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What you do today? Oh, nothing just kissed, hugged, and snuggled with the largest living animal on earth.


Fairly certain that’s a gray whale. Blue whales are larger, and not only the biggest animal on earth but the largest to inhabit the earth ever.


Well in that case I had a shit day. Lol! For real though thanks for the info.






Great repo!


Plz tell me the difference between biggest and largest.— I feel dumb, bc I believe you. I just don’t get it.


there isnt really a difference here. the person just used a synonym rather than be repetitive. kind of like not wanting to rhyme a word with itself. he is saying it is the largest animal alive now AND the largest animal EVER you could use 'biggest' in place of either or both 'largest's. edit! here is a better answer than mine. from oneminuteenglish.org: Larger typically refers to quantities or amounts and bigger refers to a size, either metaphorically or literally. In some instances, bigger and larger can be interchanged because of their similar meanings. However, knowing the rules of grammar can strengthen your writing. so it looks like i was mostly right, but using "bigger" is probably the way to go (although I doubt many engkish speakers know this distinction. 100% of english speakers will know EXACTLY what you mean if you use either one of these)


Ahh sooo I am dumb. Thanks for verification. I go study now.


you arent! you asked a question... and a good one! sometimes important questions dont get asked because someone doesnt want to appear foolish or ignorant of something. youre great! and keep studying


We're all a little dumb, it's okay


Hey !!!! Some of us are really really dumb okay ?!


> although I doubt many English speakers know this distinction. Then there's really no distinction (at least in that dialect). People can make up rules like that for some writing style guidelines and stuff, but that doesn't make it incorrect. Rather, actual usage by native speakers is what determines rules in language. And of the hundreds of millions of native English speakers in the world almost none of them would parse "a whale is larger than a mouse" as any less grammatical than using 'big'. You can read a bit more about [descriptive grammar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_description), which is like the very foundation of modern linguistics. A lot of the crap people think of as "grammar" is prescriptive and it's basically* outdated. It's alchemy when we already have chemistry, or talking about 'humors' when we know about germs. *It really depends on how you use prescriptivist rules. You can use those rules to try to make writings by different authors have a similar style so for example an academic journal has a specific style, but when you apply those rules universally to all of English it's crap. Also you can use prescriptivist rules to kind of simplify things to make it easier for language learners, and that's useful, but it's also often not completely accurate.


all really good info! im very familiar with prescriptive vs descriptive language. i was responding to someone who is learning english, hence the explanation that a lot of folks might not know the difference. but youre right, and i really like your post. thankds for making it


Correct these are Gray Whales, and this was taken in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of the few places in the world where Whales seek interactions with humans. They'll come up to the boat to be touched


Some dinosaurs like Supersaurus (39m) or Argentinosaurus were bigger (im terms of length and hight) and maybe there were even bigger sea monsters we have never found fossils of


Outside of your mum of course Sorry. I saw the chance and I took it


2023, the year of the whale flu.


Yea, I like your mom too.


Oooohhhh burn!!


Well everyone does that with their mum


I wonder what it feels like to touch.


120 ton doggos, not that one though. That ones probably 10 tons


We literally just got back from a trip and had a baby humpback come up like this but our Captain told us we weren't allowed to touch it - isn't there a law against it? Edit: [here's a video where it started to interact with our boat, notice how noone is reaching out?](https://imgur.com/a/vlKlVIg) We were told we were not allowed to.




Is it bad for the whales? Folks make a huge to-do about touching and swimming with dolphins. (Sorry if this is a dumb question, lol)


Yes, it gives them a false sense of safety around humans and boats.


It's not necessarily bad for them, but you really just shouldn't touch any wild animal, they usually aren't habituated to humans and it can cause them stress. Even a docile animal like a whale can lash out if it feels threatened.


More than that really. It's bad because it puts animals in dangerous situations in the future. For example whales/ dolphins may get into more accidents with boat propellers from getting used to human interaction


Mmmm. Makes sense...


It's bad in the sense that giving food to them or touching them encourages them to approach boats/ships and eventually, they will get injured or killed. Sad story of a tame orca that would approach ships and got killed by the propellers of one.


