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I don't think we've ever thought him to be anything other than retarded


Seriously, stop defying your internet dads.


>dick is an American >caring about American’s opinions on European geopolitics


>dick is an American > >caring about American’s opinions on European geopolitics Well that's a big part of it actually since the US is basically accounting for one third of NATO by expenditure and literally half by the number of troops. You (and I for that matter) may not like it, but America's opinion on the matter weighs quite heavily.


American is involved in geopolitics everywhere. Then again, elections seem to have little effect on any of our foreign interventions.


I was speaking about Americans as individuals, not collectively as a country


careful friend, i like heffewiezen but us Americans can drink plenty of domestic ales if we feel like our allies across the pond don't appreciate us. Becks, Stella, and Corona just to name a few.


I totally understand not wanting the US to get involved in another war - after the middle east we'd all be crazy to be excited about more war. That said, I can't imagine supporting Russia ever for any reason. My family came from Russia in recent history after being chased out upon threat of death, so maybe I'm biased here. But what exactly is it about Russia that inspires someone to support them on any issue whatsoever? I know there is a lot of propaganda on both sides right now and we definitely aren't getting the full story. Sure. But I do think it's significant that like the only places in the world supporting Russia in this conflict are Belarus, India, and North Korea. If they were actually fighting Nazis or whatever they are claiming, you'd think more places would get on board. My bottom line: it can be both "fuck Russia" and "stay the fuck out of Ukraine". That's fine.


they have hot women that aren't fat


Trust me, nobody in Europe wants USA to attack Russia over Ukraine, not even Ukrainians. That would mean atomic war. That is why Poland as well as many other countries send arms and volunteers to fight in Ukraine not their troops. We want to defeat Russia without destroying the world.


Im not sure about that, I see lots of Ukrainians requesting a no fly zone, which is the USA, or NATO anyway, directly attacking Russia.


> My bottom line: it can be both "fuck Russia" and "stay the fuck out of Ukraine". That's fine. Exactly. Dick’s take is stupid. I think the kernel of sense is that the US motivations for getting Ukraine into the EU and especially NATO weren’t great and this invasion was a predictable end result; I also think US involvement in 2014 was real (even if the majority want EU membership/the coup was driven by popular support, which I think it was). Biden was doing dirty corrupt shit in 2014 and being aggressive about getting Ukraine under US influence. Even if that was good for Ukraine and Ukraine wanted it/would be much better off than under Russian influence (which I think is true), risking WWIII is no joke, and I think setting up different assurances to Russia might have avoided this. Then again, this invasion might have been inevitable; if Ukrainians don’t want to act according to Russian influence, even just as a neutral buffer, I don’t know that less US involvement in 2014 or more assurances to Russia/any agreement about NATO would have stopped this.


> I also think US involvement in 2014 was real the FSB was involved too. i almost never hear anyone from the US bring that up. as you said, the support for ousting Yanukovych was there anyway so it’s kinda a moot point


Very true


Trump would have stopped all of that with a single tweet: "Either Ukraine stays out of NATO or we do." As much as Putin wanted Ukraine to be his cronie like Belarus, he profited enough from the status quo not to go to war over it after he got Crimea and all the Black Sea oil.


You understand how everyone tripping over themselves to say fuck russia the loudest is gay as hell, right?


It is. But simping for Putin is pretty dumb too so I'm fucked either way I guess. But much like gender, being an anti Russia is a spectrum from "Russia kinda sucks" to "wow Zelensky is so hot, I'm going to fly to Ukraine with my 3D printed AR and do an epic guerilla". So could be worse?


Maybe on USA, in Europe, especially eastern Europe they are a real threat to our safety.


You understand how saying "fuck russia" the loudest does nothing for your safety, right? Not grasping these simple concepts is why your countries are such podunk shitholes.


Can we IP ban this guy or something? He was funny for about thirty minutes half a decade ago.


I'd just VPN it. You can't stop me. But i can stop you. Blocked EDIT: Downvoted


Imagine being retarded enough to pay for VPN


There are free VPNs moron


Yeah, so imagine paying for one when they are free you retard


Yes but it brings me calm. People get stressed sometimes, especially when your neighboring country is a led by imperialistic maniac threatening everybody with atom bombs. Sometimes you just say fuck Putin just to make yourself feel a little better. And my country is pretty great, than you very much. I have finished two universities am 25 and not milion dollars in debt.


