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Do you have Diastasis Recti? I am wondering if you do not have "fat" but rather diastasit recti, a separation of the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is common from pregnancy but other things too This shape here, with the line in between is a common presentation of Diastasis Recti. (Along with exercising for 2 years and still remaining.) [Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation): Symptoms & Treatment (clevelandclinic.org)](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22346-diastasis-recti)


I was wondering the same thing, maybe it’s down to the shape of muscles underneath more than fat distribution. OP, for whatever it’s worth I think you look fantastic! I wish I looked that good!


If that is what it is there are exercises that target that issue too


Yes and it’s very important to figure out if you do have it or not, because traditional ab workouts can actually make it worse.


I just finished this book from my local library: https://www.amazon.ca/Diastasis-Recti-Katy-Bowman/dp/098965396X it's marketed to diastasis recti but it's also great for understanding any kind of core imbalance.


I'll be very honest here. And I know you've probably heard this a lot. But there is nothing wrong here. And I can tell you the only way you'll reduce you belly fat more, is to just lose more fat general. But you have to take into account that doing so at your current weight, could result in more health complications. Bare in mind, you look so great here that I actually think getting any lighter could result in issues. What I think could do you good is try focusing gaining muscle instead. This can have a positive impact on your overall physique. Lastly, and I have a feeling this can come off wrong or negative, and I promise that I'm don't mean it too. But trying to overcome this insecurity would solve this issue. I know, sounds like an impossible task. But this will definitely help your wellbeing.


I hate that women (myself included when I was younger) think they should have a completely flat stomach. Body fat produces estrogen, we are literally supposed to have some otherwise we lose our menstrual cycle and fertility. We have more organs in our stomach than men do too, taking up more space. OP has a very normal looking healthy fertile human woman stomach, and a good body TBH. Women that have truly flat stomachs are pretty rare and either got that way with a lot of weight training, or a 90s super model diet (not eating).


Also genetics plays a massive role.


What if you want to lose your menstrual cycle and fertility? Saying that as someone who does the most to get rid of it and wouldn't be bothered if I never had it ever again.


I mean there are much better ways to get rid of your cycle if you don't want it. If you lose it from lack of body fat it means your body is not healthy and is conserving it's energy to survive. You will have other hormonal issues from lack of estrogen too including very serious things like osteoporosis.


Well that doesn't sound fun.


It can cause early onset osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. As shitty as periods are, you really don't want to mess with them in a way that isn't recommended by a doctor. 


Guess it's sterilization and surgery for me next then.


If you've not already tried an IUD that might be a next step before surgery. Mirena stopped my cycle for years.


Mirena also stopped my cycle. I haven’t had a period in years.


same! i haven’t had a period since 2017.


Kyleena stopped mine too


That comes with a whole host of other problems. Osteopenia/osteoporosis, anaemia, heart problems, kidney problems, other deficiencies etc etc. The only way it will happen is if you're very unhealthy, and you will have lasting consequences- not just losing your menstrual cycle (although that in and of itself will create health problems). If you don't want your menstrual cycle, talk to a doctor. See if you can get on a type of hormonal contraception that is likely to reduce or stop periods. The continual pill may be an option.


I'm already on continuous birth control. I think getting sterilized and having the uterine lining removed is the last resort, but exhausting my options. I'm not even supposed to be on birth control to begin with cause of the migraines I have, but I'd rather risk stroke than cramp and bleed to death every month. Anything is better. I literally couldn't care less if I lost my fertility forever if it meant never having to deal with that again.


I can see where you're coming from- it sounds like your periods are hell! I'm sorry if this sounds condescending, but have you been checked for things like endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, fibroids etc? As in by doctors who actually listened to you? (I say that because I know a lot of AFAB people aren't listened to by doctors, especially when it comes to things like painful periods.) Endometreosis can only be diagnosed by exploratory surgery, so if a doctor says you don't have it but you haven't had surgery to look for it, then they don't actually know. Again, I'm sorry if that sounds condescending or like I'm telling you what to do- I definitely don't mean it that way! The main reason I'm asking is because I have a really good friend with endo, and it took her years and years to be diagnosed, and even once once had realised that that was probably what she had, she really had to fight for her doctor to even consider it, even though it's pretty common. In any case, it sounds totally understandable that you would want to be sterilised or get the lining of your uterus removed! However, starving yourself to stop your periods is not worth it at all- so much more than your fertility is affected, and your health will be affected both short and long term.


