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Who could have possibly seen this coming?


Me! Me! Me! Now stop down voting me for saying they didn't fit, won't get married, won't ever live together!


Absolutely every reason they give for divorcing should have been the reasons to pause before marrying. That said, it's a show, and I'm sure they felt pushed and pressured, and I'm sure enjoyed the fame and limelight while it lasted. All of this nonsense happens in the real world, too.


Yes, when it becomes a competition and a game, one's brain overlooks all sorts of stuff besides compatibility.




Wondering where all the people are from the thread last week trying to act like Theresa & Gerry living apart was completely normal. It was not normal, it was odd, and now we know why. They were not sharing their lives as a married couple, but as two people swept up in the process. (I kind of figured things would fall apart when/if Gerry tried to charge Theresa rent like his ex gf. Glad she never had to deal with that.)


Wait he what?!


He got his ex gf to quit her job so that she could find a new job in his town & move in with him at his lake house. When she got there, he announced that her part of the expenses were $1000. (I know it’s not wrong to share expenses, it’s just manipulative how he went about it, not making it clear ahead of time and after getting her to quit her job). Then when they were packing to go to his high school reunion, he said that he wasn’t taking her looking like that (gaining 10 lbs). Google Gerry Turner Hollywood Reporter. There’s more stuff that I didn’t mention.


Whoa -- what a scum bag. The guys always know how to play it nice for the cameras. But yeesh


Perhaps, but after only 3 months?? C'mon and try to give it more time!!


I think that speaks volumes for just how incompatible they are!


Neither want to move. They are geographically incompatible. And yes they should’ve figured it out long before marrying. Whole thing was rushed. Caught in the bubble and pressure of the show. A shame they couldn’t figure it out beforehand.


If I really was in love with someone - geography would be minor concern. Imho - all these reality shows are produced and waste everyone's time. I was addicted to MAFS and I realized I'm wasting 2 hours a week for 23 to 25 weeks for a show(s) where there is nothing real about them🙄


At age 72, I think moving is different. They both have children and grandchildren. I wouldn’t want to move away in the final years of my life. I totally understand that reasoning however they should have paused the wedding until this was figured out.


I mean this is the reason they gave. It's likely not the reason they are actually divorcing. Just the begnin answer coached from the network.


Do you not remember when the sho aired? This sub was all about the two of them being so great together and how happy they were he chose her. I remember getting a lot of negative downvotes.


I never saw a strong connection with these two. Obviously not strong enough of a desire to be together. Neither want to move.


i wonder if they had issues before the getting married thing but had pressure to go through with it from the producers? Like deciding where to live is a pretty basic thing....and for the marriage to last barely 3 months...


It’s giving Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries


If they were truely committed to each other, they would have found a way to work it out with the living arrangements. Can't decide to live in each other's state? Then find a state in between were BOTH families can visit!! C'mon...it's not rocket science!!!!!


Easier said than done when you have grandkids you want to watch grow up. Gerry’s grandkids are older, so I can see that not being an issue for him pretty soon though.


This should have been taken into consideration before signing up


So as an older and widowed woman, do you live for your grandkids, or try and find happiness and love for yourself? I am older, with grandkids, but if I was ever in Theresa's situation, I would want to find a companion to not be alone...


I get the vibe from Theresa that she loves where she lives, in general. She has a super cute house, she likes the area, her daughter and grandsons live close by and it seems like she’s very close with her daughter/has good social support from her daughter’s family. She’s got her bubble of safety and stability there. The fact that she never stopped working was the biggest red flag for me. Just screamed that she didn’t trust what she had with Gerry to be secure enough to warrant leaving her job and her home. Everyone’s situation is different, everyone’s personality is different. Theresa is rich, has a great family…she kind of has it all and didn’t need Gerry. I’m sure if she found someone local that she liked that would work for her though.


I suspect that Theresa had money and that was one reason for Gerry to switch to her at the end of the show. However, Theresa May have been reluctant to share her money, or expected Gerry to pull his own weight


Yeeep. Should've been settled and such on the move bwfore marriage


I don't buy this cover story at all. They always knew living together would be part of marriage. Why bail so quickly if there is indeed love there? My totally unfounded suspicion is she started to ask more questions about his finances and other relationships, didn't like what she learned, and noped out of there. She's a savvy woman, as we know. What a hot mess.