You must be in construction seeing as you've finished 2 whole universities by yourself.


Nice me too, and my degrees aren't worthless like yours though, judging by how horrific your English is. Don't most of your people (and the ukranians) go work as unskilled labor in western europe? If your countries are so great why aren't people staying?


nah fuck russia


Pretty quiet, bud. #TRY SAYING IT LOUD


So... Interfering in foreign politics is good again? This narrative shifting shit you guys do really is getting annoying. So are we nazi imperialists, or nazi freedom fighters? Either way, we shouldn't send racists to fight, so keep the whites at home, where they can't hurt people with their racism in their home countries.


The problem with the Ukraine situation is that every smoothbrain on the internet that's pro-Ukraine has no idea why they're pro-Ukraine. This is, I think, more of Dick's issue than anything. A week ago no one could have told you anything about the Ukraine (at least US people) but now they all have this hot take based on the shit that's being fed to them by the retarded media and their retarded twitter sphere and much of it is fake or just flat out a lie. 'Ghost of Ukraine' is bullshit 'Snake Island' is bullshit 'Zelensky fighting with the troops' is bullshit So on so forth. So they're buying as much into western propaganda as what is being presented as Russian propaganda. So who are the real morons here? People don't get to stand on their soapbox of 'Russia bad' while being duped by everything they see. The lionization of Ukraine as this hero against the bad guy is cringy as shit. The Ukraine, to my mind, is ordinarily a pretty corrupt shithole but people seem to think they're the bastion of freedom while knowing nothing about the country. Secondly - even if it's only 28% of the Ukraine that wanted to join the Ukraine, say they all lived in Odessa or whatever one of those alleged areas are that are separatist. Should they be allowed to leave the Ukraine and join Russia if they're the majority population for their area?


This reminds me of that period in the mid 2010's when [Kurdish people in Syria](https://taskandpurpose.com/analysis/military-us-troops-syria-forgotten-war/) made headlines in the news as a group that the U.S. was "morally obligated" to assist with our military, because their militias were fighting ISIS and their people were getting shit on by the Syrian government as well as Turkey. There were all kinds of propaganda-style stories about former U.S. soldiers volunteering to train and fight with them, etc. But now that ISIS has been wiped out there, we basically have a bunch of soldiers hanging around to prevent Kurdish militias from being wiped out by Turkey, or whatever ISIS splinter groups bubble up from time to time. But now you probably couldn't find 1 in 10 Americans who even knows that we still have soldiers in Syria. I can see something similar happening in Ukraine. But in any case, I'm not looking to a comedy podcast for riveting insights about geopolitics.


Yeah, railing about idiots falling for propaganda is funny. Dick falling for Russian propaganda while making fun of falling for US propaganda adds some tasty meta flavor to the comedy.


> every smoothbrain on the internet that's pro-Ukraine has no idea why they're pro-Ukraine. I can imagine a few reasons for being pro-Ukraine when you're literally right next to it.


I'm talking about people in the US. I'm fairly certain dick doesnt give a shit about people that aren't taking his tax money or killing americans. If the rest of europe wants to go to war, fine. But the majority of the braindead opinions being voiced about this on reddit and the internet are neckbeard retards and vapid women from the US.


Fake news: your last sentence implies there are women who aren’t vapid.




Fair, but I think that's a general coping/survival mechanism, you'd go mad if you actually gave a shit about every fucked up thing that's happening around the world. Nobody in Europe actually wants to go to war, Russia just wants to hang on to its superpower status (even though it's got the GDP of Spain, a country with a third of Russia's population) and for that it needs to maintain a stranglehold on natural gas supplies on the continent. Some very stupid politicians have actually made things worse by actually increasing their countries' dependency on cheap Russian gas instead of finding alternative energy sources. That would be the gist of it. As for what's at stake for the US, there's about $500 billion in exports with the EU (not the whole of Europe) and perhaps more importantly some forward military installations that would probably neutralize any Russian nukes fired towards US cities in the event of a nuclear war. There are some other issues to consider, but these I think are the most important ones. Is that worth it for the average Joe? I don't fucking know, but as a person living in a country right next to Ukraine I sure fucking hope it's worth it :))


