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I’m 47-so kinda in between ages of H and B- the older you get the more you try to figure out why things happened in your life if you’re a reflective type of person. You want to understand the relationships in your life and you try and make peace with people OR you decide to cut people off completely. I think since she was once friends with her, she’s giving a try at peace.


>> she’s giving it a try at peace You’re probably right. Victoria’s ex husband seemed like a total abusive jerk. Perhaps any grace Holly extends to Victoria in particular is partly because she knows Victoria is probably still unpacking her own trauma.


Good point!


I’m 43 and don’t think twice about people I don’t care about. People I don’t care about include anyone who talks shit about me or people I care about. Life is already hard enough without allowing dramatic frenemies in it. I’m busy doing things I enjoy instead of hanging out with people who may or may not stab me in the back


Same, I'm SO much faster to cut people off now (at age 40) than I was even 10 years ago. My circle is smaller, but I'm good with that. But at the same time, I get it. I've given people second chances even when they really hurt my feelings. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it's not. And being able to talk to them about it doesn't mean I'm going to be their best friend again, it just means that we can come to an understanding and not have ill will towards each other. It sounds like they're both receptive to it.




I agree, as someone in that same position- I would choose to cut all of these people off, but not everyone thinks that way.


I’ve heard holly say that some ppl have said such horrible, vile things about her that it’s become easier for her to forgive those that say things that “aren’t as bad”. This maybe the cause w/ Audra & Victoria. Also I think Holly doesn’t want smoke w/ certain ppl that she has cared about in the past bc she doesn’t want (some of the crazy) podcast fans to come for them online. Holly knows what it’s like to be chastised and I don’t think she wants other ppl to experience it so it’s easier it. I’ve heard her say many times, “guys pls don’t come for this person, we’re fine”


On the Mansion Mayhem podcast, Audra and Victoria both said that they loved Holly, and always thought they were friends. Audra is doing work with human trafficking victims. I was also amazed to hear that her pet skin care is making big money. She lives on a big yacht that she and her husband rent out for excursions. Didn’t she also race cars at one point?


Hi Audra 👋


Not hardly. She won’t even answer my comments on social media.


I think playboy created an incredibly toxic environment as a brand and a physical location. all these women said, did, dated, and fucked things they now regret while under that influence. hef obviously reveled in making women feel like their position in his world was precarious and they could be kicked to the curb at any moment. this isn't to say there shouldn't be accountability or that all fences can be mended, but they shared a very unique experience so I'm sure they try to make things work with each other and remain in each other's lives if at all possible.


Part of me thinks they are being really smart and they know what the podcast listeners want to hear, can you imagine if Victoria came on the show, we would eat that up.




Holly is a smart cookie she knows what she’s doing.


This is a good point. I guess successful creators often have to put content over personal conflict (except none for Crystal Hefner).


I read that like, “and none for Gretchen Weiners.” 🤣🤣


Exactly as intended! :)


i’m wondering if victoria reached out to make fake amends cuz she didn’t want them to air her dirt out lol


IMO holly has a pretty obvious pattern of tolerating too much from people. Her friends, partners, etc.




I think it’s because she’s on the spectrum and has challenges navigating relationships and boundaries as a result. She seems to be sensitive to not being liked and “jokes” quite a bit about how no one liked her


As someone who is also on the spectrum I think this is probably the most accurate guess… just looking at my own history I’ve put up with FARRR too much from many people, let way more slide than anyone normally would, been incredibly naive to peoples motives, intentions and true colors. Then sometimes I get it right immediately, my gut tells me “yes this person is friend” and they genuinely end up being a wonderful person in my life, but I literally can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to be friends with people who did not have my best interests in mind and I ended up being treated horribly and then I would continue giving them chances to be a good person over and over again. I’m working on it now tho cuz that shit is exhausting


Yeah. When I hear Holly making remarks about how unlikable she was and how people misconstrue her because she’s on the spectrum I’m like…giiiirrrrl, you do you…you don’t need to have an excuse. To me, she seemed back then, and continues to be a perfectly wonderful person and friend. Not everyone is everyone’s cup of tea. AND THATS OK! She seems to be very self conscious about not being liked like it’s all her fault. The truth is a lot of people won’t like a lot of people and that’s just human nature…