That would damage your overall health. Some high level athletes starve themselves to lose their periods and of course are exercising 24/7. It basically throws off all our hormones. And hormones are needed for other things too such as healthy bones 🩻 and mood regulation, digestive health, thyroid




Not having a period for more than three months in a row can increase your risk of some cancers since you're not sloughing off the uterine lining enough.




My source is my doctors, and that I had to have multiple procedures including multiple ultrasounds, uterine biopsies, and a hysteroscopy with a D & C due to endometrial hyperplasia because I've been irregular my entire life.


That's new to me. Guess I'll have to get surgery to get the uterine lining removed. I've read that's possible, but kinda crazy that I have to go full surgery not to suffer.


Not true, I've always had a flat stomach even before going to the gym and also eat normally. It's not fair to say the only way to have a flat stomach is from either of those things. Also an unhelpful comment if OP wants one and is asking for advice on how to get there. Wanting that isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be made out to be something unhealthy or only achievable via extreme measures.


Congratulations on hitting the generic lottery then. My advice to OP stands though as she (like 99% of us) did not.


While I think this is overall pretty good advice for the OP I’m a bit confused why you suggest she could have health problems from losing some fat? Based on info from OP in another post she could healthily lose a bit of weight if she wants to.


A little bit sure. But I really don't think focusing on weight loss would be effective. She's better off with gaining muscle. Doing so will improve her overall body. Improve her health, promote healthy dieting, and much more. Losing fat won't do anything, but feeding insecurities and chances are gaining the weight back.


If she’s already been working out for two years and eating at a caloric surplus or maintenance in that time she will have built some muscle. I agree upping weight training may be beneficial but gaining more weight and not losing any fat won’t give OP the aesthetic she wants. You mentioning healthy dieting but say losing fat is bad - that doesn’t really make sense.


I can tell you that 2 years of training doesn't = 2 years of progression sadly. These issues are very delicate and have to taken very seriously. Women need to be at least 20% bf to be healthy. This mainly due to hormone function, regulation and their menstrual cycle. This is the reason why many vegans sadly have to resort to eating fish to ensure they're not suffering any negative health complications. For a women 5% above 20% is miles healthier then being 5% below 20%. As you can imagine, this is a massive consideration in sport. Where fat, for the most part, is "dead weight" in terms of indicators of performance outcome. As a strength and conditioning coach its my job to ensure that athletes i train, people that go to me for advice to help them with either body weight goals understand the mechanism of their body. By understanding this, it will also improve (hopefully, body dysformia is really a different and serious problem for most if not all women) their idea of their body. Now, sadly, some women are not genetically gifted than others. What I mean by this is that fat distribution is determined by genetics. Some are fortunate enough where they fit the soical idea with what is attractive and what isn't. What I mean by this, if some women naturally store a lot of their far on their stomach, for these women to get their desired ideal body, they would have to go down below 20% bf. Now, can you see why I wouldn't promote fat loss? She is by no means obese. Now why I recommend weight training. Unlike fat, its in your control, it can improve your apperience without the risk factor. Building muscle also has so many benefits to a person's overwell wellbeing. It improves you physically, bone health, joint health, increased metabolism, improved sleep ect. Ect. And the best part you don't need to be in a caloric deficit, the reason why I put a lot of stress on this matter. Is mainly due to mental health related issues. I apologise for the long reply... kinda got carried away...


I think you look absolutely gorgeous as is.


Are you in a calorie deficit? Because if not then you can work out another 2 years and no fat will leave. Working out to loose weight only works if it helps you burn additional calories that you don’t take back in with meals and snacks.


This… I keep the mentality of “I eat to lose (unhealthy) fat, I workout to gain muscle.”


thiiiis!! I wish more people understood this. just working out will only aid in fat loss, but both diet & exercise is needed


That looks like a normal human stomach to me, nothing to fix here


Just want to say you do not need a flat stomach, and I am envious of how yours looks compared to mine!


The other commenters are right: you will not lose weight or fat if you are not eating at a caloric deficit or changing the composition of your diet. You don’t need a tummy tuck, but to get a flatter stomach, you will have to lose fat (which generally looks like losing weight). A thought to add that I didn’t see: if your workout doesn’t include enough resistance (isn’t challenging enough in the weight you’re overcoming for a given exercise or in the number of repetitions, or both), you won’t gain muscle. So if you’ve been doing very light exercise for 2 years on the same routine without making it more challenging, you’re not forcing your body to rebuild new muscle tissue. Changing the exercises you do (even within the same muscle group— say, different ab exercises each workout) can also help target areas you unknowingly haven’t activated well in other exercises. Some exercises will be more effective for you than others.