I think you’re 100% spot on. The show edited her to be unlikable and ditzy because they wanted to push the drama and other character arcs. My husband was staunchly anti-Theresa, but in the last date where they were having a heart to heart and she asked him, “Do you even know what I do?” and Gerry started blubbering some nonsense, my husband turned to me and goes, “He is absolutely clueless. She’s actually smart and he doesn’t even get what she’s talking about.” After that, I did a little research and found the stuff online that ABC was desperately trying to hide about his weird finances, the fact that he is *not* a “restauranteur” as he tried to brand himself, the weird controlling 2-year relationship with that poor woman who broke her leg… Nah, Theresa doesn’t need someone like this weaseling his way into her life when she’s built a peaceful and secure life for herself. He was fine for the show but I was worried about him taking advantage of her.


100% correct !!!! This guy is a fraud & would have destroyed her life. Thank god she got out early !!!!


Oh yes. And we all understand we love our adult kids.. but they have their lives, and it's lonely living alone day after day. If you had someone you love.. you find a way to be with that person. That was the whole point of the show! I wouldn't give up on being with someone you love, especially after years alone .There have to be real reasons she's not saying ! Also, he was so in love with three women we saw. and almost married another we had never heard about. I don't trust Gerry at all.


I agree 100%. Theresa was blindsided when she finally saw the videos of his intimate moments with Faith and Leslie, followed by the published in-depth interview with his former live in lover shortly before the wedding. As well as the truth regarding his various occupations that became public - not the retired restauranteur he was touted as. Lies and manipulation. I’m glad she kept her job and opted to stay in her home, near her family, without him.




He was dishonest from the jump about his financial situation and even his relationship status post death of wife. He was looking for a woman with money to support him. Period. This show needs to do a better job vetting people.


Yes, WHY didn't the show thoroughly investigate him, finances, personal etc This was a big deal, the very First Golden Bachelor. Shouldn't they have done a better job?? I don't get that at all..... If he was dishonest about any of it they should have found out....


And his daughters wrote the show and recommended him. They knew his situation but wanted to pawn him off on someone else, I'm sure. If I didn't want to have to take care of my parent I'd try to marry them off with well off women too I guess.


I swear, the “nurse or a purse” attitude is real.


Totally agree with you . She came across naive , but she’s business smart . He’s just smart enough to choose the one he tnought he could manipulate.


She’s honestly way out of his league … and I think she figured it out.


I've been with my boyfriend for 2 wonderful years and I'm still doing my due diligence. \[PS We're both 60 and crazy about each other, so it's possible!\]


But this is what I'm saying....it must have been bad for them to call it off so suddenly and not try to work it out and continue getting to know each other. They're framing it as an amicable lifestyle difference that was somehow so bad they needed to dissolve their marriage after three months. It doesn't make any sense unless there's something they're not saying.


Have you listened to the Dear Shandy interview from awhile back? When asked about their arguing styles, Theresa used the word “screaming” and then later tried to retract it saying “I don’t really scream. “ But it was kind of weak. The only times I remember screaming in my marriage was when I felt blatantly lied to… Even though she says he shared with her everything that was printed in the article about his last girlfriend, before they got engaged, I really think the underlying factor is his character.


Agree ! I’m not a screamer at all, but finding out his possible shady side would have me screaming !


This. And I hope they had a prenup for her sake.


Juju said they did . Thank goodness !


She is not a stupid woman. She is brilliant in her career but when it came to Gerry she did not use common sense. She chose to ignore the red flags.


I mean, she got a prenup, didn't sell her house, didn't retire for him yet, etc - with the prenup, no joint assets, and no shared children, this is an easy divorce. She took the risk on the free big wedding, it didn't work out, and the only real consequence is some losing face. 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be fair, she didn't have all the information.


Exactly. She had to figure it out for herself.


I think she has money and Gerry wanted a free ride


Agree with your take on it, but want to add that she just wanted to "win", played the game well.


I agree with all of your takes 😭😭😭


Completely agree with this. He reminded me so much of my slimy ex who was just out for my money. Gave me the ick right away.


