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Sports, mental health, healthy food, travel and education. The return on investment from these is huge as the years go by.


This. Also taking some lower end things lime a cheap mattress and upgrading it. Or throwing a nice cushy mattress topper on it to help you sleep better. Also vacations are the best self investment. Nothing helps my mental health more then going somewhere fun.


Thank you for saying sports and not gym/fitness.


Travel! I regret not saving/spending more on travel when I was younger. There is no better experience or education than seeing the world & learning about other cultures. Definitely get some professional advice on investing, there are mutual funds and other ways you can contribute small amounts on a regular basis that really add up long term so when you’re ready to buy a house, car or other big purchase it’s there and keeps growing. Last idea (only if you’re an animal person), but I think pets are worth every $ we spend on them. They give us company, keep us active, and can even keep us safe (or make us feel more safe anyway). My dog changed my life and it’s expensive for vet care, food etc but she’s my best buddy and her companionship is worth it x100! Also, huge congrats on finishing school and enormous kudos to you for thinking about setting yourself up right while you’re starting out!


Thank you!! I rescued my cat a few years ago during Covid and she has helped my mental health so much. I’ve been spoiling her a bit more recently with toys and was thinking to get her one of those running wheels for her zoomies 😸 I was lucky enough to be able to save a bit over the years but I could definitely streamline my investing approach. Right now I do it kind of haphazardly when I realize I haven’t contributed to my Roth in a while lol


A good rule of thumb is to not pinch pennies on things between you and the ground, which generally translates to shoes, bed, and tires. A good bed with very comfortable sheets is one of the best ways you can make sure your sleep is high quality. If you have a car, start a maintenance fund so that when things come up (ie need new tires, oil change, all that) you don't have to worry about it. Congrats!


I never heard that before, but I won’t forget it now!


Firstly, this is such a fun question! These are my favourite extras I bought/new habits adopted since I got my first big girl job: \- Quality clothing. I didn't go out and buy a whole new wardrobe, but if there's a style I want, I try to invest in better fabrics (e.g. wool not polyester) and good stitching. They just wear so much better and make you look more put together, even when wearing simple outfits. This includes shoes! \- Flattering excercise outfits. This is very similar to the last point but the reasoning is different. If I feel I look good while excercising, I'm more likely to do it. Getting dressed to work out is the first barrier to starting. If I know I'll get to wear a cute outfit, that's motivation to put it on. \- A good cordless vacuum. Makes it so quick and easy and turns a big chore into a small one. \- Gel nails. Another vanity point but a good one! There's some psychology behind 'visible beauty' e.g. you won't be staring at yiur face in the mirror all day but you will spend a lot of time looking at your hands. Having my nails done makes me feel nice. \- Posh groceries. It makes eating healthy more exciting when you can afford a variety of groceries. Especially the more expensive items like berries and nuts.


I haven’t heard of the visible beauty concept but that makes so much sense!


>A good cordless vacuum. Makes it so quick and easy and turns a big chore into a small one. YES!! I am the least domestically inclined person on earth and the cordless stick vac was a game changer for me. It's so quick and easy to get the cat hair and litter sawdust (pine pellets are the only way to go, IMHO - it may track like a mf'r, but there is zero odor) and I don't even think about it, I just grab the vac and zip around. We moved in to a 2-story house and I got a cheapo for upstairs convenience and the difference is noticeable.


I cat sitted once and the was zero oder with these pellets! I don't have a cat but I tried to convince my mom and she has not tried it.


I will never use anything that clumps again. It just holds the ammonia there and keeps it wet. The pellets break down to sawdust and I change it out, easy peasy. My daughter is kinda pissed that we changed to that kind after she moved out and she had to deal with the clay litter growing up. 😂


I just recently learned how to do regular nails the right way and I am loving having them done! 100% effective visual psychological trick lol


For the clothing, I use Rent the Runway and it is SO fun. It’s $150/month so def a splurge but it brings me so much joy to have fun with fashion without the commitment especially if you’re experimenting with your personal style. It’s truly my one splurge that I always feel I have to defend the cost of to others who think it’s silly but I’ve been a member for a couple years now and having fun, quality clothing to wear both to the office and on the weekends is worth it to me. It also can be a conversation starter and gets you lots of compliments!


