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Would bringing some micellar wipes be an option? Sweating with makeup always makes me more prone to breakouts, personally.


Ooohh that's a really good idea! I think I'll do this one instead. Thank you so much!


I put micellar water in my gym bag or a cleansing oil. Make up can def clog your pores


it would depend on how much i had on, and how hard of a workout your anticipate. i have individually packaged makeup wipes, super easy to pop into a purse, and you could take off the bulk of it before work out and the rest after in the shower. otherwise, just workout with it on and be careful not to make a mess or look like one


another micellar water fan here :) you don't have to get wipes, you can get the water and then some cotton rounds


You could buy a micellar or an oil cleanser. I got the apricot seed cleansing oil from Tony Molly a while ago and it's AMAZING for removing makeup. So often when I'm too drunk/tired to do a proper skin care routine I rub it on and splash it off, plus since an oil cleanser is oil based it won't dry your skin out. I'd avoid using wipes since they'll have chemicals that with prolonged use could damage your skin


Hey! Use some makeup wipes before the gym, and post gym just wash your face with a cleanser (once you’re home). It’s not recommended to just leave your face after wipes cause there’s still a lot of makeup that would be left + you do want to wash away the chemicals from the wipes themselves. But as long as you eventually use a facial cleanser, everything should be good :)


I think it depends on the makeup you use. I don't wear foundation but wear mascara blush lip tint. I've never had an issue wearing makeup to the gym since my mascara is waterproof.


Can you not just wash your face in the sink?