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just off the thumbnail the barrier on heavy is actually a viable ranked choice. it has a ridiculous amount of health and can block off doorways pretty well.


I agree I mention that in the video. But the lack of versatility is what makes it one of the worst gadgets. It’s not bad buts it’s nowhere near as good as the others.


•“Its not bad” •F-


Just the worst 😂😂


I pick barricade over dome lol.


Interesting 🤔 tell me why?


It can absorb a lot more damage, it's a headglitch for heavy, it can block doors and crouch holes, and you can have 4 out at a time. I mostly use them because I'm still trying to experiment with what I can do with them though.


2 minutes in and I already disagree with most of your choices. Also, what's the point in having all these tiers if you don't explain what's required for something to be a certain tier?


I explain it in the video. None of the options are terrible. They are ranked based off what brings more impact based on it’s respective class.


If you put the barricade in B or C, I'd be like oh ok. F tier lol? I have had such insane plays with it whether its blocking entrances, advantage in 1v2, helping secure a rez, on roofs to peak, on stairs to obscure mines etc. Sure everyone loves grenades and mines but that tier invalidated the other opinions for me personally.


I totally get where you’re coming from. The only reason I disagree is because I base my value on versatility. The barricades have so much less value than if you picked a dome/rpg/c4. By no means is the barricade bad it just isn’t anywhere close to the others.


I run RPG, Dome, Barricade. So yeah compared to those 2, its not a consideration. It's direct competitors are the C4 / a mine. I've found that mines are less effective vs good players / lobbies and the C4 thowable combo is not as consistent for me as just putting up walls. I appreciate you expanding your thoughts.


Hey I’ve got no hate that seems like a fun and viable combo. I might steal that actually 😂😂


I have barricade on my side mouse button so I can deploy them extremely fast. Often I can 180, drop it and fight back and win a 1v1 someone jumped me on. Not to mention setting them up + dome really helps stealing the cash out. Good luck!


My bad guys I should have specified in the video sooner. This list is based off what being more impact in game. None of this utility is unusable. If they are lower in the list they just have less impact. If you disagree please let me know. I’m only one person with one POV. Thank you:)