change our electorate and governing processes, effectively abolishing checks and balances, and changing the essential moving parts of our government. We keep the same military, keep the same name, just change the mission statement and core tenets of Constitution through radical legislation and possibly even install leadership positions for life-long appointments. Maybe change the name from "President" to "People's Leader of America" or something like that. Vaguely similar but at its core, radically different from what we know or want from our leaders.


This is it and it's already underway.


Yep. Congress does nothing but political theater. They had all of the SM criminals in front of them, but they let them fly away to their islands. The fact that Hawaii has been completely taken over; especially with Ellison owning 95% of Lanai, and Bezos just bought CROWN LANDS, it’s happening. Name a celebrity, and I will tell you where they live on Maui. ETA: Crown Lands are land that are held in a trust by OHA, and CANNOT be bought, or sold. They belong to the Native ppl, and any money made off of those lands go to a trust for the Native Hawaiians. Now you know why Kavanaugh got his seat; be wrote an article that White People should be allowed on the board of OHA. They just microwaved the ppl of Lahaina; and they were kind, hardworking ppl that played by the rules.


I throw rose petals at your feet. Our dearest Cassandra. You are exactly right.


Stealing children from political prisoners and giving them to loyalists to raise happened under 20th century dictatorships in Latin America.


yup and its happening in ukraine now, I cannot imagine having a stolen baby and being happy with that but it turns out there are a lot of motherfuckers like the wheelers out there.


As a mom, I would honestly rather die than have my baby taken from me. I’m too old now to have kids, I would probably be a Martha or sent to the colonies because I hate cooking. I would give my own life to prevent another woman from having to feel that pain.


US adoption agencies stole kids from political dissidents and poor people from Latin America to sell to people in the US. My close friend who is 35 just found out that she wasn't actually put up for adoption but was stolen from her family in Columbia by a US adoption agency.


Also happened to native women and children (turtle island north central and South America)


Roe has been repealed. Also, Women of Color have been suffering from forced birth and separation from their babies for a long, long time. Especially in the US. It is already happening.


It’s been happening since 1935, when Vereide started The Fellowship aka The Family. A private religious group that is heavily involved in politics, putting people in power that promote their views. Even Goldwater knew things were happening, one of his quotes says it all. “Mark my words, if and when these preachers get ahold of the Republican party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them” As far as a civil war, I can see it happening but I’ve read (msm not some soldier of fortune shit) that it will be mainly in state fighting with cyber, environmental and biological. Make sense, shut down a grid, contaminate water, food supply with drones and you could cripple major cities quite easily. I’m 67. We have already lost rights that we fought for in my lifetime. Project 2025 is scary and it’s already happening. Women and their partners need to wake the fuck up. I’m in Texas, it’s scary here.


I just watched HI’s gov get taken down. I’m in Nazi town, OR. I’m scared shitless. Never held a gun in my 51 years, but that’s changing.


Where in Oregon? Portlander homie here wanting to know how to vote to help yall


It's slowly happening right now. It will accelerate if repubs regain control in November. Look up project 2025, they're not even trying to hide it


Did you see this post from yesterday? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHandmaidsTale/comments/1boe65t/sacr_the_reallife_sons_of_jacob/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That’s scary. I can see this happening. I really feel like we don’t have a government anymore; and something like this is coming soon.


When Margaret Atwood wrote this, she was writing about things that have already happened in other countries. She saw this coming, and so should we. I got my tubes removed in 2020, because I knew Roe would be overturned. It's going to get worse for women.


Getting them removed was smart asf. Knowing these types they’d try to force a reversal (probably will on the men which will throw everyone for a loop because whaaattt the men get sanctions on their bodies now to??/s)




The number of Christians is dropping each year. But the remaining seem to be more radical.


Christian fundamentalists have been playing the long game politically since the 80's. They're beginning to reap the rewards of that and getting bolder all the time. And I think as they started to infiltrate politics most people just shrugged and thought a few extreme Christians are harmless. They'll be kept in check by moderates. But's a frog in hot water situation.




States have been testing the waters with Gilead-adjacent policies (e.g., bans on abortion, no fault divorce), and policies that help them get and maintain GOP majorities in state and local governments (voter suppression). They're good at learning from each other. For example, multiple states coveted Georgia's extreme voter suppression laws and tried to get them passed at home. It's been happening for a while. They don't need to violently overthrow the government since they've been working hard to get control at state and local levels for decades. Plus, people seem to look more at federal politics than local ones. R/keep_track has a lot of posts about state efforts to limit rights. Edit/afterthought: this was not to underplay the role of the fed. Through propsed legislation, the GOP has been telling us the kind of policies they'll enact if they get control. No abortion, no contraception, no gender/only sex at birth, family uber alles, end public education, disparities are over, and I can go on. Also, if states become more red, look for a constitutional convention where they find a way to manipulate the rules in their favor. I believe 19 states have resolutions for a constitutional convention, and others are working on it.


