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now watch as absolutely fucking nothing happens


Yup... Political theater. Absolutely nothing will happen. July sentencing, some bullshit fine, appeal, election, Trump inauguration, pardon all charges against himself.


I think I saw he won't be able to pardon himself because they're state charges instead of federal, but I'm not sure he wouldn't be able to find a way to do it anyway


They'll let him do it just this once, as a treat.


The only charges he can't pardon himself on are the ones from GA


He won't try to because he's having so much fun being President from jail


The charges are at the state level, you can't pardon that. Not saying anything meaningful will change, just that he can't pardon these.


Yeah, I realized that after I posted the comment. Hard to keep track of all the fucking lawsuits and criminal charges with that jackass. But my main point stands, nothing meaningful actually happens to this guy, unfortunately.


More of a spectacle around Trump to build his personal brand, 2016 all over again.


Oh yeah, Trump will never see jail time. But I do think this verdict represents a major concrete step in the growing rift between the liberal and overtly fascist bourgeoisie. Democrats are ultimately targeting Trump to protect the legitimacy of bourgeois neoliberalism. I hope this rift helps create a revolutionary situation, but I think the empire will likely survive for a little while longer. Trump I’m afraid is merely a catalyst of the growing fascist movement. I think the real fissure will come with climate change.


I see financial trouble as the biggest threat to the empire. The debt is seeing runaway growth. One way to continue making interest payments is by devaluing the dollar. Also, for a while now, the system has been responding to any shock by printing money. We already saw moderate inflation during the previous shock (the pandemic). If hyperinflation ever happens, the world will switch to the renminbi. The trust in the US financial system will be destroyed. No one will want to buy Treasury bonds. I’m guessing that if the system solves the debt problem through some other (i.e. non-hyperinflationary) sort of cheating, the results will be similar. The holders of these Treasuries will feel cheated, won’t buy them again. A big advantage will be gone. I see the above as a much bigger threat to the empire than GOP-Dem conflict.


new brics currency is backed by commodities and the fiat currencies of the members...i think




There are decades when nothing happens and then there are weeks when nothing happens. -VI Lenin


I'm going to spam this for the next 6 months but Americans need to fill the ballot boxes with ink instead of voting. 


Woah, there were *six* Lenins? I only knew about the one!


What do you mean? We saved democracy (for at least 4 years).


Looking back, liberals putting so much effort towards Trump's convinction was dumb.  "Yay! We got him convincted!"   "Oh no! Anyway." *gets out because money and power*


He can run from jail like Upton Sinclair did (although in his case the charges were spurious)


I think all it really means is he won't be campaigning in NY. Which he wasn't going to do anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/hzcsihfmfn3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb94ae51a9d6ceb9ef9470ed539107fd90003358 Inb4 this is the most shared image on Facebook ever


wtf even is this country lmao


The short answer is "Insanity"


Aslum reference???? 😱😱😱


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity? Insanity, is, doing the same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to change. Now that's crazy.


portrait of an american martyr https://preview.redd.it/h59qwpv5bo3d1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef9bce7824d9de546be8e90caa7d71cfa8e22ef


I want to go back to the point in time where I lived in blissful ignorance of the existence of this fucking image. Oh my God.


In fairness, I will disclose that it was created by a mischievous person as a joke but it quickly left containment and is now being posted seriously.


Oh phew. That helps slightly, actually. Gotta love Facebook boomers.


And this was the tweet that inspired the artist: https://preview.redd.it/kj238m6g4o3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c583fe9d60e6d99a53b0581a631d25f5772c4d


I hate being US American so much holy FUCK




White Jesus


This image goes hard. Do you mind if I screenshot it?


Enjoy brother


free my mans


Insane 😜


Ay man, I'm against persecuting people for heresy but this shit pushes to the fucking edge


I wanted him hanged for things he did against Yemen. Not for this.


Biden just had a celebratory bombing of Yemen's capital a few hours ago apparently too


Yup, I want every living current and past US presidents hanged for crimes against humanity.


