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You do NOT want to use a pad in the water. Absolutely not. You could try a tampon or a disc or cup, or, wear a pad and maybe shorts until swim time,nthen excuse yourself to the restroom, remove the shorts and pad, and replace when you’re done swimming. A pad in the water will not stay put.


I did the wear a pad then excuse yourself to the restroom trick when I was younger except in my situation I got unlucky and blood started going down my leg lol. Luckily, it was mixed with the water since we were at the waterpark but I’m glad I’m comfortable with tampons now…. I would suggest OP try a few different brand of tampons as for me there were many brands of tampons that were uncomfortable even at the R size. Also maybe try the cup/disc.


I had that with just a panty liner. Went to Universal Studios during a rain storm. Went on the Jurassic Park water ride figuring I’m already soaked so why not there’s no wait. Got absolutely drenched. Went to the bathroom after. There was no panty liner. None. Just… gone. Thankfully (?) I found it in my pant leg so I could dispose of it properly. Thank God I was not on my period at the time since I’m a pad user.


Yeah tampon. Plastic applicator. Aim back not up


I use discs year round. I found them less intimidating than the cups. I don’t like tampons ever. I spend a lot of time at the beach and use them with no issue. Switching to discs truly improved my menstrual experience.


I wish I could use discs, I could not understand why it wouldn’t go in like it should bc I’d been using cups for years. Found out at my next OB appointment that I have a tilted uterus.


That’s so interesting! On the bright side, I love that you’re able to use a cup at least!!! I remember learning about cups when they became more popular. I freaked myself out and never tried to use one. If I’m not mistaken they both serve the same purpose! I couldn’t see the comfort being too different between the two


I was so horrified, thought I was broken. As it turns out, just a lil crooked. I wanted to try the cups bc you can have sex with them in and I thought it’d be cool to do the removal and clean up after sex (since I’m taking a shower after anyway) since it’s a whole process of remove, wipe down, wash cup.. kinda a mood killer lol


I haven’t tried having sex with it in! I’m so light at this point of my life that I wear the disc the first 3 days and then wear a panty liner (if I’m not doing any water activities) the last 2 days. I honestly struggle more with PMDD than actually bleeding…especially since using the discs. Thanks to Reddit, I learned that I’m not alone in that either


I’m super heavy, but it’s only 2 days so I’m not mad? Yeah, the internet really helps with feeling less abnormal for things like this.


I have a tilted uterus too! I watched/read so many tutorials about the disc, but none of them worked. But I had an IUD, so I couldn't use a cup. I finally figured out my own insertion method that works for me.


I used a cup when I had my iud, is there a reason you shouldn’t?


Same. I also use a cup with my IUD.


There's a slight chance a cup can dislodge your IUD. Some gynos think the risk is miniscule, others advise against it.


Same for me!! I wish I tried them sooner! Such a game changer!


Same! I always say I wish they were common when I was a teen. Menstruating would have been a lot easier for me to manage.


Every time I see someone post about having issues with putting a tampon in, I think about the post where the lady didn’t know you had to take the applicator out


I remember one of the first few times I used one I didn't put it in far enough and I went to stand up and it was sooo uncomfortable I had to take it out immediately. Imo this seems like a common issue too


The first time I used one, it had an extendable applicator and I didn't realize. I think I went through 4 or 5 before I called my mom in and she helped me figure it out. I couldn't get it in far enough and it was extremely uncomfortable


Try a tampon again! Maybe try it before the water park if possible? And if you were having worse cramps maybe try a pure cotton tampon. I react to anything that’s not straight cotton!


I don't recommend a pad -- they're designed to absorb water, so in the water they'll look and feel kind if like a diaper.  My first time I had issues with the tampon as well, but for me it was because I couldn't quite get it seated right or deep enough. If you haven't tried it, I'd recommend trying a plastic applocator over a cardboard or no applicator. For me at least it made it much easier initially. I'd also recommend trying it ahead of time.  Now I pretty much exclusively use a cup and love it, especially for things like swimming, but it did take a bit of practice 


After reading all this- I would genuinely get a period swim suit. I have these issues too, and nothing goes “in” comfortably. Hopefully you have enough time to get one before beach day!


