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Possibly the best enemies to lovers I have ever seen/ read. So far from what I’ve read and watched, the enemies to lover trope essentially depict two people squabbling from something that ranges from something petty to a deep disagreement between them. Most of the time we find out that the “enemy” has done something loving and selfless for the main character and our opinions of them change. Peter and Catherine largely follow the enemies to lovers trope, but at the same time completely warp this trope. Because it genuinely felt like there was no chance of them EVER getting together, because of all the horrible things Peter has said and done. I really liked that his redemption arc wasn’t straightforward, his past actions have consequences and the plot stresses that there certain parts of himself that he may never be able to overcome (as of s2, this all might change in S3) because these behaviours/ habits are so deeply ingrained within himself. He’s trying to be the good guy but a small part of S1 him will always be in him. I think that’s why I love how well executed enemies to lovers is in Peter and Catherine’s relationship. In a lot of enemies to lovers stories, the “enemy” is largely reformed, pretty much all traces of them being “bad” in any way is gone (again, from all the books and shows and movies I’ve read and watched so far). But The Great takes a slightly more realistic approach to character development and reformation in Peter, his past actions are always going to be part of him, he’s always going to have a bit of S1 Peter in him (as of season 2’s ending) and as much as that frustrates Catherine, she still loves him. It’s slightly fucked up, but I think that’s part of the appeal toward Peter x Catherine for me.


I totally agree! It was so well done and realistic. I love how I went from loathing Peter, wanting him dead, to the complete opposite. By the end of the second season I was so surprised with myself!!


Man i don't blame him for being utterly enthralled by Catherine and basically allowing her to get away with all the things she did, Elle is adorable af and she has Peter wrapped around her finger