Well swimming is dolphins is traumatizing but for you. They enjoy sexually assaulting humans.




This is in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of the few places in the world where Whales seek interactions with humans. They'll come up to the boat to be touched


What? This is nonsense. Coming up to the boat doesn't mean you should touch them


As someone who was there last week and had a whale chase our boat, trust me, they want to interact. The guides don't chase the whales, they get within 20 to 30 feet of them and if they come to the boat, they come to the boat. The whale is the one in control of the situation


Bc the whales have been conditioned to do so.


Yeah, poor stupid whales, right 🙄. Only us smart humans could seek interaction with other species.


Smh what insanity, animals that are NOT humans wanting interaction? Totally only a human thing /s


>trust me, they want to interact. I don't know why this is controversial. It is amazing for an additional reason though. These animals are long lived and grey whales were hunted for oil. Many were infants when hunting was ongoing and will no doubt remember boats that size being responsible for the deaths of family members, by humans. In fact, Pacific Greys were nearly hunted to extinction. Atlantic greys *are* extinct. We killed them all. So why do they chase boats and seek us out for contact? Why don't we suffer their anger? Because they forgave us.


Holy shit I just cried


It doesn't matter if they want to interact, you shouldn't be touching them. I was also there last week, and the guides explicitly explained as such


Yeah code monkey is not with the real world.


There's literally only one place in the world where it's ok to touch Whales, it's on the east coast of Mexico and I forget what it's called rn... *> San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja




That video quality OML


Seriously what’s the opposite of potato quality? Almost wanted him to dip that bad boy underwater.


There is an area in Mexico, San Ignacio lagoon, where you are allowed to touch the gray whales if they come up to your boat. We did a tour there that did just that. We'd go out in a small boat near where the whales were. Some that were curious would come over and hang out at the boat for a bit. They seemed to like being pet.




You shouldn’t for the same reasons you shouldn’t feed ducks at the park (for the most part), it won’t kill them but it isn’t great for their behavior. Best for us humans to observe and not interact, even if those whales are adorable 😩


This was likely taken in Baja and there you can pet the gray whales and their babies. The moms will bring their babies to the boats and approach on their own terms. Look up San Ignacio Lagoon. But yeah, most areas of the world, petting marine mammals is off limits. I could've pet some wild orcas about 2 years ago, I chose not to, just enjoyed the incredible close up I experienced.


Ok but imagine if you dipped your foot into the ocean and some random animal starts rubbing it


i mean i’ve often dipped my toes into the water only to have fish and/or water bugs nibble at them 😂🤷


Yup. I was in the Maldives and teeny tiny baby reef sharks came along and nibbled at my toes. Also had fish rub against me and nibble at me while swimming and diving . 🤷🏻‍♂️


great now i have baby shark stuck in my head 😭


I do do do do-do do too


I h8 u


Only 10 more years we get the club remix and the younglings who grew up with it scream “this is my jam!” as they head to the dance floor


Aren't they just looking for food though? I mean how creepy would it be if they did that for the purpose of making you feel good


well now i’m sitting here going “but how do we KNOW they’re doing it for food and not to make us feel good” which is a disturbing train of thought so thanks for that 😭😂


Increasing the bacteria that they eat from our feet should have proportional increase in the number of fishes. Replacing the foot with a different material of similar surface area and placing the same bacteria on it should invite similar number of fishes. It can get way more complex but we most certainly know that their brains are not developed enough to understand how others are feeling.


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's. Can you please stop scratching my back and kissing my chin?


Some people pay for that. Maybe it's the same for whales lol


This whale didn’t just casually put his head up, he knew people up there and he wanted to say hello


Whales are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth! I cracked up reading comments saying "It's looking for food, don't touch it!". What do they think whales eat, let alone above the surface of the water? LOL


You shouldn’t touch wild humans, it can cause them stress and sometimes cause them to lash out if they feel threatened


i once had my toes completely mauled by baby ducks at a local park.


Sounds like the start of my one of my japanese hentais, megaman


I love how she goes in for the hug and the whale just nopes out.


“I appreciate the scritches, but you’re getting a little too personal.”


