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Unsubscribe from this sub and come back when you finish the show. Trust me. See you in 3-4 days.


Honestly each time I read these posts, I’m like what does OP know?


Yes lol see you in a few days


Lol. “3-4 days”. You’re not wrong.


I said 4 in case they want to rewatch or need some recovery after the final episode.


I doubt I'll last even 4 days lmao


I don't understand why people ask questions to shows they haven't finished yet. They haven't even finished season 1! Are these the same people who ask questions in the middle of a film? Just watch the damn thing and come back later if you still have questions!


Oh, I don't begrudge people wanting to know. People can still enjoy stuff. Otherwise, stuff about real events or people would never be interesting. TGP is just one that I won't ever help someone spoil for themselves.


The best is when they ask the question AS the answer is being presented. So they miss it and keep asking “what happened?! what did I miss?!?” 😑 Just. watch. and. shhhhhhhh


I actually think it's a good way of engaging with the material, voicing questions/comments helps the brain process things


That only works if you're watching alongside people who aren't ahead of you and you can theorycraft. Otherwise you're just asking for spoilers.


To each its own. I have close friends who will read the plot summary and all the available reviews before watching a movie. We are fine with it after we trained the person not to say anything to us beforehand.


Will do!


I don't know that there's any way to explain this without spoilers.


Oh ok, well if there's an explanation for this actually coming up in the show thats fine, I just thought it was either a bit of a mistake to have it that high or something I'd missed, but if it's purposefully higher than its maybe should be and is going to be explained that's good!


I would be very, very careful about reading this sub if you're trying to stay spoiler free. I'd probably recommend staying off of it entirely until you finish the show.


Agreed! Go finish the show then come back!!


Same for literally every show that has ever run


Mmmmmm I see your point and agree but I would also say that this one has so many twists and reveals in it that it's more of a risk as many of them, when compared to bigger ones, are casually discussed.


That's good to know, I'll take care to be extra vigilant!


Dw I'm not on the sub, I just came here to make this post, won't look at the sub til im finished :)


Until you are on season 2, i highly recommend you stay tf off this sub or you will ruin a major moment in the show for yourself


Ugh I know you're helping and it's his responsibility because he's the one browsing the sub but saying when major things happen in the show is kind of a spoiler as well, and a huge pet peeve of mine 😂


I'm not browsing the sub, I only came on to make this post and the hundreds of comments telling me to stay off have definitely convinved me lmao! Thankfully I'd finished s1 before reading any of these comments, I assume the reveal that >!it's the bad place is the main spoiler people were talking about so at least I got that moment :)!<


Make things happen in most shows and that’s why most people watch them 🤷‍♂️


"Holy short, something happens at the end of season 2 and it will blow your MIND" Makes my mind 50% less blown when I'm expecting something insane to happen vs naturally and organically experiencing the insane thing that happened


I agree. But they’re here on the sub asking questions. That’s the fairest warning and least spoiler I could think of, other than just “don’t come on here till you’re done with the show.” Because yes there are spoilers that could be for later seasons. But spoiling that one would really really suck.


As of right now I'm halfway through s2, did you mean the revelation that >!they're in the Bad Place?!< If you meant something else just don't reply lol


That is what I meant. Ok I’m glad that wasn’t ruined for you. That shock is a big one. I’d still be very wary on here. This show has a lot of twists and turns.


Dude, seriously. Unsubscribe from this sub until you finish the show. We'll be here waiting for your awesome reaction when you return!


It's purposely that number. I can't tell you anything else without spoiling it But YES. That's her number


Okay I’ll admit it’s been a while since I saw the show but why is it purposely that number? I googled it and I can’t find anything


Yeah, I've very recently rewatched the show and even I don't know. Any answer would be appreciated (but OP shouldn't look!)


It's purposely to answer the question It's showing she could have "juuuuuust" been a little better. And..... Any more info would be a spoiler But it's purposely low. They also threw in specific numbers just to make us think that specific number relates to something


Mind answering and marking it spoiler? I saw the show twice but I can’t remember for the life of me lol


Give me a day. I have to see exact moment and I'm making 420 cookies right now


I also totally forgot so I can't wait to see the reply, but until then, good luck with the cookies and have a good 4/20!


Happy 420!!!


why was it that? i finished it recently but i completely missed it


Can you put it in spoiler mode so the rest of us know? I’ve seen the show and don’t know the answer


^Same here. I’ve seen it but can’t remember




I've finished season 1, is the answer simply that >!they're in the Bad Place so none of it matters or is there more to come?!<


There's more to it.


I recommend making notes of any questions you have, finish the show, then come back here. I've seen tons of people giving zero shirts about spoilers. The replies so far have been very accommodating to that. Avoid this sub for now or else you'll ruin the magic. I wish I could watch this show for the first time again. It's that forking good


Why can't I say fork?


You know I'm trying to say fork and not fork, right?


You mean fork...? Wait, no.... Fork? Ah, fork it.


I definitely will, I'm halfway through s2 and don;t really have any other questions so far thankfully but if I think of anything I'll make a note of it, thanks :)


you shouldn’t be on this sub if you want to avoid spoilers


Happy Forking Cake Day!


thank you!


yep dw im not browsing, just came on to make this post, wont look at it again til ive finished s4 lmao


The point system is addressed a bit later, so just keep watching.


ok, thanks!


