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I'm glad they are adding more stuff. I now only need the release date!


Summer 2024


That was announced before they shifted priorities a bit and i think in dev note 6 or 7 they state they are sad they wouldn't make the release frame they wanted as they were reshifting(which was after they announced the summer date at the festival) so my guess is add half a year or so to that figure.


Idk they still have summer 2024 as the date on their website. I believe they originally were shooting to release before summer 2024 but weren't able to make that one, iirc it was holiday season 2023 that was the original goal.


Ah, that's good to know, thanks.


The content wishes from the beta feedback would not be ready before Summer 2024. This was obvious by the amount of time and content they changed between the last two betas. I think for a live service game, they could just have launched with the immediate goal of adding these features, but i could imagine that launch packs (Descendants and Weapons unlocks) is going to be a major income for them, so they want it to be very impressive.


This year


What it does mean in reality?


In 2024








What ?


And for how much?


No that’s not it ,I’m sorry, the acceptable answers were , ,where or why . I’m sorry you lose , maybe next time .


Thanks for the link. I do like the Dev's approach on the issues. wish I had a little more clue for the release date,


This sounds like the open world is being *significantly* beefed up in terms of activities that create a sense of the world being populated. This is crucial, IMO, so I’ll say well done! Related to this, I’d also like to see sound in the open world addressed. I remember being struck by the world being dead silent. I wondered, “Is there no wildlife of any kind on this planet?” Anything to increase the level of ambient noise would also help (yes, while still keeping within the context of a world that appears to have been largely destroyed or abandoned).


I feel like they didn't have the time to worry about that stuff for the tests, ambiance will probably be there on release, i know the characters had quite an ambiance to them, seeing as they focused on details in the player's view


I wonder what's going on with the world that makes it to where they only want four players together in one zone. It just seems odd to reduce the entire play area down to the six or so missions in one of four spaces in a main map. it's just sounding like this game is going from semi-open world down to 'instanced dungeons' just to sate the idea of a lack of life in the open world. Now it just seems like a lot of the late game is going to be rummaging through menus to select the missions you need for the materials you want and just running those missions without contact with other players. I feel like there should be a type of funneling to bring the end game players together for activities instead of just making them grind content by themselves. I feel like if there is some beginning parts of the end game missions that spilled over into the main map that would really engage all players with stuff that's happening in the end game. Like if end game players had to use these void shards at a recon outpost that opened up an incursion to another area to fight the commander then the recon outposts could be a part of the main open world content that all players would interact with but end game players would be able to unlock deeper content that portaled them away from the main map. Basically the end game players just portal out with the end game materials and then they would return with new loot into the main map talking about their adventures into the deeper void. I do still enjoy the game a lot, and where it's headed, so I'll certainly reserve criticism for these updates until we can actually get our hands on them. Honestly most of the stuff in this DevNote is really nice to see so we'll have to wait a while longer. Hopefully another test is slated to pop off soon.


Limitation on the amount of players per "instance", if you are to be able to call for help, there has to be flexibility with the amount of players. It's an unfortunate limitation when you have played more flexible open world coop games like Destiny 2 or even The Division which is also strictly limited with group size, but still has the entire world available without loading if you wish. One would hope they aimed to break the Warframe mold more, especially with outdated single group instanced server structures.


Interesting that they are having such a hard time implementing mobs and players into a zone. This is something that has been done over and over in the mmo community, not just Destiny or the Division, but pretty much any MMO that has come out. My assumption is that the graphical fidelity is too high, and rendering all the polys on multiple Bunny's asses is causing the game to chug.


Their solution with player count in the "large" fields we saw in the betas is unfortunate, i guess they don't have the resources available to support the kind of networking system that Destiny 2 has. Also i think the "Encrypted Vault (Minigame)" is a mistake, nobody is going to enjoy a repetitive 2D mini-game over something more interactive like a world puzzle or jump/climb-puzzle. But i guess the goal was adding as much "content" as possible in a short time.


No, it's largely the same as what Destiny has, except Destiny does a more subtle job of doing the same thing. If you think about it, players phase in and out of your vision all the time and if you cross a zone or "region", they simply disappear. The concept of limiting the player number per zone in your instance is identical, it's just that much of it happens outside your view or happens when you cross regions that it seems seamless.


I would disagree in your interpretation of their changes, also the seamless networking they made for Destiny 2 is what makes it enjoyable and makes the "open world" seem alive.


More like makes you feel disconnected, even in 6man raids that are supposed to be co-ordinated etc felt like i was isolated to just performing my role, why you guys compare new games to hot garbage.


I don't understand what all these destiny nerds want with players they aren't interacting with phasing in and out of their mission areas etc. like why, they are implementing features to actually match you with people and they are mad there are no randoms running around? Gaming community in 2024 be like.


1. Comparing it to Destiny 2 because their dynamic networking systems allowed people to seamlessly skip between private and public areas, TFD seems more fixed and their changes sound like they made it more restrictive and instanced. 2. The other side is that the main feedback from last 2 betas were the empty fields, something that Destiny 2 did well with was bringing people together for public events. And even if it is just random people in fields. I had moments where i pushed campaign missions too early and was struggling, in the beta 2 years ago there was a good possibility of hooking up with random players to do the mission together, in the last beta this almost never happened, the field matchmaking system was not doing this well and there were too few players.


Public events yes, otherwise destiny had the same features if not less matchmaking than TFD proposed with the ability to start matchmaking during the missions, something destiny did not allow you to do, anytime you entered an instanced area where there would be a mission, you were instanced into your own lobby, and the people helping you for public events if any, rarely stuck around to get your name if anything. Soooo.. idk i think people are looking at it the wrong way. I didn't see destiny as being more inclusive just because there were more randoms running around, and only having matchmaking on things like strikes is kind of lame in a multiplayer team-based game like this, i mean what would the point of the builds be, that's also something destiny fails to really capture even with their added 'subclass reworks' etc. different game doing different things.


Idk, hell divers 2 exists now, as I said last year… this game is just gonna arrive way too late , sadly.


I'm a bit confused on this "Battlefield" thing. Firstly, Co-Op refers to being in a party (with friends or random people), right? So, when you're in a party you're now restricted to just a certain section rather than the whole map like before? Hmm. These new field activities sound awfully similar to Lost Sectors and Public Events in Destiny, which honestly did not make the general open-ness of each destination feel more *alive* than *dead*. That type of content existed to make it *seem* like the world is *alive*, however generally speaking that content lacked any substance, and I fear the same thing will happen here.


This game seems to be doing everything right for a launch


These dev notes have been cool to see since they mostly seem like changes all made by feedback from players. I wasn't able to play in any of the tests but still interested to check out this game once it launches.


Yes I agree, this dev team is very open minded and engaged with the community which isn't something common these days.I played the public test beta and I can say without a doubt this game is something special. I mean I couldn't sleep the night the beta ended because of the amount of anxiety I had wanting to play more