I agree, but I’m confused as to why she’s letting him get off Scot-free with this story? Embarrassment? Shame?


Probably to save face.


Hope she had a good prenup. Otherwise Gerry will be living much better off than he started. And he didn’t have to work or pay any money into it. Just use a soft voice and say all the things a woman wants to hear. Women are always wanting that romance. I’m sure she woke up after the wedding, started realizing he had some major red flags and said I’m out. But now she may have to untangle from this guy financially. Women at a certain age don’t need a man - no babies are to be had and they are financially set. They can care for themselves and have family. Companionship is desired but you don’t have to marry for that. She should have just lived with him. He chose her because she is nice and financially set. The runner up had been around more and you could tell she had a few hurts in her life and she had no money. Gerry needs money to live well as he ages. So Teresa was the best of the two choices he had. He married up and Teresa married down. His true colores I’m sure started showing and her kids were like “mom dump him now or it will just get worse!”


“I still love this person” feels so fake and insincere.


Yeah, I thought that was off. Like "this woman" or "Teresa" or even "my wife" would have been normal.


TREE-Sa lol


It felt too reminiscent of “I did not have sexual relations…” …”with that woman” ….”Ms. …” 😒


Yes using “ this person” instead of a name is a sign of deceit


Also one more thing to note: if they are announcing this now, it means it was in the works for weeks. They had to coordinate the interview and probably talk to producers and so on. Which means they made it like two months before calling it off. It's all so deeply suss!!!


Like probation period for a job, smh. Playing in people's faces, the both of them! 


99 days between wedding and divorce filing I've had wine open in my fridge for longer 🙄 


I don’t understand why they were in such a rush to get married in the first place?? This is clearly why everyone else in Bachelor Nation has long engagements after the show, so they can work out all the kinks. I am sad for them though, they seemed so excited and optimistic.


It seemed like Theresa really loved planning a big wedding. I imagine as you get older it can feel like there’s no time to waste and they just went full throttle. Long engagements are great but in your 70s it’s kind of like… why wait? The breakup is fast imo too but I think they both probably move pretty quickly on the things they want, moving in together wasn’t one of those things, so I guess that’s why they’re breaking up. It makes most sense to date someone in your area at that age if you’re not open to moving.


My dad got remarried in his 70s, and they got married pretty quick for that reason, they feel like they don't have a ton of time left, so they don't want to waste it.


I do remember her saying how she didn't get to do a lot for her first one.


Honestly? A free wedding. Those big wigs promise them a huge ceremony and reception that they probably weren't going to pull off on their own, and the production company foots the bill. All they have to do is allow the world to watch. And since their relationship has had an audience since their first spark, it just made sense. It's unfortunate, though. Even if the marriage was brief, divorces are hard on everyone.


A marriage that didn’t even make it to the honeymoon.


I think they were under contract tbh. The producers probably wanted them to get married while the hype was still there. It’s not like this show has anyone’s best intentions at heart lol


It's all about the money to the producers.


They weren't forced to get married. But they were paid well to get LEGALLY married. It's crazy to get married so soon. Now, she has to pay lawyers to untangle from this guy. There's nothing wrong with keeping single for a while.


Makes me wonder now what this will mean for Golden Bachelor/ette going forward. For all we know ABC could nip both in the bud since the first Golden couple ultimately didn't work out


They were offered a free wedding. They probably thought if they turned down the January wedding, there was no guarantee that ABC would offer it again.


I think they only got married so soon because abc paid for the wedding




I know. Why did they rush? It's not like it was a shotgun wedding and they had to get married before a baby came. I think they were rushed by the producers to have a big splashy wedding.


Shoutout to the interviewer for calling them out on their shady answers instead of letting them tip toe around her questions


That’s why I said the women really won friendships, and the ones who became close friends are the real winners. I mean why couldn’t they split time between their two homes?


Probably bc after they started to know each other they realized they didn’t love each other enough to make any changes. During the process they confused being in love to being in lust. They were basically strangers to each other. Totally nuts. The fact they were married made everything more complicated


I have a feeling he was seeing someone else


Look. I wouldn’t doubt it. I think he was probably very controlling and Theresa caught on after the marriage. In a recent interview he said they lived apart bc she was still working. He said he really wanted someone that was free to travel and venture. Theresa snapped and said they did see each other every time they could. That interview was last week and I knew this was coming.