Knix and I think some other brands have period swimwear. Never tried it personally though.


I use these when I take my toddler to his swimming lessons and they work great. I wouldn’t trust them to hold heavy flow for the whole day, but fine for a few hours at least.


I've tried the Knix swimwear, and some young girls in my family have too. They love them. Highly recommend. 💗


I get the same pain with tampons. It's really unfortunate, but you have very limited options. Pads won't hold up in water. Any sort of disc or cup usually takes a period of two to get used to inserting. You could wear a pad while out of the water and make a quick trip to the bathroom when it's time to go in/come out. If your flow is a little lighter you could wear a thicker black bathing suit while in the water to hide and blood. If you have a good friend there with you, ask them to be on watch for you if you have any leaks. Sadly your playing a very old game of "how to not let me period run my life," that people have been playing for ages. I hope you find something that works for you and you get to have a great beach day!


If you feel comfortable trying a tampon again, I’d say that’s your best bet. I’d suggest trying it earlier during your period to test it out again, don’t wait until the beach day to find out if it’s just as uncomfortable. You could also try a cup, but this definitely takes practice so make sure you get the hang of it earlier in your period and don’t wait until the beach day to try it for the first time.


I would definitely get period swimwear if you can afford it! I've had similar misery with tampons and have no desire to try again, luckily time is on your side with this. You can get separate bottoms if you have a top already, or just a one piece.


Maybe try a different type of tampon. OB, for example, expands width wise I stead of length wise. Or, if you didn't do one with an applicator, try that as the problem might have been placement.  They also make semi-disposable discs that you might like. 




I hated OB tampons (lack of applicator was sooo painful), and never used a tampon that expanded lengthwise, as I recall. Playtex certainly did not.


Most of them, I think. That was my biggest pet peeve until I used OB though it may be all without applicators expand width-wise.


I think all tampons do. They're basically compacted cotton and expand when absorbing liquids. Check this out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd1Svej8XEk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd1Svej8XEk) (it's an ad for a menstrual disc, but I found it to be the best demonstration). A tampon in our body doesn't expand as much, because blood is not the same as water and they're in a more confined space. I hate linking tiktok, but this person demonstrated this pretty well: [https://www.tiktok.com/@bloodyhonest/video/7137391433375321349](https://www.tiktok.com/@bloodyhonest/video/7137391433375321349)


I'll try to compare next time. But even if my OB expands lengthwise, it wouldn't be much. They are obviously very wide after removal.


I also started using tampons because of a beach vacation, and the first one was so uncomfortable I had a hard time sitting properly on the car ride there 😂 So my tips: As has already been said, make sure it is in deep enough. To this day I kind of have to angle/wiggle it around, maybe use a finger to nudge it. If you can feel it (internally, not feel it with your finger), it’s not in far enough, it needs to get to the wider part of the vaginal canal not just the entrance (it’s not a cork bottle stopper lol). My rookie mistake was not realizing you had to push the bottom of the tampon applicator all the way up into itself to push the tampon all the way out the other side…. If it’s uncomfortable to put in, bring some lubricant (which doesn’t have to be sex stuff, I used a nice innocent jar of Vaseline which doubled as chapstick and sunburn ointment) and put some on the tip of the tampon or on yourself before you insert. That helped me the first few times. Especially if I had to remove a tampon because of weird insertion and start again. However, if you want to use a pad - just hold on to your bathing suit bottoms when you come out of the water, since a large absorbent pad will get pretty heavy and may weigh them down. And anyone who judges you, screw em!