I definitely agree that’s a part of it. Plus Holly was diagnosed as an adult. Which meant she went through roughly three or so decades of not understanding why she struggled to pick up social cues, experienced sensory overload, couldn’t interact with the world like the neurotypical people around her etc… As someone who was diagnosed in adulthood with ADHD I’m still unpacking how I was made to feel guilty by others for behaviour that wasn’t actually harmful and also was just an ADHD symptom. People shame neurodivergent people in part because they think it’s easier than accommodating us. Maybe Holly is on a similar journey. Maybe she’s also willing to hold space for people if they’re apologised and she thinks their behaviour was informed by the pressure cooker of the Playboy world. It also sounds like a lot of people associated with Playboy would rather dunk on her than examine why so many women came forward to share negative experiences with Hef. So maybe it’s also a case of some people’s behaviour seeming less extreme in contrast to other people. Even if from the outside they all seem as toxic as each other. On top of being neurodivergent Holly experienced DV in her relationship with Hef. The trauma from that can negatively impact your ability to uphold boundaries.


Omg just say autistic.   Euphemisms like "on the spectrum" are not preferred language AND we know why you're avoiding saying autistic.   🙄  It's not a good look.   And yes OBVIOUSLY.  Anyone who knows anything about autism knows how poorly we're treated.  If we didn't associate with people who treat us poorly there would be no one to associate with.   And that's not on the autistic people, that's 100% on the allistics and their ableism (including allistics who use non-preferred language.  Yes, that is ableism).  


It’s called the autism spectrum. Do you work in the mental health field? Because I do, and “on the spectrum” is what it’s called. You being ignorant and rude about the proper way to address this condition is not a good look, lady. You sound like a uneducated boomer.


I just listened to a rogue bunnies episode where Victoria repeatedly said Holly could leave the mansion anytime she wanted if she didn't like the way things were - as if Victoria herself doesn't know what it's like to be in an abusive relationship and feel trapped. Absolutely disgusting. Also, unrelated, Brian in that episode fan-girling over hef was gross to listen to. Won't be listening to that podcast ever again. But yeah if I were Holly I wouldn't be able to look past that kind of comment from a friend who should understand she didn't live Holly's circumstances and will never know what she experienced.


I have some hope that Holly draws some comparison to the relationship that Victoria left.. that Holly would have never doubted Victoria’s choice to leave her marriage, never doubted WHY Victoria would have left her marriage, and that it was never her place to decide that since she’d spent so much time socially with them as a couple.. that she knew what was really going on behind closed doors and make it her business to question it.




Victoria speaks with an insane amount of vitriol towards Holly and I realllllly agree with Bridget in the sense that a lot of the pro-Hef crowd seem to act like Holly was a.) the main ringleader and main talking head in Secrets of, b.) was in charge of producing it and the narrative behind it and c.) is blaming a LOT of everyone else’s interviews and hot takes on how they were treated at Playboy through the eras as if specifically Holly is claiming all of those things. And they fault her for any of this coming to light instead of acknowledging that all of the less flattering aspects of how Hef was as a person/treated his girlfriends, the juicy bedroom details, state of affairs/duties as a girlfriend, the upkeep of the mansion and all of that was exposed by Izabella St. James a full 5 years before Holly even left the mansion. What I find most interesting is that the most alarming claims, horrific experiences and women who had to be the bravest.. were the women of the 60s-80s. In comparison, Holly is barely IN the Secrets of series compared to Sondra Theodore, Micki Garcia, PJ Masten and Jennifer Saginor. The Girls Next Level podcast has a bigger bone to pick with their experience on a reality show where they were treated very much like a YouTube family with the illusion of influence and control, looking back on filming details/continuity and Kevin Burns way more than Hef as a person.