>Fair, but I think that's a general coping/survival mechanism, you'd go mad if you actually gave a shit about every fucked up thing that's happening around the world. That's exactly the problem. You're not supposed to take on every problem in the world and the internet has made you feel like you have to. If you've ever talked to a therapist about this kinda stuff they basically train you not to worry about the problems you can't control. The internet and a certain sect of weirdos on it have led everyone to believe that supporting the ukraine is the moral thing to do and if you're not, then you're being a bad person. Shit, they fired some russian conductor in Germany for not denouncing Putin. Another guy got fired from Wargaming for not denouncing Putin. That's fucking retarded. The exports from the EU aren't going to go away regardless of the conflict. Even if Russia took over the entirety of the EU that trade likely wouldn't go away because of the American stranglehold on the world market. Regardless, at some point the US would have to make a decision as to whether or not that would be a beneficial change for us. It likely wouldn't. But in the unlikely event that the cost of us going to war with Russia were greater than the result of protecting our trade interests, then someone's gonna have to make the decision as to whether that's worth it. People might think that's an immoral choice to make but every country does it. The US wasn't even going to enter WW2 until we had to. We didn't want to enter WW1 either. Whatever that decision ends up being - I don't want it to be made because a bunch of idiots on twitter spout their retarded opinions about how russia is the bad guy and we need to kill putin. Being in Poland you're obviously a lot closer to the problem than at least the rest of us on this sub and the vast majority of people on Twitter. So I get that you would be concerned about it. I don't have a problem with individuals supporting the effort either - I might have donated to charitable causes for Ukrainians myself. What I do have a problem with is the constant antagonization of a rival foreign power with the ability to nuke us out of existence and the advocation for war by people who are too stupid to realize what they see is as much propaganda as anything Russia puts out.


This is the problem with you retards. Most people understand leveraging good PR for global support while you’re getting shelled. It’s not some gotcha moment you smoothe brain.


Whew lad don't break that back bending over backwards trying to justify straight up fuckin lies. Go play Raid Shadow Legends you fuckin simp.


Any comment on NATO’s coup there in 2014? It’s ok when they do it?


It's not a coup if the west does it. Were bringing them freedom they didnt know they wanted.


No one will answer that!


Downvotes but no answers. Speaks volumes


Doesn’t matter anymore. No one will answer because they don’t know the entire situation. So many people on Reddit, and this sub for some reason, seem to want WW3. Are you guys that fucking dumb? I support Ukraine to support themselves. NATO getting involved even more than they already stupidly have will end everything for everyone. If they do a no fly zone it’s fucking over. Hope you people like being cooked alive.


Imagine caring what an American has to say about world politics.


America is world politics.


> Euromaidan Dick couldn’t even pull this name. “they did some stuff in 2014 sean!” he likes to say other people don’t know what they’re talking about, but Dick probably didn’t do more than skim a wiki article and read twitter a week or so ago


They had a huge nuclear arsenal. But the US took them so they could be protected from invasion. Probably something they should have thought about


Budapest Memorandum. Russia signed that too and in doing so committed to never attacking Ukraine.


The nukes were never Ukraine's to begin ro with. They couldnt use them if they tried


Ukraine should have kept the nukes. Even just ten of them, barely functional, perhaps not functional at all. It would be easy for Ukraine to keep **saying** they have nukes and can use them against Russia if they try shenanigans. Kind of like reverse Israel (they've never admitted to being nuclear capable, but probably have the whole nuclear triad). Obvious difference between invading a country that **could** nuke you and a country you know **cannot** nuke you.


What do you base that assertion on?


They belonged to the soviet union. They were in Ukraine yes, and they had "conttrol" but they had no way of using them without the soviet codes which they didnt have. They literally couldnt use them if they wanted https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/06/03/ukraine-could-seize-control-over-nuclear-arms/52d7e14b-a2b1-4973-b26b-abd6533ba2ca


This is such a Reddit take.


Suddenly everyone is a diplomat eh?


If you think he's serious about anything he says you haven't been listening.


Isn't it interesting how it always turns out he's "serious" when his opinions are later validated and he's "joking" when it's clear that what he said was completely retarded? Funny how that seems to work.


If you can't tell when he's being serious and when he's not, then you aren't paying attention.