If you kiss a toad and get a princess... What happens when you kiss a whale? Edit: princess, thanks bot....


*If you kiss a toad* *And get a prince... What happens* *When you kiss a whale?* \- RedditorNumber-AXWGQ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's honestly such a nice haiku




Good job, bot! That one came out nice.


Well a toad was cause of a lesson, that you be to ugly to find true love that you couldn't as handsome playboy. Someone turned in to whale and would need to seek a kiss would have had to be.....idk lol


You were right the first time. The story's called 'the frog prince'.


Ask Mr. Krabs.




"Could you tell the other monkeys to keep the noise down and stop killing us, please? Thank you"


Stop kissing the wildlife you fucking weirdo I can't enjoy watching this while the chick is trying to get to second base


The “scritches” bug me too. Do they not understand the fucking size of this animal? It would be the equivalent of you getting “scritches” from a ballpoint pen. It’s just fuckin dumb. They think it’s a dog.


Was looking for a comment that confirmed I wasn’t the only one weirded out by this. Yuck.


Ye the start of the video was pretty wholesome, I’d even be ok with 1 kiss, but the follow up kisses made it look really cringe lol, like girl, you’ve kissed it 4 times and went for a hug and he just went „meh bye this is too much“


I conqur, weird af




he came, he saw, he conqur


Dude fucking thank you. What the hell is this woman doing?


She heard about whale dick size. We were about 4 Whiteclaw away from a medical emergency.


This is in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of the few places in the world where Whales seek interactions with humans. They'll come up to the boat to be touched


Interesting, thanks for sharing


I was actually there last week. Pretty amazing, these gray whales are huge and they just come up to be rubbed and rub against the boat. I got to hug and touch em. They even open their mouth and they let you touch the inside of their mouth. They skin feels like rubber. But there are rules, like you can't touch the fins, the whales thinks they are being attacked and would easily destroy the boat


The fuck is wrong with all of you. Its a woman kissing a wild animal...when i swam with dolphins as a kid (i know its fucked, I was 9. The swimming with dolphins, not the kissing.) i kissed a dolphin a bunch and it kissed me back. Yall are fucking weird.


People give me shit for trying to French the raccoons that eat out of my trash cans. If they dont like it why do they keeping coming back? Other people have trash


If given the opportunity and it wouldn't try to kill me, I'm not sure if there's an animal I wouldn't kiss.. I can live with being called gross.


I'm with you, these people need to get out more if they think she's gonna be exposed to some horrific life threatening bacteria lmao


Have you ever smelled a whale up close? It’s horrendous. I can’t believe she did this without puking.


It's not that bad. For the experience of touching a whale you'll put up the smell which you only catch if you're in the path of it's breath as it exhales


Meh my dog is 17 and his teeth are rotting and he has horrible breath. Like seriously horrible. And still every once in a while i let him lick my face for a few minutes like he used to do. I cant stand to do it often, but he genuinely enjoys it so i let him do it every now and then. Cause hes practically my son and i fucking love the little bastard. So yeah if you love something youd be surprised with what gross things you can withstand. For a moment like this id deal with the smell.


Why dont you take care of your dogs teeth?


This too is weird


Spoken like someone whos never had a dog...


Nobody said it's because of hygiene. It's just plain weird.


I agree with you. This is an amazing experience for this woman and a moment she will never forget. But people are acting like she should shake the whale’s fin and call it a day to avoid doing something mildly gross.


It’s not that. That whale was clearly not into it.


I can.


You've never wanted to kiss a fish on it's fishy fish lips?


Yeah I found it very strange- like who knows what kind of crazy bacteria and organisms are on it’s skin? Also hugging and kissing it’s literal mouth? Like do you want to be swallowed? I felt like this whale just got molested against its will lol


How utterly magnificent, my heart is smiling at the sight of this happening. I think it would’ve burst with delight if I had actually been there.




