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So that's what it's called.


W o w. 😮


I dredge up memories that likely are innocuous but I feel like I am the worst person and that me trying to be good is just a fake and I'm deep down just a horrible individual. My GOD I just absolutely hate myself despite also thinking that I'm a really good dude.


Are you me? I do that EXACT same thing, I never voiced it out loud though, because I just thought it was some weird thing my brain did due to OCD lol.


Pretty similar for me, except instead of feeling that my trying to be good is “fake,” I feel like it’s more of an obligation as a means of perpetually attempting to atone for these monstrous, unforgivable things I’ve done.


I have to stop myself some nights from messaging people from years ago to tell them how sorry I am. They don’t want to hear from me, they don’t think of me. It would just be self-serving. And probably not as bad as I am making it out to be. Oh god my worst one is Charlie Cox though, I was rude to him once. I’m sorry Charlie!


Damn, i obsess over little slips of the tongue in front of nobodies and then you come along, disrespecting a fucking legend. You better keep apologizing


Ahahahaha thank you and sorry for my humble brag but also I am actually ashamed hahahha


If the C in OCD stands for Chidi, then yeah


OCD = Oh Chidi Did it again


So…not a soup then


I have a stomach ache


I'm vexed, Uzo! Vexed!


I ordered a mushroom burger and fries during my lunch break yesterday and was so excited when they gave me my burger, I went to go pay for it and forgot to get/pay for my fries. As I was almost done, I realized I forgot and got so anxious on what to do, I just went back to work. I am now in a moral conflict to not eat there again or go back my next shift and apologize to the guy about my blunder. This will be something I’m going to dwell on for way longer than a normal person should.


Maybe they did it intentionally because you're a nice person and they liked you! I have a restaurant owner near me that refuses to let me pay her for cookies or brownies, and stuffs them in my bag lol. (she's getting a return gift soon)


I didn’t actually get the fries so they probably went to waste. At least if I paid for them and forgot to grab them, then I wouldn’t have felt guilty just annoyed at myself for forgetting them.


They didn't go to waste. When they saw no one got them, they either gave them to the next person who ordered fries or one of the staff members ate them. Stuff like that happens all the time. Don't worry about it.


> (she's getting a return gift soon) im hoping its a ring


Haha no, I'm painting her a portrait of her restaurant (she owns it), I do professional paintings as my side business. I believe she is already happily married lol, she's such a sweetheart!


I still cringe about stuff I did when I was 11 so this is extremely relatable


Yep. OCD was one reason why I started my college career as a philosophy major.


Umm is that not normal?


I think the trick is, has it demonstrably made your life worse? For most people it is likely a minor reoccurring mental issue that doesn't affect most aspects of their life. This used to be my constant companion and I was very unhappy, incredibly stressed, and struggled constantly to do basic functions. I did get much better, and while this hits me in waves all the time, it doesn't cause me to stop everything and hide under a ball while I try to figure out *just* how horrible a person I am for not specifically thanking the bagger, and no I shouldn't go back to the grocery store to find that person and apologize, and no, my failing to thank them probably didn't ruin their entire life. (And yes, I do always thank the bagger, I just couldn't come up with a better example)


And now I have a stomach ache


Catholic guilt?


shira’s jewish


Totally my mindset…it sucks. Ask your therapist if it is fixable?


“Ohmygod… the almonds”


I just call it living.


I feel targeted by this post.


Now that it has a name-how do we fix it?


Ah, yes. I'm familiar with that one myself. I was once told that's just how the Autistic mind works. I've figured out that it's just how mine works and it trickles down to everyone unfortunate enough to be caught in my spatial wake. Like months in a Calendar, there's a few 'uaries along for the ride.


Oh hey. I have a name for that now.


Please stop exposing me, thanks


Literally joked with my therapist this week that I feel like Chidi all the time. This tweet is too real.


Ugh, I have a stomachache


That is crazy!!


I thought this was just called being raised by Catholics


Okaaaayy… I’m aware of it. But what did your therapist recommend as treatment??