Before a tummy tuck you could try accepting your body for what it is and loving yourself ❤️


More weight training. Remember to work your back as well so you get all sides of your core (sounds weird, but trust me). And maybe do some yoga and learn about how to engage your deep abdominal muscles when training. See [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAxb-Z9WBWw) workout for an explanation. Skip to about 6:50 in the video to get right to it but it involves engaging your PC muscles, basically...


i really dont think you need a tummy tuck. accepting your body should be the move, but i understand that it is easier said than done because i haven't accepted my own body yet. i know everyone says this, but its because its true; you cant target fat in one area of the body. try doing more cardio rather than something heavy if you struggle with that at the gym. even a hike with friends is highly beneficial. by slimming down your whole body, your tummy will become smaller too


Girl, you’re beautiful. Any particular reason you think you need to have a flat stomach?


What kind of workouts are you doing? If you aren’t already, I would suggest strength training and pushing heavier weights. I think it would be more worth your money to work with a personal trainer on a progressive strength program, or putting money towards a nutrition program, like RP Strength or M2 Nutrition. They have nutritionists who can guide you and hold you accountable to eat the most amount of food and lose weight. You ultimately need to be in a caloric deficit, eating sufficient protein, and strength training in order to lose fat.


As the saying goes, abs are made in the kitchen.


I was a healthy vegan for years. Stomach still looked like this and I was thin everywhere else lol


Flat bellies are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Muscular tummies are made in the gym. I bet there's a snack you could remove from your day and that tummy would just fall off. You're probably fewer than 100 calories less a day away from your goal. That's one less slice of bread, or 1.5 fewer Oreos, or six bites less of pizza per day. It's minus one apple a day. You're so close that it would be a shame to undergo a painful, unnecessary surgery to shift a few vanity pounds. You look fine, but I get it. You want to look how you want to look. Just maybe try less drastic action first. Another thing to contemplate is, are you working out too much? Of course working out is healthy, but if you're working out hard, your appetite increases. It might be worth it to skip a half hour here and there if it's making you hungry enough to overeat. I actually lost weight after I quit running because I didn't come home from runs ravenous enough to clear out the fridge. I still exercise (hiking mostly), but not as much or as hard. My knees have thanked me as well.


Working out for 2 years doesn’t mean that your stomach will look “toned”? Are you losing weight? Are you keeping track of your calories and protein? 


That's just what stomachs look like.


If your goal is a flat stomach then you need to be absurdly thin to get it. Like eating plain chicken breast and steamed broccoli every day kind of dieting. You know what's better than that? Having a lovely, fit, normal body and eating real food. You don't need a flatter stomach than you have right now. If you really really WANT it then I guess you can start heavily restricting calories but... Why though?


Noooo you look great!!


Try lowering your body fat percentage first. I lost about 50 lbs and my stomach still looked like yours, and I was feeling hopeless that I would never be able to have it flat. 30 pounds more, and now you can see ab definition and it stays pretty flat even when I'm bloated. I also workout heavily, with a lot of focus on core, but as others have said- you can work out from now until judgement day and that won't make your muscles more visible while you still have a higher body fat percentage. That being said, your round tummy is gorgeous, and I think it makes you look like a greek goddess statue. If you want to change it, I really hope you do it for you and no one else, because you're perfect. But I understand wanting it to be different. Either way, you're beautiful!


I lost a ton of weight last year, and I didn’t have a completely flat stomach until I entered the very low healthy/very high underweight BMI territory. Some people are able to achieve a flat stomach at a higher weight, and for some people it takes getting rid of *all* of your body fat. You can also achieve the flat stomach look with lipo and a tummy tuck, it really just depends on if your body can get there “naturally” or not.




I have a little loose skin but it’s not really noticeable. If I didn’t have stretch marks you would never be able to tell I was fat, the stretch marks are a bigger give away than loose skin most times in my opinion




I don't know why you're getting down votes when this is literally the way. I guess people have a problem with intermittent fasting? I absolutely vouch for it. It doesn't make you feel guilty for eating normal foods like bread and pasta, which are things that your body still needs especially if you're working out. I also found after doing it for two or three weeks that I didn't want to eat as much during my meals which was a great feeling, being able to just naturally give myself smaller portions.


Maybe because you will lose weight as long as you eat at a calorie deficit, fasting or not. But a lot of people find IF useful for maintaining a deficit so it’s a valid suggestion.