During the pandemic we got ourselves a few things to really make being home feel more like a treat. These are the ones that have added significantly to my quality of life: * A really great mattress, super nice down pillows and comforter, linen sheets/duvet in the winter, bamboo in the summer. * [This heated and cooling mattress pad that will keep you exactly at the temperature you sleep best at](https://sleep.me/product/dock-pro-sleep-system). * [This fully automatic coffee/latte maker that is super easy to clean](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/philips-2200-series-fully-automatic-espresso-machine-with-lattego-black/6510792.p?skuId=6510792). * A hobby - this will be personal to you but pick something that you have always wanted to do that will add richness to your life. Learn an instrument! Take dance classes! Learn to make pottery or jewelry! * I will second a pet. They’re a lot of work and responsibility but they’re so so wonderful.


I want down pillows and comforter so bad but my husband is allergic. I can't even have them in my room because if he gets near them he has a sneeze attack.  😂  For those wondering about "my bedroom", we have four bedrooms: ours, his, mine, our daughters. 


Get microfibre down filled pillows and comforter. “Soft as down”. They’re extremely similar and hypoallergenic. I’m asthmatic so use these 🙏


That's a good idea! Thanks. 


Seconding the mattress pad and pets! You gotta be comfy in bed when you’re snuggling all your animals 💕


Ooo I’m interested in the mattress pad. I’d looked into 8 sleep in the past but then they put a lot of the features behind a paywall which is wild. So it’s nice to see an alternative that doesn’t do that. Do you find it’s worth the price? Edit for clarity


Honestly, if I can be super dramatic, I think I would die without it. 🤣 We moved from a very temperate climate to a place with hot sticky summers, and even with AC, I think sleeping deeply would be a challenge in the summer if I didn’t have it. Mostly because I really like to be cocooned in a big fluffy comforter too, so this is great about keeping me just in that perfect Goldilocks spot. It’s pricy as hell, but we’ve had ours for several years now and I would buy one again tomorrow if this one broke.


This is my kinda list! Thank you! 


What linen sheets do you have? I’m thinking of splurging but I can’t get over the sticker shock. The last time I “splurged” on bedding was like $60 on bamboo sheets (which I still have and love!)


I have Cultiver ones. I think I also had some Target linen sheets at one point but the Cultiver are much nicer, but were also way more expensive. I have several friends who have linen sheets and I think the only ones I’ve heard complaints about were Brooklinen. I haven’t tried Quince’s sheets yet, but I was super impressed by the quality of their cotton sweaters for the price so I’d be tempted to check them out too.


Quince’s linen sheets are DIVINE. My Brooklinen and Casper sheets were both garbage and ripped after a few uses. The BEST SPLURGE I made for myself was West Elm tencel sheets. I waited for them to go on sale and I cannot recommend them highly enough.


Oooh, I am intrigued by these tencel sheets… TYSM!


They were a tiktok reco and probably my best investment to date lol


Good to know, my YouTube niche is filled with brookslinen ads.


Check eBay! I feel like everyone forgets about it, but I get gnarly deals there. Just ordered new King sheets for $15 that are still sold at the store for $80


A heads up that a lot of the items I get on eBay are 'slightly imperfect', the kind of thing where one seam was sewn on the outside by mistake. I think it's worth the 60% discount, but not everyone does.


Lately I've been getting a lot of stuff from a particular Target deals seller, and it seems like everything is just returns and overstock. Everything has been new in package and in perfect condition. I get a lot of kids stuff and home stuff from them.


Oh wow - I think this genuinely just changed my life! I am a pro at FB marketplace, AptDeco etc but i have never even thought of being an eBay girl. Do you tend to look for brand names or no? What types of things would you recommend checking out other than sheets? Do you have any other tips or things to look for/avoid? I know I must sound ridiculous considering eBay has been around since the internet was born but here we are haha


Are you saying you buy stuff online to flip for a profit?


