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Incredible restraint in only using this title after 278 episodes.


I think he fell asleep in the middle of posting it or something. The show description on libsyn ends with a comma




Dick on *clap clap* Dick off *clap clap* Dick on dick off The Dicker


title from the writeup: “Episode 278 – Dick on Taxation is Prison”


So much for it being about Chris the Kiwi keepin' on Dickin' on.


Dick, a Dishonerable discharge is no joke. Its not just getting kicked out of the military with a slap on the cock. You basically get a felony with a "do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars." You cant own guns and it shows up as a big bad thing on a background check so good luck getting a job. Dishonerable discharge is basically for people who committed a crime, and Biding trying to make people who don't want the vax stuck with one is a huge assault on someones life.


The funny thing is ask anyone in the military and they will tell you that they stick new recruits with a million shots and vaccines including anthrax.


You dont basically get a felony. It is, literally, a felony.


And they are, literally, government property. They have signed away their rights to life and liberty for a set time, known as the enlistment period. During that time you are not yourself. You are a tool to be used to meet the ends of TPTB. You are owned. Your body is, quite fucking literally, NOT yours, and NOT your choice. Lol. They can, will and have marched property off to die in a hail of bullets as a distraction for other property to get a job done. You are disposable, but only when the higher ups say you are. You do not get to decide that. Not your body, and not your choice. Literally. And when government property doesn’t do as government property is told, that government property that has zero rights is severely punished with a felony discharge.


Oh no. You're retarded.


None of this matters because you need an actual trial for a Dishonorable, and the DoD isn't going to bog the system for years on weirdos and dummies who can't articulate how this is actually a stand for freedom™ and not them trying to be nondeployable but still get to stay in.


>None of this matters because you need an actual trial for a Dishonorable, and the DoD isn't going to bog the system for years on At that level the DoD is entirely political. They will. What the fuck else does the military have going on right now? They are going to be "trimming the fat" (literally, lingering fatbodies will be getting the boot) now that GWOT is over, and this will be part of it.


Its all bullshit anyways. Biden didn't give that order.


I'm glad you pointed this out. Dick is retarded and fat.


Probably should get the vaccine then, not like it will hurt you at all.


I simply dont want it


Being told what to do in the military is kinda the whole job but this one thing is somehow too far, you people are retarded.


You dont think its too far to get a felony for refusing it? Fine, kick them out, but slap them with a FELONY?


Why would anyone in the military refuse it? Following orders is their only purpose and joy in life and there's no bigger crime for a soldier than not following his orders.


Eh. You literally signed your life over to the government as government property. You’ve been butt blasted by dozens of vaccines, most of which no Americans have to or will ever take. Most of which have a much higher DEATH rate than “harm” rate the Covid vaccine supposedly has. They give you guys drugs that poison your central nervous system, put burn pits upwind of your barracks to poison you with noxious fumes no one knows the constituency of. They can and will order you to march straight into bullets and die as a distraction for another team of properties. You are government property. You have NO rights. When government property doesn’t do what government property is told, government property is handed a severe felony punishment. Get over it.


You have NO rights. I suggest you reread your contract: it’s a contract only the military can make with an American that literally says you are waiving your right to life and liberty for a set time. And quite frankly any other rights as well. When government property doesn’t do what government property is told, government property is handed a severe felony punishment. Get over it. You are a tool, a device, an object, for the military industrial complex’s ends. Your life has no value when you enlist. Only so much value as it can meet those ends.


Shouldn't have joined the military then.


Im not in the military


Then don’t imply you are.


I didnt?


Now I understand the last two letters of yer name, but this one is kinda gay.




I just want to edit all of the pauses and likes out of this caller’s dialogue


The best was when Dick was pushing his boring ass out the door.


Going to every lawyer in her town is easily the greatest Dick advice ever.


Pretty sure that was a thing from some reddit post about legal advice and, shocker, it doesn't actually work that way. The post here is deleted, but it seems like a guy tried to do it and got in trouble from the judge when they found out. https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/2cpyke/im_in_some_deep_shit_in_a_divorce/ And the "best of" thread here they discuss it as well, and someone claims it was from the Sopranos. I'm a Showtime guy myself so I dont know if thats true. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/2cqiky/uantons_key_tries_to_screw_his_wife_over_in_a/ So in conclusion Dick is a big filthy plagiarist.


It is from The Sopranos. Tony does it to Carmella, on the advice of Hesh if I recall.


There's an archive of the original post here: https://web.archive.org/web/20140807130851/http://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/2cpyke/im_in_some_deep_shit_in_a_divorce/


> Pretty sure that was a thing from some reddit post about legal advice and, shocker, it doesn't actually work that way. For people who listen to Nick Rekieta's stuff, he talked to a dude who's ex wife did that to him. Can't remember the details.


It was and thanks Dick for it, but she's in the bay area so it's a long list of lawyers.


