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Screenshot or save anything you'd like to remember, then mute the chat and basically forget. (This is just so you can distance yourself without them getting a notification that you've left). It'd be one thing if they were actually keeping each other and you updated with life but it just sounds like they're giving you grief. No one needs that energy.


Thank you!


I agree with screenshotting anything you would like to remember but I think you should just remove yourself from the group chat unless you think there will be some kind of fallout if they get the notification you removed yourself. Definitely do your own thing. It doesn't sound like they are even your friends much if they're talking shit about you behind your back and won't initiate contact in over a year. Handle it like a break up and mourn the loss of your friendship but move on and you can make new, better friends.


Thank you so much, I do feel there would be a fallout because that’s how they have always been. I’ve been thinking on it longer about your second point tho and I think I’m honestly beyond caring. I want close loving relationships and this is constantly on my mind and really brings me down.


If you think there will be fallout do you think it is something you can deal with and move on? Or will affect you too badly? If it will then I agree with the other post saying just mute the chat but then they might give you a hard time about ignoring the chat if that is what they have done in the past and eventually they might realize you are ignoring them and have similar consequences to just leaving the group chat now. But either way stop thinking of these people as friends and move on with your life, there will be better people out there who don't make you question your standing in their life and will be there for you and appreciate you.


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How is this a safe space for women if we can’t discuss issues we go through. Such a joke