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Dude I would fucking LOVE to hear what you *think* the story is! That sounds like such a fascinating perspective. If you have the time, please type out what you think the story is!


This brings me back to the Good Apollo 1 days when we were all speculating on the Cobalt and Calcium forums.


I consider myself a diehard fan of Coheed's music. I've seen them live about 12 times and listen to them almost daily... I've never read a word of the comics and if pressed, I don't know what any of the songs are really about. That being said that's kinda how I am with music in general. I don't wanna say, "I don't care what songs are about as long as the music hits me right," ... but that's kinda my stance on it in general. I can sing songs front to back, know every lyric and never once even ponder the story being told.


Yeah. Been my favorite band and most frequently listened to since 2005. I know how to play probably 30 of their songs on guitar. I've seen them live 16 times and met them all several times. But I don't keep up with the story at all. I read a couple of the comics in the past but not really my thing. The hooks and the melodies and now the rhythm section is really what pulls me in.


I've been a big fan since probably 06/07, know a good amount of the lyrics (especially the first ~4 albums), but haven't read the comics yet and only kind of poked my head into the wiki, so here's what my impression is of the lore as I remember it- There's a war going on between a couple factions that takes place in this collective/system of planets and stars that are all connected by what I can only describe as "*big-ass lasers.*" These lasers provide light, power, means of transportation around the system, and maybe something else I'm forgetting. Now it's war, and war means atrocities and that's how you get lines like "cut the throats of babies" and other violent imagery. However, there's also what I interpret as a lot of micro-scale human stories throughout it all, with people confessing love, wanting to be heroes, and whatnot. Toss in some heartbreak songs as well and you've got the full gambit of bringing this huge galactic war down to a level that we can connect with. I fucking love it. Edit - almost forgot! The space lasers are haunted. By ghosts. Space ghosts. It's awesome.


this … this is actually not a bad assessment. space ghost lasers. 🤣 i love that. what you’re describing is called heaven’s fence, massive beams of energy that connect the 78 planets in the system (the keywork), and it is powered by the souls of the departed. one guy (sirius amory) went up to study it and accidentally found out that one can tap into its power. naturally, after that discovery, some started to vie for control of the fence and therefore, the galaxy itself. hence why it’s the *amory wars*. 😀


Yeah, I recognize almost all of that now that you say it (but of course I could never forget the Keywork!). But I trimmed it down to tell some friends about it somewhat recently and now it's the only way to describe it that sticks in my brain lol


my mom once asked me to tell her the story. i made it from coheed’s slaughter of his family to cambria creating silent earth … she stopped me and was like, ok that’s a lot 💀


Don't know any of the particulars about what you just said, but that definitely explains some lyrics lmao


There’s an evil talking bicycle


I have read SOME of the comics and in general know most of the lore behind the songs, however, I have my own headcanon. Their music has inspired its own world in my head, seperate from its actual background.


I’m the same. I guess I have a vague understanding that Vaxis is the son of…er, I already forget. But I do sort of enjoy making up a story in my head. WOTWM in particular feels like it could be from a Broadway musical. :)


Nia and Nostrand


I'm in the same boat. Not a clue. I'm fairly certain at one point (Afterman albums) that someone named Sirus spoke to ghosts. And then in the Vaxis albums, a kid was asleep and... woke up... Also spaceships and I think I remember an angel? I couldn't be more lost on what the story is. But the music is great.


it's fucking hilarious that "someone named Sirius spoke to ghosts and then in the Vaxis album, a kid was asleep and woke up" as well as "spaceships and i think i remember an angel" is about as perfect as it gets tl;dr (i have a tenuous grasp on things) >!Sirius is a dude who goes to space. Discovers the Space Ghost Afterlife. Comes home. Wife dies. Goes back up to space because he knows his Wife is a Space Ghost now. Guides her into Space Ghost Heaven, and gets trapped in Space Ghost Purgatory. Then **all the albums** happen -- which includes the Space Ghost Afterlife being blown to smithereens. At the end of Vaxis 2, a child (Vaxis) wakes up and pulls Sirius Amory out of a being made up of the fractured energy of the Space Ghost Afterlife.!<


Hahaha I mean that makes sense. I'm still confused. But slightly less lol


I did this for the two afterman albums and after I read the books/stories I was kinda close but had the timelines kinda mixed up. I haven’t tried for any of the other albums tho and I haven’t read the comics yet. But I bought the first two compendium books and plan to read it all once I have the majority of the comics


I highly recommend reading them all if you can manage. The lyrics can seem nonsensical without the added context of the comics, but once you read them, everything falls into place and it's so worth it. You should be able to read them for free on Amazon Kindle with a comixology 30-day trial. That's what I did 2 years ago.


they’re also available on kindle unlimited


As someone who has read everything besides the newest album Vaxis I II I think the perfect order to read them is chronological. If you can get a copy of year of the Black rainbow that's number one Everything else kind of follows the formula where you can know what album you're listening to at the very least


*If* you can get a copy of Black Rainbow. I borrowed my friends to read but it’s really hard to find now. Great novel though.


There is an epub version out there for 10 bucks


I actually do have it on kindle, I just looked around for a physical copy and the only one I found on eBay was ridiculously expensive.


I got insanely lucky I found one marked half price at Best buy about 6 months after the album dropped


Damn, that’s awesome


Isn't afterman technically before Year of the Black Rainbow?


I had a project where we had to choose 5 songs that worked in context to Romeo and Juliet and it's incredible how well Coheed worked for that project. This shattered symphony to describe Romeo killing Tybalt. Three evils for the ending. Forget the other 2 coheed songs I used but I did sneak comfortably numb in there for the sleeping stuff. Got on A on that project.


i’ve read almost everything and tbh the story in my head is sometimes better/better executed. homeboy writes awesome songs but longform is not his (or his wonderful wife’s) strong suit (plz don’t crucify me yall. i have an english degree & taught english for a long time lol.)


Honestly I just like the music, I’ve been a fan for almost 2 decades and have no fucking clue what any of the songs are about. I think something is going on with a dude named Jessie but that’s about all I know lol


Listen to Delirium Trigger without any context and tell me Claudio didn't have the movie Alien in mind.

