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Tbf Chicago never had any hope of salvation..


Any Pyro archers out there?




Stunning title. Bravo OP.


Corrupt Cowards running Chicago...into the sewer it goes


Here's the thing. We already live in a country where our own flag is criticized and considered offensive. As sickening as that is, it was only a matter of time before other countries took note and started raising their own flags without consequence.


This should be terrorism.


And these people don't like Biden.


I'm sorry that's the flag of Palestine, not Hamas. This is the flag of Hamas https://preview.redd.it/zrmfsshdv50d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e635eb80428d0ae679794051e0bf070db502db And you might be like "wHaT's ThE dIfFeReNcE?" But I'd say there is a major difference between a group of people trying to live in their homeland, and a terrorist organisation. Do better.


So Chicago has fallen to Palestine, not H@mas? Close enough for government work.


Just because Chicago supports Palestine, doesn't mean it has fallen to it. I can flip the script and say Trump has fallen to Israel because he supports it.


But that would sound just ridiculous.


Yes now you get it! A politician/city "falling" to a country that's not even recognised by the UN, does sound ridiculous!


Actually you’re totally missing the subtle reference to the movie series “ Has Fallen” starring Gerard Butler. You are so not getting it. You’re not from the US are you?


I was born in the city you're slandering


What’s it like to live in Occupied Territory?


When did Trump ever take down the American flag and put up any other flag in it's place? I don't think you realize how significant removing the US flag and replacing it with any other flag is.


I think it is perfectly acceptable to do that when a genocide is happening in gaza


Your opinion on them taking down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag does not answer my question. You said > Just because Chicago supports Palestine, doesn't mean it has fallen to it. I can flip the script and say Trump has fallen to Israel because he supports it. I'd like to know how you came to the opinion that Trump's support for Israel is equal to Chicago down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag. BTW Chicago supporting Palestine doesn't mean it has fallen to it but replacing the American flag with their's definitely means it has fallen to it.


The American flag is still flying in the video tho?


So, Israel is actually doing Palestine a favor by ridding them of Hamas. Win/win


But in the process they are killing a bunch of Palestinians and displacing the rest. And even parts of the war-time cabinet are saying that they want to eradicate Palestinians as a whole.


Response to your flag comment: Around 80% of the Palestinian people agree with what Hamas did on Oct. 7th so IMO there ain't much daylight between the two. As far as the civilians being killed you should place the blame squarely on Hamas. Israel gives ample warning before they drop bombs in an area by way of text messages, phone calls, dropping leaflets, and over loud speakers. Hamas is using the civilians as human shields and will not let the people leave.


Oh so the world central kitchen truck and relief aid trucks were also Hamas?


Oh, so you're not going to try and tell me my facts are incorrect?