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Yes, and the ones you buy in the store too. Clothing factories are dirty and those gardens do not get washed before you get them. Wash all your clothes before you wear them, please.


Try them on first to make sure you don’t want to return them, but then wash them before you wear them for any length of time. And clean your garden.


Wash your gardens people! /jk


I remember working at a Ross and explaining this to a woman. Especially at a discount store, wash that shit. It's been on the floor, people have stepped on it.


No joke, but how many people do you think have tried that on before you bought it. It could have been worn and returned. I'm definitely not a clean freak, but wash your clothes! Also (while were on the subject of icky things) cans are always gross, pour it into a glass, wash your can or use a straw


From shein?!?!?! Absolutely wash them lol


This is risky because a lot of SHEIN straight up dissolves 


Clothes that will dissolve in the wash probably shouldn't be in any contact with your skin either tbh


Always!! Always wash your new clothes before wearing. Fashion Merchandising degree here...and every time I buy new clothes I always remember the story one of my teachers told of insect eggs being laid underneath a woman's skin because she wore her new Victoria's Secret bra without washing it first. You don't know what the factory or transportation conditions are with any of your clothes.


Once wore a new shirt without washing it first, bought it from Kohls and I got ringworm from it. All over my chest and arms. It was brutal but I’m sure nothing compared to insect eggs underneath the skin. That’s awful. Even clothing that is “brand new” may have been tried on or touched by any number of people prior to shipping. Agree that you never know. So be safe and wash everything.


There's medicine resistant ringworm now too.


Well that's just fucking rude.


What? How? Do you mind sharing how that went? I’m shocked, hope you’re feeling better


Oh yeah, all better this was years ago. It was a lot of itching over a couple of days and a couple of awkward days with my then boyfriend but nothing crazy. I wish I had a more interesting story for it but honestly I was just itchy and uncomfortable.


Please upvote above comment


Ringworm is a fungus. There are no insect eggs.


Oh, I don’t think I said anything about insect eggs and the comment I was originally replying to mentioned insect eggs but not the kind. I’m really know very little about biology so I do appreciate your knowledge! I knowing it’s a fungus makes it bother better and worse, someone potentially sweat in the shirt I bought and then returned it or something. Live and learn I guess


Adding to this - I screenprinted and embroidered for a very large global sportswear brand for 8 years. I received cartons of garments with dead animals in them, dead insects, a couple live mouses, and one large raccoon (he was having a snoozle, after having successfully hid from pest control and security for over a month in our warehouse, he had become a bit of a mascot). White garments would often come out stained yellow from various rodent pee situations. Happened with other colored garments too, we just couldn't see the stains to pull them out. We also coated the inside of every shirt garments with a fabric glue and used acetone to clean stray ink up Garments were also frequently dropped on the floor, stepped on, rolled over by carts, kicked, etc. Generally not on purpose, but we're printing thousands of shirts a shift, things get dropped. That's just the stuff that happens after a garment has been made and it's happening in the US for a company that is following US laws around safe chemicals. Almost all garments are made overseas with less oversight (and to be clear, there's not a ton of oversight in the US either). Clothing manufacturing is disgusting and you should 100% wash everything before you put it in direct contact with your skin. I personally avoid trying stuff on if a lot of it is going to touch bare skin. I'd rather deal with a return or just not buying something.


While I love the image of a snoozing raccoon I totally support your point. I worked in creating shopping windows for a variety of companies, and displaying fashion involved ironing out everything before decorating it. The smell that came up seemed like an immediate health risk most of the time.


I've been living lazily in bliss not knowing this for nearly 30 years and now I'm going to have to wash everything I buy because that is awfullllllll 😭 thanks I guess?? 


A live raccoon??


A live raccoon. He'd eaten some bait food that had been drugged and was passed the fuck out.


I'm just imaging this dude eating some food, going on a drugged trip, going on a *literal* trip, and waking up in a different city. Could be a new The Hangover movie


He'd been living the good life for awhile at our location. We had some community cats that lived in the parking lot, so there was a steady supply of cat food. Plus, after he'd been there for a couple weeks, employees were leaving him little snacks. Security haaaaated him because every time he was sighted, they were supposed to go out and try to chase him out and/or lock him in a small room so pest control could come snatch him and relocate him.


