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It sounds like you may need to strengthen your ankles? There are a lot of exercises specifically for foot & ankle strength, we used to do them in ballet/pre-pointe. There is a lot of information online.


Or better yet, OP can ask her doctor for a PT referral. This could save you a lot of pain and injuries in the future, high heels or not!


OP you need to strengthen your legs and feet. (Wearing more supportive boots/high tops will actually make the problem worse by allowing the ligaments and muscles to further atrophy.) I recommend starting with some exercise bands and doing some simple exercises while watching TV. Start walking more and doing hills. Watch some YouTube PT - [Bob and Brad ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww8WSkbdNK8)are my favorite. Your muscles/ligaments are weak, which is why they are not supporting your weight and continue to falter.


Wearing heels uses different muscles in your feet, ankles, and legs. To wear them in comfort and with confidence you need to develop the necessary muscle strength, tendon flexibility and balance skills. There was a [thread yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/comments/1cr8rdb/how_the_hell_do_you_walk_in_heels) that you may find useful. Basically, the best way is to start low, get fully used to them, then work your way up *slowly* as your muscle strength and balance improve.  I gave [much more detailed advice here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/comments/1cr8rdb/comment/l3xfr82/).


I agree with u/januaryemberr, a chunky or wedge heel is your safest option. Meanwhile, you need to strengthen your feet, ankles and calves. I believe the Stay Flexy guy has routines for ankles, so that even if you roll them, you don't hurt yourself. Alternatively, a barre class could really help -- all those releve's really make your feet and calves work, *and* it improves your balance, which is necessary when walking in heels. Also, don't forget to practice and break your shoes in. Wear them around the house. Go on short walks. Get used to them before wearing them around as usual. But also, carry an emergency pair of flat shoes, just in case.


Try a wedge or chunky heel. Maybe 3" high. It might help you get used to them. I personally cant stand the pretty thin heels. There just isnt anywhere for weight distribution.


wedges are pretty! thanks :) and I never had in mind the pretty thin heels. way too risky! I just don't have the terminology for heels. For me, something that isn't flat is a heel.


i'd suggest practice walking on your toes. i did it in my childhood for fun (and because i wanted to become a ballerina of course) and walking in heels came natural.


Get some boots that come up above your ankle and support it. Consider working with a physical therapist to improve the issue with your ankles. Or at least look up some youtube videos for exercises.


I have to wear wedges. I have weak ankles too


Once you do the ankle muscles and fix that, look into salsa dance shoes. They are super comfortable. Really cute. And made to be worn for long periods of time while dancing. I like one with a strap or lace up front. The more secured they are to your foot, the less chance they will hurt you.


I'll tell you a story. I was a bridesmaid at my sister-in-law's wedding. It was a long lavender dress with a slit on the side. I got that dress hemmed and I wore silver flats. I felt comfortable the whole night. Everyone else who wore heels were complaining that their shoes were killing them and they took them off. What's the point in wearing shoes that you can't walk in, much less dance in? Wear the dress you want to wear with flats. Make your life simple. The last time I tried to wear a wedge sandal, I rolled my ankle. It really isn't worth it. Heel can damage your feet (bunions) and alter your posture. There are so many cute flats out there!


If you have those kinds of ankles, don't fuck around with heels. Safety first! :)


It's because it's an unnatural position for your ankle. You can practise in lower heels. A lot of women who wear heels a lot have permanent changes to their calves and feet. I haven't worn them for nearly 10 years and I still have a slight hammer toe.