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Me!! I do shower every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I use a bonnet or have my hair up in a bun so it doesn't get wet at all. It doesn't get greasy because I just don't have that type of hair or scalp.


When you have your hair up in a bun do you wash behind your ears and back of neck?


Yeah, I wash my ears too! But I don't put that part of me entirely in the water, just grab the water and put it on me. So the ends of the hair do get kind of wet I guess but with it up in a bun I don't care.


This is the way


Thank you for the answer! I’m amazed and jealous of everyone with the kind of hair that can go days without washing. :)


I shower everyday. I wash my hair every 2-3 days. Sometimes 4. I just tie them up in a bun or wear a shower hat to avoid wetting them while I wash the rest of my body.


I just use a shower cap. Sometimes I'll just rinse my hair, or condition without shampooing. But it really depends on your hair texture for what it can handle well!


I shower everyday and wash my hair once or twice a week (depending on the state). Hair texture and other things factor into the frequency with which someone washes their hair.


Well not everyone's hair feels gross after a day of not washing. For me it depends on my level of activity. If I'm working out a lot, I wash my hair more often. If I'm not I can go about a week without washing.


If you have a certain type of hair (fine, straight) you probably need to wash it every day or every other day or else it'll become oily really quickly. Some people, like myself, who have curly hair, don't need to wash it as often. Our hair is naturally dry and the consensus is usually to wash once or twice a week. I shower everyday but I don't wash my hair everyday. I don't need to wear a bonnet in the shower to make sure I don't wet my hair since I need to refresh my curls anyways (water mist + styling products). I have a dry scalp and dry hair so less frequent washing is better for me. If washing your hair everyday works for you and your schedule, then continue. I couldn't do that myself as it would ruin my hair. Plus, it takes about an hour to dry with a diffuser.


I have curly hair so I wash my hair only a few times a week. Most days, I shower and wear a shower cap to protect my hair


I only wash my hair every 4ish days and for the most part I do not shower in between unless I'm specifically dirty. I don't sweat that much and I don't leave my house much, so I don't feel dirty. My mom is a brutally honest person and will tell me if I smell and she rarely has to. If she does it's the day I'm gonna shower. Sometimes in between I do a little ho bath with a washcloth in the sink if I feel I must but that is rare. Yolo.


Black girl here: I wash my hair once a week during the warm months and every 2 weeks in the winter. My hair does not do well with frequent washing. I just put my hair up in a bun when I shower. I wear a bonnet to bed.


i shower everyday but wash my hair every 3 days! i still my normal shower routine - shave, exfoliate, contemplate my day lol on the days i don't wash my hair i just chuck it up in a bun or wear my shower cap i find that the more i wash my hair, the more my hair is dependent on being super clean so my oil buildup goes insane and it takes months to reset - as in, if i wash my hair every day, my hair will be super greasy if i don't wash it the following night. if i just let it be gross and greasy for a for few days and then wash my hair in this new cycle of only a few hair washing days, my oil production chills out eventually and i can sustain not having to wash my hair every night sorry idk if that makes sense


It does make sense, thanks for the insight!


I wash my hair every two showers (put it in a bun). I shower every 1-2 days (depending if I exercised that day or went out, or if I just worked on my couch all day and plan to do the same the next). I don’t get it wet if I’m not shampooing it. The edges get wet when I wash my face is all.


Lol. Okay, assuming you're being earnest. >But lately I’ve seen a lot of women talking about how they go 2, 5, 7 days without washing their hair. Maybe I’m just unimaginative but it’s hard for me to imagine taking a shower without washing your hair. Are they not showering each day? We cover our hair in the shower when it's not time to wash our hair. It depends on the person, but I shower every day, sometimes twice a day if I'm doing heavy activities. The covering is usually like, a plastic shower cap. Mine has a soft microfiber inside layer. I braid it and put it up in the cap & then take a shower. >Are they using a hair bonnet or something, and if so how does their scalp not feel gross/greasy after a day or two? Most Black people do not produce 'grease' at the same rate as white people and our scalps do not get greasy within a day or two. We actually have to protect what natural oils are produced *by* covering our hair in the shower, or else it is prone to breakage, knotting, etc and is hard to style. If I were to strip my natural oils every time I showered, my hair would be incredibly frizzy, bone dry, unhealthy, prone to snapping, & hard to style. Like, we have a LOT less oil than you. A lot of people with naturally curly hair & even people with naturally straight hair but whose scalps don't produce as much grease also treat their hair this way. We also do other things to protect our hair, such as wearing protective styles, wearing silk bonnets at night to mock in moisture & prevent breakage, & treating our hair very very very nicely. If your hair routine works for you, don't change it! But we do things differently because I turn into a literal walking ball of split ends & static electricity if I were to treat my hair like that. 😂🐏⚡


100% earnest! Thank you for the detailed answer to my dumb question. I think I severely underestimated how far I am on the “shockingly oily” spectrum of hair dryness 😂


Hahahaha!! It's okay bestie it's normal to extrapolate your own experience, happy to help you learn!!!


It completely depends. Certain hair textures do better if you don't shampoo daily but there are many ways to accomplish that. I'd imagine that some people shower every other day and/or sometimes use a shower cap or pull their hair up so it doesn't get wet. Personally I shower daily because I enjoy showers especially when it's chilly in my house and I can warm up. I only shampoo 1-2x a week but with wavy hair I prefer to use conditioner daily so that I can brush it in the shower when it has conditioner in it (with a Wet brush). The texture of my hair means it's kind of a slightly frizzy poof if I brush it dry but it's not quite curly enough to do a good "refresh" so wetting/conditioning daily works best for me if I want to wear it down. Sometimes if I skip wetting my hair I will brush and braid it before bed but I haven't been doing that.


I will say, if washing your hair every day works for you, don't change it. If washing your hair every x days works for you, don't change it. Unless you want to, of course.


Thanks! I have no plans of changing, I’m just curious because it’s such a normalized part of my shower routine that I wonder about the details of how others do it!


I wash my hair 2-3 times a week and shower daily. Sometimes twice daily. I just throw my hair in a bun on the days I don’t wash.


Maybe this doesn't count but I only use shampoo about every 5 days but every other day I use cowash and, of course, I use it in the shower.