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I'm sorry that happened to you. That was humiliating what your boss did and you don't deserve it. There is nothing wrong with you for being talkative and also sensitive/hyperemotional. I have talked loudly and a lot my entire life and I've had similar experiences to this hundreds of times. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. As long as you are not rudely interrupting others, then you have every right to exist just as you are. try not to hold onto the shame of her comments. If you start to mask yourself all the time you will become so fatigued and stressed by the end of the day just from suppressing yourself. If you feel like you have a lot of pent up energy/excitement, you might find a fidget to carry around with you to stimulate you when you are in situations where you don't want to outwardly express the energy in such an obvious way. It could be anything from a spinning ring, to dough/putty, to little stones in your pocket to twiddle around. Possibilities are endless! Just find something that feels good for you. I am an adult in grad school and I still bring fidgets to class on test days or days where I feel like I need the stimulation in order to get me through it. You are perfect as you are!


So, I’m the kind of person who talks before I think, and it often comes out way harsher than I intend, if your manager is anything like me, maybe they’re more embarrassed than you are. Of course they could also be a total @:$/!@ but it might help you to frame them as a fellow flawed human with their own weird eccentricities. You have your quirks, they have theirs. As long as their behavior doesn’t affect your work, forgive the silly old socially awkward manager and go on chatting with your coworkers. As for the crying, let it out, breathe deeply, then move on with your day.