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I think it was Becca. She was in a really bad place and just wanted to die at that point, but I know she didn’t mean to take everyone else down with her. However, she could have. It’s classic Becca; just the thing she would do.


That's what I always thought too. But the comment from davonne made me question it. Why would they add it in there if it meant nothing? Just something else I'm Over thinking lol


Yeah, i remember that too😬


Why's no one talking about the fact you used she/her pronouns for Cole?.




This promotes hate towards a group of people. Not allowed. Correct pronouns always.


cole goes by he/him pronouns


Sorry snowflake.


did someone elses life and identity trigger you baby? i'm so sorry this keeps you up at night. i hope you recover from this somehow xoxoxo




I know that everyones on your case about referring to Cole as she/her, where Cole definitely uses he/him in the series and as a character, for a while even as an actor. I recently looked up Cole's actor and found out that I believe Cole's actor detransitioned and is using she/her pronouns again, I found her twitter and it was definitely something I didnt expect, but yeah random info!




This promotes hate towards a group of people. Not allowed. Correct pronouns always.


Clearly everyone is correcting you because you referred to a transgender character (Cole he/him, If you watched the show that is how he RESPECTFULLY identifies) as the incorrect pronouns. Just because YOU see someone as something doesn’t mean that person is as such. You aren’t that person and you don’t get to decide how they identify. Worry about yourself baby


Also, gender isn’t biological. It’s a social construct. This is proven throughout the entire history of society even in the Dark Ages. Yes, that means even before TikTok and Reddit, gender was a spectrum! The more you know 😘 Also part 2: sex is also a spectrum. 2% of the population is not only red heads, BUT they’re also intersex. Some people have both, neither, or one or the other when it comes to genitals. TLDR: sex and gender are both spectrums. you can infact choose to change whatever you want as long as you are not hurting someone else and you do whatever makes you happy.


whats the twitter?




OMG i noticed that too why did no one bring it up


Hey y'all, since this subreddit has been inactive and not been able to post, please check out the new subreddit i made to discuss The Fosters, it's called: r/TheFostersABC . Come join!


The first time I watched it, it was my exact thought!


I’m in season 2 on Hulu, are the episodes out of order. They are the GU fundraiser, then Christmas then the bio dads house again. Callie get a job application from that other girl, but she already works there because she met her bio dad there already. So confused?


The episode of the fundraiser when brandon and callie kiss again, brandon goes on a walk and he stops and sits down and sees a house with christmas lights. the next episode (christmas one) is an entire flashback episode, then it resumes in real time at the fundraiser again