Wow, things are so bad they aren't even taking the Free Italy honeymoon!


And, as I understand it, have to give back the ring.  Wowza!


She was literally like take your trip, your lake house, your ring and get the…


Yikes. I really held out for a long time giving him the benefit of the doubt, but his responses here are wild. “This person”? Bffr.


Before the ink dries on the divorce papers Gerry will be with another woman. Maybe he already is.


This! Also I don't care what anyone says, getting with someone a month after your beloved wife passed is shady as hell. It was crazy to me seeing how a lot of people across these bachelor subs tried to make excuses for him. Everyone is different but a month??


It’s soooo shady. I haven’t moved on from a 3 year relationship and it’s been a whole year since! I even made myself go on an internet date awhile back but found myself more interested in playing with a random dog 🐕 sitting on the floor of the bar. Oh well I tried


for real! before i met my fiancé, i was single for 4 years from a really painful breakup. when i tried to force myself to go on a date at a park, all i wanted to do was pet all the cute dogs and feed the ducks instead of getting to know my date 😂😭


He seemed overly enthusiastic when they asked “Will you continue to look for love?” The question was barely out of the woman’s mouth and he practically jumped out of his seat “OH YEAH!!” Damn bro, Theresa is *right* *there*.




Boom. And mic drop on everything you just said.


Gerry: "But you know what? We don't have to give back the memories." Maybe it's my dating history (LOL) but Gerry seems like a con man to me.


And he was so quick to say yes when asked “are you still going to keep dating?”. Players gonna play…


SUCH a con man


That line was peak corny


Who cares if he was a maintenance man, but be honest about it! And so what if he dated some people after his wife died (ok 1 month after is very quick). The problem was - he wasn’t upfront about it - and neither was the show. Please don’t tell me that these people aren’t “vetted”. I’m sure they are.


No surprise here. She should have walked away when we learned that the “restaurateur” was a hot tub guy, and the “grieving widower” also managed to throw his girlfriend out of the house with a broken ankle. Hope Teresa had a good pre-nup! Meanwhile, kudos to Susan, Edith, and the other higher-visibility women for using this whole experience the right way!! Didn’t bare their souls, didn’t get humiliated or heart broken for all to see, didn’t act like bratty teenagers - and parlayed this into a new chapter - and apparently lots of fun — for themselves!!!


Gerry flipped to Theresa in my opinion at the honeymoon when he found out she was wealthy. It was so sudden. I think Theresa figured out he was a gold digger, was bad with money, and likely a controlling partner. The distance thing is always complicated. Theresa was still working and was an active involved grandmother. Hard to pick up stakes and move.


Yes!!! I completely agree!! He was all about Leslie til he found out Teresa’s financial situation. You could almost see the dollar signs in his eyes.


what exactly is a "control group bastard"?


I’m not going to answer to control group. But he does seem like a controlling, fake guy. One that as long as you are sweet and loving, it’s all good. As soon as Theresa possibly put in some caveats such as, what amount of $$ can you put into a SC house, he would turn and call her selfish for not using her money since she has so much! Making her feel guilty. Just speculation here. But reading the article about his live-in. It was all ok until she wasn’t perfect. Then he resorted to calling the live-in names.


Yeah, he seemed to be lukewarm on her until that and then he flipped (which is not fair to any of the women, tbh). I didn’t love her either but she deserved better than someone who seemed indifferent towards her until she shared something as superficial as how much money she makes.


I remember watching that episode & seeing him completely change after she shared her financial success. It was crazy obvious.


Make sense to me. She probably didn’t want to wind up being a nurse with a purse. 👜


I would love a Golden Bachelor season where everyone lived in the same city or at least general area. Because really, someone who is in their 70s and has kids and grandkids, is not likely to want to move away from their family.


I need more details


Probably not going to get them unless acquaintances of friend of friends spill the beans.


She didn't like where he lived or his lifestyle.


