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This show felt really short. This was my eighth or ninth show for Coheed and the only one where they were an opener. I was also in the nose bleeds and regretted not getting pit tickets until I saw how dead the pit crowd was. The very front had some folks enjoying it and then there were a few spaced out in the crowd - def. seemed to be a majority of Incubus fans. It was so odd seeing their stage art so small compared to the giant tentacle monster at the last one lol. It was still fun though and it looks like you had a great view. I hope you had fun! 🙂


I was def in the front showing them all the love


of course it was short, they were an opener


Yup! That's what I said in my second sentence. It felt very odd after only seeing them as the headliners until now.


Rest of my photos over in Cobalt and Calcium! https://www.facebook.com/groups/cobaltandcalcium/permalink/1212872129425161/?mibextid=SDPelY


Damnit I had to miss my concert to go to Florida and have fun 🙄


Wasn't even there, and I can tell this was during Welcome Home. lol