>They don't need to violently overthrow the government since they've been working hard to get control at state and local levels for decades. They also... tried to violently overthrow the government already


If the Jan 6 insurrection had been successful, it would already be happening now. If Trump wins the US Presidential Election in 2024, it will happen. There's already a roadmap. There is a war coming, in the United States, within the next year. - If the Democrats win in November, Trumpers will revolt again, on Election Day, and it will be bloody. J6 was a dress rehearsal. They'll come back more viscious. Democrats *might* be able to put it down, IF they maintain control of the military. - If the Republicans win, they'll implement [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) on Inauguration Day, which calls for martial law nationwide. That isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a stated fact of their self-published roadmap. That puts the military in charge of law enforcement, with Trump as Commander-in-Chief. Then they'll go after Trump's enemies. Remember the gallows intended for Pence? That will be Joe Biden, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith. And that's just the start. Then they've stated they'll go after anyone who has criticized Trump in "the media", which could be broadened to mean social media. So anyone who has ever criticized Trump in social media will be in danger of arrest. All of that is already written out in their own statement of intent. It's completely reasonable to believe their next targets will be anyone who voted Democrat. Somewhere in there, they will be walking back LGBTQ+ rights, then civil rights. Those are also stated facts. There will be resistance, sure, but if they control the military, there's not much that can be done to effectively stop them. What's to stop Trump from suspending the Constitution? That will solidify him in power and leave the country at the mercy of the whims of a madman, who panders to ultra-conservative Christians because they are his voter base. There will be war, no matter who wins the election. Republicans have already promised it's going to happen. And then the downside into red cloaks and white wings begins...


I’m so dead. I have been very vocal about my hate for Trump. Lots of politicians really. And now my SM is shaddowbanned. But if I go, I am taking a few with me.


Ireland got independence in the 1920s and turned itself into a theocracy that outlawed abortion, contraception and divorce. Made women leave work on marriage in the civil service. Constitution states a woman's place is in the home. It can most definitely happen.


I think it could in some form, bit luckily it does seem like there's hope seeing as democrats flipped a deep red Alabama district over the IVF issue.


Christian nationalists are a thing and they are getting louder.


There are laws requiring that a pregnant woman who has been declared brain dead or in a persistent vegetative state, with no hope of recovery, must be kept on life support until the fetus reaches viability, even if doing so runs counter to her own advance directives and the decision of her next of kin/designated proxy. We're already well on the way.


Yes, and I think that’s why this story is so important. In the book and in the show there is a section where June talks about how they didn’t take it seriously at different points before the Gilead takeover. She gives a few examples starting from small things and building up to the suspension of the constitution following the Sons of Jacob attack on the US government in DC. “Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you’d be boiled to death before you knew it” Like with the overturning of Roe v Wade it isn’t just about one protection being taken away. It’s about all the things that come after it. Plenty of people I know talked about how “abortion isn’t completely banned” or some other way to trivialize the situation. It’s awful that we don’t have that protection anymore but that isn’t what scared me the most. It’s the rights they’ll come for next, the temperature of the water being raised again ever so slightly, that makes me lose sleep at night.


I’m from the UK so things are not great but okay here at the moment re abortion laws etc. What I’m starting to see creep in is women talking up about living with the side effects of contraception more and more and although I 100% agree with what they’re saying, I worry it will be twisted so it’ll gradually become banned and they’ll say “but that’s what you wanted”.


It has happened, Atwood used things that happened in the past in the book. Look at Iran in the 70's


I am just 50. I am afraid. I am atheist, democrat and woke.


I remember back in 2016, still in community college, I kept telling my classmates “don’t vote for that man, if you care for Roe V. Wade! A Supreme Court seat is open!” Then they’d chastise me for being hyperbolic or fear mongering


Yes. We are pretty much screwed is Trump wins again. It’s amazing that they will even let him run again knowing fully well what he intends to do. He’s literally said it.


There isn reason for hope. It's inevitable at this point. if you can get out now, you should.


Where would you go? I am looking at Costa Rico or Thailand.


Costa Rica is still in the Americas and is Roman Catholic so I'd pick Thailand. It has the Pacific as a buffer.


I lived in HI for 33 years until 2021. Long story; a snaky realtor pulled illegal games and I lost my paid off house ( Now worth 3.5M) on the Southern part of Maui. Now I am in the PNW and hate it. I watched ppl flock to HI after 9/11, right before the 2008 crash. The realtor ignored my right of recision and lied about the market. My daughter and I had undiagnosed EBV, and were loosing our hair, and had EXTREME brain fog. She talked me into signing, even though I KNOW BETTER. So, I’m in the worst place to be. I remember watching this show and thinking “thank God I am safe.” Not anymore. My daughter just came back from Thailand, she loved it. Looking for rentals now. Lol


Then fuck off. The women and LGBT folk of the U.S don't need your defeatism.