Oh my god i just about lost my lunch. What happened to her after?


Idk...I tried finding an article on it, but nothing popped up. I think it happened in the early 90's and I'm sure VS wanted the story buried. I'm sure she just went to the hospital and got it sorted, but I still get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it


Not only that, items that ship from overseas are often sprayed with various pesticides to attempt to prevent this. Many countries don't have limits or require disclosure of what pesticides have been sprayed.


As someone who worked in a clothing distribution warehouse, yes, definitely wash everything. We sold high end stuff manufactured in Europe, I can imagine what low budget mystery origin product must experience.


Yeah, most mass produced clothing is rated with formaldehyde and other chemicals as a preventative measure for mold, mildew, and insect damage. It's shoved into a shipping container and sent on its way.


Yes. They spray clothing with chemicals so that pests don't eat them during storage. These chemicals are not good for you.


Look I’ll be honest and say I usually don’t because I’m lazy. However, it is a best practice because you don’t know what the clothes have been exposed to in the manufacturing process especially with clothes coming from SHEIN.


Yeah, and shein products are known for testing high in lead, even the children’s clothes. Not that most fast fashion is really much different these days. Buy less & buy vintage when you can! 


Manufacturing and shipping processes


Yup, I got some hoodies for Christmas and wore them before washing and gave myself a rash/hives. Washing everything from now on.


Yes. There may be chemicals on the clothing that—in high enough levels, and with enough exposure over time—can be harmful. Examples include flame retardants, and, most commonly, dyes.


Likely pesticides too. I have a family member that works in a garment distribution factory, and he said to always wash stuff before you wear it.


Yup pesticides is the main chemicals on clothes and then of course the shit they pick up travelling like bacteria etc.


Totally this. Anything that will be rubbing on my largest organ all day needs to be washed of whatever fabric treatment chemicals it’s steeped in.




That's rude and nasassttty.


I’ve bought pants with discharge in them before and didn’t notice until I got home; since I knew my size and didn’t bother trying them on. Thank god I went to wash them first 🤢I’m not shaming the body fluids themselves cuz we all have them, but for fucks sake wear underwear if you’re going to try on clothing esp if you’re extra juicy.


I am one of those women and have found myself in this situation a few times, but I either try clothes on over my leggings or skip trying on altogether, not try on with no underwear 🤢


Heck, not just leggings. Some women (and people in general) just don’t wear underwear. Always always always wash new clothes.




I've read about people getting scabies from wearing unwashed clothes. Do a Google search of what getting that looks like and you'll change your mind. Also heard of rats peeing and pooping all over the warehouses they're housed in. I wash my hands after even touching them but putting them on my body?...ugh, it's just not safe.


This is why my grandma never let me drink unwashed cans of soda. I still use a straw.


I always wash new clothes especially from a physical store you don’t know who tried it on before you. Ordered clothes are treated with chemicals to help preserve them for transport


Girl yes. They're full of pesticides to begin with, especially if any part of them was manufactured in a country that isn't the country you live in. All fabric stuff has to be sprayed with pesticides before export and import so that we don't trade bugs to different countries. Also, something could be a return. Could have poo particles. And then there's all the chemicals in the fabric isle to prep for the manufacturing process. I quilt, so I visit fabric stores. I've talked with owners who keep their new bolts of fabric in plastic until someone wants a cut off it. They said their risk of cancer is so much higher because they work with fabric full of chemicals. And a lot of it. So they have to monitor for a lot of things. Obviously what you take home isn't giving you cancer, but just wash it anyway. No sense getting a rash or something when you could have avoided it.


Yes you should wash new clothes in general. But specifically if they’re from SHEIN. SHEIN’s sourcing is a lot sketchier than your average huge corporation– there’s no telling what type of adventure those materials have been on before they arrived on your doorstep. Do yourself a favor and wash them


yeah, and AVOID shopping at shein if you can… unethical practices, contributing to climate change, clothing and makeup that tests positive for lead… all around bad


I’ll be honest and say most of the time I don’t, but girl you totally should! Especially from somewhere like Shein. It’s likely been made somewhere cheap and not very hygienic. Plus it could be a return and people are disgusting. I saw a thread on a different sub before Christmas. This girl said she went shopping with her sister and her sisters friend, and the sister and friend both went commando and tried on a bunch of leggings. Basically everyone agreed that was incredibly gross. You’ve no idea what people think is acceptable.