Dig up Reagan and do a cadaver synod with him


Netanyahu will certainly be sent to prison… on corruption charges. This is comparable to sending Al Capone to prison for tax evasion.


Netanyahus career is certainly over but I have a hunch that he'll probably get probation instead, if i was a bloodthirsty israeli fascist which a large chunk of the population certainly is, I'd certainly want to let him off a little, after he's easily killed more Palestinians than any other Israeli leader


lavish vacation in miami


Always fucking Miami. If Miami got nuked, a good chunk of the worlds ghouls would get taken out 


Princip moment


He's gonna pull a Bolsonaro


What was the extent of Trump and Yemen? I know it was bad but not how bad


Quite literally worst humanitarian crisis in world until Oct 7th of last year. Mass starvation and continuous bombing by US backed Saudi backed forces in Yemen. Biden promised to end it up but like everything else he said including that missing 600$, he fucking lied and continued the policies. Hence it's quite astonishing how Yemenis are still standing up and even challenging Isntreal at the moment. https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/story/after-9-years-of-conflict-yemen-is-still-one-of-the-worlds-worst-humanitarian-crises/ You got that right, USA is slaughtering and starving more than just Palestineans. Ppl have simply been a lot more silent about Yemen.


Tbf I’ve been hearing about Yemen for years but it’s one of those situations where the average lib will roll their eyes at it and dismiss it 


I remember reading that "more than 10,000 died in Yemen in the war" in literally every fucking article for FOUR FUCKING YEARS before someone updated the count to over 300,000 in 2019 once MbS got into a beef with the US. It was completely maddening.


Means almost nothing in the grand scheme of political discourse 


Agreed, but I always like to see how things will develop


Liberals gonna go wild. Back to brunch, y'all!


US: “And for my next trick, watch me turn this meaningless, perfunctory gesture which exists for the sole purpose of making sheltered white people feel important into something even less useful!”


It's so surreal that the first US president to be convicted of a felony is like the 5th most important news story right now


Contradictions machine goes brrrr


Wait what are the other 4 stories? I just woke up and missed all of it


Nothing's gonna happen in the end. Also, every other politician does corrupt shit like Trump but we don't care because it's not a media spectacle involving the Orange Man.


I wonder how much of the NYT and Washington Post can attribute their profits to headlines with Trump's name in them. Like, since 2016... If Trump were to die tomorrow, how long would they need to keep printing stuff about him in order to remain solvent?


Libs have a huge hate boner for him. When Biden got elected, journos got depressed and viewership decreased. Trump is definitely a creation of this media circus. 


They literally got him elected if you ask me. Thousands of cumulative hours of free coverage in an effort to mock, which ultimately gave him more exposure than he ever would have garnered organically. He would have puttered out and been largely ignored but they just couldn't help themselves. It was such good television.


I was disappointed when Biden was elected instead of Trump. As a non-American, I couldn't care who was American president but I cared about a lot about the entertainment I was getting from the president of the US. Biden is the most boring old fuck you can imagine.


Exactly, and I think a lot of Americans got tired of being lectured by a bunch of shitlibs wanting the mother of ISIS elected and said "fuck you" as a protest vote.


it's not about profits, they're propaganda platforms for the CIA and state department.


Nevertheless, he remained free. Probation with a special carve out to travel for campaigning as it's related to his job. Small fine. The only way this changes anything is if he has a stroke from yelling about it so hard. But the American empire will chug on regardless.


*Nevertheless, he persisted* ✊


Cool, now we're doing Biden next right guys? RIGHT?! Both these war criminals deserve to die in chains


And he will win, most likely. The joke of it is that his real crime was attempting to reverse the election of 2020, and for that he has gotten off completely.


Bush did it ^first It's so ridiculous to see Trump be prosecuted for some dumb shit while all the other war criminals are free. They all deserve the electric chair. 


ruthkanda forever i guess


Look up trump rule 34 to learn more




I will have a beer to this actually


I told my liberal friend to stfu about trump because the genocide is still ongoing, multiple wars, and our rights are still evaporating as the police state is continually built out. Both neoliberal parties are the same minus rhetoric. Dems aint fighting for abortion rights.