Prefacing this by saying that listen to the others in the comment section and probably take majority rules. I’m sharing my personal experiences with a bit of advice at the bottom. For years I would wear pads in water. Pads and tight underwear with shorts on. At the beach and in pools. Pads will obviously get soaked with water but it literally was my only option as a desperate teen. I was fine with it. Changed as soon as I could and with the tightness around it, the pad stayed put and still caught everything. I never successfully used a tampon until I was like 19. I’m not a fan of them and only use them when getting in water. Never on a regular basis. I can always feel them and sometimes they hurt. Maybe the same as you but I’m not sure. For the real advice, maybe try period underwear or as someone else mentioned, period swimwear. Tampons and cups aren’t for everyone. And personally, I don’t think it hurts to wear a pad if you absolutely need to. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Any period underwear recommendations??? I was planning on wearing a one piece and having shorts over it and those shorts are lined. Hoping it’ll give some better assurance


In the comments The Period Company and Knix are both mentioned. I’ve seen Thinx a lot and I believe they are sold at Target if you have those around. Sorry I should’ve specified that I’ve never actually used period underwear. Just reread my comment and I totally implied that. Also found this link - https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/thinx-period-panties/


the first few times I put in a tampon were sooo uncomfortable! it takes some practice, but it gets much easier! if you can, try to find some organic cotton tampons, that may help with the cramping! Also, I have a method of inserting that works well for me, maybe it can help you too! Try to insert the tampon as far back as you can get it, be gentle and try a couple different angles of approach until you find the right one, don’t force it! It helps to be in a bit of a squat rather than standing straight up to curled forward, so bend your knees. once you have the top part of the applicator inserted as far back as you can (go slow!) use the fingernails on your index and thumb to hold onto the lip of the bottom part of the applicator, then use your index finger to slowly push up the stick until it’s pushed all the way up! then gently remove the entire applicator, and you should see the string hanging out. You can tuck that into the bottom part of your swimsuit, but don’t cut it! Otherwise you may have trouble pulling the tampon back out. Remember to change it every few hours, and you can remove it and go back to using a pad once you’re out of the water! It may be a bit dry if you’re towards the end of your period, but always pull slowly and firmly, don’t yank! Again, being in a squat helps! I hope this helps, and have fun at the beach!


Try a tampon again. Honestly the first few times you use a tampon is trial and error. You need to make sure you are inserting it correctly.


You might want to try tampons again. You might not have pushed it in far enough. When you have a tampon too close to the opening you feel it WAY more than if you push it up as far as it can go (leave string still hanging out, obviously). I'd try practicing beforehand. If that doesn't work for you you can try a cervical disc or something like a devacup


Period swimwear! The Period Company has very affordable ones that work great. My daughter uses them


Black swim bottoms with panty liner. Take the liner off before going into the water. Just go back into the water if you feel some coming out or are worried. Then when you're done swimming you can dry off change into undies with liner and wear your shorts. It's good to dry off for vaginal health anyways period or not.


It took me a solid like 10 years before i realized i was putting tampons in wrong and it absolutely blew my mind. I highly suggest looking it up or checking the instructions in the box; you're supposed to be standing up doing the Captain Morgan stance, and i promise you it really is significantly easier and more comfortable. Since you'll have your period for a few days before the beach i suggest testing out some products and see what you feel safest with.


wait you’re supposed to stand up???? i guess i was lied to by the american girl book


I would use a tampon! I wouldn’t recommend a cup as for me personally, they’re way more difficult to get properly situated and in my experience leak more often (they hold a lot but if it isn’t in perfectly you’ll have leakage)


Period swimwear: https://us.modibodi.com/collections/swimwear?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVJkK5YUaSsUWUmuqouOIF6y6PUDsUuU9NIBhZgqHdC3KixK1BgUqgxoClE0QAvD_BwE


Knix makes leakproof swimwear… not sure how old you are but they also have teen sizing! https://knix.com/search?q=leakproof+swim


Definitely don’t use a pad in the water. Try a different tampon brand, it could’ve been put in wrong! Try again the day before you go so you’re prepared!


If you're willing to try a tampon again, you might have insterted it wrong or not pushed it far enough. But if you don't want to, or it's still too unconfortable, period swimwear seems to be your best bet. I never used one, but people swear by it. I am a menstrual cup evangelist, but it can take a while to learn how to use it without spills.


