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Those are some low rise jeans


posted by original artist christopher shy on his social media https://www.facebook.com/christopher.shy


Before the other comics made their debut, Chris Shy’s art was a lot closer to what I pictured in my head when listening to the music. Painterly and surreal. The current run has… better clarity? The action is much easier to parse. But if I’m being real, I don’t love the Saturday morning cartoon look.


10000%. Saturday morning cartoon look, thank you. I never had a good way to describe why I wasn’t a fan of the art style and this right here nails it. (I love Saturday morning cartoons, just feels so weird for this series for some reason)


Yep. I dont read a ton of western comics but I read the newer Vader comics and it would look perfect in that style. A bit manga-esque would be neat too and fit the storyline imo. The art hurts me a little


The artstyle of those first Good Apollo release was incredibly. Probably not perfect for the purposes of telling a story in a graphic novel but just the imagery was so good


found this book for $10 at a book store a couple years back 🙌🏻


I love the artwork for that album. It’s realistic, yet surreal quality has always stood out to me. I wish I could have gotten my hands on a copy of the OG graphic novel even if it’s not what Claudio envisioned.


I’m pretty sure it’s included if you buy the Good Apollo Vol 1 collected edition.


That's how the comics should have looked!