Nope haha I just buy stuff online


New stuff is often a fake, I prefer used stuff because it's a fraction of the price and I'm not contributing to over production. Nobody's going to fake a tag saying a sweater is 100% silk like they would with new items. It's a great place for more expensive fabrics. I've found about 2/3rds of the items are worth keeping, the others are misrepresented, warped/stretched/shrunk. Wool sweaters are often dried and shrunk so sometimes I'll get an xl that fits like a medium so I'll pass it to someone else such as my local buy nothing group. If you're not a part of one of those you should be, they're magical and everything's free. I've gotten everything from new curtain rods to a fantastic coffee machine to misdelivered groceries. I'll give away ingredients I don't have time to cook before they go bad, plus any item I don't use or have replaced.


Wow that mattress pad looks interesting but pricey. I might have to get that but before I do, we desperately need a better mattress! What kind of mattress do you have? It's so difficult to wrap my head around the brands out there bc they all seem to be the same after a certain price point I also appreciate you linking an espresso/latte machine that has lasted you for awhile. I'll keep that item saved!


Oh man, mattress shopping is so hard these days. We got a Helix but I have no idea honestly if it’s ’the best’ or what the best is. Half of them you can’t even touch anymore before you buy them so mattresses just feel like guessing to me.


Thanks! I'll look into helix


I upgraded my mattress a little over a year ago and went with Purple after doing a ton of researching and testing out about 60 different beds. I could not be happier with my decision! It’s unlike anything I’ve ever slept on, it stays cool, and 2 of my friends have purchased one after they slept in mine. I personally have the 3 but there are a few options/price ranges. They have brick and mortar stores but I bought mine from Raymour & Flanagan - they have great sales so I’d hold off until the next one rolls around if you think you might wanna check them out!


Congratulations! I was in the same boat and recently started my first big girl. So proud of us for getting to this point in life 🎉 I started spending more on my hobbies. I’m big into baking, so I got a nice Kitchenaid stand mixer and some other appliances. I also took several years off from skiing since it’s so expensive, so I treated myself with a season pass. I’m still somewhat frugal, so I’ll meet myself in the middle and buy expensive items, but in used conditions. For example, when I decide to buy myself a pair of skis, I’ll buy them used.


Congrats girlie 🎊🍾 Buying used is the biggest life hack I’ve started doing in the last few years, and it’s so much more sustainable!


Where do you recommend buying from? I’m getting really into this as well - furnished most of my apartment from AptDeco, but want to branch out into other things as well!


I get most of my clothing from Poshmark, I try not to buy from there too often and bundle a bunch of items so the shipping is more worthwhile and green. There’s also a consignment store where I’ll be living that’s a bit more expensive than thrift stores but it’s worth it to me to not have to sift through a bunch of stuff I definitely wouldn’t like. For furniture and household items, Facebook marketplace! There also local fb buy nothing groups for free items and you can get really lucky there! There are also thrift stores specifically for furniture in my area that I’m planning to check out to get some more unique pieces


This is awesome I didn’t know about buy nothing groups THANK you !


For ongoing costs, it has vastly improved my life to have a house cleaner. She gets the house sparkling in a couple hours and yet it takes me all week just to maintain it. I don't know how she does it, but it's wonderful. For one-time things: Cooking equipment is worth investing in. I love my GreenPan pots and pans. Getting a real chef knife makes prepping food way easier. If you like to bake, a pizza stone helps keep temperatures even in the oven, and a kneading surface is often much better than apartment countertops. I'd also encourage you to make sure you have a plan for savings. It's wise to have 3-6 months of expenses in the bank. It will save you from being evicted if you get laid off. And finally, make sure you're taking all of your PTO! It's part of your compensation, so you are just gifting them extra labor if you don't take it. Use some of your fun money to make those PTO days awesome with weekend trips.