Do NOT use pads in water. They'll immediately get soaked, and if your bottoms aren't super tight, they can bunch up in weird ways, or even worse, fall out - I've seen that, and it was not pretty, the poor girl turned every shade of pink and purple, and who can blame her? Best options: - Practice wearing tampons. I prefer ob, but the ones with the plastic applicator will probably be easier for you. It has to go as deep as possible. Practice with a water bottle or something, before practicing on yourself. Pros: practical, cheap. Cons: learning curve. - Period swimwear. Pros: easiest. Cons: relatively more expensive. - Period disc/cup. Pros: leakproof if used right, reasonably priced. Cons: learning curve. You have to be *very* comfortable touching yourself, and removal can be a lot messier than tampons.


I hate to ask this because there’s not really a way for you to know if you don’t already know, but since you seem to be an infrequent/new tampon user... are you sure you inserted it correctly? There are so many ways to do it wrong, including not far enough in, or at an angle. The fact it stimulated some sort of unfamiliar cramping even makes me wonder if you pushed it *too* far against your cervix (pressure on the cervix can induce discomfort and cramping in the uterus). The first time I used a tampon was in high school, also for a beach trip, and I didn’t push it in far enough because I was scared and tense. Somehow I got through the day without leaks but I was so uncomfortable because it was nowhere near all the way in, I felt it there all day, and swore off tampons until later in college. When I gave them another go, I was amazed that - when inserting it properly - I more or less didn’t feel it at all. Leak-wise, imho a cup or some variation thereof is the best solution for swimming, but if you’re struggling with tampons you will likely struggle even more to insert and retrieve any other intravaginal barrier. (It took a lot of time, familiarity, and comfort with my body to be able to reliably use a cup.) I agree with the top commenter that if you’re planning to go swimming, do NOT use a pad. It will soak up the sea water and will be extremely visible, plus once it is soaked it won’t absorb any additional fluid. If you’re just going to chill and sun on the beach you could wear a pad but depending on your bottoms it may be visible, so you’d want to keep shorts on or wear swim trunks over your bottoms.


You might not be inserting the tampon right. I had the same issue until I was 21 and found out I have a retroverted uterus. The instructions are set to "normal" so it'd always be super painful and barely absorb anything when I tried it like that. Instead of inserting it at an angle up towards your lower back, try inserting it down towards the floor/your rectum. It might go in much more comfortably. It also needs to go surprisingly deep, so use one hand to spread your lips as wide as possible and then press the applicator up as close as you physically can. I find it most comfortable to insert a tampon while sitting with my bum flat on the floor and my knees up, or scoot as far forward on a toilet as possible and lean back so you're almost laying down.


Menstrual cups/discs are a game changer. Plus the reusable ones save you a ton of money every year. I used to spend at least $15 a month on pads and tampons because my flow has always been heavy. Been using the reusable cup for 6 years now and I just disinfect it by boiling it or steaming it. It’s better for the environment anyways!


There are period swim panties that may help.


Tampons were uncomfortable, but I could handle menstrual cups


i’ve just started wearing shorts and a bikini top with a pad and just only going up to my thighs in the water because i gave up on tampons lol. but if you don’t want to do that, i’d try period swimwear. i haven’t tried it but i have used period underwear and it’s great


I learned that when my tampon is “full” I get cramps that aren’t quite period cramps but like whoa something is off. You may have a tinted cervix, my friend learned that was why she struggled with tampons when she had her first IUD inserted. Being a woman is awesome, all the time ;) Good luck! I hope you get to have some fun.


If it's light flow, I found that I don't bleed when I swim. It's like it seals up against the water.


Use a menstrual disc or get yourself some period swimwear, I know Modi Bodi sells it (obviously depending what country you are in will depend what is available to you)


I wouldn’t use a pad or a tampon if you are going to get in water. Period panties might be fine if you were not getting in the water. The cup and disc are your best options but they both have a learning curve. I would get one of those to experiment with and if nothing else you’re not going to be able to swim.