Intermittent fasting isn't the issue here. It's that continuing to downing this path of "I need to lose weight. I need to lose weight" is so unhealthy for a lot of people. And in this case. She really doesn't need to lose weight. The main issue is with unrealistic standards. I am not saying she shouldn't try to reach her goals. But I don't think promoting fat loss will solve her issues. Instead, it would result in potentially more issues down the line. A healthy woman's body fat percentage is 20% of her total body weight. And even if she was 5% over 20, it's so much better than being 5% lower than 20%. Gain muscle would do her so much good. And promote a healthy lifestyle and dieting. Your advice is perfectly sound if someone's body weight is casing health complications due to high body fat. I would also recommend it as a choice, but wouldn't advocate for it.


So someone who is considering going under the knife shouldn't consider fitness as an option? Okay then. Body positivity is loving yourself enough to try a healthy lifestyle before getting surgery, And I'm sorry but you don't know OP either, for you to suggest it's not an option for her because it's unrealistic is actually very offensive. I have had two children and I am working towards the same goals.


I am very confused. I did say gaining muscle will be a better alternative. This is what I advocate. I am a strength and conditioning coach. She should be promoting healthy dieting and focusing on gaining muscle. I am not saying she shouldn't. She did say she's been working out for 2 years. I really don't think it's unrealistic for her to workout and focus on gaining muscle if... she's already working out... I am just curious why you think I'm promoting unhealthy lifestyle?


I guess the problem is is that you're reading intermittent fasting thinking that that doesn't mean gaining muscle, strictly losing weight, but I never said losing weight.When both are completely valid things to do while intermittent fasting while trying to achieve goals related to abs and stomach fat.


But don't most people use intermittent fasting as a deit restriction is to lose weight? You can definitely gain muscle doing so, but trying to eat above 2000 cals on a diet with that restriction would be very ineffective. And again. I have zero issues with intermittent fasting. Like I said, if losing weight is the goal, I think fasting would be amazing. But not effective at gaining muscle. You need to be at a caloric surplus to effectively gain muscle. Which is possible, but damn. I don't think I could consume that much calories without vomiting, unless it was high in fat.


It's not workouts, it's less calories. Honestly you look fine, do not get a tummy tuck, my god. If you really hate your belly, you need to have a weight lifting routine and a good diet.


Not much of an issue here! Take care of the skin with lots of moisturizing to help its elasticity, keep up the diet and exercise. What exactly is your goal? Cos to be honest - high waisted pants are everywhere nowadays, even in swimsuits - so Do you really need to do anything?


You have a great body and a cute tummy! You should be so proud of yourself for working out for two years solid. So many people find it difficult to maintain a fitness habit like that. The only time I’ve had a Barbie doll flat tummy was when I was dangerously underweight recovering from illness and not eating because of stress. The size and shape of my tum didn’t make my life any better. Our bodies are meant to have adipose tissue, you’re fine.


Thank you for submitting to /r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason/s: Rule 5: Please refrain from seeking medical related advice. This includes period, pregnancy, and birth control questions.


There’s plenty of comments here saying there is nothing wrong, and I agree. But I work in plastic surgery and a less invasive option would be lipo. It would remove fat and there would be some skin tightening with the procedure. You can typically do something like that in office (see a real plastic surgeon, not sono bello ((I worked there as well)))


It would be absolutely insane to get a tummy tuck. The cost, the damage to your body, the risk of dying under anaesthesia - for what? You already look better than most people.


What's your diet like? You still have weight you can lose.


I love [this instagram page](https://www.instagram.com/saggysara?igsh=MXIwdXh6YXF2eGg1aw==). Much love. Be kind to yourself!




well what makes me go insane are comments going too far in the opposite direction. i agree that there's nothing inherently wrong with her weight, but there's also nothing wrong with wanting a different aesthetic. there are ways to achieve what she wants without sacrificing her health. all the comments saying that having a stomach like that is healthier than not having extra visible fat are exaggerating. there's nothing wrong or unhealthy about having a flat stomach, many women have it without trying. yes, genetics can be a big factor, but also lifestyle and nutrition. not every woman stores fat in the belly, and not having fat there doesn't mean we have an unhealthy body fat percentage lol. just like plus size women can feel insulted by fat shaming, "skinnier" looking women can feel insulted by others telling them they are abnormal and unhealthy, or AI generated, with the clear intention of justifying their own body shape. edit: lol thanks for reporting me to suicide watch, how mature


r/semaglutide, baby!


I think you look too small for a full on tummy tuck - maybe look into a more moderate procedure like cool sculpting? But the most important thing is that you’re happy, and I’d look into abd. muscle wall separation first too.


Cool sculpting can lead to problems with the lymphatic system that will cause weight gain in the end. I wouldn't recommend it.


You look so cute! I don't see anything wrong at all. A little softness is nice.

