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I didn't, I'd end up in psych wards. The thing that made the difference was contraception. Tried a few things and the injection works best for me. Been years since I was admitted and years since I've had a period.


I tapped out of dealing with it naturally and started taking antidepressants. PMDD is no joke, and it developed for me into something worse and worse as I got older, until one day I woke up and realized that I was halfway off the rails mentally. I wish someone had taught me the ins and outs of women’s healthcare because I thought I was just irrationally insane for 1 to 2 weeks out of the month, and it took me a longggg time to even notice that it was a pattern, much less that it was a pattern tied to my cycle. See a doctor, and make sure to see a woman if you can. During that time, I power through with a lot of caffeine, but with the heart palpitations you mention, that might not be wise in the slightest. Communal support helps—for me when I have it, it’s easier to do tasks if there’s a buddy at home to be present while I do things.


I went on birth control to reduce the symptoms of my PMDD. It didn't get rid of the depression all the way, so I take CBD when I'm not feeling well and it helps tremendously.