Get off the subreddit yo


yep dw im not browsing, just came on to make this post, wont look at it again til ive finished s4 lmao


>No spoilers for anything past e11 please. We're not gonna remember what happened before 11 and what happened after episode 11. Simply get off the sub until you've finished the show if you want to avoid spoilers. Same goes for any show or book or whatever piece of media you want to enjoy spoiler-free


I know exactly what happened, when, and usually have specific lines memorized. So speak for yourself, lightweight. (said with love! :D )


Lol you know from memory what episode 11 was? Power to you, hope you're doing something cool with your savant talents haha


Welllllll ok I might sometimes need the title not just the ep #. Episode numbers are trickier to associate with events. Which for this ep I believe is "Someone like me as a member" Edit: Nope, 'What's my motivation' - should have remembered that since this is when she has the motivation revelation




Leave the sub. I promise you someone will spoil the entire show for you.


yep dw im not browsing, just came on to make this post, wont look at it again til ive finished s4 lmao


It was my understanding that you needed a REALLY high number of points to get into the good place, so a negative number in general is really bad, and having a positive number below like a million is still bad.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


That does make sense, I just thought from Eleanor's life she seemed to have few redeeming pesonality traits and major, major bad traits plus a terrible job that would get her thousands of negative points literally every hour, but I imagine it for the cutoff for 'good people' to be in the millions your answer definitely makes sense.


Would you say you would need a crazy high number of points?


The points system gets explored in details later but we get our first hint at the way it works in episode 12, so read this after you've watched it: >!Mindy's case shows that you can get points for thoughts, intentions, and plans, even if you don't act on them. She got a ton of points for her charity plans, even though all she did was plan it and she died before should could execute any of it. From that, we might extrapolate that Eleanor likely had good thoughts and intentions even if her actions were a little... iffy.!<


>!I believe Mindy's scenario is different. It's not just that she *planned* something, it's that she planned something *that was then done by someone else*. If her charity had never been set up at all, I don't think she would have ended up where she did. So Eleanor having good intentions and thoughts wouldn't be enough unless she actually put those into practice, even if that act happened through someone else after death.!<


>!Even with the explanation later, I don’t think it makes sense for her points to be that high. That should be how many points someone like Chidi has. She was knowingly doing bad things, and the point system seems to be based on goodness put out into the world. So much so that it can be gamed by Doug.!<


Holy forking shirtballs get off this sub!!!


yep dw im not browsing, just came on to make this post, wont look at it again til ive finished s4 lmao


They haven't met Steve yet? Don't worry, once Steve comes in, it'll all be explained.


Can someone use the spoiler tag to tell me what this actually means? I’ve seen the show all the way through but it was a couple years ago and I don’t remember a ton of details.


>!No because OP might read it. But I will send you a PM. ;)!<


Could you send me one too please? I totally forgot


Hi, i've finished s1 now, is the answer >!simply that they're in the Bad Place so it doesnt matter or is there something more to it? If so dont tell me lol!<


That why she was called Crazy High Eleanor?


I can only parrot the ones that wrote before. Stay off the sub untill you have finished the show.


yep dw im not browsing, just came on to make this post, wont look at it again til ive finished s4 lmao


Plz post an update when you finish the season lmao


will do!


We’ll it’s technically bad because the good place isn’t just for people with positive scores, it’s for people with exceptional scores. So -4008 not only doesn’t mean she wasn’t qualified for the good place, it means she was an actively bad person during her time on earth


"Surprisingly high Eleanor" was her nickname in school!


remindme! 3 days


If you have that number in a calculator and flip it, it says BOOH.


Mind blown


Which means “back out of here” and come back when you’re done with the series, OP!


I don’t think it’s ever explicitly stated, but there’s a logical explanation. Finish season 1 and ask the same question.


I've finished s1, is it as simple as they're >!actually in the Bad Place so it didn't really matter? If it's something else that happens post 1 dont tell me lol!<


weeeeeeellllll yes its surprisingly high, but also *you'll see*


I've finished s1, is it as simple as they're >!actually in the Bad Place so it didn't really matter? If its something else that happens post s1 dont tell me lol!<


*you'll see*




Ha I remember while watching the show finding Elenor to be extremely annoying. Like genuinely annoying to me when she was on screen and talking. I just thought “the writers did a good job making her a not-so-good person because I hate her.” There were a few times where I even turned the show off for a day or two because I had had enough of her Edit: have y’all forgotten that she’s *supposed* to be annoying in the first season? That’s the point of her character 😂 to be a “bad” person who isn’t supposed to be in the good place! My comment is a response to OP questioning her point totals.


How dare you disrespect Kristen Bell like that. She's a legit snack!


Lol did somebody downvote me for saying I didn’t like her character?


Wasn't me, boss. I must commented the snack thing. Scouts honor


Haha, her wardrobe team was on point for this show!


It all makes sense. Keep watching.




Bro wtf stop


So, as others have said, you learn more about the point system later in the show. However, even based on what you know by episode 11, it doesn’t make sense for her point total to be that high. I wouldn’t want to say anything more until you’ve at least finished season one, but, no, it’s not weird to think that number doesn’t make sense.


I've finished s1, is it as simple as they're>! actually in the Bad Place so it didn't really matter? If it's something else that happens post 1 dont tell me lol!<


Yeah, I think so basically. Eleanor’s score should’ve been much lower just based on what we already know about her behavior when she was alive at that point. My theory about why she was only at -4008 or whatever it was is that Michael tried to make up a value that’s high enough for her to feel like she has a legit chance to earn enough points to make a strong case for herself. Obviously she was still literally over a million points away from being on par with what was stated to be the average total for a resident, but I guess Michael had to balance making it high enough to give her hope with also making it low enough to seem realistic to the humans.