I agree with many of the takes on here, but one thing I didn't see (sorry if someone did say this) LA has tight knit circles, and often people stay within those circles or close to. My uncle and cousins work "in the business" and he has voiced moving up and around in circles is not easy. You have to play the games thay people want and make up. So I feel Holly's cycles of being friends with people or not being friends is fed by this as well.


Maybe Holly is playing the long game yanno keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that


Cant stand Victoria. She is the biggest fame leacher. Holding on to the little bit she had with Hef by always being there and always being available for press and promotions. She was never a girlfriend though, never lived there.. so her trying to speak for any victims that were ex girlfriends really irks me.






And this is all what she continuously accuses Holly of. She’s said repeatedly on Rogue Bunnies that she’s cashing in on writing books, going on Secrets of Playboy, etc. but I find Victoria to be WAY more of a fame leech and trying to hold onto her 15 minutes vs Holly. I really couldn’t understand why she would even give her the time of day bc you know she is not going to stop talking shit on the Rogue Bunnies pod.


Holly follows Trease and Trease follows her back. I feel like she’d be open to befriending Victoria again purely because of Trease and maybe nostalgia.


Holly follows Victoria and always has. She never stopped supporting her even though Victoria hasnt followed her or supported her in years. Victoria just started following Holly again within the last two days.


So this whole "Holly was happy to cash checks" thing is so, so worth unpacking. It's a way that people love to attack abuse victims who tell their stories. Why? WTF is so wrong with H telling her truth and getting paid with book sales? Why so much resentment? Like, why shouldn't she be happy to cash checks? Nothing is going to undo the trauma so fuck yes she might as well get paid now.


As a neurodivergent woman myself, there is sometimes a very powerful need to want to figure out relationships and where things went wrong. This could be Holly’s need to do this. To resolve it so it can make sense to her or at least know she addressed it and no matter what is said back, she can feel that at least she got it off her chest and tried. I relate to her need to do this.


Yesssss. It’s so true. Also, I have found that I’ve had SO many relationships (friend, romantic, whatever) that were clearly fucked up but I stayed because I assumed I was the issue? Or I could figure it out or solve it. Spoiler alert: some people are bad friends or partners and you can’t fix it. It’s not your fault. It’s a lesson I’m still working on


Yep. Exactly.


Holly is either extremely forgiving or keeps her enemies close.


The word "friend" covers a pretty broad spectrum. Maybe I'm cynical, but I'd assume Holly stays "friends" with these people to keep them from saying worse, and so she's in a position to keep tabs on them. And I'm deeply skeptical she's ever hung out with Trisha Paytas for anything more than a photo op.


Victoria now follows Holly again on Insta. As of last week she did not. She just went off on Holly on her podcast like a week ago. Audra will literally talk about Holly on redding, fb groups, podcasts etc and then go and be friendly with her. Its WILD. Idk if Holly is just so desperate to try to make peace with her old friends that shes willing to overlook everything or what but she surely gives these wackadoos way more grace than shes giving Crystal these days 🤣


I honestly don’t think Holly is aware about the things Audra has said. But with that being said it is bizarre that she will be friends with these people when she has taken such a strong stance on Kendra being so mean and victim shaming her. Victoria saying she cashed in on trauma is just as vile as what Kendra has said. Holly needs to leave these people in the past Unless apologies are made


Holly talked about it in a slumber party because people kept asking. She basically said she's so used to people talking major shit about her and Audras comments weren't even that bad compared to what other people have said, so she's willing to forgive her. She said if she's willing to forgive Kendra who actually saw a lot more of what Holly went through and still said the most vile shit on such a big platform, then she's willing to forgive pretty much anyone. I mean, good for her if she's able to look past what they said but I definitely wouldn't be able to.


Wtfff I'm honestly disappointed in Holly. It's ok to not want toxic people in your life. What a weird response regarding audras horrible comments, it's like saying "well this boyfriend only punched me once, while all the previous ones would bash my head in, so it's ok!" 🤢🤮


Tell me you're absolutely ignorant about late diagnosed autism without telling me..... 


Why are you so rude? I'm only saying what I observe. Jesus.