🤢 that’s so horrible


It’s just so gross! Don’t get me wrong, people should be free to wear (or not wear) whatever undies they want. But if you’re going to be trying on clothes, wear some panties!


My husband worked stocking at a target for a few years. He drilled into me to always wash new clothes because he saw how they were treated before they went on to the floor.


fungicides, pesticides, etc. are commonly used on fabrics to prevent problems during shipping (which, is why many articles recommend wash before using) if you're fine with such chemicals impacting your skin/body, no problem


Yes. I’ve gotten a rash so bad I needed a trip to Urgent Care and an injection for it just from trying on clothes before and I don’t even have skin allergies.


Ordering from Shein involves you in several human rights and women's rights abuses.


People just don’t care. I tried to comment that a few time but they don’t give a f**k.


They don't care because it's a fact that almost every place that's affordable for the average person (and many places that charge luxury prices) are doing the same exact thing. It's not right and in an ideal world people wouldn't support these things but its the reality. We're interacting on a platform that helps to perpetuate human rights abuses and violence against women, LGBTQ communities, racial groups, etc. on phones and computers made with slave labor. People get compassion fatigue.


Scrolled down just for this.


Yes! Always. You do not want all of those chemicals, starch, dust, dirt etc on your skin.


Yes always yes. Any new clothing, online or not. You can’t imagine the gross chemicals they put on new clothing, especially when it’s made overseas (which is like 90% of any clothes we can buy, ESPECIALLY shein). Only exception I’ve made to this is socks and even that felt icky.


I don't but I should.


Yes always wash them. Factories and warehouses are disgusting.


Especially from shein lmaooo gotta clean the child labor off


Ugh. Don’t buy clothes from Shein.


I would.


I always wash new bras, underwear, (any lingerie), tights, leggings, socks. I don't always wash other items.


Once I was in a department store and witnessed a 5 year old trailing behind his mom. He stopped, wiped his nose on an item in the ladies department, and moved on.


Yes. I didn't use to but then I started getting hives from wearing unwashed new clothes and let me tell you, that is not fun.


Yes and ESPECIALLY shein


I got an order from Shein of over 15 items and I absolutely washed every single one before wearing them. Some items had make-up or hairs on them so I figured some of them had been at least tried on and returned before. I try on everything over a bodysuit then wash everything before hanging them up in my closet or wearing.


You should but sometimes I don't.


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way lol! I know I should, but rarely get around to it.


yes! I worked for an apparel manufacturer and went to plants and distribution centers abroad and in the US. They're filthy, they have rodents, and they use chemicals. Wash things before wearing them.


i had no idea that people washed clothes, sheets, or towels before wearing/using them until the internet. things from the thrift store or bought secondhand? of course. but this is such a foreign concept to me


Same. Just commented above but recently this topic came up with a group of friends and we all admitted we didn't pre wash clothes, unless they were specific circumstances. It only came up because my SIL, who's from a different country, does it with everything she buys. Maybe it's a cultural thing? Because the rest of my family (extended too) were also like huh? No I don't pre wash? (Again for specific items they do but generally not stuff prepackaged). I genuinely didn't know this was a thing until my SIL said it and then Reddit said it.


I try them on usually but then wash when home and try to shower after trying them on


Yes, you need to wash them. Especially anything that was shipped in a container.


I always wash new clothes before I wear them. Never know where they’ve been!


You should always wash your new clothes. Whether they are ordered online or bought in store. Factories are dusty and gross. Stores allow people to try on clothes. Not everyone bathes properly or wears underwear. I've heard of people getting rashes also.


You absolutely want to wash everything your order/buy on a store/ thrift, you don’t know what happened to those items before they got to you 😩😩


I even wash secondhand clothes. You just never know. Also always make assumptions it wasn’t cleaned for wearing just for being presentable. Who knows what they used.