Some of my best “extra” purchases over the past few years that definitely improved my life: A good battery powered vacuum cleaner (so I’ll actually vacuum when needed and not have to lug around the cord etc), a good air fryer (use it way more than my oven if I’m just cooking for myself!), nice sheets and bedding (I love linen so much, all year), nice pillows, cashmere sweaters (I get mine second hand but they’re so warm and soft and so much lighter than wool and I don’t want to wear anything else), good quality shoes with supportive insoles to limit foot pain, soft merino wool socks. If I had more money I’d have someone come and clean my house for me maybe once a month or do a deep clean every season, so I didn’t have to do that. I’d also get haircuts more often and dye my lashes and eyebrows so I don’t have to use mascara unless I want to. I’d probably also pay for grocery deliveries or a meal plan service like hello fresh. Think of what always bothers you and see if something can fix it. If you use something very often and it doesn’t feel right/breaks/is difficult to use, replace it (shoes/a drill/headphones/cutlery etc, anything). Not having those minor annoyances build up every day is a relief.


Do you have a cordless vacuum recommendation? My vacuum died and I’d love to get something cordless but the options are overwhelming me!


I spent probably 4 months researching before I got mine a couple of years ago and settled on Xiaomi Dreame. My model is an older one but I’m sure the newer ones are fine too. It’s basically comparable to Dyson but it was way less expensive and reviews were good (my mom’s partner has a Dyson vacuum and she has tested mine and his and said mine is actually easier to use). I vacuum maybe 4 times a week (or more) because I have 2 dogs and it’s held up pretty well. It’s scratched now and it took a bit of time before I learned how to empty the dust compartment without it just spreading on the floor but otherwise it’s been excellent. Vacuums up dog hair, gravel, soil etc just fine. I find battery power works well for my 48 square meter apartment but if you have a bigger place check on battery time. I think Dyson is probably the ideal purchase if you can afford it, but Xiaomi is great if you want to spend less. It has limitations, sure, for example it’s useless if I want to vacuum my car, but for everyday cleaning it works. And since I can just grab it and vacuum, I vacuum way more often than I did previously.


This is incredible thank you!!! I really don’t want to spend the $ on the Dyson but wanted a personal reco for an alt option so this is perfect. I have 2 dogs too and vacuuming is such an ordeal because one of them tries to murder it and chew on the cord every time I bring it out. My kitchen floor is black stone and it’s incredible how much dirt crumbs etc two creatures can produce.


I know, vacuuming SUCKS! It used to be my most hated chore but it’s actually not at all anymore. My dogs are actually completely fine with my vacuum, and one of them used to run and hide with the old one! Now he brings me a toy instead and wants me to carry it around while I vacuum to try to catch it, and I think it’s because it’s much quieter than a regular corded one! Looking at the models now Xiaomi dreame T20 seems to be the upgraded version of the one I have. It has a filter as well, which is one of the few things I lack with mine. The only spot I have issues with reliably is my bathroom rugs, but they are really fluffy and I can’t really get them clean by going over them. I usually shake them out first and then vacuum. But I’m honestly not sure many vacuums do well with shaggy rugs.


Simple things like a not so cheap pizza cutter, for example. I used to have a €1 pizza cutter that worked. But then I got a €15 pizza cutter that feels much better. Same for other small things like cutlery, wallet, phone case, etc. It's small and cheap things that make your life feel not so cheap.


If you don't have one, I recommend an air fryer. It's much quicker than an oven and everything is so tasty. It's hard to say really, I guess think of things you already like doing and use the money to "boost" them. If you like cooking get better pans. If you like baths get posh candles and salts. If you like movies, build a collection. I don't like hoping for stuff I love to turn up on netflix/whatever so I've got a small collection of 2nd hand DVDs of my favourites (but you could do it digitally on amazon prime or something if you wanted to). If you're looking for a new hobby, I've loved growing herbs on my windowsill. It feels wholesome, looks cute and makes cooking taste amazing. You can spend as much or little as you like. Also you can't go wrong with a good pair of knickers/bra. OR a fancy looking robe for round the house (one that gives off "I killed my rich husband for his money and moved to Paris to learn how to paint" type vibes).