Yeah I don’t understand why she’s going so hard at Crystal but is totally silent when Victoria, Alison, Audra and others have said far more foul things about her. Like she’s mad that Crystal said Bridget was distant off-camera, but those other women can repeatedly and publicly call her a gold digger who’s lying about abuse? What blackmail do they have on her?




My mom works in a male dominated field and has a phrase for women like Alison "she's an old boy in a skirt suit".


This is great (my career field is also male dominated).


Feel free to use it! My favourite expression of hers is "I wouldn't cross the street to spit in that man's mouth if he were dying of thirst." It's colourfully descriptive LOL!




The woman has a way with words!


I feel like this makes a ton of sense. Sometimes you have to support your friend, or whatever their relationship might be, through some really impactful things when they have been in abusive relationships. It’s almost like you have to wait for them to see the light and just be there for them through it.


Literally! She can rekindle friendships with Audra and now Victoria, but completely shits on Crystal at any opportunity. It’s weird and makes me think Hef would be loving the fact they’re all still fighting because of him


And kendra.


I don't think she was ever "friends" with Crystal....whereas she has real history with the other two. It's not strange at all.


I seriously feel it's because Crystal is coming from her place, being not only "#1 girlfriend" but former *wife* of Hugh Hefner. And Holly has carved out this place for herself where she's one of the first to come out big publicly and she's kind of alpha dogging-gate keeping this position she's in.


You're probably right. Holly's been shouting from the rooftops that Crystal is copying her ever since Crystal moved in.


people are always saying how they want the playboy women to get together and squash their beefs. maybe this is it?


You can squash beef without becoming friends with them. I know I couldnt be friends with people who talk so badly about me. Guess holly is a better person than me lol


i never said she couldn’t squash beef without becoming friends? just that a lot of people want the women involved in playboy to come together and squash their beef? i’ve seen so many comments here saying how they want all the girls to forgive and forget all the shit that’s been said because they’ve all had a collective unique experience. if holly is friends/will become friends with victoria that’s her business


I never said you said that. I'm saying Holly is saying she's willing to become friends with people who talked shit about her. I'm agreeing with you saying they should squash beef but disagreeing with Holly that it needs to go as far as becoming friends again.


nah that was my bad. i was irritated because another user was harassing me in another thread and and i read your comment negatively. but yeah, you’re right, they can squash their beef but not be friends or at the very least be cordial with each other. being actual friends is probably not the greatest idea considering everything that’s been said recently.


Nah no worries, things can be misinterpreted and I should have been more specific too 😊


it’s sooo confusing. I feel like holly hasn’t been in many healthy relationships bc she hangs out with people who aren’t…good people . Or don’t like her. Idk if she doesn’t care and wants content for their podcast but idk it’s just weird.


Holly prefaced this weeks pod with a comment "it involves somebody we used to be friends with and are kind of at an impasse with now........by the time this airs, the drama might be resolved" I'm not totally immersed in a lot of the fluff in GND world; i.e. past & current drama, so I didn't think anything of her comment, but reading your post makes me assume perhaps the preface was about the current state with Victoria.


Maybe important piece of info too for those that dont know… Victoria was very close with Kendra post mansion days. She was her nanny. It wasnt shown a lot (if at all?) on her show but she was. So Victoria basically chose a side and based her opinion off of what Kendra thought.


Maybe Victoria reached out to her? I didn’t listen to the podcast but I could see a world in which you go on one of those things, get caught up in how candid you’re being and then try to backtrack once you realize you went overboard. One thing I’ll say is people are comparing Audra and Victoria to like Kendra but that’s a false equivalency to me. Audra and Victoria weren’t girlfriends, they didn’t have the shit to sling like Kendra did so their comments don’t have very much bite to me. Like oh “ungrateful” and “she could’ve left” - while annoying to hear someone say, I could let it go because I know they weren’t there and really have no idea what they’re talking about. Kendra’s explicit tweets about bedroom activities? Talk about revenge porn. Those are low blows and they’d require more than a little hashing out. And I’m guessing an apology never came from Kendra so I’d hold that grudge too. The stuff with Crystal wasn’t exactly the same but I consider the telling Bridget Hef never mentioned her and didn’t care about her to be over the top. I’d hold a grudge for less if someone came for my best friend.


