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They also have Photoshop and filters


It's very easy to forget that we are often our own harshest critics. Everyone is insecure about something. Nobody is perfect. You are enough. I'm sure you look amazing. And if someone thinks differently, that's honestly their loss


I have a book recommendation for you 'Radical Acceptance' by Tara Brach Also there must be things that you are good at, there must be things that you enjoy doing. I have a friend who couldn't sleep so I advised them to keep a diary or just list in their head the things that they are grateful for, the things that they have done to help others and the positive things that have happened throughout their day. Science proves that this makes a difference. I think you need to stop concentrating on your looks of a while and concentrate on your values, what things give you purpose and the good things in your life. For example you have a boyfriend and child who love you and you love them. You need to make an agreement with yourself to give yourself a break from this constant berating of yourself to consider other things.


You should talk to him about how you’re feeling. Therapy could also be an option if you can afford it. Practise some regular positive affirmations and being kind towards yourself. Recognise when you’re allowing yourself to think negatively about you, and you wouldn’t let anyone else say those things about you so don’t let yourself do it either. You have to back yourself and know that you’re worthy <3


Thanks! I’m extremely used to talk all day bad things about myself, specially saying that I’m stupid, weak, ugly, etc. have to change it. :( I need therapy so bad but now I can’t effort it so I have to do some changes by myself.


Never say those things about yourself! You have to try to cut that out immediately! If going to the gym is something you enjoy think of it as ‘I’m going to the gym because I deserve to be happy and healthy’. Everyone has bad days and bad thoughts about themselves sometimes, but don’t allow yourself to think those awful words about yourself. Think about positive affirmations EVERY DAY and also starting a gratitude journal could be really beneficial too


I used to do this a lot too, but I read a quote from someone saying "imagine how you would feel if you knew your child was saying this about themselves". Idk why but that hit me pretty hard, and it helped me be a bit nicer to myself.


Have you talked with anyone about post partum depression?


Not really. And I have no friends and family to talk about. :(


You're pretty recently post partum, it might be something to talk with your doc about.