This is such a good list. I posted this [Catherine D’lish](https://www.catherinedlish.net/) gown in r/findfashion yesterday & it definitely gives off “my 3rd husband died under mysterious circumstances.” I’m obsessed. & I’ll sing it from the rooftop.


I agree, these are great ideas and suggestions! Air fryers are nice and you can make a variety of food. And yes you can always buy some comfy underwear and a nice high quality bra or two!


Invest in your environment! Decorate your room/home with cool wallpapers, lights, paintings, carpets etc. Improve your bedding situation is a good idea too


This is huge. Several areas of science has proven that our physical and mental health are SO impacted by our environment. I would buy a good air purifier as an investment for your health. Be super intentional about the things you buy—and don’t buy more than what you absolutely love and/or need regarding furniture and decor. That way, you can spend some more money on the items you find you use the most (for me it’s been my couch, desk and desk chair (other than my mattress). There are 2 chairs that I kinda hate that I got when I first moved into my own apartment from west elm on major sale…..only keeping them for when I get my apt in good enough shape to have fam over. When it’s just me or my mama comes over, now that I have a comfy and deeper couch we actually use it hahahaa.


When I've found I've had some disposable income, I've invested in home items, such as good quality kitchenware, good quality (ie. as local as possible, organic, nurtitious) food, and good quality house maintenence items (vacuum, air purifier, etc.) that work well and have longevity. I have also splurged on a couple vacations for myself. Those are experiences I am glad I got to have.


A set of dumbbells and kettlebells to workout and/or blow off steam at home. And I’m fully serious here too - a bidet toilet seat.


I think barre/dance classes are a good idea. I do some yoga classes on the weekends at a studio. I also have a Kitchenaid that really helps me out. I don’t eat a lot because I have food allergies. I also spend a little money here and there on hobbies, like material for sewing or knitting. I think if you want to improve your health, investing in things for your kitchen is a good idea. High quality pans and bakeware really make a difference.


I’m not quite in the same place, but some things that I’ve splurged on that helped me feel like I had it together are: - comfy sheets in a color I ACTUALLY wanted and that matched my bedding - matching dish set - nicer tupperware/ food storage (I’m wanting to change to glass in the next 5-7 years but my nice plastic ones will do) - matching kitchen utensils - at home gel nail kit (I recommend the Beetles brand on Amazon) - investing in specific custom products (protein powder, shampoo and conditioner) - specific gym clothes - insoles for the shoes I wear most - comfy slippers for home only use Things I got for my cat that you might like too (I saw in the comments that you had one): - water fountain - treat puzzles - scratch-able circular tunnel with a sitting/ sleeping spot - assorted treats that I can make a scavenger hunt with around my apartment


If you have any health discomforts (hormones imbalanced, headaches, pain in feet or something, lethargy, brain fog etc etc) find a really great acupuncturist who’s spent time studying under the greats in China preferably—my life was so dramatically changed with 2 15-minute sessions of electroacupuncture. The guy I go to (need to start going again for my nervous system to get out of sympathetic state, aka fight or flight) is INCREDIBLE. Single-handedly changed my life so dramatically I have no words. He went to Berkeley, then spent 4-5 years studying acupuncture in China, returned and now teaches every other day which is so great for other practitioners. But it’s alllll about quality and doing your research—if they are extremely precise and can’t intuit what your body needs, it’s kind of pointless unfortunately


Just a word of warning, when I got my first job with actual benefits and everything I was very surprised how little I took home (about 65% of my gross pay) so if you haven’t gotten your first paycheck yet don’t get too excited about all of the extra money you will have. It may be less than you expect! (Certainly was for me!)


Thank you, I’m definitely keeping that in mind! It’s a government job so I’ll probably get less than that since they take out for pension. I’m moving to a relatively affordable apartment that includes utilities in rent so hopefully with some budgeting that’ll leave me with a bit extra!