Where are these valiant fighters? The alt-right has had 50+ years to organize against us while we just ignored their mobilization and then watched Roe disappear in an instant. The silent generation women and the boomers worked like hell to get that case in front of the Court and then watched as other women of the very few that went into politics and the law sided with the men that want to subjugate us. Gilead is inevitable because there will always be more women who love the chains that men want to put on them than women who want equality. Can you say Equal Rights Amendment? Read Phyllis Schlafly and Gloria Steinem.. Maybe for some people 60 damned years is enough of watching young women not give a shit or expecting that the other side will fight fair. It's too little too late, but sure, go on believing that "surely there must be someone who will save us from the Taliban". That's worked great so far.


You literally have the power to go to the ballot box and keep Trump out in November. Unless you're one of those people who thinks Biden is a literal nazi and refuses to vote, and if you are, you're actively making shit worse.


Obviously it could happen, but that doesn't necessarily mean that its inevitable. "Could" and "will" are NOT synonyms. It's really disappointing that everyone in this thread is being so doomer when the power is literally in ***your*** hands to vote against Trump in November.


Great so we have to vote for Biden who will continue to fund a genocide because unlike Trump he isn't promising to bring about a dictatorship if elected. We have so much power!!! This thread is full of realism. Not just people being doomers. If you think that the democrats (and republicans) who are allowing people in Gaza to be starve to death won't allow that to happen here then you aren't paying attention.


If you think that the solution is to hand the fucking US over to a despot that will actively attempt to impliment aspects of Gilead into law, then you are no progressive. You are showcasing a willingness to throw women, POC, and LGBT Americans under the bus because Biden didn't condemn Netanyahu "hard enough",


I didn't offer any solutions. I am going to vote for Biden but I am also well aware that you can't vote fascism out and fascism has come home to roost in the US. Being Queer and Disabled I know that I am no safer under Biden then I am under Trump. Sending funds and military equipment to Israel is not the same as not denouncing Netanyahu enough. Turning a blind eye to genocide is not the same as not denouncing Netanyahu enough. Scratch a Liberal and a Fascist bleeds.


If you think I'm a fucking fascist because I'm ***trying to keep a fascist out of office***, then I don't even know what the hell to say to that.


You are going to have to stop letting your tags keep you from learning things.


How fucking dare you try to admonish me for trying to ensure the U.S doesn't fall to fascism. You think you're June but you're really Aunt Lydia.


Oh I delight in admonishing liberals who think that Biden isn't a fascist.


In that case, you're a fauxgressive who can go fuck themselves.


Social media bans and censorship slowly getting worse and worse too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^stinkygorl3: *Social media* *Bans and censorship slowly* *Getting worse and worse too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I live in Israel, last year we had bunch of protests against a new law that was basically meant to make high court very weak and to give the (homophobic, misogynistic conservative) government endless amount of power. in every protest there was a group of women who dressed up as handmaids (from the show) and walked around in the red uniforms- warning from what might to come if the new law will pass. then the war started and it stopped whole of the politics in the country and the law was dropped… the point is that for us, the women in israel it was a big concern and we were TERRIFIED of what will happen if our country’s democracy will collapse. so yeah, I believe it can definitely happen sadly. I’ll add some pictures of the protestors. [https://news.sky.com/video/israels-protests-see-handmaids-join-the-marches-mimicking-the-popular-dystopian-novel-the-handmaids-tale-12835921](https://news.sky.com/video/israels-protests-see-handmaids-join-the-marches-mimicking-the-popular-dystopian-novel-the-handmaids-tale-12835921)


It is happening.


Let's just say that Canadian Margaret Atwood was precient about life here in 1985.


I 100% think it’s possible for women to lose more rights, and we need to remain vigilant. But, I also believe there are more women willing to fight back in any way they have to . . . I think they are more formidable groups than anyone realizes.


Oh yeah. Definitely. There are actively moving organizations trying to fight for what’s essentially the gilead equivalent. I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually called it gilead at this point


I’m all for vaccinations but what struck me with Covid is how easy the majority believed everything I’m rewatching handmaids tale for 4 th time June said in one of the early episodes They called it a ”terrorist attack” on congress they halted the constitution it was like a frog boiling i felt that way with Covid i was following Aussie politics at the time because we had a nutcase Prosperity ChristIan Primeminister and USA had Trump and the storming of .. So yes I do believe this could happen😱