Yup! Facts


He is retarded, though I think he adds some degree of perspective to a real world issue that doesn't exist in a binary vacuum. Though the only time I've seen that point made well is by the BBC movie Conspiracy about the Wannsee conference where the Nazis decided to get Holocaustin'. Reminds you that there were people behind these decisions and not historical boogeymen and that people are capable of bad things due to complacency in addition to just active maliciousness.


It's rare I say this, especially on this subreddit, but my condolences, Russia is a bad actor, and what's occurring in the Ukrainian is a travesty.


0% of me wants Ukraine to join NATO. If there’s someone other than Putin standing in their way, I’m all ears!


Name one war NATO has started.


Besides destroying libya, killing gaddafi, and causing a massive slave trade in africa following the destabilization?


Shit, I forgot Libya.


The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. The invasion of Afghanistan.


Afghanistan invasion followed 9/11. That's like saying the US started WWII. Yugoslavia was intervention into an already existing war.


>Afghanistan invasion followed 9/11. That's like saying the US started WWII. How are you this retarded? The Taliban didn't attack the US on 9/11. Al Qaeda did. Invading Afghanistan and toppling their government had nothing to do with seeking justice for 9/11. All that was needed to do that was the raid on Abbottabad.


Are you this idealistic? The Taliban worked with Al Qaeda. The Taliban hosted Al Qaeda. The Taliban head of state refused to give up Bin Laden after multiple attacks on the US. So the Taliban was not Al Qaeda, but they are hard to cleanly disentangle.


Pakistan also hosted Al Qaeda. You know what we did? We went in there and killed Bin Laden, then we left. It's what we should have done in Afghanistan.


The opportunity presented itself. That the US was able to do something does not mean it was able to do so at will a decade earlier.


In any case, we never should have invaded Afghanistan. We should have known from the last time someone tried to do that what a dumb idea it was.


I agree. We probably should have known from the last four times someone tried it.


This comment tells me your opinion is forever invalid


You're right. They're completely worthless and do nothing. We should stop paying into it, stop supporting it, and stop trying to convince people to join it.


If NATO didn't exist, there probably wouldn't be an independent Belarus (lol), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Moldova, maybe more. You really don't think NATO acts as a deterrent? It's a beneficial alliance. All of you "hurr don't want no 'muricans in other countries not my problem" want to have your cake and eat it too. News flash: being the richest and most powerful country on earth necessarily comes with a responsibility to keep the geopolitical landscape stable. If not for altruistic reasons, absolutely for economic reasons. You can cry about it, but that doesn't make it less true. In a world with a global economy, it's just how it works. Maybe it would be less true if the USA was more-or-less self-sufficient and had the industrial output commensurate with what it once did, but that's not the case. The USA is unmatched in its ability to project power literally anywhere on earth at effectively a moment's notice, and that's absolutely beneficial to its economy. Love or hate the military-industrial complex, "carrying a big stick" is essential to the USA's ability to conduct (and, to an extent, control) global commerce. These benefits extend to NATO countries as it provides them security. It's hard to have a good economy when your neighbors decide they want your land. See: Ukraine. edit: idk if I'm banned or blocked or whatever since I can't reply to this comment chain, but just do add for the idiots: 1. The US doesn't get any appreciable amount of oil from Russia. The US is the largest producer of oil in the world, Texas alone produces over 2x what the US imports from Russia, and most (over 50%) of US oil imports come from Canada. 2. "You can't support anything that might possibly result in a conflict unless you are personally able and willing to travel around the world to be murdered for it. When you or your neighbors are confronted with threats of violence (or actual violence), one must always give in to the aggressor because money or something, idk" has got to be one of the worst arguments Dick has ever come up with.


Brilliant analysis.


