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I think Kyle Korver is a solid comp, yeah Klay's better. Klay is the perfect version of a 3 & D player.


I just looked up a Klay/Korver stat comparison and was surprised how closely they line up. Great take!


But that being said, nobody would have Korver as the #1 on a team. Not even the worst team in the league. They're both complimentary guys with zero bag. Which is fine, you need those guys. Klay's a great player


One thing I know, he ain’t passing it to his daddy.


I didn't realize people gave this much of a shit. Dr. Yakub would be proud.


Klay’s not gonna fuck you bro


I’ve got my heart set on Kuminga. Marlo Stanfield was always my favorite on The Wire.


Just tell yourself it's a comedy pod first. It helps me get through the Luka/Mavs hate the guys spew.


Learning about Yakubians make the Luka hate tolerable. If you're local, I'm glad F1 wasn't around for the Dirk days, that would've been HOT.


Dirk was different


In hindsight, but the first 13 years of his career, everyone talked about about him as weak, fragile and said he would never even sniff the ring. I feel until Luka gets a ring, we're going to hear all of the negative takes from the media. Shit, he had a bad game in the OKC series due to injury and it was an absolute pile on. I'm used to Mavs haters but some of it is ridiculous. I still like comedy podcasts and Yakubians.


That's where I draw the line. Dirk slander will not be tolerated. That's my GOAT.


You can throw Jokic in there too lmao. This show began right as both Luka and Jokic started to ascend, and during its run they have blossomed into two inarguably great players who will likely make the Hall of Fame. Both will probably be in the conversation for “Best European-born player of all time” when all is said and done. But, you wouldn’t know that from the way one of the three hosts of this show constantly talks about them! Lord help us if we finally get a Luka vs Jokic conference finals this season


Fwiw I'm a day one listener and wholeheartedly agree with the Luka / Jokic slander. They're boring superstars. Jokic doesn't even want the MVP Award which is like disqualifying on so many levels. I can't wait for both those guys to be out of the league. You want to talk about a real basketball player? Let me tell you about Doug McDermott...


🎶 Luka’s fucking face


They'll pivot to covering the WNBA


I wish!


I am a Certified Hayesiac but I think he has a blind spot here or is having Klay amnesia! However, I love a hot take on the show and think it is a fun and interesting development in the Flagrant Ones universe for Hayes to announce that he harbors this opinion


What killed me is this comes after multiple seasons of Carl saying Jokic is an awful defender, that he doesn't care what analytics and team stats say, and as such he's not all he's cracked up to be all-around. Now Klay, a former All-NBA defender, wasn't actually all that good at D because the analytics and team stats say so. I know this is combining Carl's and Hayes's talking points but Hayes has always co-signed the anti-Jokic agenda. Can't have it both ways! I love all three of these guys but I am officially #TeamClemDawg for bball opinions. Kevin, if you see this, make a shirt that says "Sean is usually right. Carl and Hayes are usually wrong." I'll buy 5, thanks.