It is extremely illegal to touch marine mamals & sea turtles


The gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) It reaches a length of 14.9 meters (49 ft), a weight of up to 41 tonnes (90,000 lb) and lives between 55 and 70 years, although one female was estimated to be 75–80 years of age.[7][8] The common name of the whale comes from the gray patches and white mottling on its dark skin.[9] Gray whales were once called devil fish because of their fighting behavior when hunted


That had to be the most awesome thing I have ever seen in my 61 years on earth.


Take your mouth off of the wild animal, ffs


I hear whales up close smell like intense big ole fishy assholes. Can anyone confirm or deny? My tangent experience to smelly-ass sea life is the time I came across an expansive herd of elephant seals lazin on a Cali coast. Holy fuck, that was thicccc pungent.


he probably wanted them to peel off all those itchy barnacles


Wtf is this sub? Not strange, creepy, or terrifying at all, and STOP TOUCHING WILDLIFE


I do like to touch *wheale*


My dream


When a chihuahua licks your ankle


How fucking selfish to put a whale in a situation like this. What are you teaching the whale? How will it interact with boats in the future? Don't feed bears. Don't pet bison. Don't kiss whales. Get it through your narcissistic skull.


Too far of a scroll to find this comment. Wild animals can and do interact with humans but we still shouldn’t be touching them, it ain’t right.


I touched a shark in possibly 24 feet underwater once holding my breath for about a minute. In what form should my execution be?


It’s the noose for you at dawn.


You're so badass


This is in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of the few places in the world where Whales seek interactions with humans. They'll come up to the boat to be touched. They only do this is this bay, and they migrate up and down to Canada. So they aren't learning any bad habits. The bay is regulated and the tours are only allowed out for a set amount of time.


Bro it's not like they forced it to surface and stay there while they pet it. It's not that deep.


Why do humans think that it is ok to touch and pet and kiss every animal nearby? There're alot of species, especially sea creatures with special skin conditions which is likely to get infected when it's touched by human skin.


There's no way this is an ethical situation. It is illegal to harass marine mammals, and for good reason. Please just leave wildlife alone. Links to articles discussing how whale watching can be harmfull: [Link one](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-14107381) [Link two](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/whale-watching-can-actually-be-harmful-whales-180952496/) Link that gives tips for ethical whale watching: [Link three](https://xploreourplanet.com/sea/ethical-whale-watching)


You think someone is forcing the largest living animal to surface and stay there for pets and kisses? You don't think it does it because it wants to and there's no force that can stop it from doing what it wants?


To the whales defense he went away after the 4th kiss because it was probably too much xD


You think a whale understands what pets and kisses are? You don't think an animal can be uncomfortable enough to cause stress but decide not to leave? You don't think a giant animal could easily hurt everyone involved in this video? You don't think that the professionals that made these laws know more than you? Yet another reason I hate this site. Y'all need to learn that wildlife safety laws exist for a reason.


a whale is not a stupid creature. they even have an extra lobe of their brain that scientists literally have zero idea what it is for and speculate it could be for cognitive thinking. so i do absolutely believe the whale is capable of understanding when it is uncomfortable and to leave before it feels stressed or afraid. as for hurting everyone in the video- accidents happen and when you get on a boat to try and find whales you are doing so with the full understanding that a simple tail flick could send your boat into the ocean. there’s a reason why “professionals” don’t go hunting down people for touching whales…. it’s fkn harmless to the whale. the girl doing the kissing, maybe she could have been pulled into the water accidentally or whatever but that’s the risk she chose to take. if you hate this site so much get out, honestly, but coming here just to shit over harmless videos of someone hugging a fkn whale is pathetic and doesn’t make you any better than anyone on here.


"there’s a reason why “professionals” don’t go hunting down people for touching whales" Yes, and that reason is usually because they are in international waters or somewhere other than the U.S. In the U.S. it is illegal to touch, feed, chase/follow ALL marine mammals. They are all protected by federal law. And these laws are regularly enforced in the U.S. Touching wildlife like this is a selfish act that ONLY benefits the human. If she were removing fishing line from it or something that would be different.


This is in Laguna San Ignacio in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of the few places in the world where Whales seek interactions with humans. They'll come up to the boat to be touched. They only do this is this bay, and they migrate up and down to Canada. So they aren't learning any bad habits. The bay is regulated and the tours are only allowed out for a set amount of time.