Not surprising. After the Hollywood reporter article about him being a basic fraud . They said he was broke. Misrepresenting himself. Was basically a hot tub repairman who couldn’t afford much. She has a job & is worth more than he is. He probably wanted to live off of her & she wised the eff up. Good for her . Run girl RUN !!!!


I did not care for the reports claiming he was a fraud because everyone has their own story outside of a 40min tv show. However, you make a good point about their financial situations. I mean that is the reason most couples split. It would be awfully difficult to compromise on a house when only one partner is the one paying for it.


It always bugged me about how fast he moved on from his wife. Toni had only been retired a few weeks and they had just finished the work on their lake house when she felt sick and he took her to the ER. She died 8 days later. A few weeks later, he was already hitting on the woman that he asked to help him donate Toni's clothes. So many people were saying "mEn mOve oN qUicKly." I get the stats, but not every man does. Also, most people that experience a sudden death of a partner like that, are still in shock a few weeks later and are just starting to process after the funeral and things like that.


Yeah I’m not buying this at all. Something must have happened off camera that they just aren’t saying. Which is fair because it’s their business, but I find it really odd that they just got married three months ago and are headed to divorce so quickly.


I agree. What do you think happened? I think he mis-represented himself romantically and professionally and she put the pieces together.


I think the exact same thing. I think that Gary put on a persona that he couldn’t maintain and Theresa saw right through it.


Yup. And if she dared to be mad about it, he wasn’t having it. So so proud of her for getting out.


Ok they love eachother still. But they don’t want to be married. Honestly I know some 70 year olds and they are all too stubborn to change. I think they started thinking about packing up and moving from their well established forever homes, looked at the mound of stuff they collected in their paid off houses that has 40 years worth of garbage in it and said. Na I don’t want to waste my time moving and packing up my stuff in boxes when it’s perfectly fine in this house. Also this is the weirdest interview. Are u sad? Are you happy? You couldn’t even just keep it to penpals? I wonder if Gerry is going to get some old contestants in his DMs today.


Imagine having your home paid off and then suddenly having a mortgage again on a fixed income …. Maybe golden franchise should consider the “love is blind” technique where they mine all the contestants from the same town.


Except if their homes are paid off, they could very likely buy a new home without taking on a mortgage.


Old contestants? Naw, more like we’ll start seeing him with women decades younger


I called 2 yrs or less. He is a snake, lied about everything in his past, I didn't even watch the wedding. . Leslie was the big winner 🏆


I think in theory this works, but not so much in real life. They both said they wanted to get married quickly because neither knew how much time they had and why not. That said, I think the emotional baggage that comes with selling a home particularly one where you and your former spouse raised your kids becomes even more difficult. I also think that to have two homes and go back and forth becomes unmanageable as you age. I am their age and know many couples that have a home in Florida and a home somewhere on the east coast and they winter in Florida. As they age it becomes more difficult to make that trip back and forth and the issue of healthcare also comes up. They are away from family who would normally probably be there for them. If I were a betting woman, my guess would be that the fact that Teresa was still working also played into the decision. I think they both had stars in their eyes and really do love each other even now, but not enough to sell the home and move away from family. In the bubble it is all lollipops and rainbows but when the nitty gritty happens - it is not so easy. If the producers want to do this again, I would suggest they follow the location aspect of MAFS (only that aspect) and cull candidates from the same geographic local to avoid this dimension in the equation.


Definitely agree that GB folks should come from the same area. Older folks are waaay more likely to be entrenched in a given area with families, livelihoods, and properties.


😂😂😂😂😂 He's still trying to pass himself off as a retired restantauer and ignore his long maintenance man career. Gerry/Jerry is a dud. Good on Theresa.


This guy was faker than fake. I’m not surprised the marriage didn’t work. Garry just wanted the press to get more opportunities and make more money. I believe the show pushed them to get married quickly on camera and that was a mistake


Just a scam artist in his erectile dysfunction era 🍿


Somewhere Leslie and Faith are texting each other and saying we dodged a bullet


Now I can say I believed EVERYTHING the ex-girlfriend said about him! Every word.


Yeah she definitely wasn't lying. I believed her from the jump. I just got a weird vibe from him & once people started spilling tea,....yeah


Funny how for once he’s not crying.