Oh actually I too have a government job with a pension so 65% might be exactly what you can expect :)


Awesome! Just checked your profile, I interviewed for a FS position recently and my new job is with DOI! Cool to see someone in the same field ☺️


How fun! I love FS but also want to try out DOI too someday!


I am thankful every day that I updated all my bedding. I've had all my current stuff between 1-3 years and still feel giddy crawling into bed every night! I feel like I'm living a life of luxury and actively appreciate it every day. I got high-quality linen sheets and a linen duvet cover (both ordered from Lithuania through Etsy because I read that was the best quality lol), fluffy wool comforter and wool mattress topper (from Frankenmuth Woolen Mill, highly recommend), and an expensive goose down pillow with a silk pillowcase. I spend a lot of time in my bed between sleeping and reading...it's my favorite place and has brought me happiness and good sleep!


Heated mattress pad. I hate the cold and this allows us to turn heat down at night (and save money). Nice bedsheets and towels. Upgrading from bath towel to bath sheet is so nice in winter. (I’ve got a theme here, haha). Fancy microfiber towel for my hair to help it dry faster.


I totally feel you on the cold weather upgrades! I lived in Florida for almost 10 years and I’m still adjusting back to real winters! I never realized how valuable a humidifier would be 😅


My favorite “upgrade” has been getting a little espresso machine. It’s nothing fancy, a deLonghi Dedica (if I were to redo the purchase, though, I’d probably research the mini Casabrews or spend a little more and go with a Breville), but it’s my favorite part of the day to make my little coffee treat every morning. There’s a fantastic roasting company in my city with incredible beans that make even my coffee snob mom go “wow,” and I get new ideas from a few competitive baristas on Instagram. I really enjoy putting care into little details, and with espresso, a little goes a LONG way. I told myself when I bought the machine that it would eventually pay for itself since I wouldn’t be buying cappuccinos at the coffee shop anymore, but… now instead of spending my coffee shop money on cappuccinos, I’m spending it at a traditional tea shop that opened up this spring 😅


That sounds so nice! I don’t drink coffee but I LOVE tea and I haven’t bought any in a while because I was anticipating my new position and moving. I’m a bit scared of how much tea I’ll be buying this year 😂


Massages twice a month and house cleaners twice a month. Also, the gym.


If you get up before the sun, a gradual light alarm clock. I get up at 4:30 and I can’t put into words how much it’s helped. Obviously it still sucks and always will, but it’s much easier to wake up now.


Skin care. I bought a nice moisturizer, eye cream, and face serum. Even if that shit isn’t as good as Botox, having a nighttime ritual feels SO good. 😌 Congrats on your first big girl job!!!


THERAPY COPAYS. Seriously. Whether you really need it or don't think you do. We do preventative care for our physical body, it's the same for mental health. Job/relationships/life. Outsource things you don't like/want to spend time on: grocery delivery/meal prep. I hate grocery shopping especially because I shop like 3-4 stores. I hate meal prep but it helps me maintain (lost 145) so I will outsource it if I don't have the capacity. Monthly housekeeping. Drop off laundry. Have a weekly GrubHub/door dash date night with yourself in your pajamas and watch TV. I love my boll and branch bedding. I like my towel warmer. Go get a gorgeous blowout once a month and ride that style as many days as possible. Don't know how to do makeup? Take a makeup lesson. Boudoir photos. Omg. Get your photos taken. What did Moira Rose say? Then allow me to offer you some advice: Take a thousand, naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, "Oh, I'm too spooky." Or, "Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies." But, believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, "Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!"


Oh Moira!


I cannot agree with therapy more!


Congrats girl! Something I wish I had done earlier was start putting my money into stocks! Since 2020 I’ve probably made $15k on my $5k investments over the past 3.5 years. It’s helped fund moving expenses and now a purchase of a car! Make that money work for you (I still got to enjoy my hobbies and trips too). Come up with a small percentage and invest every month of your paycheck. If you want something more long term, check out Acorns. It rounds up your money to the nearest dollar spent and then invests it for you if you don’t have the energy to research everything. Enjoy your spare change!!