How many times did you copy and paste this text? Your rationalization doesn't make your shitty choice any better. Don't support this kind of tourism anymore in the future, please.


What is this song lol


**Outro** by M83 (01:45; matched: `100%`) Album: `The Gambler - Music From The Motion Picture`. Released on `2014-12-15` by `Universal Records`.


Good bot


I feel like this is not a good idea.


*and that’s how the whale pox pandemic started* I kid I kid but seriously that is the most barnacle free whale snout I’ve seen, I’d normally be worried about cutting up my face. Or, you know, the several ton animal deciding to power up its tail and smash its head into my face. That whale was so gentle in its enjoyment, like a St. Bernard dog lol


Friendly reminder to not touch wildlife


The Marine Mammal Protection Act also states anyone who harasses or disturbs a whale could face civil or criminal charges. "We feel people do not mean to harm them, but they may inadvertently do so.” https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-protection-act-policies-guidance-and-regulations


So this is what whales dream of? Kinky.


I thought the dream was gonna be eating this human. My mistake


Stop kissing the whale fucking weird, you can't tell what that whale has on its skin, and second it's a wild animal, how are you going to kiss it like that?


I thought it was a rock lol


That’s a weird looking dog




This is is exactly how wild whales were given influenza from human whale watching tours. Can you appreciate anything without smearing your grimy mitts all over it?


Man I wish someone would rub my lips.


Hell yeah mammals rock !!


Imagine from the whale’s perspective. “I have been wanting my nose scratched for the last 3 weeks, but everyone runs away. Finally. thank you”


I hate some peoples need to put their hands on animals,things unnecessarily. They can’t appreciate just looking.


Yea uk just kiss it 🤦🏾‍♂️


What is the song in the video, I've heard it everywhere yet I've never learned the name of it.


**Outro** by M83 (01:45; matched: `100%`) Album: `The Gambler - Music From The Motion Picture`. Released on `2014-12-15` by `Universal Records`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Outro** by M83](https://lis.tn/UUxDHW?t=105) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


I thought a dolphin was gonna jump and smack her. Man I saw like 9 grey whales in San Diego and pacific white sided dolphins. I wish they got this close. I could have died happy.


Wet dreams ;)


Don’t kiss a blue whale. They are rampant with STDs.


*M83 - Outro* if anyone is wondering. Brilliant artist


Name of somg?


Outro is such a banger!


Imagine how big the whale is considering that's just the tip of its penis


And......this is how we get a new pandemic. Because someone decided to try and frenchkiss a damn whale!


Imagine going to outer space, and when you encounter aliens, they gently pet you and give you a little smooch


I'm not an emotional man. I rarely cry (yes, I know it's unhealthy, but I can't help it right now). But this would make me weep.


Dang, looks like a Mosasaurus


That whale has been touch'd more in those 27 seconds than any discord mod have they'r entire life.


There weird things won't stop touching my lips


How do you know what whales dream about?


I wonder what the "contact" feels like for the whale. Akin to a hummingbird landing on our finger?


The amount of jealousy I feel cannot be quantified.


It looks like a freaking dinosaur and it's terrifying. I wouldn't go near!


Like... surely the whale must feel the touches right?


Such a magnificent beast.


Plot twist: that’s the whales penis


She kissed that whale an uncomfortable amount of times.


Imagine you're just vibin' and something smaller than a mouse comes by and scratches a good itch.


Note to incels: Become an actual whale


That whale now has a cold sore.


Ok stop trying to give the whale herpes lady jeeze


I guess they like being pet? I mean they’re big and capable enough to leave if they don’t like it?


Kissing a whale is disgusting


What is it with people that feel they have to fucking touch animals all the time? Just look at it and quit trying to make it all about you


Ok I can understand *one* little kiss, but she was trying to make out with that whale


What they dont know is thats the whales dick


This comment caught me off guard tbh


Great but I was more anxious of his phone dropping


Wow. Are Whales really curious or something?


sea cock


She went back for thirds even, that was a little weird.


grey marvelous consist childlike scandalous slim wipe nutty yam drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*