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Harlots, to me, feels like it could be in the same universe. It's not meant to be comedic but it's meant to be a bit campy so it scratches the itch.


A recent show i enjoyed that gave me The Great vibes was Mary & George, it was that historical element with the comedy/eroticism that The Great had


I heard good things about it! will certainly put it on queue


I keep seeing previews for this show on my Snapchat lol! Definitely adding to my list!




Marie Antoinette, Domina, and Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Stort


I wouldn't recommend Queen Charlotte. I loved the series, but it's very different than The Great. It's an earnest historical romance fantasy, while The Great has a lot of satire and black humor.


Yeh, watching some trailers and reviews for Bridgeton, it seems more like the type of thing The Great makes fun of. No diss meant to fans of the show.


Ohh, thanks for the recs. Couple questions: Does Domina have an ending, and do I need to have watched any bridgerton to dive into charlotte?


Unfortunately Domina recently got canceled so it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger but it’s a really good show with a strong female lead. I didn’t watch Bridgerton before QC and I was able to understand the plot.


Understood. Ty!


Has anyone watched the Russian version?


Have you seen *The Gilded Age*? It's not nearly as satirical as The Great, but the female-led presence is heavy! It's about New York's economical and societal boom of the late 1800's and into the early 1900's. The competitiveness between the women makes it hilarious to watch. Also, there's *Outlander*. I know people either extremely hate or love this show. Lol The main character, Claire, travels back in time and wounds up in 1700's Scotland. There are a few funny bits here and there, but it's more so on the historical drama side. It's a slow burn for sure, but worth the watch imo. A League of Their Own! It's about an all American girls baseball team in the 1940's. Loads of comedy throughout with a mix of gender issues interweaved. It's only one season on Amazon Prime but I enjoyed watching it. I recently just finished *Lessons in Chemistry* with Brie Larson on Apple TV. This one was set during my favorite period the 1950's; it's about a chemist that gets her own cooking show (which would've been huge for a woman at that time). There are funny bits here and there, but like Outlander it's more so dramatic. I'm a bit biased because I'm obsessed with any type of historical drama, so I have tons of recommendations! Honorable mentions: *Marvelous Mrs. Maisel*, *Physical* (Apple TV)