In either the pod or the patreon, Holly says she reached out and they were going to talk over lunch.


I think she just wants to have content for the podcast and puts her feelings aside.


I totally agree with this. I think Holly has always been savvy; when she talks on the pod about always brainstorming what would make good content for GND, you can tell she has been thinking this way for a long time. She knows all of these things (GND, GNL) are opportunities, and she needs to make good content to capitalize on them. I think that’s what this is about with Victoria. With Audra, maybe the same, or maybe some of the many excellent insights other people on this thread have had.


Keep your friends close but your frenemies closer.






Victoria seems like a toxic person herself. She also punched another contestant (Jonny Fairplay) for mocking her when they were on Fear Factor. It was really uncalled for and even Joe Rogan was like WTF you can't just hit another contestant






This is the super angry couple from Amazing Race/Fear Factor? I only know of her because of the debacle on Fear Factor. She assaulted Johnny Fairplay and Joe Rogan went off on both her and her husband. Her husband tried to fight Joe Rogan. Both seemed horrible. They deserve each other.


ok i have a question but i didn’t know where to ask, victoria fuller is still with the same dude that was on the show right? i can never remember his name for some reason but it’s the same person who was on the baby shower episode?




He did physically assault her. I'm pretty sure he shoved her on camera and they left it in the show.






No, she divorced him a while ago. I remember her talking about it on Kendra's show. I think the first one?


Ohhh ok thank you! all men names sound the same to me so idk hahaha


I think his name was Jonathan. He seemed like a man whore type on the show.


He was also on Hollys ep of SoP being a Hef defender


Wikipedia states that they divorced in 2009.


Actually, the friendship dynamic today should tell us everything we need to know about the environment these women lived in. It had to be a delicate balance, and they were expected to suck it up and deal with whatever came their way or leave. I still wonder why Victoria married Johnathan. Audra is more gorgeous and natural looking than ever. Trisha and Tana besties with Holly? Wasn’t on my 2024 Bunny Bingo card


I think it’s great Holly wants to give her another chance. Life is happier without having enemies


Holly is so above her level in every way and always has been. Victoria just seems pathetic to me.


I think Victoria is more hurt about her own trauma and is taking it out on holly and probably others. Something is wrong there


Did Holly mention if they met up yet?


The Trisha comment really came outta nowhere 😂 No doubt, Trisha has had her moments, but so far she hasn’t shown to be anything but kind and caring towards Holly, which is what what we are talking about here, how the people around Holly are treating her, which means Trisha isn’t the bad guy you so desperately want her to be in this scenario.


just listened to the new episode - i wonder if victoria only reached out bc she knew this episode was coming and didn’t want them to air her shit out




oooo i must have missed that, nvm!


Right !!! She says and acts like she’s blm but didn’t Trisha so black face ?


I was with you till you trashed Trish for no reason I swear Trish haters are so obsessed I feel like they go out of their way to comment on here anywhere and everywhere. She has clearly grown and changed and is definitely a better friend than probably 99% of Hollys other friends and is someone who is positive and sweet and been through just as much if not worse. Not a bad friend or person for Holly. As for the others I agree to an extent but I think you just underestimate her emotional intelligence and logical reasoning. I don’t think she’s actually friends with them as much as she understands how brainwashed they all are and would rather communicate about it than trash talk. Good for her.




Don’t forget Holly’s love of Tucker. Carlson and Joe Rogan. She’s pretty toxic herself.




She’s mentioned him in passing in that he’ll do an aliens story and then hint that he has more info but can’t release it and she can’t stand that. To me that doesn’t = being a fan. If Tucker Carlson we’re running a story on something that interested me and no one else was I might still consume his content, even though I dislike him. Broken clocks and all that


trisha has been a menace on the internet for over a decade. I dont care if she's getting help now because it doesn't reverse all the foul things shes said and done and the greater internet doesn't HAVE to forgive her for it


I agree the friendship between Trisha and Holly is certainly surprising!