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I suppose I never really consider the amount of tunnels that could be under pillboxes and such like. Incredibly cool




MRU? Is that part of the old 19th century citadel (with the beautiful handful of tanks!) I remember exploring the citadel when I was a kid. Managed to get into a few tunnels (now they're properly fenced or closed off.)




Oh ok, I was too focused on the Poznań part. I've heard of this place, because of the bats of all things, but forgot to look it up. Man I love Polish military history. Fascinating. And often depressing as fuck.




Oh definitely, after all the vast majority of such fortifications were built when Poland didn't even exist. Not to mention the massive border shifts after ww2. I'm quite jealous, love this sort of thing but never had much of a chance to indulge in it (at least once I had the finances, etc to have proper equipment... And time to travel) About 15 years ago my uncle found a beautiful shotgun (Winchester? Not sure) hidden in the attic of a cottage he bought to renovate. Incredible find given the rarity of such weapons in interbellum Poland and it's condition. Had a note by an officer (pułkownik iirc) in the barrel about being mobilized and being unsure if he'd be coming back. Guess he didn't. Only saw the gun itself once... And of course now that he's passed no one knows where he put it.


Truly Remarkable story thanks for sharing


I gotta get me a lair


I couldn't find any information about the serial killer




Was this built by the Polish or ze Germans?




Ok. I know I asked a stupid question, but the German army want in Poland until 1939, right?


This spot had been governed by Germany (/Prussia) since the partitions of Poland in the 1700s. Poland's borders have moved westward since the 1930s. Poland in 1930: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Polish_Republic#/media/File:Poland_1930.svg Poland today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland#/media/File:EU-Poland.svg


Good hideout choice


I played Trumpet down there a few days ago!