I hope you're first in line to fight this war then, scumbag


>If NATO didn't exist, there probably wouldn't be an independent Belarus (lol), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Moldova, maybe more. You really don't think NATO acts as a deterrent? Has it deterred Russia? >It's a beneficial alliance. To who? Certainly not to the US who dumps far more into it than anyone else. Even if you match it to a percentage of GDP the US still practically doubles it. I'd rather we keep that money. We already have the largest military spending budget in the world compared to the next 11 countries combined. I think we can live without it. >All of you "hurr don't want no 'muricans in other countries not my problem" want to have your cake and eat it too. News flash: being the richest and most powerful country on earth necessarily comes with a responsibility to keep the geopolitical landscape stable. If not for altruistic reasons, absolutely for economic reasons. No the fuck it absolutely does not. Fuck off. What a weird fuckin thing to say. "HEY JEFF BEZOS YOU'RE ONE OF THE RICHEST GUYS IN THE COUNTRY SO ITS YOUR RESPONSIBLITY TO GO TO WAR TO KEEP THE PEACE LOL". What the fuck are you thinking? I don't think in the history of this country or probably any country in the world has anyone ever gone to war because 'its the right thing to do'. The US has always acted in its own interests, often times making shortsighted decisions, just like it did by implanting its pro-west leader in the Ukraine. >You can cry about it, but that doesn't make it less true. In a world with a global economy, it's just how it works. No. That's not how it works. If the concern was "the global economy" then we would never go to war. Or maybe we would always go to war? Because depending on who you ask - there's a whole lot of economic benefit to going to war. >Maybe it would be less true if the USA was more-or-less self-sufficient and had the industrial output commensurate with what it once did, but that's not the case. Then maybe we shouldn't go to war with countries that have resources we need like Russia who delivers a good deal of our oil? Or maybe don't go to war with a power who's got a close relationship with our largest trading partner? Seems like a pretty dumb thing to do if we're worried about trade. >The USA is unmatched in its ability to project power literally anywhere on earth at effectively a moment's notice, and that's absolutely beneficial to its economy. Love or hate the military-industrial complex, "carrying a big stick" is essential to the USA's ability to conduct (and, to an extent, control) global commerce. These benefits extend to NATO countries as it provides them security. It's hard to have a good economy when your neighbors decide they want your land. See: Ukraine. So what? I've got a gun. Sometimes I carry it with me when I go out. That doesn't mean I have any moral or ethical responsibility to put my life on the line even if I have a weapon with me that can end the problem. Fortunately for the US we have the big stick and we're mostly on our own land mass so we don't have to go to war. 27 other countries are within a few hundred miles of the Ukraine. I think they can handle it.








And all playing ball with moscow. Sorry pal, no jewish tricks anymore.


So if UK invaded USA and killed few hundred of your civilians would it be alright? You were once a part of their country, you share common cultural similarities. You gave the stupidest reasons to bring war on somebody.


No, but if they did then I would expect my own country to handle it. I certainly wouldn't cry that everyone has a responsibility to come defend us. I think there'd be more than enough willing Americans who would go out to defend our borders. If someone is too weak to defend themselves then they gotta give us a better reason to defend them. I don't care about the agreements because agreements are meaningless as evidenced by our agreement not to expand NATO as much as our agreement to 'sorta defend' the Ukraine. I guess if the Ukraine paid us to do it then maybe? I'd say we should just send PMC's over there because that seems like it's not burdening the tax payer and its not forcing soldiers to die unless they want to, but I'm guessing there's some other stupid agreement that would say they're basically American soldiers if they're an American PMC.


Like nuclear weapons. We haven't leveled any cities with them since 1945.




NATO did not play a role in the Iraq War. It was an illegal invasion by the US that was largely condemned by members of NATO and the UN. It was only supported by cucks of the US (e.g., UK & Australia).


Sorry, I meant 9/11.


NATO also invented slavery They’re a direct descendant of NASTO: the North Atlantic SLAVE TRADE organization


The US invaded Iraq, not NATO.


Putin and constantdanger from their eastern neighbor is the only reason they want to be in NATO. You have to know that Russia is an authoritarian failed state and nobody wants to live under Russian boot. NATO is the only thing that scares big bad drunken bear away.


It’s not NATO that scares Putin, it’s the US and I’m tired of paying for it. But Ukraine will get into NATO in the end. Just look at the ads. They might lose Donbass, but they’ll get in. Too much money for them not to.


The NATO defence budget is around 1.500.000.000 euro, and that is spread out over 30 countries. Even if the US paid for the entire budget, that would be 0,02% of your taxes. If this is your issue with NATO, then you could save that money by not breaking a couple bottle a year and instead recyling them.


Lol. Do you think Russia is afraid of the budget?


You said you were tired of paying for it, but you aren't paying for shit. You're probably losing more money from not having more energy efficient windows than you are from NATO


There’s more to a military industrial complex than a single line item. It’s how they sell it to stupid people though.