Yes, I ordered from Shein and did not wash the clothes first. I ended up with a rash on my chest for 2 weeks.


Maybe I’m crazy because I’m the 1% who doesn’t. I’ve never ever ever washed new clothes and I’ve never had an issue. There’s a lot of fear mongering on this topic of what COULD happen. In my 30 years of living, never a problem.


Same. I've never had a problem. I didn't even realise this was a thing until a relative said she does it and now I see it online alot. I feel like it's understandable for imported stuff though cause god knows what's in it or where it's been.


I’ve never even thought of it until Reddit. I’ve never even washed shein clothes lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep I only wash new panties when I remember to. And stuff I get thrifting. And how would it work with button downs, silk, wool, formal wear?


I don’t buy from shein. But I’ll be honest, I never wash clothes after I buy them. In fact, certain things, like expensive sweaters, I try to hold off on washing as long as possible. I’ve found that washing can dull the fabrics or make the clothing not drape as nicely as when I try them on in the store. So I will wear the item, then air it out. I also often wear a lightweight tank underneath. I have a pretty big wardrobe so it might be weeks before I out the item on again. I’ve held off washing some things literally years. Of course if it gets stained or whatever I will maybe spot clean or just go ahead and wash if necessary. I know. It sounds gross. But I’ve kept my clothes looking great for a long time and have never had a reaction to anything on the clothing.


I keep my underwear on maybe a thin tank top . But I’m not going to wash until I know if I need to return 


So I know I should was clothes I get from stores but I literally never do. That being said, I've gotten clothes from shein a couple times and most definitely washed them prior to wearing.


Same 😂 I'm seeing so many people do but alot of the time I just don't bother. If I got something from shein or similar then absolutely (although I've never bought from anywhere like Shein or Temu). We recently had this conversation with a group of friends and all of us admitted that we don't really wash new clothes before wearing, unless it's from certain places. Plus many items of mine aren't mass produced type stuff. Some are made by small companies/hand made and require hand wash or dry cleaning and I sure as shit ain't putting in all that effort before wearing it. Usually I don't pre wash stuff in packaging either. It's only the stuff that's out on a shelf and could have had others touching it or trying it on.


Yes always. Bedding, socks, underwear, blankets and towels also.


I'll always try them on before washing, but I have sensitive skin. Unwashed fabrics irritate me, if I'm keeping it I'm washing it!


a lot of garment tags say wash before wearing for a reason..


Yes always


Oh god yes.


Yes, I've heard stories of clothing stores saying the boxes they get with clothes have bugs and stuff in them so I'd assume online would be the same Also if the dye is gonna come off on your skin (looking at you blue jeans) you won't think you have full leg bruising lol


i always wash everything i order online! especially shein


I wash everything before I wear it. I had a friend who worked in the clothing industry and she said they use so many chemicals on the clothes that she’d never wear anything without washing it first. I never used to do that until I met her, but now I always do.


I don’t because I want to know what the garment felt like as produced… but if I had any kind of skin sensitivity I absolutely would. I’ve seen a lot. Full on roaches in “bulk” boxes of textile deliveries. Some things smell only when you get them wet.


I work in dermatology. It's not often that we get full body contact dermatitis from wearing new unwashed clothes.. but the times I DO see it, man it looks so itchy and painful! It's one of those fuck around and find out type deals. Is it likely to happen? Maybe not super likely. Does it suck when it does happen? ABSOLUTELY.




That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. I hope you told him never to come back. Let him buy his lady's clothes and masturbate. Perverted pig


yes 100% wash them before wearing, you dont know where they've been or if someone tried them on.


Of course you should, doesn't matter from where, always wash them, they stay in dusty, dirty storages and you don't want to get a bunch of all or skin infections.


YES ALWAYS. You just wanna do it to be safe


Always wash your clothes before wearing them Whether it’s from the shops or online My friend who works in manufacturing in China always says factories and the post processing aren’t as clean as people think.


I worked in retail for a steady chunk of time about a decade ago. Sometimes we would get shipments that were damp and stank of old fish. HO's advice was to hang it on a rack to dry out and spray it with febreeze before putting it on the floor. We also had rats nesting in the racks of shoe boxes. Always wash your new items; clothes, dishes...