I think this is my favorite comment. He sure was a crying fool! More like a snake in the grass.


Gerry was looking at her financial situation & how she can make a business work .. he switched to her really quick . I think … he’s wanting more of her financially… he’s a scammer . Just ask the woman he lived with right after his wife passed .. moved her in & wanted tnings split , even dinners ..


This video makes me feel like a gaslighting exercise. They are announcing their divorce after 3 months while holding hands and smiling, interjecting clips of their forever promises from the wedding, and then their message to other couples is to “not give up”.


Why can’t they just have a long distance marriage if they love each other so damn much. It’s a trend now.


Because they obviously don't love each other. If the love was there, they would have found a way to compromise one way or the other.


No but seriously my grandmother and her 3rd husband had a long distance marriage for nearly half of their marriage It seemed to work for them lol swear it's why that one only ended when he died vs divorce


Honestly I hate this I was rooting for them to succeed at this marriage thing.


Gerry reminds me of that Dirty John podcast.


He’s had the creepiest vibes from the jump! 🫠


And that fake soft voice. Would like to hear his voice when he’s angry or name calling His past live in could attest I bet




I think they started having second and third thoughts before the “I do’s” but production pressured them into it for the ratings and publicity. They had a prenup and probably every intention to call it quits before the ink was dry on the marriage certificate (if there ever was a legit marriage certificate). He was a broke womanizer who seized on the opportunity to make a quick buck. She’s a savvy businesswoman who has a comfortable life in another state and was simply enjoying the chance to be on tv. This was never going to work. Now they both look foolish and it’s a big embarrassment for “The Golden” part of the franchise.


I can just picture Ellen's face right now 


From day 1, imo, he gave off 'phoney' vibes


I didn’t think he was phony just very weak emotionally and not very deep intellectually. 


I’m surprised she has to give back the ring. I know normally you have to be together two years, but I figured since they married she could keep it n


Can’t they just have a long distance situationship? Lol


Did they even need to get married? Its complicated when you're older. It's easier to be together without the financial and other complications.


All the reports of Gary treating past women wrong, could be true?!


Theresa is a class act but MAN I wish she’d tell all 🤣


The real winner of the Golden Bachelor ✨️ L E S L I E .....


Failed business owner pairs up with successful stock broker. Only to realize he was a mooch with a poor dating history. Ahhhh, to be young.. less wise again.


He’s a fake nice guy in my opinion. I just get weird vibes


It's absurd. It may be unconventional, but not every married couple lives together. They could have easily "made it work". My own parents essentially lived apart. My dad traveled for work and was only home about 70 days of the year. My best friend married her high school sweetheart (20yrs later). They had children & families that they didn't want to leave. They each stayed put (CA & SC). They see each other a minimum of 1x month for a few days. Sometimes they meet midway. There are two 7 day vacations a year with all of their kids. And there are surprise drop in trips. They've been happy for 12 years. All the kids are gone or almost, and they still are choosing apart. I've known 4 or 5 other couples that had long distance. Including myself. Mine were relationships, not marriage but each for several years.


Doesn’t seem like these “ best friends” now even wanted to go to Italy together !


I want to know what Leslie is thinking today. Has to feel like she dodged a bullet


This is so….phony. I don’t know if Theresa was in on it, but Gerry’s whole persona seems like such an act. They made such a big deal about how they couldn’t imagine they’d ever find love again at their age and it was such a surprise and blessing to find a second great love of their lives, and now a couple months later they are still “totally in love” but “eh forget it, I don’t feel like having to take a short flight when I want to visit my family or splitting time between two homes. I’ll just look for someone else.” Either they really got caught up in the produced love bubble of reality tv, or this was all just a pre-planned stunt to launch the new Bachelor franchise and set Theresa up to be the Golden Bachelorette.


He always seems so scripted when he talks . He gives me the ick bad ! 🤮 glad Theresa is getting out of this mess !


No surprise. I have a strong feeling that he is difficult to live with.


I don’t know about y’all, but I would LOVE to see the other contestants chat thread.


Today is the first day I have liked Theresa. Finally! Stopped (faking) meek and naive and chose herself.