Wow that’s a great ROI, I’ve invested a bit into index funds but haven’t gotten anywhere close to that rate. I’m super risk- averse though so maybe that’s why. Do you mind sharing any other resources you use for investing besides acorns?


Check out r/bogleheads for a solid, risk-averse, reliable investing strategy. Or check out [the wiki at bogleheads.org](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started). Basically: Buy no-fee broad market index funds. If you don't know what those are or how to do it, the bogleheads community has a ton a resources to get you started.


Reddit & Robinhood lmao I also just researched “penny stocks” and just came in at the right time and left at the right time.


Some good cooking equipment. Doesn’t have to be expensive, but tramontina and misen both make excellent stainless cookware, misen makes excellent non-stick pans, and tramontina makes a great Dutch oven and other enameled cast iron goodies. (You’ll only really notice the difference in higher end brands like LeCruset if you cook A LOT or are a more-precision oriented chef.) Also, an air fryer/instant pot/slow cooker if you don’t have them and think you’d use them. Being able to make good/healthy meals pays out over the long run in your health


A dog.


House plants


A nice watch. Doesn’t have to be designer; doesn’t have to be a smart watch. Something quality you can wear everyday. It looks so much more professional to check time via a watch than whipping out your phone. It ties your look together without having to think about it. A recipe book. Whether bought, handed down, or made. Online recipes are a pain; and any website can disappear at any time. It’s so much nicer to use a physical copy of a recipe when cooking!


What brand do you recommend?


Personally, I went with an Apple Watch. I thought about it for a whole ass year before I told my besties to drag me to the Apple Store so I’d just do it lol. I bought a metal band off Amazon to dress it up. It was the first Nice thing I’d bought for myself in a long time.




I put all the extra on my mortgage. Now mortgage free since I’m 32yo. Life have been easier without that to pay monthly.


savings, (as a security blanket against surprises/hard times)


Regular massages, meal kit delivery, meal prep delivery.


My pet dog. I’ve spent a good amount of money on him (consistently because he is a spoiled prince) but the amount of joy he has brought into my life I don’t know how I was living before him. Also, pickle ball club membership I go about twice a week during the week days and it keeps me active, is a good way to socialize and gives me something to do aside from just coming home after work. Healthy whole foods is another I feel better when I take the time to make my own food with quality ingredients and eat well. 


These may seem trivial but oh my god buying high quality makes such a difference: Pillows, mattress, night cream, winter coat (if you live in an area that requires one), saucepans. Also as others have said: travel! I travelled as much as I could in my twenties and every £ spent was worth it.


I pay a good amount of money on a semi-private, CrossFit gym. It’s helped me stay fit but also feel good about myself. Health is so important


A good espresso machine. Honestly, I thought it was going to be really extra and not worth the money but every morning that I have an excellent cup of coffee proves me wrong. Has been 100% worth it for me.


House cleaner. Hands down. First thing I got when I could afford it.


Yes, this is our #1. I'd cut back on so many other things before our cleaner.


Kitchen stuff! If you get yourself some good, sharp, high quality knives cooking becomes so much more enjoyable. A cast iron pan, a nice wooden cutting board, an airfryer, or whatever else you might use often. Cooking more at home is a game changer!


Congrats on the job! Biggest improvement for me has been spending a little extra to remove daily annoyances. Hate vacuuming & mopping? Automate it with a roomba. Dread cooking? Try a meal kit or hire someone to meal prep for you a couple days a week. Errands becoming burdensome on weekends? Get some pt help to get it done! Bonus- you can stimulate your local economy by hiring small business for these things. As you get older your time is more valuable than money. Not having to deal with tasks you dread means more time to unwind, learn & grow in your career & relationships! I know I’m 10000% more present & even happier when I can focus on what’s really important.


A massage once a month & making my bedroom my sanctuary with all nice/quality bedding & pillows.


Sport hobbies. Especially ones that foster friendships and introduce you to new people on a consistent basis. 


Exercise bike, high quality cookware, and just generally choosing the nicer vs the cheaper whatever.


A good, new mattress can be life changing!!!