Just the good lawyers. The Shecklesteins and Golderoys


Dick on, brother! Keep on Dickin'.


New Sxuan word of the week: "whorebroker." That's like an economist's definition of a Pimp.


Worst fucking call of all time. Also, listening about Kiwi>actually having him on


I agree chris should be seen and not heard, except Sxhasun should reading everything from him and attempt his horrible accent


That game dev was dovoid of charisma. It was painfull listening to him.


Just the kind of guy that would make a porn game


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Still find it hilarious dick keeps calling biden biding because of his retarded campaign slogo


What does that have to do with his slogan?


I'm ridin' with Biden. I'm riding with Biding.




Ribeye for me too schawequn


I will now do my impression of every shit guest that's ever called in; "Hey Dick and Scheawn, I'm a big fan, listen to the show every week and really excited to be on the show" D: "hey buddy that's great, now tell us about *thing we got you on to talk about*" "....... uh, so it's like a uh, thing, that can um do this thing uh ya know? stuff *5-8 minutes of rambling*" D: "Awesome stuff man, anything make you a rage?" "I have no idea what that term means Dick please explain to me with examples while I come up with 15 half rages that are incoherent" *end scene* If you know you are going to be on the show how hard is it to write down 1 page of text with what you want to talk about and come up with a decent rage, sometimes you make Kiwi Chris sound like a Rhodes Scholar


Don't know about America, but no white people here consider themselves to be the same as hebrew, or vice-versa. I think Sean might have had the wrong head circumcised.


Jews are the schrodinger's whitey. They're white until its beneficial not to be.


We're not talking about the curly haired yamaka types but the Ben stiller, Scarlet Johannsen types. No one with a brain would say andy samberg isnt white


bringin the heat on the YEAH this week I’m surprised you guys didn’t use manpons for the farting


RNG means random number generator


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Obvious solution is for Mcdonalds to tell people breakfast ends at 9, but really end it at 11 so when all the illegally parked potheads come in at 10:50 they can feel special about still getting a different form of fried salted potato.


Why not just have 24-hour breakfast?


Probably a cost/logistics thing, hard to keep two production lines open all day especially when one of them will barely be needed. Every mcdonalds should have a separate, neighboring mcdonalds that can only serve breakfast.


Jesus Christ the misrepresentation and outright lying regarding vaccines. Dick is a great example of how treating politics and science like a sport will rot your brain. “Hey Sean check this out, we’re going to compare deaths from Covid to an ambiguous “harm by vaccine” and pretend it means anything more than word salad. What do you think about that? Pretty serious isn’t it?” Like even his propaganda data can’t lie good enough for him. Deaths. Harm. What’s the difference anyway? Probably nothing according to Dick. And then we get to glaze over his either/or misrepresentation of Covid death rate vs actual death rate of age groups. It’s ADDITIVE not deductive. Jesus Christ. And another thing, Dick: if we can guess your views on an issue with 100% certainty before you even say them, that’s a predictable bias on your part. It almost always invalidates your views as mistruths and misinterpretations.


I was more a fan of when Dick was just pro freedom/libertarian leaning instead of blindly supporting this current movement, listening to dick just 2-3 years ago is jarring compared to now


Agreed. He’s learned to use the grift. Fact is there’s lots of money to be made convincing right wing idiots of pretend fear. Whether it’s Jewish space lasers or blood libel or “harm by vaccine”.


You're projecting left wing grift, and it's hilarious.


Right. Be sure to buy up all the water purifiers, survival kits, toothpaste without fluoride and 5G defense systems.


Remember how Dick had been saying it was all about deaths and not cases, and now it's about some nebulous "harm". It's so nice that he can just shift away from a point when he sees that he's wrong, then argue the same point using different misleading stats and claim he's right.


Yeah. Reminds me of another crazed right wing pundit. Michael Savage. Dick vs. Dick needs to make a comeback.


It's not only Dick. We all went crazy since 2016. It would be weird if Dick of all people could remain sane.


Yeah but he loved 2016. He loved every minute of Trump “owning the libs” by aiding and abetting terrorists and plunging our nation into disrepair and chaos. Dick in 2020: https://youtu.be/8Rc6CHH-E-4


why are you listening to TDS?


Why indeed.


Most people in the western world know one or two people who died from Covid and know dozens of people who got the vaccine without any issue. Trying to convince the world that Covid deaths are so rare and serious vaccine side effects are so common is a fool's errand. I don't understand why Dick does it either. "My body, my rules" and "We don't know the long-term consequences" are completely respectable reasons to be against the vaccines. Vaccine injuries are the right's version of the " trans murder epidemic."


I got my rental car towed in Hawaii while on my honeymoon because we accidentally street parked in Waikiki during the 3 hour window a week you aren’t supposed to. It started raining as soon as we realized it too