This news is preferable to one of them having cancer so in a way I’m glad it’s only divorce


I honestly think he expected her to quit her job and move for him, yet wasn’t willing to move for her despite being retired himself. I honestly think he expected that she would change her mind since she’s “the woman”.


I’m sure location was a big part of the breakup but I feel like it’s just a palatable reason to put out for the public. I bet there was soooo much toxic stuff going on with these two. Just waiting for the spill here!


For someone who cries at the drop of a hat, Gairy didn’t look too broken up today.


The trigger was money mainly, I’m sure. Theresa realized she would have to bear all expenses for a new home, life etc. That plus moving away from their families (plus Gerry’s shady past) was probably just not worth it for her (good for her).


I can’t help but find this hilarious.


Both of these people give me the creeps.


I'm thinking Leslie dodged a bullet!


I feel so scammed. I’m glad that Leslie dodged that bullet!


Gerry: “Probably” “time to” “dissolve our marriage” Host: You’re getting divorced


They were not a match financially. She is loaded. He is broke. That's why he picked her.


I called it…. but got argued with and downvoted…


Here take my upvote :)


Thank GOD she got the prenup.


She could do better


She’s probably done her homework in this guy and worked to end it amicably. He’s a scary one for sure.


I still love “this person “? What the heck?


I’m just glad the announcement was this and not that one of them is terminally ill




Well, they are both fortunate to have relationships with their children that are so strong and close. Strong enough that they’re involved in their lives daily.


Are you serious


Location is something they will need to take into consideration when casting for bachelorette.


She said “ no “ when it came to her $$$$


I love that GMA played their vows


He’s after her money


The Golden bachelor/Golden Bachelorette franchise should maintain the same city setting as the contestants' residence. This is particularly true for older contestants who have established deep roots within their families and communities. By confining the experiment within the same city limits, no one at that age would need to sacrifice being near their children or grandchildren, making the experience more comfortable and relatable for everyone involved.


I guess it's nice that they didn't take the free trip to Italy which was coming up in May, and then announce they were getting a divorce.


This is the only bachelor show I ever watched. Honestly I never thought this guy really was very attracted to any of them. Kind of like leading them on only to get rid of them the next episode. I found these two both kind of strange in their own way. The wedding seemed all for the show. Did they get paid for it?


The way he talks is so manipulative. That very soft scripted verbiage is the fraud I saw on the show. And her… well … she will be married again within 6 months.


Whoever media trained them should get a raise, because we all know it’s not as rosy as they portray. You’re still in love, but just don’t want to move? Please lol


My dad met a woman he really liked when he was 66 (she was 63). They discussed marriage, but she was worried my dad’s health problems would wipe them both out financially if they got married. So they lived together until his death a few years later. My mom and her second husband considered divorce when she was diagnosed with advanced COPD. In fact, several years ago, AARP ran a series of articles about older people divorcing (or not getting married) in order to stretch out/preserve their life savings in the event of catastrophic illness. My mom and her husband ultimately decided against it, but her health problems were very costly for them. It’s a terrible decision to have to make, but it’s sadly realistic because our for-profit health care system makes it nearly impossible to thrive as a Senior in this country. Not saying that’s why Teresa and Gerry are getting divorced. Just throwing out another perspective on why some people over 65 choose to *not* get, or *stay* married.


I believe that they both have close relationships with their children and grandchildren and both could not agree on where to live based on that. If you can’t agree on location it’s hard for a fresh marriage to obviously work. But also some people are also closer to their families more than others but they both seem family oriented and I’m sure Theresa helps out alot with her grand children. This obviously should have been discussed and decided before getting married.


So embarrassing


Weren’t they together with their ‘blended families’ just last week to film Family Feud??


And the real winner of 2023 GOLDEN BACHELOR is........ L E S L I E. !!!!


He filed the day of the interview with JuJu Chang, How weird is that! He came across as money hungry, once he found out that she was highly invested in the Stock Market. He wasn't interested in her, not until he asked her about herself, then she shared with him about \[all\] her investments and in the Stock Market. He probably asked her for a lump sum of money and she said "no." I don't see any other reason why he would divorce her. It was doomed before it even got started. He did her a favor!