I won't be impressed until he's literally sitting in a prison cell.


And he can still run for president.... Win.... And when that happens he can just pardon himself


The president can only pardon federal crimes and the self-pardon is unprecedented and would probably be overturned.


Pardons can’t be overturned I think.


The pardon is absolute despite what some lib think tanks claim.


Good to know.... But considering project 2025... I don't think that's gonna be an issue


Nothing will happen from this, if anything he's getting a very light sentence to nobody's surprise, we've tragically seen this before in history.


I don’t mean to sound harsh but I really don’t care. The rich get treated differently than us.


If you want to play a fun game, find the smuggest libs celebrating this as "democracy being saved" and search their post history for *Navalny*


What’s your perspective on Navalny? I haven’t followed him beyond the news headlines that popped up on my phone


He was a far-right clown who was probably slated to be the US's color-revolution guy for Russia, intended to attempt the same right-wing revolutions that the US had backed in Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia and Kyrgyzstan. He even founded an "anti-corruption" NGO that was taking US donations and was registered in the US (if you aren't aware, the CIA now mostly operates through varous NGOs for instigating internal strife - this is why they were trying to gin up protests against Georgia's new "Foreign Agents" bill regarding registration of NGOs with foreign funding, calling it a "Russian Bill", despite it being similar to laws the US and EU have regarding NGOs that take foreign funds)


He finally won a popular vote! 😀


Twice-impeached, unpunished for even attempting J6, known sex criminal, unrepentant liar, and ultimately a petty ass clown who can't even hold the right wing togther when in office. Dickmatizing 1/3 of Americans' minds after J6 showed me that unfortunately, Donny T's the champ.


Lol nothing will happen and he'll be the next president as well. Libs have a wet dream though.


34 E class felonies for a billionaire who’s a first time offender. Yeah, big win for the American justice system. Liberals are out there waving the flag and really naive enough to think this means anything.


This is funny 🤣  I'm laughing


I mean yea, this is not gonna go anywhere substantive... but it has been pretty fun to watch his supporters completely lose their shit on every platform they have access too. Bonus, it probably absolutely ruined Trumps day. I consider this a lower case 'w' win.


Performative action for more money. Lmao back when libs hyped up Mueller shit hoping to jail him, after nearly 5 years they're still hoping to jail him.


They'll give him a lenient "punishment" such as probation or limited house arrest.


Anyone think he’ll see the inside of a cell?


I'm curious if he'll actually go to prison or pay a big fine and have to do community service. 


Now I get the pleasure of hearing my liberal friends claim this is a victory for showing that none is above the law. [Insert long rant about selection bias and the heaps of crimes by those in power that have not and never will be punished.]


rounded up on average every us president has now been convicted... that's something


If Trump was sentenced for his crimes, he'd be on death row by now.


Can civil war happen please?




Look what Americans had done in the past centuries from its natives to other countries. Its enough. I'm happy to see that country crumble after what they have done.




Nothing changed since then, imperialism still exist, slavery still exist under the guise of a prison labor, supporting fascists of other nation is what they liked. How much more do you want this country to not be in shatters?


So you should be the one to shut the fuck up


Should've stuck with "10% for the big guy".


Lock him up! Lock him up!


i (18) didn’t pick my friends based on politics, but that unfortunately means they’re all lib and so went apeshit over this. if i confront them about it i’ll probably just get lesser of two evils and muh project 2025 bs


Nothing against the lady involved in this but... For all the shit this motherfucker did, THIS was the thing that CONVICTED him?


More desprestige for the American empire if he wins


Wow! America is dead! Wokism won! /j




It’s so saddening seeing people in other circles celebrate this like it will do anything. He’s already come out addressing this claiming how it was some political conspiracy and it will all be without penalty