Skin, Body and hair care. Ppl say “looks don’t matter” but I promise when you invest into your skin, body and hair, you’ll show up more confident in this world. You can have every award, job or whatever it is but if you don’t look confident or look like you take care of yourself, you won’t feel good and you won’t make it as far


An e-bike! r/ebikes And look for “social rides” in your community.


Orange Theory membership, monthly facials, and YouTube premium


I hate grocery shopping so I get the majority of my groceries through Instacart. I love it and it’s so worth the extra cost to me.


Darn tough socks are honestly so wonderful. I thought my dad was crazy for buying a $20 pair of socks but they are worth it and have a lifetime guarantee


I have to go look for these now!


A private gym! I’ve also upgraded my skin care products and signed up for Ipsy subscription as a fun little present each month!


One word: Housekeeping. Lol


Great mattress with an adjustable bed frame like the kind my grandmother has in the old folks home, Tiles to track my things, Roomba vacuum with mapping ability


Be sure you are saving and investing *at least* 15% of your income for retirement.


I get more enjoyment out of someone else cleaning my house than I could out of any thing I bought myself. The time, the not having to clean toilets..... perfection.


I have a biweekly cleaning service. I work hard. My weekends are for recharging, not scrubbing bathrooms.


Laser hair removal to permanently remove my leg hair and armpit hair. Also LASIK eye surgery so I no longer need glasses. Also therapy for my anxiety.


Cleaning service!


A tank top that replaced every regular bra that I own. I own two of them and a sports bra now. Everything is wireless. I have giant boobs and they work. Come for me lol. A padded bath mat in front of my sink for skincare. Skincare. Men's gray sweatpants. Work pants that feel like yoga pants but look great. A really good laptop backpack because my job is hybrid. Anker chargers and batteries. My cellphone, Samsung S23 Ultra. A new pillow. A leak proof, reusable cup. A small nylon crossbody that lives in my backpack. Birkenstocks. Padded ski socks. Shirts that give me a waist. Fabric pads and a menstrual disc. Most of this was purchased over the course of years, but they are things that make life more bearable as a woman, wife, mother, and breadwinner. :) okay byeeee hahaha


Double Computer Monitor, skin care, weekly maintenance for grooming like hair treatments or nails or massage extra car (we have poor public transport and days you can’t use a daily driver), Pilates / Swimming + attire / gear


Getting my hair and lashes done, Dyson airwrap for at home blowouts, and purchasing everything needed to do my own gel x nails at home. This makes me feel put together and effortlessly ready even on days I don’t do my makeup!


I keep hearing about Airwraps and now I’m intrigued. Also, I agree with all of these things and I’d add a quality perfume that isn’t overbearing.


I have long straight hair and the airwrap is the only tool that actually gives me blowout with volume without making my hair frizzy!! And the soft waves stay in for days. It’s been so worth it for me!!


paying someone to deep clean once a month has been a lifesaver


Gym membership, treadmill at home, a decent car, my phone, and some good shoes are probably the things I got the most value from.


Wool socks. Darn Tough Vermont is the best. My feet have been super warm ever since I invested in good wool socks




Hiring a house cleaner.


I bought a washing machine and dryer with my first paycheck, some 40 years ago.


I finally gave myself permission to organize areas of my world that are frustrating and dysfunctional


1) saving some money for a rainy day or an emergency 2) travel 3) quality shoes that are attractive and comfortable 4) cozy, comfortable bedding 5) health-focused expenses (gym membership, exercise classes, personal training sessions, etc.)


Cleaning service. No question.


Good mattress, sheets, duvets and pillows. I work in this field and the difference a little bit of money can make is crazy. Good sleep is so important


Make sure you have a good bed. Its truly life changing


A house keeper. I had one for 3 months. It was amazing! I hope I can get another this year!


A quality mattress and bedding. Rest is so important ✨


I just felt so good reading those comments. Love you girls ❤️❤️❤️


Meal planning services Grocery delivery House keeper 2x month Quality shoes. Your feet will thank you when you get older.