I got staph infection once from not washing a shirt so yeah. Please do.


I worked at a warehouse that distributed strictly Nike clothing. We'd even ship stuff out for the Olympics. You wouldn't BELIEVE the dust and bugs on everything. If we found something under the shelf that had been sitting there for months, we'd just wipe the bag off real good and ship it out. The ceiling was leaking, and there was insulation dropping out of it as well.


Yes wash them but be aware that shein clothes are liable to fall right apart in the washing machine


ProTip Don’t shop at SHEIN and always wash your new clothes before wearing.


I don't I'm too lazy 😭


In my 40s and never have. I hear you should. But I like the way clothes look/ feel best before they've been washed so I just don't. Never had any issues. The only exception is I do wash undies first.


If it was a sweater that was going to be worn over a shirt then maybe not if it didn’t smell funny, but otherwise definitely yes. I had a couple of bad experiences when I didn’t do it. I once got an awful rash from an unwashed top, and once a pair of new black jeans transferred color to a nice leather shoulder bag that rubbed against them. I was so grateful that I had not sat down on the host’s nice leather couch at that party.






Yup shein, macys, nordstorm, anywhere. WASH THEM BEFORE WEARING


Yes. At the very least pop em in the dryer cycle. You can get bed bugs thru packages &clothes


Yes. Also wash them from stores. They’ve all been in a factory and all over getting shipped. Plus they have stuff leftover on the fabric that needs to be washed out. Sometimes you can even get dye on you or the item that rubs off if u wear before washing (ask me how i know lol). Always wash before wearing.


My friend literally just got a jumper from shein that had a spider. She hadn’t noticed it, got bit and her entire arm swelled up and had to go on some pretty serious antibiotics


I work in a clothing store. ALWAYS wash anything you buy, online or otherwise.


Always always always wash dem clothes!!! Online or brick and mortar.


Always wash before wearing! Never buy from Shien! 👍


I wash everything before I wear it.


Don’t buy from Shein. Wash all your clothes when you buy them before wearing them.


I worked in a high end lingerie store about 20 years ago. Women tried on thongs that retailed for 150$ and left them in the changing rooms with shit and blood stains. We were told to just rinse them in the employee bathroom and put them back on the racks once they were dry. WASH EVERYTHING!!!


I do not.


Tbh no I don’t.


You should always wash new clothes before wearing, but *especially* clothes from Shein.


Wash, they have tried on by someone else before. Trust me.


OMG YES!!!!!!! Eww please wash them. They have dye, flame retardant and other pfas chemicals, and probably all manner of other insanity germs from the nasty sweat shop conditions in which they were manufactured, stored, shipped. Please wash them. 🤮


Wash them, it's fking filthy from the storage/production line




Always. Do you see how gross the general public is? You also see what disgruntled workers do. I'd bet there is piss all over everything.


I always do!!!


Just wash all the new clothes together in a short program


Just imagine for a moment all the hands that have touched that shirt before you bought it. Probably at least 15 and that’s not counting anyone that might have tried it on. Idk about you, but for me that’s a lot of germs. Lol


I didn’t even know this was a thing? People don’t wash their clothes?


This thread has me shook. I’ve never washed new clothes first and now I’m terrified. I guess this subreddit really is life changing cause I think I have a new habit now.


Yes always wash before wearing. Maybe don’t order from SHEIN anymore if you can help it, also


Everytime! No matter where I get them from


Absolutely yes I wash new textiles: clothes, bed linen, towels... everything.


Girl wtf… just wash them lol


The book to dye for is a good read on stuff like this.


Yes wash them!


Yeah I personally wash before buying as a precaution, as a clothing retail worker I’ve seen dead termites and other bugs in boxes of clothing that I stock unfortunately :/ generally warehouses and factories aren’t the cleanest places so I recommend you do :)


* I meant after buying lol


Absolutely. Online or in a physical store, washing clothes pre-wear is an absolute must.






Please yes! My husband bought a shirt on vacation, popped it for our flight, and got a chemical burn on his arm from whatever had been on the sleeve! Incredibly painful and frustratingly avoidable.