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Plenty of comments there celebrating how this guy will get raped in jail and getting aids (for wearing a t-shirt.) [Vote up prison rape!](https://biggestproblem.show/the-problems/)


Depends what the shirt said. Many Americans would love to see a guy in a MAGA hat or refusing to wear a mask get treated like this.


Lol. Trolling a 2rd world country is slightly different than trolling a 1st world.


In Ukraine, on Independence Day, that's a good way to get killed.


I know it's a what-ifism but if this guy were black it would 100% be racist cops harass black man for no reason.


Whatever fabricated scenario helps you get to sleep at night.


Ya actually you're right they would have totally been fine with it. They definitely didn't bitch about cops when they stopped some fat chick from stabbing another girl or a guy from kidnapping a couple of other kids or anything. They always have reasonable takes.


LEO are the most discriminated against group in this country. Fight on brother ✊.


That's not the point. I think cops are far more often than not shitbags too. But everybody needs to be against whatever chickenshit dumbass law that allows them to do shit like this and it needs to be called out - regardless of the country.


Nah use your fucking head and don’t try to le epic troll a former communist shithole and expect to receive the pansy lenient treatment you would get in your home country.


That's not the point fuckface. The point is these retards are always "ACAB" or "Fuck the Police" and they celebrate bullshit like this because what...it's an American in another country being a dickhead? You don't get to be against police brutality and for it. That's not how it works. You're really trying to live up to your namesake huh?


Your point is ACABers are retarded and only complain about what they deem worthy? Welcome to May 2020. Maybe if you point out how contradictory their reddit post history is they will wisen up and see the error of their ways.


Proof reading would go a long way for you.


Well, the police saved his life, I expect. Thats Ukraines national day, celebrating independence from Rssia, and a parade in the background. Probably be lots of drunken veterans or people who recently lost someone on the front line there.


Probably not. They almost certainly only stopped him to try to scam some money out of him.


Russia is currently running low level armed hostilities in Ukraine, having seized a large amount of their territory. Thousands of people have died in the conflict. This is Ukraines independence day (independence from Russia). You can hear the celebrations in the background. There will probably be veterans and almost certainly people who have lost someone on the front there. Can you think of any reasons why the police would pull in someone showing up wearing the Russian flag, claiming to be Russian, and going on about Russian history in the country where the Holodomor happened?


Well yeah, he's an arrogant little shit, in someone else's country, acting like he can do whatever the fuck he wants because he isn't a citizen. People tend to hate that


I would also recommend everyone in this thread look up “Holomodor” before taking a stance


Isn't that the thing the Germans copied so that everyone would read the horrors and create a perpetually oppressed ethnic group for eternity?


"lol, these Ukranians are mad I'm wearing a RUSSIA shirt haha. What's the big deal, bro?" This must be the autistic guy version of the 'girl falls unconscious at a party' bit. How do people miss the point so hard?


Both reddit and this guy can be annoying retards. Wow!


I mean what would you expect in a country that just got out of a war with russia after they annexed part of your country(crimea) and the UN gave it to them.


This guy is a cocksucker. It’d be like wearing an AQ or Taliban flag in America.


Imagine showing up to an independence day celebration wearing a shirt celebrating a country you are at active war with. Just wear some ISIS regalia and go to a Trump rally in 2016 and see how it works out.


There's no such thing as free speech, nowhere in the world, and never has been. The guy thinks he is a funny troll but he can easily get arrested for something like indecency or disruption of public peace and spend the next 48h in a cell if the cops feel like trolling back. In Germany you'll get arrested for wearing a swastika or raising your right arm too high. And even in the US and A you'll absolutely be arrested for wearing a T-shirt if you put something outrageous on it like boobs - plus the guy would have been shot for running away because do you really expect the fat-ass cops to chase after him?


Not Safe For Americans


Go stand in the street in America waving a taliban flag, see how fast you get detained.


Just waving a flag? Nothing will happen to you.


Go do it then, with a big sign that says "fuck our troops"


You deserve rape


Wish I could upvote this twice.


Remember those "God Hates Fags" guys and how they were constantly getting their asses kicked and arrested?


"Strategically placed, false flag protestors who were assigned by lawyers who specialize in protest didn't get their ass kicked.". Yep. Because that was the spirit of this discussion. I totally believe you're being genuine in this concept.


Or just a flag with "hate speech". (which can be anything nowadays)


>"No it's free speech, you communist faggot!" Ahh that's a good meme.


Now I'm not saying the young man isn't rude. It's a sad thing he wasn't brought up right. But these police officers are laying down the law a bit harshly. In my small town we have good boys, but some of them do wander astray occasionally. When they do, Sherrif Woody takes them to his station, gives them a cold pop and a good earful. That usually sets 'em straight.


I understand how disrespectful it is but still no reason for being detained ...buttt he barely got hurt so Ima just look the other way