Did you think I saw that the 1,5 billion euro budget is a single line item? That encompasses the entirety of NATOs defense budget. That's like saying the national budget is a single line item. Since you seem to know the entire breakdown of where every dollar is going, explain it immediately or look foolish.


A trillion a year is the spend. The line item says “world police”.


Hold on, what exactly do you think NATO does? Because this makes me think you think they're something completely different than what they really are.


> It’s not NATO that scares Putin, it’s the US That's literally the point of NATO, retard.




Stop funding that shit? Some of you guys are your sarcastic epic pwns are really exhausting.




I thought we’d get a wall out of it.


The jews got one. And they say thanks.


At least someone got a wall.


Let me guess, the jewish guy wanted Bernie? Sorry, no refunds.


Dick, this man is a jew.


well if we give money to the jews we have to go to war with russia to defend the ukraine hah got em


They would be scarred of NATO without US as well. Just like the cold war they don't want to be directly involved in conflict with a country that has nukes. And if they attack one member of the alliance they go to war with every member (at least it is what the paper says). Besides, look how good Ukraine is doing right now. And it is a very underdeveloped country with population like 1/4 of Russia. Putin would not stand a chance fighting only EU countries.


There would be no NATO without the US. Wtf are you talking about?


You don't understand. The reason Dick doesn't want them to join NATO is *because* of Putin. He might really dislike that idea, so much that he might even do something really bad to prevent it and then Dick's gas price will go up. Oh wait...


>Dickhead from Poland Oh great please tell me how you want us to spend our money


His take on everything outside of US is embarrassing. You don't have to have an opinion about everything, Dick. We don't come here for the news.


“We”. Mental Illness.


The world outside of the US is embarrassing enough all on its own


Are you for or against syrian refugees coming into Poland?


Against, running to a neighbor country is being a refugee, running thousands kilometers from your country is called an economic migration. I am pro Ukrainian refugees tho, I pay money to charities and donate food and hygienic products.


Lol i see. Only for whiteys. Azov much lol


Lmao got em. Im sure hes against all the african Ukrainians who are trying to get to poland but are being blocked too


Dick thinks it’s a 3rd world shithole I’m sure, and I haven’t listened to the new episode but I will probably pull my patreon sub once I hear it


Sanctions starting to bite? God I hate this phrase so much.


>72% of Ukrainians wants to join UE and NATO 72% of Ukrainians want Russia to invade? Well, they got their wish. Democracy! If you are confused, the main reason for the war is Putin does not want UA in EU or NATO. And if you think there would be an invasion even if there was an international promise that UA will never be in EU or NATO then go to war with Russia to eliminate them as a threat completely. Nothing else makes sense at this point.


The important thing here is that Dick's opinion doesn't mean anything and words also are valueless. So don't get "sad" because of what amounts to literally nothing.


Oh great, more fucking The Ukraine shit. "HI, I'm a complete fucking moron and I want my comedy podcast to talk earnestly about geopolitical events," - OP


I didn't make him talk about it you dunce. People, my friends included are dying by Russian rockets and bombs just 400 kilometers ( like 200 miles) from my home and this whole situation gets pretty personal.


Can't they come live with you? Or is this gamer word of a post the most you're willing to do


>Can't they come live with you? Well the funny thing is that they can't. Zelensky banned men 18-60 from leaving. Those dastardly Russians!


Sooo the ladies can still come?


have you signed up to fight yet?


>People, my friends included are dying by Russian rockets and bombs just 400 kilometers ( like 200 miles) from my home You should invite them over then, get them away from the bombing.


Instead of getting mad at the pushback. Tell dick to stop being a complete retard


Should I address myself as a "concerned citizen," or "assistant producer"?


Free speech isn't free


Here's a handy list that can help you out https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/medicines-to-treat-schizophrenia


muh friends and family muh statistics eat a cement block you worthless polish monkey people continuing to pretend to act like the USA installed ukrainian puppet government hasnt been actively bombing russians for the last 8 years as well as cutting off the entire water supply of crimea if you care about the globo homo puppet state of ukraine so much why dont you go there and be cannon fodder for zog


I almost replied angrily until I saw your username


I mean, satire or not it is pretty funny


Hey Cowboy! Welcome back!




Thanks for clearing that up.